Page 14 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 14
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. liTUfil'ty GOt Well,ifwelllusthal'e(tur weekly gil)e, Something New Under day A ,UE\rIEW ANI) or BOOKS, The Sun? PLAYS L.I1"E this We are aeeuatomed of to think Other unheard the here as made lind unthought girla, goes. but Routsonts men may a have complete their 'iu which wc uve of things. era of Perhaps of we ELIZABETH THE QUEEN "flop" out of Icvc. would be aurpriQed to notice Ii0W many "Eliz~be!ll !lIe QUf~'n" has been so Olliciat uewapaper of Westen! Maryland College, publisbed on Tburaday during fh;ngs we l1:1\'e that, arc not e:<~clly new gUlierally proclnimed ~IS "marvelous" the academlc yellr by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, It is whispered about. that oue co-ed things lIfte!" all. Take for example bv all the people fronl the "Hill" who lIlnrylnlld. Entered as aecond-elaas matter at the weetmineter Poatontee. was \'ustly dlsnppomted to 'rend the reo neronnutles-c-we speuk of it as an idea saw the pla~' last wcek at Pcrd 's port of Webster and Irriug's llrograms burn end r~i~e{l in this generation when Theatre, that n thorough explanation of Subscription Price, $2.00 R vear last week, as she had been told on good as a matter of filet the idea dates baek thl'ir reasons for so ailing might not authority, that. there lind been a debate in luatcrv th'lt was old before tile rise prt"'eulll'irnelyloihollewhollndtoatny on: "Resolyed: lhnt, the girls of '34 nre of the ROillan Empire. In the ancient it first plaee was the l\IAl~AG]NG STAFF better tooking than the girlaof '33," She wrtfinga of the Egyptians and Baby at rust Iu 'Theatre Guild Preductlona the EOlTOR-iN -CHIEF ..... Roy '1'. Edwards, '31 was e"~11 fumlshed with the information Icuiaus reference is made to persons who in Baltimore this 8.CaSOll, and that in it- that'i3-lll'asfaI'Ol'edll'iththedeeisioll, have had wit cnought 10 fly. Always self was guarantee of a moat satisfying M, ....N AGING EDITOR C, W. Koockogey, '32 but that, it had been e. hat contest, all' aided by some device of their OWl! erarts- pcrronnuuce. The Guild has a reputn- ASST. lIL-lliAGlNG EDITOR. .... Thomas W. Otto, '32 to the undeniable pulchritude of two mn.nsl!ip of course. These eharaeters are tion for producing perfect blltcach particular members of '33. so obscure another Buersnse ]UANAGETt • Paul L. Bates, '31 thnt historians in the shadows thus of old legends un- time one sees there cause ror been far have Christm:,s ,-acalion will mean an \In.- mere ndmiratlon. In these dnya of mass ADVERTISING MAN AGElt . . _.... C. Robert Etzler, '32 able to place them defiuitely in the his- prnduetion of half-baked pla~'s, it is a Ilsual busl"le for one sopllOmore eo·ed,.as CmCULATION MAN,\GER . Wayne '\'1. Moore, '32 tory of their respective peoples. The blessillj!' to ha,'e oue group who still has she alld Jimmy Day ha\-o made till im first referencc that can be defillitely trne· all the thoroughness of Ule old craftsmen Da\'id 1'rnml'le, '33 portnnt det:ision. eoncerning tile welfare un in ,ASST. CmOl.lLATlON 1.L4.NAGElIS. of n eertnin indil'idul'll. Ask Jane; 1'\1 is perhaps that of Daedalus, coupled wit'h a modern.spirit thnt dares Joseph T, Addison, '32 geniou~ Chllr:H:lcr of Greek IIrythology. them to ~!lIythiug. ~hl"ll tell yOll, it's uot the initial cost, So far us our knowledge goes this worthy lind Essex hn"e beell the Ihe only REPORTORIAL STAFF iI's the upkeep g~ntlc! f1.l'iug not delice mnde vut also "first SUIl- the ('hie£ chnr:tcters in so Illllny nO"els and built [hat they ~essful ASSOCIA'l'E EDl'I'ORS From ~Il accounts, Dick Harlow will first Robot. Tho }'lying of biegrnphies but to rcally Ituve see nJII'ays been Ii"ll tl,em illterest:illg, Thelma Reid, '31 Duncan C. l\[urchison, '32 hll"o II rough time lhe of the June Dnt'd'ilus grI'll' indirectly 0111 3n argu onl~' for s,-,,-eral hours) Wll~ n r~al ball. Rel'cr'll of the girls ha,-c ment tlnlt elcl'cr persou hnd willi His SpOR'rs EDITORS hinted that t.hey will n'o longer be .able majesty king of Crete. In tJ!a50 dl.lYs Ly!lll Fontunne ~IS ''Eli1.abeth'' sur to re~truiu tlleir alTcctiou. Indeed, ono Catherine ,Y_ Cockburn, '31 Doey Rein, '31 e"~n a~ noll', the king aJII'llys WOli Iht' passed the. superlnth'e llegrce. She wns ileeJlIl'el1 thc OUI(']' night that she is argument-(unl{'>ss, of course, he bs so nor eyell 116 old or us ugly II! g(lOd Queen quite ull"ious to rC<',eiye [\ kis8 from either Pnrlill' nnd COpy EDI'I'ORS foolish as to disngn'e with Bess nlltst hal-c beell when she lived Conch. Daednlus Mary Lce Shipley, '32 Shll1rt D. SundilY, '32 mont or his lI'ife)--so lalHled rule(l her England. Hcr podray:!l of the in prhwn und his son wilh him fur pul· 'Iue"", howeyer, was nO,'cr "out of The 'Rill wus honor~d by II distinguish- en~t." RmpOR'I'lms ell "i8itor J:jst WCi!k cnd, Johnny Rood. il'~' sa\;e_ 'rhcre- upon, th!' wil~' pl'i6on lmrsh the Isabel Douglas, '31 J. 'Wesley Day, '31 Dislillg'uished, yes, but somewhat duzer1, l·ollceted 11is \'(li"~, 1'he domineering tempal', mallllcr, the fh'ldenrss of lilt' 10 gigllntie Ilnitk EYclYll E. Collison, '31 George E.1IIcGO\\-'Ul, '33 'Iftcr :J. midnight" journey hillier witil wiugH resulteil. !lnd thougl!t- quel'" w(.'rl' :111 her personality fOT the. Margaret E. Hmniltoll, '31 I [oward A. Bolton, '32 twent~··fi\'c :l\l'{'~tru~k females. lcstiucas took the SOiltoo 1Icn1' the sun and {'udUnllleC of the jllr~y. Lyllli Fontanuc Victoria D. Smith, '31 SHmuel G. Townshend, Jr., '32 Wlwt with the Scu$itivc t11Ioligur ('0- his "'ax wing._ being melted he (lropped hl'ls been ~,!lled "the(lark lady"-it must Ruth E. Wooleott, '31 Howard M. Amoss, '32 edsnot\'ujlonflteTIill,I'herl"reallyohoul(] inlo thc sea {'I'ell >IS trnns·(}tcanic Ilieu be h~1'tlUSelip], renl penQllality is alwnys is il (b.,' Willi.frecl S. Bush, '32 Si'aJlford I. lIon:, '32 bt' n \lrcs8.reform UI(>I'cmenl among Ihe d lil;e this a ,·ctcrUli Itier Dac(lalu!l :md sufel~' himself ill snblllergcd she (or is playiug. con· rharalOter Sarli B. H.obinson, '32 Charles R HC1'bst, '33 dc)itat(' lndicsll11n: Sidly, r l)eli(\,c the wore U rl'nlly h:llldsont~' l\I. Susan Strow, '33 Thomas U. Genley, '~3 at the sight ofn mllS nil''!,\' on his snlllmr.r \,~lcation so the king 'Ind stnnning gowns that must BeLty Allen, '33 William G. Pyles, '33 culnr, ntnseulinc, but bllre, culf. rllterlained this foreign flier in the 1)111 .Blj1.v.beth'~ ghost elll'ions! Tt's liCIt cOllsidored lhe thing UO""I- :!"c. DnedHlns appT~eiated this hospit:\1 "Eliz,lbeth the Quecn" was Worthy opinion; Mode! management; Correct news. 10 sn,}' surr1!st;"mU~' that, ~n e"pla' :mil The intcl'1'icwcd un the not say min· he first chosen ilS ,I Guil!l [lla,", the tlw!. 'l'llcntrc siuee recol'il does !Hngazine Guild Hnnouucc(l is as 1l1lIllU(]. I'otorl (as one the oth~r "~e~. no donM euded hi~ rla.'·s on (lie r()~·a]t~· ~liztd)etlt lwd no king it wns ]lrc~\11lled ll.ntllikcmud,it cOl"ers the gI'OUI!(, 1 from Ihe s~'U{licnted ,~ersion of his life, Ihat Atfred LUJ!t I,'ould pi".' fhe mle of I ~ - D - I - T - 0 - R - I - A - L doesn't it!" n ~~e:,~:; ,~~;~. ,~,~(1~v~~~~mfO~~~n~~:I~.u~;r: :i~:xB'~::\I:~;~g~I~:r:;~/~~~:~91.lOt !~f~~~ __ ~ __ -=lit~ie-M·I/l"tffl'I·""'W~''';I''I,I~I·e~'~nr",''(''-' oo.[r~'~lI~OJ,"Jb'~IY~h,oL1I",lel~',,-"•._,,"f'!<>tla~l(II-:'miu---+.lcDanieIHali. hllrkcn to the following: In J(il(l John lVilkins g:,lye a ["etute on JUn-e veen. As lh" perfect genl'l'1I1, as sigllul ""ietor:". Again the triumph has been oyel' 11 lle:'l'heshaduU'8ofnightU'eresoftly the seirnlifie sQullrllless of Hie lH1ssi.bili~· lhl! idol of the mu!'!!es, llUU mosf pm·ticu- teem of established reputation flnd recognized calil)l'e. Ag[lin the odds falling. or fl.rill~ to i.lle lloon (:lIul men ])a,'o l>lrl." liS 1lJ,(' fal'{lrite of the qU('Clt, he wns She: I thonght they been biking :.thout il ever sineI') wllile ,'ntircl~' ~atisfaefor.". WC1'e on the OppOSillg team. There must be some l'eI1.;;;on fOl' 1\ string nil'J.\,:l1JJ1i Dante of pcrugia is said to 'rhe pby iLsel!' wo\'e historrillt.o n fas- of seventeen Sllccessiye YictOl·ics. "-e ,,-on't nUempt to nttribnte it to tllillkill~ of h:i\'e illn\'ll "ero~~ h~ke Traseult.'J1e se,'cr- t~ltSC dn"nn Maxwell Ander shadcs! All lilllioll .dl~hl"misf. ul'get! /.luthor, ~o \I'itltthefuets anyone thing. Rather a combinntion of reasons secms to he respon- ()f the salllu firt.luJUstallucs of thnthis stepped nlollg siole, Good coaching, a s{Juad 0.[ ability and determination to win. Comlllcnts on tlte "'younger genera· in Da()dalW! snff",rc(l in at il rnrelhat el'er)' moment tion":lreinurdcrl1'hcn utleastillree These seventeen wins !lave included other victories over opponents of to ft.\' frolll Stirling Ollr;l illtCllse inter~st. ~'he lines us frcslim~n girls were obsn\'cd to I]ll!\lllgl' bllt f.1iled. There is n eombination~ of worch were extremely l'eeognized prestige in the football world . .A. COtlllHUison of the size of two dutl's apiece Sund:t." night. c1ever~th~ r~pplay worked up Evidently BrOll'1l must hal'e on "Prin t~ the gr;llId (,linwx in the last scene in I.('cture lHl.\'e been met SllOWS some intel'estiug things. '''esterll ::\[arrlaml' has l'u!l('(l throngh E{'ol10111ie~ quiz with b." Fh.'yders "'hiell \\'~s gh'~11 ill II'hieh ElizAue1h. still il'on wiI!cd,lIpnt Es· {If Jo'lyillg" a smllU s(Juad. So was David fl little man. 'l'his mayor Illay not be a D, jndging frllm the tou~hing rendi Scicnce AMdcmy" untl is dated S~X 10 the guillotine. 01)11 of "My FuturcJustPossed," heard cOJ!sidered a good analogy but it would' be hard to suggest a more ap· ill 'RrOll'uing lnlit Monday c,·elling. IG.l7. LCOll~rdo di ViJlci llll(l sevenll 'l'lIe settings hy Lee Simonson werSlis lloteb<,)l)ks filled with drllwings of artific novel u~ t.hO!:!c of "Twelfth Night" lind propriate. numc for Olll' team than "". Nor are the giants conquer with J'udgblg from Roy Edwurds' \'cry pro- int wjngs by whklt Ill/Ill might yet muro in harmony the prollne· m&de of carel board. E"ery team that Western Maryland has played testing moliolls in elass l3st week, Pro the air. Fra.nces Bacon is dnimt'{l Ly lion. All tho selling'S wern uullt 01' l\ in the lust t.wo _veal'S has been [I real team. 'l'hel'e arc two hopes that r..ssor considered the npp]icafian of lUan~- 10 hm'e lilitl dow1I the Ilrsl tru(J rc\'oh'ing 1m"", so for 11~h~mgc of ~cen{'ry ".b~li!" \'Cr." nd\i$llblo, Jlril1~ijllcB of rwron:1uli(ls and G. A. Bu on!y fhe side {lrnl'el'ies 11'1'1'1' changed and mrs be expressed. Olle is that the giants will not be too e\'asive, and 1'1'1li T~eorded tlle first ll.uthentiraLed lie- the' singe rel'olv{'>(lso thnt a different nn- thf' other that tlw giant-killers will be ns successful in the fntl1l'e as in Ouee u]Jun 11 timc U!ere wus a Fresh- eouul of experiments in 1(;70. So cou· gUlllT seetion waB in view. The eolors !lInli lnssir who tlwught "Tho Last of rineiltg w~s tbis malel'ial t.hat notbiug of throughout. Ihe proH;torsHnd actl'('58CS 80 one that tllel'e is danger of the old spirit of good-fellowship d?ing out1 Wr EVER.HAR.T nrdil'region. Nlll safely sa.,·-"1'hl' supporting east purts a iu hope not. We rather hope tha.t these lIre isolated cases of pel'sons who I'l~ye(l thl';r l ..ynn J'ijntnjnne commendable AlfrE!lI anti lllU!ln!'t.'· PATRONIZE Ilre so engrossed with their own clique that tlley do not have thE' time BARBER AND BOBBER T'LE_\.SE ADVJmTlSERS OUR l,unt ue~d,'d "cry little support in "Eliz· to extcnd their acquaintallce all'lOllg the other m('mbers of the stnd'eul At the Forks abl'th lhe Queen" l)lIt partkular praise gil'en bedy. It is a fine thing to Illn-e n !!"roup of dose l}(~!'sonal hielHls but SEE "hnultl 1,<." Bneon.', )Iorris He e,'e1l Carnal'sky like n~ "l:'l':lIl1'is luuke(l thjs should not. preclude thc lU1~~"fltion of wide)" nequaintauccshipf>. D. S. fiEHR « SON R. Mark Reed, '31 the oM P()rtraih II'cllll\'(' of l':il'l-'ruucis. E\'erybody should do what !te clln to extelld l!is own eiJ'cle of aequain- 17 LEVINE HALL The ouly U(hH~C eritieisUl of Elizabeth OR the Queen" thnt nnyoneeoulil offer might t.anc('s. One of the advantages cited fol' Ii college of the size of \Vest- (Established 1866) be thnt it was not a eontinuous perform ern ::\Ial'yland is that even-body lmows (·yen>body else. 'l'lJere is an lid- E. N. Hassell, '33 anee as we ha"e in the moyie~. Th~ Wholesale and Retail Guild representutivi:! between acta an' vantagc t.o this. If you know all 01' most of the college group there is ROOM J35 WARD HALL nOlll1eed ihat other Guild productious arc HARDWA~tE FOR little danger of ever feeling lonely. TIle person who has a wide circle CLEANING-PRESSING on their waJ~llext of whieb will b~ "A of acqnaintances rarely suffers from the pangs of homesickness. Wc Phone '18 Representatives of Month in as the the Country" If ths witb Guild Alia pro- Nazimo,'a star. urge every stud'ent to do his bf'st to perpetua.te the old spirit and eon Westminsf'!:r, Md. U. \V, Miller duced only one playa season, thero would tinlle the. good-fellowship characterist.ic of our campns. be true t~agcdy!
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