Page 11 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 11
PAGE THREE FOOTBALL SOCCER \SPORTS I \SPORTS \ Green Terrors Defeat St.john's ~ GEORGETOWN U. WILL 1S-0, in Hard, Fast Battle I RECEIVING THE KICK, , , , PRESENT CRACK ELEVEN The Green 'I'errcrs of Western },Jllry' opponents nnd were unable to push the SCALZI, FULLBACK, IS HILLTOP· land won their sixteenth eonaecutive vie- lwll across the goal line when they got Wow! What a. tough one! Wc!tern No\\" when we hear the old cowhide men PERS' STAR GROUND-GAINER tor,Y in football by defeating St. John's within the touchdown zone. A game at Mar~'land enthusiasts really witnessed u tloncd we know it's the 010 football College at Oriole Park last Friday night. lelll]ltto pass vthe pigskin over the line football gnme last Friday. This eolumn talking about Whatt Sure, When the final whistle had blown and lo-stthe ball for the Johnnies, but it gnre reeently mentioned thnt St. John's had it's not-.u Jligskin! PageMr ..Rip. Georgetown University will be the the cheering stopped for the first time the Western Marylan(l stands something one of the small~st football squads in ley-but first examine one. next opponent of the Terrors. The since the opening play, the scoreboard to think about. the eountrr this year. We doff our hats This column predicts that December gnme will be played Saturday nrter- noon in the Baltimore Stadium. proclaimed till 18-0 victory for the Ter- Terrors Score to that squad-e-n fighting one. \\"i11find more touchdowns scored in the rOTS. The game was far from being II The. intense rivalry was carried on be Having regained our breath, we find country during 1930 than in any previons Georgetown will ecme to town this repetition of thl) Baltimore University tween the halves b~' the cheering sections two games neatly tuckeo away in Vie- year ... Don't let the secret out hut we w~ek-en{lwith (I powerful cleven. That tilt, in fact, the .Iohunies curried the pig- tory Hall, wilh eight morc remaining on Sa\1'with our own eyes thnt more games attribute is typienl of the Hilltoppers-e- skin SOclose to the Terror goal that the and bands of the two eollegea, and when the 1930 schedule. ure scheduled this full thnn e"cr' before power. Both offensively nnd defensively, Harlow umchiue was forced to use its the two teams trotted out at. the begin· Dldya ever try heating a thermometer .... Still, we may be wrong. Georgetown can benet of a splendid ree- ing of the third qunrler 8,000 fans rose utmoet power to prCYC]lt a touchdown be- to cheer their respective teams again. with rOIH hnnd' .... aud notice that the ord during the past five years. .test eea- mnde. Itcwevce, Western Maryland With the opening plav, it. wll.~quil"eplaln longer yon heM it, the slower the mer- Saturday morniug the Baby Terrors son they were scored on by only two op· the onslaught of passes and r:ury r()1:;e~... Well, our schedule is get mllteh it with the St. John's Freshmen ponents, Western Md. and University tricky play~ of the first half, and opened that something h'HI happened in the Ter warlll now and we pause to look at lit Annapolis. The."'re rarin' to give a of Detroit. Incldentnlly, Western Mary- up its must powerful offenaive to seo-e ror dressing rnom. Ekaitis started off second account of themselves and we land was the only team to keep George· three touchdowns during ihe final half. with the full power of the Terror eleven the rending. It reads GEORGE town from tallying. That, perhaps, only 'j'O"W"NI If enthusiasm ean he any 'rwo of the toneh(\owns were made on line and did not hesitllle in pushing the throt· g~nge we're ready to break th~t Iher· know it will be a good one. We're be- adds oil to the fire in the approaching hind you, }~~osh-make it a go! The Hnrlow machine rll· tIe wide opeu. hucks,Koppecarr}ing the ball,and tlH! spolldcd without so muchnsa click of !lIe momete.r.... And good lusty yells can This meeting of two teams other \l'aa made when Pineur[t blocked a gl'f(rs, and after se\"erallineplnys the help bioI\' it 10 picees! It's only n daj" or so till thnt StadiulIl is a "natnral"-onetellm determined to Johnny punt, enabling Bates to reco\'cr bldl was resting on the Johnny's 15 yard so grab your togs, tl"lIUsportlltion, m'cnge a defent; the other still more de' the ball and mnke the score. t-he papers tlwt twen :Iud toddle down. Whether we t-ermine(lto mnintain a clean alate. line. }'our lille bucks by Koppe, Brew· The present Punting Duel h~ker, EkaHia und Doughty, brought the and lenms ure have the East stands liS last yenr we speaks for Itself. record of G~orgctown First "Mt. St. Mary's kept their goal lines un· Captain Botes won the toss-up /lnd pigskill to the [; yard Jine. Two line crossed this yenr And the season is MII't say. Bnt East Side, West Side, was defeated 14·6. Next, Loyola of elected to receive tlte Jollllllies' kiek. Bob bucks nnd thl;) ball was OIl the 2 yard only three week~ old How many will let's be all nround the town! lost by the score of 16·6. Last Lynch kicked off nnd the baH sailed down line. Ou the next play, Koppe plunged there be left in No\"Cmber~ It's nn Ol)en West Virginia 'Veslcyan ele· the field to thel'ert'or's 10 Jine. through left guard for the first touch fJuestion. Remember, the first outdoor pep meet· ven was soundJy druhbed by George· Wellinge.r snatched up the hut did dOWll. Strnight line plays followed for t()lllOrrOWevening. Let's yell till town 67·12. These three games are llotadmnccver}" fHr before llCwas down· the uext five minntes of pln~' nnd then The World Series is now history, and it henrsit-no stops IiII the. indicntionsof tIle. offensive power cd by a Johnny tnckle. The Terrors u~c(l we found tllO bnll dO\l'1lou St. Jobn's sO\lndedlhedeathknelloflf!30h:lsebnll. St:l(liulll! Hillt!)ppers. However, 'Vestern Ko-ppe for tll"Ooff and 13ynrd line in the oflhede· .lIfllr:f\and supporters 'Ire not crowing Doughty followed a rush. As fenders. Lynch to punt from over the faet thut Georgetown hns becn lHld been expected, the Sl. J~ll1l's line his goal line, but Tiny Pincura blocked seorod upon in every gnme. Poasibl.Y the kick an{l Cnptain Bates picked up the Terror Booters Start Season was made of tough stuff .~nd refused to the exvlanation tllllt their second t,calll be torn through. Hadng only gained hallanddashe.d aeross the line for the hilS seen a goodly portion of service in six ynrds in three pl:l.ys,the Terrorsvunt· second touchdown for the Terrors. With Two Consecutive Victories each of tlleae contests might explain cd. "Goose" DOllghly the ball The 1:lst qll~rter ufforded n demon se\"eml of the touchdown~ scorad by '4_ownto lile Johnny's 15 stration of typicnl T~rror jnterferellee The Western Maryland soeeer team opponentS. Tile St. John's cleven opeljed with two 011 the part of Ekaitis and Benson ns around 'rommy Mills, new foothall mentor nt line plays l)efore Bob L»u~h shot out a tore the Johnny line agnin and journeyed to TOW30n last Thursday, Norm:11Bhow~dellrly power bnt lack Georgetown, has replaeed gnps left by 40 yard pass. 'rIle pass wa~ not COlli make way for Koppe as he car where it engaged the Maryland Btnte ed the pUllch to rush the bal! t.hrough as graduation and the results have been sat pIlOtedhowever, and on the next pl~y the IlLeball. It was ou one of these Normal School ill the first game of the W~stel"n 1Llnrrl~nd's baekfield blocked is,fHct.ory. If one were to look for an in· season. 1.0 be a "good begiu Tt Johnnies pllnted. These plays were ty· plays t.lInt Koppe a..:oredthe third toudl' ning" for the smoke of the fray seore.s. It was tIle first sehed· dil'idual, who stands ont nbove the others, pical of whHt was to follow. Olle team dOWI1,milking the fiu:,1Terror score ]8-0. had clenrcd awny, the Green amI Gold gHrllefor both teams :!lId it WllSlip· t~at man wonld be Johnny Scalzi. In using tl'fee p'-lays to sound ont its op Western Md. St. John's aggreg'lti<1n was found to be the vie J:larent thllt neither had pr~eticed enough fbree gnmes Scalzi bas g,~ined several ___...r?nent's l!nc and tll.en punt, the receiv· I:;;-E-:--- ..........."1rrp{'TIteJ" ing team doing the sallie thing, enough Rat~~ Joh yardage being made to neeonnt .for tne Wilker L. T. Bean long punt of the rival backfieldmen. St. Barnett L. G. Noblett John's attempted a .few passcs with vary Lanb C. )forris results,ldlile Western Maryland Bon~on R. G. to Jiue plays, attempting but two Piucora. R. T. Lob lip, passes. Kleimnall R. E. Ziegler Ekaitis Q. B. \V. Lynch proe Johnnies Stage Aerial Attack Doughty r,. H. B. Dnlin tet' 'fhe sei'.ond quarter marked thevcry Wellinger R. H. B. Armncost fir.-;t Koppe F. B. n Lyneh Slleetaenlar deLUonslratiou of what n St. !-Total John's aerial attack was like. 'rhe John· 3 6-18 N niespasscd an(l repassed IhehaU across West ~.rd. ]2 0-0 '['OIl t.he scrimma.geline. Wlletheror not the fit. John's 0 mSI( pass was slapped down l)r a 'l'error Substitucions:-W. M. C.-Clary for aftel back did not seem to concern the St. \Vellingrl"j Brubaker for Clnry; Well· John's quarterback. If lhll pass W\lre inge.r for Brubnkrrj Jones for Koppej ('omJlleted, he called for nnother pnss; Brown for Doughty; Call~ghnn for if the pass were incomplete, he called Bates; Bnrnett for Kohout. for another pnss ,iust the same. 'rhen S. J. C.-Armaeost. for R. .T.lynchj}'a· about the time tlw. Terrors would hove der for Ziegler; Norris for .Fields; Benn goUel~on to a certoin t.vpe of pass, tILe for Parks; Field for Morris; Pnrks for Johnnies suddenly tried an elld rUlL Bennj Cnl'penter for Fader; Ziegler for When hdd for tlITee downs Willis Carpenter; Morris for Parks; "R. Lynch Lynch punted for tlle St. John's for Dulin; MncCartee for R. Lynchj cleven and then they wailed their ehnnc,e 'rnr~ntillo for Noblett.. to reeol'er the ban so that they cond onel' morc stnge an aerial. The Johllnie~ nsr!1 'ro\lcbdol"ns-Koppe (2), 13ntcs. tMeirU('rialilIC('l!Santl:l'becauselheyliad Tries for Point-Eknitis missed 2. ;, good attack and n. good l':J.sscrill lhe Pincura missed J. form of W. Lyn(;h. They g.~ined more l~eferce-Ebcrle, Swarthmore. UIlI grOllnd during the 8ccoud quarter than llire--Brewer, nlar~·lnnd. Head Lines the Western .MnrylalHl elel'en, but man-Cummings, Boston. College. Time laeked the line·smashing n~sault of of qUllrters-15minntcs. We'U See You at the Baltimore Stadium on Saturday Afternoon Let's b.e up and at 'em! @1930,LlOO",
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