Page 10 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 10
PA(H] 'fWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. , II ~arirty GOt One of our members, who is I B"'~:~~:"t~~v:,::""i, I__A_:_:_.~_Y~_\V_A_~_~_:_~_~_,K_S'_ _J blessed, or cursed, unusual beight.• is very iudigunnt over tho removal from n!lI'll.ys pOjlular~bee!lu~e there is so little TWELFTH NLGHT writtenonthesubjeetthatisllottlre llis room of his. spoelal elongated bod- pctitlcu of platiludes-c-becausc nn Ameri- "Twelfth Nigh~", or "What You Oilleial newspaper of weeteru Maryland College, publiahed on Thursday during eteud, the substitute cf n cot being quite \'fln ecucgc sill(!cnt.frQIll CHlifornia wrote Wi!l"asproducedlast week at the the academic year by ure students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Iuadequnte as regards feet. II Iltizewillningictterto:mTlltCTnatioDul Maryland 'r'bcntrc, might have hall an- Maryland. Entered ns second-class matter at the Westminster Poatoffiee. press forum, T am gil"jug QI'cr the column other title--"What More COUld You Peychologv bns for one of its priM.i· Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year to tile repetition of his words. Wish"! Jane Cowl as "Viola", staged plea Ihe fattthalthe speed of a reflex lIetionisdirectlypl'oportionallothein "$olllclitllC ago German nud British b.YAndrew Leigh of London, unusual 1\IANAG1NG S1'AFF t~lligence of the individual. What then student Britain leaders Hnd puhllshed a whleh book was en- II settings, lind cplorful costumes by Rny· mond LOI·('y,-nll these guaranteed a de titled German)' EDiTOR-lN-CUIE~' ... Roy T. Edwards, '31 ShAll we aasuuie poaittvely when, !IS in the eaac of student-edited on Illutual lightful performance. Bob Eteler, 00 reflox actiOll at MANAGING EDI'I'OR . C. \V. Koockogey, '32 all was npparent t problems of countries. It was a 1 wonder why Jane Cowl parficulnrly frnnk discussion of differences from two walltcil to play the role of "Violn". It ASST. MANAGING EDITOR . . 'l'homas W. Otto, '32 Oh, gay Joe Newcomer, may his t rlbe de- points of view. gove her several opportunities to display BUSINESS MAN MER . . Paul L. Bates, '31 crenae, ro me na rhe fundruuentn l her clever, devil-may· type Awoke one night from a deep dre/lm of principles ot under· of acting, but on the whole the part in arriviug AOvERTISrNG :MANAGER. C. Robert Etzler, '32 peace standing we are eout.iuunlly stressing Ollr seemed no test of her real prowess as lin CJRCUI...ATiON "MA.c"AGER . ..... wayne W. Moore, '32 A!I(l kicking and squirming, as ina brawl, of orgument except wheu we are actress. lier It young sen'ant Insisted he was doing the Aust rnliun in our own groups. of the Duke Orsino was most, David 'I'rundle, '33 Ass'1'. CmOULATION MANAGERS .• crllwl- Tn order to secure real understanding her long 10"0 speeches to Olivia were Joseph T. Addison, '32 V~inly attempting to fnlfill his .....ish our "ast differences spli?ndid, her clowning wiU, Sir Andrew In trying to escape from an Eastern Sho ' we must begin wjt], REPORTORIAL S'l'AFF fish. in eultuml background, icl('111$an!] idens and Sir Tobey was delightful, her sup· :mil ndmit thnt they hAn~ 1)een and may pressed love·making te 1'110 Duke was AsaoclA TE EOITORS 'fhe dining room is no\\' being conduct· conlinuo to be t.he basis of conflict. Our \\'ell done-perhaps the play did require '_rhclma Heid, '31 DUllcan C. Murchison, '32 I'd on a pS~'chologicalbasis according to on a~tress of her caliber. Comedy roles lat.est reports. It has been discovcred whBn most perfectly filled always appeor SPORTS EDITORS that studenh /Ire much more ~fficient to be accomplished will! such ease that it Catllel'ille W. Cockburn, '31 Doey Rein, '31 mentally -when working OIl empty stom· is hard to realize whether the execution and of course if ihe former is dc· of the part Illill becn ensy or diffieult. If COpy EDITORS on the InUer, as se~ms 10 1>e])re- Viol~ 's ]lart; lmd heeu playe(l by a Mary Lee Shipley, '32 Stuart D. Sunday, '32 sumed, wcll-"SUnlma CIIIUS" certaialy usuall.y IIlldrrst:lllding. First, we. dnrify medio~re actress the wll()le struclure of oughltol.lccomepopu!nrthisyear. tlnr ~onccptions of our points of Oiffcr the would hUH' bccn irrcpurablr REPORTERS Dennis nnd Knrper were rt'Cently ques- Wl' re~ogniz{' !he yalid in So oifter IIJI we ha\"e admit· Isabel Douglas, '31 J. 'Wesley Day, '31 tionedoslowhethertherulldcrstoodthe jlnintofl'iell',third, tml lliss Cowl's gre:'ttneS8 in h~r ability Evelyn E. Collison, '31 George E. UcGowall, '3] d]ffer{'ncebetwoenthcwonls "elmpel" we ~Ile Ih!! weakness of 0\11'own conlen· to (10 the ridiculous sublimely. A Sh~kes 1\fnrgaret E. ITamiltOll, '31 Ho,\·arcl A. Bolton, '32 and "dormitor,r." Eddently, jndgil'lg liuns. Fourth, \\'~ urc pcrsu<-ldcdto quali· peare!Hlrole incI·il(lhly is lhet (!~ mue.h as the uppcr· more t.ime Ihan the play; but when the thcless, we f:eel that it wO\_lld be to the best interests of all concerned Tloomie-YouTS'I'ruly! elnssnwn null nlUllllli.Furthermore, wc',·c p!:I)' beg-nu 1 \\'as' pleasantly surprised. /I unanimous deeis.ion that the come to if the students ,,"em given all opportnnity to know how theil· money is Tom-Yours ·hul.v is "fn.lla baloney"! sophomores !Ire ~11 rig-h!. all Peste, II low dins stood an eliorlUOUSbook. clown, rllmecd gaily out find the being spent. 1l0st persons like t.o have t,his prerogative. 'J'he Gold Bug Dean Oravetz, of the _'Po~t-Gr/l.dunte ).10~1of the girls hllye expressed taxor- pushed open the firM pagc--"Twelfih School, IlIlJlOUncesthe pu1;?lieotiollof his would be glad to publish any statement as to the disposition of the "ac- mnster's thesis, entitled "Stoten Huir", nble opiuions of Western Mnryland. :May Night or What You 'Will"-Rewritten tivities fee". bllSedonilH)1l1allllscrip1:,the''Rulleof RUiillcll J who hnils frOIll SlUlIl~' Southern 1I11(! Real'l'anged by Will Shakespeure" the Lock". lIfaryllllld, rf!"CSGOlltinuously[lbout "the W~$ inscrihed thereon. With nllot.l,cr county." CaHoll In hillB of other gr~nd gesture he op~ned the pages so thot Big myster.rI WntC!]·ill the hath tub words she likes the :Jtmosphere "up the open book formed It background pie· of Senior n~ll. Who did it~ Rcwnnl hen!.." turing the Duke Orsino's forll)ul gorden Extra-Curricular 'fhe pursuit of studies should not be the sole work (.t{cre{l for informatiOl! lea{ling to ar· We'renol so sure about Ihoae who went behind the columns of his palnce. :Ench Work of a college studcnt. Mlleh Clln be learned outside of rest of person violating sunctit.y of the home lnst wr('k·cn(lj it is rather soon af sccnn \\"as pictured on diff~rent pages of cla.~s and text bool{s. Extra-curricular activities, "tllb". ler ihc openillg of. school for that. Still, the hook so that lhe shiftillg of $ccn{)ry Baltimore driPS hn\'C its uttl'aetiolls. although they do not gi"e collegiate credit, nrc of great value to 11 stu- Pive old member)! of the J. G. C. hay", Spenking of mell required only the services of the clowll and two sernlllts who earri~d in a bench dent in life. There is Mnsidcl'able opport.llllit.v for it student to tal,e lleen in the infirml\ry following U'e rc.· cr mind), there or n tnble as needed. cent iuitiatiOIl. It looks as though some· pal·t ill activities Ht Westel'll Mlll'yllllld College. Tn fact, there are one llI;xed tllepoi1,l0ns. onesllrouudhere. i\liss Cowl's supporting players were b:lll squad. Of course we luye foet· illl well·chat, so of cOllrse the pllq 1110\'· cnough activities to give every student [\11 Oppol'tlluit,y to take part. "Oh, Whcr~ is Ill)' wandering IHundrr ball an:rw[lY . cd along STllOOtlllyand in the gay mono First, comes athletics. If you are not Ilthlcticall;y inclined, tllel·e are ton.ight f", Bang ":5ww" Sunday when The town ~1udents hal'e been henrd io n('r iut~nded. Walter Kig-sford and Ar part of his week's wnsh i~ returned to (>~)11ljllllillthleportion of the ea.mpus·l)('alltifying OR 9..'1.'5, aaying Ahe hllll dreamed Dr. important event will sometimes go unnoticerl' 'lllSe no one thought to projects will hal'O to wait Oil ]Jrogre~s al Wartl hlld pllGned, snying she need not en): <]lP. attentiol} oj some member of the s -·cnt. 1£ an~· .~tu· in the building prognlll1 oi tho eollcgc. {'ometo rImpel uutil it stopped raiuing. E. N. Hassell, '33 T.l',-,nnhli~ ,·nmpaign whith was COlli ROOM 135 WARD HALL ident Ward in 1927 ]lto· '34. FOR 'r s('vernl of t.hese pro· CLEANING-PRESSING I. 1'he first two which r LEASE PATRONIZE OUR. o be built, are thE' new Representatives of _\Ieu Dna the new Gym· ADVERTTSERS U. W. Miller and mrntion "THE GOLD BUG"
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