Page 13 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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J COl VARSITY FOOTBALL I FRESHMAN FOOTBALL VS. LOYOLA COLLEGE VS. BUCKNELL U. FROSH SATURDAY, 2:30 P. M. I SATURDAY, 2:30 P. M. BALTIMORE STADIUM I AT BUCKNELL Vol. 8, Nu.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 23, 1930 GREEN TERRORS BEAT HILLTOPPERS, 10-0 CONCERT ORCHESTRA IS Hilger String Trio Will OOLLEGE CALENDAR State Medical Society GEORGETOWN ELEVEN ORG~NIZED; DIRECTED Give Next Recital Meets on Campus BOWS BEFORE TERRORS BY MR. PHILIP ROYER ThO Hilger String Trio will TliURSDAV, J,IDsie OCTOBER 23- Misa The semi-annual meeting of the Medi IN BAlTIMORE STADIUM Address, Appreciatioll, r(!eit~l in Alumni Hall on OC' Gesner, Smith Hall, 6:<1.5 P. :!I1. enl Society of the State of MarylalUl tobcr 24, [It eight o'eloek. The prcgrmn was hL'ld at Western Maryland College 23 STUDENTS ENROLLED IN NEW FRIDA Y, OCT.oBER 2+- 'to be presented lueludes- 18,000 SPECTATORS SEE HILLTOP· ORGANIZATION CREATED BY Concert, Hilger Trio, Alumni Hall, Wednesday, .Octobur ~2. About one hUll' Trio op. 50 'I'seharkowsky PERS FLATTENED BY HARLOW attended ADMINISTRATION Thuma and Vurtaficns, Allegro Viv- 8:00 P.M. dred and fift~, ph~'8iciaus wns given the MACHINE ace, F'innle. Grela, Mada_. ami h.'lsl! 8A'£URDAY, OCTOBEH 25- 11lOjcti]1g. Tho morning OVe! One of the most popular ccuegc or- Hilger Football, Weatum Maryland Frcab- to'registrJ\tion aHer whieh lunehecu galliZllliOl1s he-iug instituted in "nrioll3 Aprell uu Rove Faun Freshmen. wns served ln the college dining room Westcrn.hlllrylalld'aGreen 'I'crrorsde- colleges and umverslfies throughout the Butterflies Popper men "S. Bucknell 'l'he rneettng in lite afternoon was dl- Iented Georgetown University' nt th~ countrv is that, of a sYlllphony or eon Hubunere Ravol Vnrsit;v .E'ootball, Western "Mllry· vldurl into two parts, the geueral meet- Bultimore Stadium tnet Seturdny b." " eort orehestra. III "jew of tIl is, 1\1\', Moses Funtas!e, Theme and vnun- land College vs. Loyola College, ing and the scientific meetIng. At the ecore of 10 to O. Tho game was hnrd- Pl,ilip S. Royer, Jnstmmetnl 01nS3 tioua Pnganini-c-Hilgcr on one Baltimore Stadium, 2:30 P. M. goneral 1l1eeting Dr. A. Norman Wnrd. fOllgllt and nffordNl many exciting instructor and Mualen l Administrator B~ring (A) SU_:>,rDAV, OCTORER. 26- president of lile couegc, welcomed the moments for the 18,000 failS thllt gath· for the Carroll COUll!.Y High Schoola, Cello Solos, Eisil Hilger Oollege 81111dll)' School, Baker viSitors, .followed IJ~' (1 rcspoml{, frOIll ncd to witness BaUimore'-s tirst foot· has been engaged by the college au· Cradle SOllg SdlUbert·Elman Chapel, 9:00 A."?If. Dr. Tlenry M. }'itzllllgh, l)r(:aid~llt ot hall ~las8ic of the seasoll. B('foro 9ucll thorities for the purpose of urgouizillg Fil11tasie OIl Bohemian Songs Sl.'neik the Mi.,tlieal ~nrl Ohil'ugic:tl Fneult~-. the two teams struggled nu· justsullh an orchestra for ·Western Violin Solos, .1/III"i<,l. IIilger Bilker Chapel Sm'"ice, 4:30 P. U. tiringly un effort to fOl'Cll tha pig Maryillnd. Pnssilcaglin Heudol·Hal,'orssen i\lONDAY, OCTOBER 27- 1'hu sdenlifie mceting was givcn oy('r skin o'·er the rinll goul linu, and at Contrnry to the faet t1,at this is the Dno, Violin and C.,lIo. l..itel"~l'y Soeietie~, 7:00 P. 1<[. 10 speeches 011 \";"ll"iolls phllses of "'cdi· the sound of the fina.l whistle Western time during whieh the ja~? type musie ~\dagio from the l'nthetique .Beethon.lll (lulscicnce. Maryland hud proved itself to he the is ]J"evalcllt, Mr. Royar states that ill Trio 'l'UESDA Y, OC'I'OBBR 28- Ulore powerfnl team. Georgetown was tcrest rllns high ill a student or(lhes· Soeial Clubs, i:OO P. lIf. no ,,'iIling victim, bul in faco of Ill(! trn thnt IIpeeiuHz,;s i.n the highur tyP(l Poet's Club, 8:00 P.]\[. DEBATING COUNCILHOLDS oveTwllelming onslsughts of the Terror :;:~;";,:;::;::;:;:;~"',"I",," """Id,," FRESHMAN STUDENT WINS WEDNESDA Y, OCTOBER 29- FIRST MEETING OF YEAR ele"en they wore foreeil fo nceept de· 4 H TRIP TO EUROPE Y. 1r. C. A., 7:00 P. },t. feat. TIle locnl organization is tu be known The H:lrlow nlachine mcshed gears from the very ~tHrt and before the first :~e~:;~: ~:c;\:.';;~~~~(~'~;:;:IIl;o;~~::rs~~~ - T. \Y. C. A., 6:J5 P. M. CO~~~il 1~:I:t~;~n fir~~n~~~~~:g ~~ba~l~i~ was o"er they hlld l"egistered 11 in Smith Hall every 'J'llUrsday after In a cattle.judging cOllte~t, sponsored Oil a forward pass. The pass 1"ouis, CHAPEL SERMON IS BASED noon frOIll 3:05 till 4:00 o'eloek. by the Nation~l ;t-R Clubs in St. ~;:~;;;:r!~~da;;,eO~!~!1;:s:7~fint::en~!;: \\"as Ihr\lwn"by Doughty find recei\,fd 'I'he orellestra is cOlllllOS('d ()f the fol· Oetol,)('r !ith to li:ilh, Ch~rles H. Clark, by KQI)pe 011 the 15 yard linc. Hnr!'.I' lowing membcrs: '34, ,~ith two team nUlles representing ON THE liFE OF JOSEPH :1~~1::~:8p~~u:r~::i:~et~,~0~OU~~il ~1~eEl~~;: Lnwrence's speetaeular drop-kick ac ~ounted for the other three I)oillla. Til ... .: [Yi~~iL:~:lt:il~a~:1[ M:;,"t~m~)ar)tli!;n,"~:T,'Y~'~~~"':~"''':''':;"'jl~' ..:tt;tf""~[;~i:ed-tf,ro~;~;;'~'\t:":;~"",;~,,.ego..;~""~,,,,r~ne:,..,__ _.-L ~--~~~:o;l~:!~~n~~:~ni)('~~~~e~:~: SC<;\i!lO ll"U ""~-1. '-"l"rinlf~hl", "ug"u_ Hildn Shipley, Mi!!8 Shaffer, l.Ir. Sny· thlJ eountry. The winnt'r ... of Ihe eontt'.!!t 'l'he Rev. ClUla. M. Eldcrdice preaehc{l f:lCUJty ulemh,'r in ~harge or debating with punh sud line buck~, and result· ed in neither tell III scoring. flrr, Sarah Rcineeke, Eli:wbeth BUckey, were a.nnounced .at a banquet ginn the the rt'gnlar Oila1'1'1 s('rmon .in Bllkcr was elected as temporary dmhman of William Mather; piano: Mr. SI'rAgllc. ~~~i~~eg l~~:.i:iaatC~:s~~n~~~nL~~i~~·er~:: ;~I."P~e o;~o~u:::a~;,ea:~:I~I~OI~'f ~~;,o~i:~ the [Old the Ol'ganizntiOlL (If the ..... Do\lghty Punts ~'~~~s ;;:,d~~t~~:::~ r.~:.u:~:t:llm~f;!:;!:('I:trk rcprescnlcd Hnrford COUlIty, nud Ilourse-, "Joseph tho Moral nero". Coulltil It wus ll"cilled 2~( Western MAryland kicked of! to to :1 sec.ret~ry in order tlwt the org;z"n' ,lholl Georgetown, wlw hils eleetca 10 dcfeod Sliker, Elderdiee, Pyle; tI!lte; Mr. Fish· Mr. WilJinm Chilcoat, of Sparks, ~ra., "The ~tOl'y of Joseph is the most in· would in the [!lture h,n-e record 0 whidl the- South goal. KatalinRS received paw; saxopllone; Miss William!!, Mr. llnd 11r. JUIlI!!S Juhnston of ')feDonogh of all the Olll Testament atories. touid refer regarding ]las) lJ!"actices Lamb's kick-off and rAn it back t.o his Moore, Mr. Otto. School, were Bnltimore County's repre· human, .vet permented of Coundl. Formerly the only om. Z6·yard line. On the first play, Bozek sentlltives. Josoplt'slifoisll,.ser- ci!'rs were ille president and Ihe two man· fumblud and Dought~, recovered. This Y.M.C.A. INAUGURATES te5t The receive winners for of first the prize nation·wille toEu- 1.'0]1' ics he WaR a dramatie episodes Iloj' to frOIll the t.he time time hc ngers. !0 the Thomos ~L Gealey office of seere llIishliP foreshadowed the numerous of elect· 'il3 was drenming II Irill cd ~"'en Icd newl.,· EXTENSIVE PROGRAM rope. Tnternational abrou(l, Li,-e they Stock will Show at in ruled "Tho in Egypt. rcligi()us 8ignificnll\~e wry nwl the nl('H'$ 11lflu:lg~rs will be slips thntwere to follow,sollleof team whieh jndge 'While llro,-ed to losing tllC disll-llt.rOUS the paramount CJln(jitlHil's London. 'l'heir ilinel'lIr" ineludes Eng· of J()Reph waa his mor,11 heruislll. He ('hos~n by the 'I'he dehating for tcurus the are fIlSI)ec· l'os~csl\.ion (If the boll. Koppe carried t;l'1~ leHllls. COli' '\'ith II deRire to sen'(' as far as pos. Inn!!, Pranee, Germany and Switzerland. stood tlo(' test of IldYnsit~- Ilnll fhe tellt It'mplnting n l1l()I'C extensivc schednle tI,e hall for two line bucks, aflerwhi(l Dr. illli$t frOID the University of ~I:lrylnnd. tion: 'If sinners entice thee', consent trnte tIle c('llter of lloe Uno, Bozek punt· Howa!"(1 _4. lllinger Iall tim ~peak at meetings to whi(>li the general about temptation. We are free moral BIOLOGY PROF. WRITES ball bUJ:k to Georgctown's 3(l-y:\rd line been DR. BONNOTTE RETURNS IItndent hody is specially in,·i!erved to whet Ihe appetitcs of those reo -_-- llams vf the seminary, a returned Illis· er.'· oui ngahl~t, Th('c an(l 1'llee only that Ihp reseat~h work was performed Hi~ kick was not np to pllr and tIle ball clining in de<:k e.ha.ira for tCI( cakes :md sionary from Chilln, spoke on the 9ub· sandwiches at fit·c. Dinner Ilt i.OO p. Ill. ha,-(' I ~inncd." lhe results were not iu lIteonlanee with mealldered out of bounds on the George- .jed, "Some beggllrs I have lIlet in eonduiled the days' conrse of food. ~e the work done in the field before. Row- fown 43-yard line. On a reverse, China." Dr. Kelly, reeogni7.ed the "]?O('humbeau" doekeii (1t Le FIal'Te in SOPHOMORE CLASS PLANS AN· PI'{'t, a paper ]lnblishl'd hlter, on the 8il· l\op]1e wenl off right tackle for a !J-~'ard Iyorld over IlS a distinguished s<).icntist, 11 dens" fog. NUAL HALLOWE'EN PARTY '·.rr dcrivnlin's of eysteille hus corrol.Jo gain_ Daughl'y followed by pounding will speaJc; to the Y. M. and Y. W. C. ]\fiss Broughton attended the Cite Uni- rat'NI Miss Wyll\un 's work in every POhlt. Georgetown'S left gnard for n tirst A/s meeting jointly on November 5, rersitrlirc, wl'ich i~ :1 special branch of At !l meeting of the Soplmntore clllss C'.ntdlle is (In lImino-acid of consider· down on their 30-yurd liue. A 15-.'·ard Wednesday, a.t 7 P. M. Dr. Kell.V is ltl'le physiologknl ill'lporlnnee. penalty hindered the 'J'1'n-ors from IJT')· the t:ni'·ersit-y of PariS, and iE "'rgnlli~ed un Wednesday e,'ening it was unan;· ICJ)ofhistoricnlinteresl. lI1iSll take enre of decorations, entertainment, HOLDS NEW OFFICE Koppe Se
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