Page 9 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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VARSITY FOOTBALL I VARSITY SOCCER VS. GEORGETOWN U. COL VS. STATE NORMAL BALTO. STADIUM, 2:30 P. M I WESTMINSTER, 3:00 P. M. SATURDAY MONDAY Vol. 8, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 16, 1930 PROFESSOR G. S. WILLS Coach Dick Harlow To OOLLEGE OALENDAR Freshman Student Will PRESIDENT WARD OPENS RE-ELECTED TO OFFICE Change Residence 16- Give Radio Talk OFFICESOFLIBERALARTS IN DEBATE COUNCIL Coach Richard C. Har-low, in a recent THURSDA.Y, OCTOBER Hall, 0;30 giyc .Mlss a Anna Frances the SCII-ard, '34., Station will COLLEGE MOVEMENT Pcp Mceting, Smitb over Radio talk iutcr view, made it known that hc P. :.\t. WRQ from Wa~llillgton, on a nattoua l would move from his present reaidcuce WILL CONTINUE AS VICE-PRESI- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17- hook-up, Saturday, November 8. Her PLANS FOR ORGANIZATION ARE on EnstMain street, to 125 WestMaJ1I DENT OF PENNA. DEBATE Outdoor Pep meeting, 6;30 P. M. talk will be a feature of a montllly d-H GOTTEN UNDER WAY street, sometime next week. Coach OOUNCIL Club program put on by the United Harlow's numerous dut ies on "'l'lte Hill" 18- SATURDAY, OO'l'OBER States Department of Agriculture. He!' require much of his time, and making ']'he headquarters of the Llbernl Arts Professor Gentge S. Wills, Head of Football, Western Maryland Presh- subject will be "ennning Project College MO\'emellt were opened hy trips East Muiu the English l)"pnl'hllcnt of Western several to "The each lIiH" day has from only proved men ,·s. St. John's F'reshmeu, An Work" as it was presented at Camp President Albert Norman 'Yard in Lhe not street Maryland College, was re-elected to the n, hardahip but. a gTl~at ineonveniencc. ""!loli~, uicrning. Vail in September. ~fis$ Seward has Smith Building, Washington, D. C., last V'ice-Prealdency of tho Pennsylvania. The students wish him happiness and Yarsit.y Foot bull, Western Mary- been u 4·R Club member and leader for week. President Ward has been one of Debating Council at the nnnuaj meeting aueeeaa in his new residence. land I·S. Geergetown University, five vears, and was this summer a-t tue leaders of tile movement since its of tho orgnuiaa tlon held at the Pnnn- 13t;!til)wre Stadium, 2:30 P. M. CoUege Park made an /lll·star member incoption, and was euoaeu as its uend Harris Hotel, Flarriaburg, Penueylvan- lind to be. one of the Maryland Statu last spring, In tho fut.ure, Dr. Ward Ja, on October 11. COLLEGE CAMPUS HAS SUNDA Y, OCTOBER 19- rcpres~nl.rdi\'es at. Oamp Vail. will spend a considerable porblon of Prof. Wing, of Dlekiuson Collegu College Buuday School, Baker enct, week ill Washington. WHS elected to the office of President BEEN IMPROVED BY ci» pel, 9:00 A. M. PIllns for the functioning of the cr. and Prof. D. D. Larson, of Franklin Bukqt- Ohapel Service, 4:30 P. ]1. CO-ED ATHLETIC ASSO. gunizationa nrc progressing rapidly. A and Marshall was elected as seerotary. ADDITION OF SHRUBS DECIDES ON AWARDS seml-mcuthly publtcattcn, "The Liberal Western Maryland wea repreaentud .MON.DAY, OCTOBER 20- Arh Movement Bulletin", will be pub- nt this meet.lug by Prof. Wills, .llurgur- Soccer, '''estern Maryland va. ANDPLANS FOR FUTURE lished. The first iuue, on November 1, ct Hamilton, Thelma Reid, David Trun Western Maryland College's campus die, nnd Cumerun 1I1urehisoll. has beel! cOllsidcral)ly imp!'ol'ed during )Jnrylalld Brute Normal School, will give a history of the movement and t.he ]last fcw month~ by the Tomo"ul or Old Alhleli~. Field, 3 :00 P. M. the plans for thc future. After the TI,e purpose of the meeting 1I"U.'I t.o hidiug ef unsightlr sputs und by t.he i;OO P. M. The Women's Atliletic Association of plans have been formulnted they will Literary Socielie9., West.ern Mnrylan(l Col1eg(l held its first diseuss anll plun the debat.lng work of bcnut,ifying of t.he collcgo grounds with be ~ublllittcd to a meeting of the llaf' meoting last e,·ellillg" tho member colleges ior th" coming I!hrubbery of vl\rious sorh. Last year TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21- oflicia.1 Y. W. O. ;... room. Thursd~y president, tieipating colleges Alld universities. The in tile J-enr. The following resolutions were quite all extensive l)rogrum of beautify. Social Clubs, 7:00 P . .M. Christiu6 Hogan. opened tl,o meeting l'his meeting will be held nt Indian· ildoJltcd on report of the committee ill the campus waR undoretaken under tho by milking a report concernhll:,:" the re· apelis, Indiana, SOHle time i.n January. elunge of resolutions: '''fhe natiolls geneml diroction of Prof. ClIrl L. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2:!- ward to bo given for excellence in Up to tl16 present time IIpproxinHitely should udopt a policy of free trade"; Sclllwffer. LOlllbnrd~' poplars were Y.1>I .C. A., 7;00 P.:'If. athletics during the four yelll's. 'rhis ]70 colleges enrolled ;n tlm move· ",],he emergonce of Women from the planted around the power pl:l\lt in or. Y. W. C. A., 7:00 P . .ll. IIwnrd isio bea dnrk green blflzerwith lllent. It is thougllt that!!,ere will pos- lJOmo is to be deplored"; and "The der to screon thill unsightly bnt nueea. sibly be twice this number in tho DlI\IIl' stutes should enact laws providing for sary part of. the eampus from public /I W. M. monogrulll Ijn the pocket-and borship before- the meeting of tho or- is to be given wllenall:V oneperaoll has unemploymont inSlJ.rtlllCo". The col· view as much liS possible. Sna.h shrub- gnnio:ntioll ~t Indianupolis. leges are uot compelled to accept the bory as golden spires, regal Jlri,"et for- THIRD CHAPEL SERMON accumull!.ted ]000 lJoillts. Following this, The Liberal Art~ College Movoment rOBolutiens adopted by the Cauneil as a aythia, and mock orange has been speeches were made by the members of is the result ofa con:fereneeheld at board the whole, but they are urged t.o do so in planted ill front of the poplar trees. EMPHASIZES FAIIH the bers e..~ccutiye advisory and by :Miss mem· Chicago last Mareh. It might be said Todd board, of the v;ew of the faet thnt these subjects The grounds ,round Alumni Hall, Baker and l.{iSB Smith. J,fiilS Todd's speech that the Chieago Con:fereneo came into will be the ones upon wllicb the scllools Chapel, the President.'s home, and other existence beeause of the interest nnd interesting will generally be prepared. portions of the campus have come .in REV. OHARLES . M. ELDERDIOE WIIS especially a description of beea.use it nppreciation that was ereated in edu· w{'men's contained WestBru Maryland :is the only col· l,)r thair share ef planting whieh will, cational eircle9 by un articlo wllich waH CONTINUES SERIE~~~ _~thh,lti~s four years ago. '-_ -i,firloin 'uy'" .lJr.-'rt'Ur'Uoufhls sulfj"l."_'t.~- ~.I"'t~~"',~-';'":tc.J,'''':,..i:ll!!£I:~...J,~"'t:"'~'-';!!!I~...J:'-':rn'''~~!!.l~-'''i~:,"at~'''!~:L_.;....)~.;,~~,.;<~"':e"fl:"~'t~:!~~:~~~~\~!e::~~t:: Eyidently a "cry pitiful state of af- which numbers Bucknell, Peunsylvania or three years. Somo shrubber)' has 111- e~:~~~~u~~a:~S!l:~l~~~e:~i:~n~:~::e~~; !~~r:;~:::'d us compared with the pres· State College, Temple, Getty~burg, and so been planted at tile entrance ttl Hof- ser· 1. G. C. MYSTERIES ARE a number of smaller colleges among its in athletic field. The sl()pe below Cbl· Thesc speeehe& introducod a new h'S Ihird sermon in Bllker Chapel, 011 membership. lego ~\'el1UC Iws been graded and graSJI S Hday afternoon, October 12. He took ies of programs. It has !;oeen planned to REVEALED TO '31 and '32 ----- lJlante(\. Two of the houses on t.h6 Ava- fo~ hi~ te:x!., Romans 4:3-"Abrahlun invite spcakera from the I1Cllrby cel and COLLEGE LIBRARY ADDS lIue future beeu removed in antieipntion hcl\c\'eJ God, Slid it lYas counted unto leges Association fr0111 on Baltimore phases to address aUI' Tlle mysteries of J. G. C. havC oncc have tho new of plalls. building of TO REFERENCE BOOKS '''esteTll Maryland now Ims the nu" him \for righteousness." letica and tho_ types of AasoeiatiollS more been enacted before ~ bewil(icrOti eleus of a college nursery. Quite a Th~ Rev. Elderdice read from thc Bi· each of tJ!esQ colleges lisve. All in all, student body when twenty-one Scnior \lumber of elms, white birches, and ev· ble sey,-,ral passages whiell refer to the it seolUS ~a if it will be very int6rcsting and Junior women were i.nitiated into TIle college TJibrary lws increased its ergrOflns of various sorts have been paramount faith of Abralmm. Besides nnll will make the A$soeiation well t.histraditiollal order thelntter of: rcierellee sources in a lnrge proportion (Continued on Page 2-Col. ~) \.Jeing h'~nol'ed by tho Christian faith, worthwhile. last week. Twice yearly since '80's over the sommer lllonths. Supplemen TIle meeting 11'118 dosed bJ' a ,"ery this demoeratic h~~ hee" Abraham, is honored by the Jews and tary material for the depurtmeuts or Alumni Attention! Mohllllllllt>daIlG. "Friend of Ood" and individual "Newsboy Clog" interpreted offering Juniors nnd Seniors ti,e chsllee Englisu,' History, Speecb, Bible, aud ':Father of the Fait.hful" are !Jis two by Pat Mnr~hy and Spunky Davis. to gain ~ublillle membcrship IJy passing E(lucatioll lHl~ become greatly enlarged. At thl'l(lnnualmeetillg of the Alumlli titles. Everyone uppreeiatcll their efforts and througll a three d~y alld night org.v of Perhaps one of the most interesting of Asso~i~tiou, held after the Commence· are. looking forward to the meeting to ri{licnlealldtorture. the new books is Albert 81,aw's "Oal" "J.'aitll is firm aud earncst belief. Jt be hehl next month. E'reshmen-go out Wit.h all solOll1nity and with more loon llistor.\' of A brah~m Lineoln". 'rhc ment Ex{';ciscs last June, eigllty-three is the as~ent of the mind to tho t.ruth for ~.la88 hoekey awl get the 100 point~ surprise the Juniors ,Hul Seniors 9nl. nlUllmi subseribed to thc Gold Bug. libra\"~' lms also beClI fortuuate in sccur of. {livine rll.velat,ion on the authority that will enable you to join the Asso- te,,~el~' in their rooms OIl \Vedllesda;. Tf you wero one of thcse alumni, lhis ing :l. splendidl~' bound volume of :Reb- of God's testil'Jlony, aceOI!lpanied by II:e ciation! "l'enilll;: until iodoforlll permeated the will the third isslle which you ('I·t Bridges' collected poems under tl!e have 'reccived this year bllt, as yet, on· consent. of lll(l will. Abraham's f(lith 'l'here S('Ulll to be several points that whole dormitory aud J'. G. C. had enllcd title of "The '1'Clltament of Beauty". A ly 11 few remittances llave been re- Ulcaslltcsfull)" to such definitions. l'be 1!re t.onfusing mcmber$ of the 'Vomen's its yietims (or ih honored ouest). eOI'r of Cheney's "Theatre", which is d b~' However, snch drust.ic action shouW liend without qllClltion wllnt God said. cessi,·o ullex~.used absences from rcgu· hOllornble 11I('1l1hers of J. G. C. hall tile Speech students. These lIew books not bo necessary. You signed the Bub· "The Bible is H,e lhollght of the In· \;n or l.llreo unexcused ab- shin.v shoes for ont) day at leastl 'J'I!c Hnel many more h~ve been eatalegllcd scription pledges ill good fruth, alld ~o finito mind. have tliffieulty in in- 8nces during OIlC semester sll/lll be rooms ill ,\tcDanie.1 Hall alH<) l1rcs(lnted fa 1', we f("cl that the Gold Bug lms done and urc ready for use. Browse Around terprllting thntMin{j beenusetllCy waul drOIJped frem the roll and shall forfeit its almTe in keeJling you informed of II SIJe('.tnculnrly clean ~ppesral1ee niter and l)eeomeaequaintedwit.h them. to judge God's word_ by feeble l1U1lI311 100 points. . Rhu mny be r<:"in~tated lhe "worms" Joad jlroved that they wer~ happenings on the Hill. Ji'urtller, we standards. The focu"s of onr Christian to membership only after she has feci tlwt you will want to follow good nmit lest Gil, phil'O~ephy of life re· 2. "]<'ort.y points in hiking or a "ioties, clnbs, and gcncral news of tIm J. G. C. for the initiates discardod pow· BY SOPHS ~ult in ill(wituble Perplex'it-y. But no f~itljIul tryout for allY point·giving ac- der anll renge and becoming ceiffenTs- Hill througll the medinm of the Col, lege's own ncwspapl'r. goocl friend of God \l'i11 doubt Ilim be· livit.r eneh semcster is neecsssry for and like(l it (f). They were Ulost cf- After a pHtieularly IH~etic time on Oct 1110se elleeks ill 110\\"! {'anse doubt hns 110 plaee ill true iriend· (Continucd on Page 4-Co1. 4) f{!etiveiy disguised as b'ltl'ing benutics Sa.turday night, the Freshman girls es· ship. Even if A.brahumllad llO written on Pridny !Ind Frida~' afternoon caped from tho lwted "rut rules". TIle Sniptnre~, Go(l :revealed Himself nle.~t of them as tired as the SeplJOmore girls exerted thelIlseh·cs to PEP MEETINGS! 1930 "ALOHA" "English Channel swimmers must when th.rough threo prom~es: that Abral!alll show how mean they really could be, t.lleir gonl is reached. The grand climax Ildmi.llistering wiel'd concoctions to the Tile Cheer Leauers have schcdulell would be thc father of a great nation, An~' persons who feel that they WfiS announced Friday n.iglit by lond tr~'ll1bling Freshmen and making t.hcm two big pep mcetings this week---one thl1t bis posterity would dwell in the lire cnt.itled to n. 1930 Aloha nnd protestat.ionsof true"loves",otc.,frem perform ridiculous stunts. E"'P"erything, tonight, a.nd Olle tomorrow uight in land of Cnnann eterr.nlly; that ho wa.s lm'-e not yet reeeivC1'l their copy the old tower in tlle Main Buillling. l!owcver bnd. llll.!!- to come tD an (lJId front of thoUain Building. to he the IlJIcestor o~ tlle 1.[e8siah. mU? do so hy communicating wil.h J. G. C. enfolded in its l)(lrtals thi~ , sometime, so when the Inst girl had We know that you'll be there, l)ul "Ahrailam's faith was tested ill two the l';ditor-ill·Cldef, Wilmer V. Bell, time: Misses Bishop, Bush, Clough, been "taken through" the the how ~hout the roommate' Let's 110t ways, both of which hI! 11rO\'ed loyal 1.0 '30, III 2003 Cliitwood Ave.nue, BI\I- Crowther, Crozier, Cutler,, Soplls changed irom ogres into the only promise to be tllere outSl'lves, his Divine Friend. First'., it the age timon:, Marylancl. Dryden, Rit,cllens, Robbs, Hobby, Hor- kindest, most considerate Il0steBises, und but. also see thnt everyone ef tI!e of seventy-fivo he was ~lIllt'd illto the Those who I'ave 1I0t yet subscribed sey, Holland, Humphries, Longridge, leadillg the Freshies down to the ''Y'' gang turns out! land of C'anallll. Secondly, lIe wa.s elml· mnr do ~o at t.he reguJ:n snb!lt:rip- .Muiphy, :Reed, :Reiuieke, Todd, and room in McDaniel Holl, gavc t hem a On to Georgetown! tionl,ri<;:eof$3.00. Icnged to suerifice his sOII,lsaae. Wrur. very enjoyable parry. ~ BEAl T
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