Page 12 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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, PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western M yland College, Westminster, Md. l: nceton Goes Anti- \ Gold Bug IhUZZingS II Alumni News b~r Betty grniluatcd l'erdict over A moss and Dennis, who np thoughts which Professor Brul1lbnugh amuscments, occasions: £ootbull liyst,er- '30. fourt!l. ill held the negalil·e. Dan Link, on! former brought before the "Y": (1) That the ia may exist in othllr colleges, bnt car" president, next gave a short tnlk on Bible' w~s inspired in t.he 8~me manner tsi.nly not llere, eyon among the melll- GOLD Every Western Maryland stlldo.nt wall "Literary Societies" nud pointed out to that a man is illspired to write l)oetry, bers of the team. Thero is a great deal interested ill the picture of our footbaH the visitors present the advant~ges of be- to compose music, etc.-with tliis essen ofintereBtandsomeexeitementll.tprcs llnn-e a treasure cile8t filled to the team which appeared in tho Baltimore longing to ''i'ebster. Reed ~nr1Penni- Ual differenee-----thatit was inspired br et, over hocke?, and llll.sketLall fills tho brim and overflowing with gold. It is American Inst Sunday. It SNlmsfi~tillg well closed the program with talk$ con 00(1; (2) th~t the Bibl~ W!I.S written by gym pretty regnl~rl~', bnt tim genernl thnt is worthless ~nd yet priceless, thnt t.his picture should be the "'ork of l'erning the R. O. T. C. summer encamp- mon who had fellowship with God: (3) interest in athletics is £nlling 1IIore on it is the goltl of a dreamer. III ono of our studcnts, namely Mr. Oollins, 1l1entat Fort Meade. that many people try to read the Biblc sport ll.Sfun and exereise. Tenni.s and it there is also the gold of the sunset ox-'23, who is in tIle advertising depnrt- New memberll elected into the fellow as a book of science or a book of his golf nrn gaining in popularity lind in mingled with tI,e gold of the dawn. TIle nlent of Standard Oil Company. sllip of Webster are Boyd, Hissey, Otto, tory-and thereby miss t.lle great re- the IlIl11bcr of tl,e;r adherents. gold of tlte iure of flowers glitters ana Kesmodel, G. Brown, E. Pnlmer, :Mitchell ligious truths. Lifc at Princeton aside from st.u(lies, gleal\l~ with thc re~t. E~ch day I fill Dr. J. F. Somers, '81, after a long and Hflll. Ne...-.;t, week, Mr_ Horace Williams, It Sports and :lctivities h~s not changed \TIl" thes!. a wce bit fuller with the gold illncss, died at lIia homo in Crisfield, Hcrbst and McGowall were cleeted to misalollal'Y homo on a furlongh from Illueh rccenUr. '1'he tendency to avoid of artists and of poets; and then, like ).[ar;,-"lund,Octoher J7. Dr. Somers re- the officesof Sergeant-at-armsand "Gold Chin~, wiil h:1\'o complete ehargo of tho thc le:ut hint of being "collegiate," a miscr, I look at itand revel in itslloB ceivcil hi~ degree of medici no at Uni- Bug" reporter, respeetively. wbatever that vaguc term lIlay imply, session. Gold I hHve-gold that can- versity of 1.rnryland. He belonged to meeting. All 11eOpleinterosted ill ~ Program for October 20, 1930: "Bible Passagc Rending Oontest", Iw.sreachcll un extreme. Oonservatism Ilot be bonght, that cannot be seld. the Somerset :Medical Sociel,y and Pi~no Selection Forlines plcase see Robel't Holder, clminncn of is the keynote of the nnllergralluate ill served liS president' of that org~ni~.I1- Auburn \"S. Blonde ys. Brunotte the committee of ~rrallgellleuts. AII.\' Ilverything frOm lJeckties to ideas. Thc On yeu, 1 built my ltigliest dream6, tioH. He wns also a member of tbe POllnowcll, Newcomer, und Roin "Y" member is eligible to ellter this abolition of tho automobile tends to Of idealism alia such. Ne(lioal StA.ff of McCready Memorial ROil"Hering Hall Got Its Name Etzler cOlltes!. keep him ill t.own Ulorethan if cars were Nor did I wisli to know you well. Hospital. Talk Prof. Whitflcld still allowed, but tho week-ends]] I feared- Twenty-four al1l1nni were present at Ditty 'Bout the Polecat MI!rray IRVING vCQ' quiet ~nd tlie numbcr departing For Gods have often the regular Friday luncheon in Balti- DebHte-----Resolved,thatattclldance II.t lnrge. Feet of cloy more. This waa tho sixth regular meot· Qlasses is a Ilindrallce to tllo Pursuit The usual weekly meeting of The quelltion of tile amount of dri_uk- .And clreamSHroswee!. ing since summer vacation. Fifty-six of Knowledge. T_iter~rYSociety ,,-11Sheld in Irving Hall illg al Princeton is a dclicata one. I Gernldine }'nrrnr, '34. 1ll0ml.)(lrshave atten(lcd t,hese mce.tiugs Affirruaove--(l) ·Palmcr, (2) Orosby. . \light, October 13. The atmos- can safely assert, howover, thflt, "Mayor at different times. Tho ncxt meeting Negative--(l) Boyd, (2) HalL phere a court reom pCf\·~ded In-ing BUlin's attempt.s to dry Up the town willl)c Ii p<'p luncheon to be held O;'0a somewhat ·I('~s ra"h hike ~lId with the lillg is true of the ::~k~a~~l'~~:~S~; iaken. two {l11y~IIf- thepieture. What, 8. Report nllult eontnin fhc follow- on(;·time spectators ing (jaia: EVERY STUDENT nothing else-.£or a. Date of npor(.; cl'lle of hike. SHOULD HAVE squash court is. h. niat~lIclI, lime, time out for )'lleriodj handball rest. e full; in the gym c. N~me!iand cl~sse~ of hikers. a basketball. All d. RC]lort must be signed by icad!;r Remington Porlable e ,-ursity ga11lesare ef the hike. 10 m:'n is el.m~u,.ed A 110n-A~soeiati(.)nm(;llIher lIlay Typewriter to his college. oi>tain]lermissionto]pad.'l,hike wh('n A~!W~itltiOllmember can- ergraduate does, lie not, Le llrocllre(]. Permjssion lition. If his com' worth 01 sueh and granted b~' following persous SPECIAL RATES cy merely agrJiQ to only: (1) Hike Supervisor, Mar· agillg in a frnitlellS garet Hnmilton; (2) President, TO STUDENTS es. '.rhereisasort Cllristine 110gall: (3) Viee- tol(lton(,(lllothcr President, Catherine Oockbnrn. t to get togctller. f. All records lIlUst he turne(lin 011 See us for Detnils r('gullltion hiking cards. nUnued) Y1ELSER EVER.HAR.T ANDWICHES, Bonsack's Store BARBER AND BOBBER RINKS THE COLLEGE SHOP At the Forks ~ Until 11:30
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