Page 8 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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'PAQE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, aUtUla,aUub,nttll §odrty i10tttga Western Marylnd Gold Bug Buzzings 1898 Editor's Note; Tho fol/Dwi1LO lcgtmd TO A SHELF OF BOOKS Miss.:llnry weber Broughton, '30,w.ho IRVING LITERARY SOOIETY Y.M. C. A. "(1,·(18Iineal·tlled ·in r/e!vinlJ tllr01rgh 80ml! went abroad with Dr. and 1frs. Eo-n old Col/ege publications lite Ot/ICTday. :\hundrcddoora »ottc, entered the Summer School ot the In·jug Literllry Society llcld its usual One of t,he high lights IUllOllgtho ex' In. rcpri'lting ii" Ihe GOLD auo is flO~ A thousand eyes "80rI101111(''' in Parts, and lnllOllg eighty i\'Qndar night meeting in In'ing Hall, lit t ra-eurriculur activities tllis week \\"I1S try-ill!J to 1I!rlkea weak at.tl1lJ1pt at ridi. A score o.f levee nine students from HI! parts of the worl!1 Quito n the Y. M. C. A. get-te-get.bcr. seven o'clock on .:uQUdIlY,October 6. The number of prolllinent uppcrell1ssmen cute. Rattier, we pass Ihi8 deSllriptuJIl A million sighs, came out in the final examination with members of Irving had the very unex- were in attendance supplementing (llIk(m from a "Portfolio of Viaws of Varted uvenuea of Hght-c- the second highe!!t murk. Hiss Brough- the pected pleasure of lm\·jng ns their guests rrowd of Freshmen were Tho WCiStlJm MorN1and College ~/~ Ow Lands-and men-before my aight ton is to bc cougratutnted and W. M. C. the webster Litern rj- Society. The first 11811(11 who Ir-iOIll(l1ld~ of ][(u!pi(,nd") alalln for Walk,1:IOat a judgment day, SllOUld be proud of her SU{'CC~~. nuuiber on the program was a, debate, well represented. what it i...worlh. Wc sometimes near Each in his native place and way, 'I'he marl'ia,::e of Miss Mllry Jane the subject being, 'erly I!lOre ,>Iass is Ch(lrged with "assault and a lJr3yer of thanks h." J\[nurir.t' Flcll1 College in its ",lrolo thirty-two years. 1~:S~C~at~~gc:~p:~~~~so;\l~:1i~:~ iJMtery" by a member of the freshmen iug, also n FreshnlHl1 Kingdom of Hell,·on in tlte ~[~II~~i:'I,~:;~~;'1~.J\~~~~C\~~I~iC~li";li~\.il~~ class. Other interesting numbers are bo· Next week thHe will be hchl nn O]l~n Perfect Drainage, heurts of mell, pnrfeetion within the K Rr~d, Edith E. Rill, 1Ilutildn T. ing arranged. :1Itembersan(l \'i~if.or$ lUI' }'orl1l1l. The topic to be discussed will all abulldunce of water, anu 1"~ach of the e"Ut)' soul, and Pnrndise as 'l'homps{1l1,Isabel Wenh. most I'II.l"llestl~'urged to 1)1' present. pure, bracing air, the weak I! constant gro\\"iug up lJnd up; anel he is Cecil COllllty-'rhelmo C. MoVe.") Jhu- be: "Row 8111111We Tnterpret thc strong, und the strong happy. I,illld·' Everyone is welcome. :~~eB(~i~;~~~'~no~I:::.;'S,~~:\":~~~ ,:a:~::~ ~~;;li~I~;lS~~~~'D~~ll:~ril~:Rep!" J \11in • Recrea.tion Dorchester 1\f. 1'ric('. Helon W(1Treu. BROWNING PHILOMATHEAN Somc pusons get tlte imprcssion that should exceed hi~ grasp or what.'s a FrederiCk County-no O. Slllilh. heaven fort" 11 is nothing to he con Uollegr life is mostly 1)lay from the im' The l'hilolllflthcHII T,iter:II·Y Society's 'fhl' Bl"owning Liternr;r SoeictJ held ils I'r"gnl111 Ihis wcek consisteel of 1111 parlance t.he newspopt:rs Qttaeh 1.0base· ~:~(~~ll:YIl~:~~~~~:~~~:':u';"::p;:~~I:S:~or~\ ~ifnUI:'i~l"G~·~t~~~:~'r~gc~oUiSt, SI,ipky, regular meeting Monday, Oet. 6. ~:he amusing portraJ·al of 11 .Philo mccting at· bl11111ndthe like. is told of n lmlll who died nlld Garrett County-Cah'in S program epl'nl'd with a piano solo, "llin· tended b~· many celebrit.ies once Philo But it lllay bo ~ufcly said no class of found his every wish gratified. :~r~nuJ\f. Johnson, Kllthr.\"l1 uet in G", by Bt'I'tho\·en, playcd by lliss mcmbers. Some of these "pr~sellt" young people work harder thllu Cellcgu Em Dr~-dcn. A rOllding, "The Love wne .Miss "Mabel Gnrrisoli, :"Irs. Ward, Students. ~~rSl:~d10 h~eS:':~':~~:~~{"ll~h~~~e~n:fd;:i; ~r;;~~~;i~~~r~\V.I'~~i7.arbct~·8~~t/· Story of Beetho,·en," was given b)· the ~.tiss ]AoaS(l,M.ies Harris, Emily Allnutt, In We~nl Ma.ryland ~:i~ol>~i~SH~I;:·:\"tto want ihings, I wuut Howard County-Wehlon G. D~\\"SOll, :luthor, Miss Ruth Ellen WoleoH, a Eliza Rnssell alul Ihe first president of Br(lwniug "",,,,ber. Nexl a'( amusing tlto r(>gllINl"Lonrs of work rUIl from 7 UrUh A. ROllI$Ol1( Philo. A brief tllik ou Philo's tra ~ttk skft,.--'-'.Jf'h"Knrk-lla5" Cum<',., WII~ ilitrou~ :lnd -~Ustoms ;.as gin;Ji ""bY'"the _ll, FACULTY MEMBERS SPENT GREEN TERRORS WIN IN OPENING i~ field 1:lid out j'or tllch especial sport.!!. No Parent Texas--Fnlllcl'~ C. WaI·d. TERESTING VACATIONS CONTEST lleed lJ(~npprnhensivc ,..Lout the Gl'm· Ohlo--Thollws D. D. Brnun. .From )j to 6 P .. H. studcnts nrc free (Colltillued from Page One) (Continued from Page Three) 10 spend SOUleportiun of thoir t.ime out ua~iu!ll. It i", lIS necessary in it.~ \l'll.Y marhine registered ils ninth touehdown, liS the Dining-Room, and tIllite ll~ harm· 111,1"further work in Home Eeonomies. or dours uud tukc nature's medieiue. less. 1\[iE13WPlHln took CO\1rsesin chcmis- making the fiual !leore 5fl·O. Co-Education try ai C0l"11e11Uni,·enitv. Later in ~'he GynlllUsiu1l1 for young mcn is a Tllc polic.v of educating young ladies t.he summer site took a d~ljghlful 1\\1tO W.:\1. C. BALTO. UNIV. and gontlemen in the SUllie school was sep:nate bl1jldillg with bntl,a in t.he tour through historic Nc,,' England. Capt. Bates L. E. O'Brien the no,·clty uudcrtakOll by the foun- lJasclllent. 'l'hc head of tlle Physical Education Wilker L. T. Ei~enberg dCl'sof Departmont, Miss Parker, spent the Barnett L. G. Ri(~e greater lIart of the summer studying at Lamb O. Goldal.~in Western Maryla.nd Oollege 'fhe g.\"lllnnsiu1Ufor rOUl1g womcn i~ Columbia University. Her "rclll" VI" Benson R. G. Weim>:ier (lL the begilluing, wi,en tl,cre ''''is uol. CO!lnlJcted with thcir O11"napnrtrllents I'Htioll was ~p('nt nt hcr home ill "Mis- Fiueura R. ~'. l'IIorse :lIl(lthu iustance 80nlll of Ohio. ~O that t1wy dn not h.~ve to g(l out·of- snuri. Kleinman R .E. No\"ieki doorsio reach it. " Crnpentel" ga\"C a short eours ... Ekaitls Q. H. LCl'~· at Drc,,· Ulliversity in New Jers\:.y. DQughty H B. Kostn,·" No", it is the exception to lind it the The Roal Test !\Jiss }[ann did all her I,-ork informal· t,awrence R. B. Donahue otll!'r \I'(lY, amI it i~ sufe to ~ay that of a CoUege i.s the scholastic standing ly nt hcr home in Brouton, New .Tersey, Kopp F. R Tiern~y very fcw colleges fou\1deel in thc last of ih sLndenls. Special! Miss Mabel Harris, 1I1i~8 Nllnnio 'l'OUC11doll"us:Doughty 3, Brubnkcr $, tW(mtr y(.':Ursrcfues to admit womcn 011 Of course Western 1\f.nryluna haij Lease and Miss Mary }~bnuglt SpCllt Brown :?, Clar.'·. ('(1\1:11t.erlllswith men, nnd e"ell the 01· plens(l.llt yucations at homo. Try fur Points: Ekaitis, 4 out of 7; der collegl's urc clillugillg their plans to more labor alll} money in provid .& Miss Maude Gesner croSBOO1\10 COil' Brubak ..r, 1 oul of 2. 11l,eolllplishthe samo (md. fur Ihis tlian for :.11elsc. tinent to IlCr home in Portinnd. Orc- IlOll, n tell' onjoyablll week~ "Dad" SMELSER Tht: policy of Wcstern All1ryluud, lit Pille Foresta in th~t atatc. huwc,·er,ia EVER.HAR.T MARSHMALLOW As the BllitimorQ delegate to thQ con· ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, Not a Mixed School SUNDAE "('nliun of tile :.\Ju Psi Epsilon,:.Iu hOll- COLD DRINKS Both sexes are udmittcd,/lmL tlroy BARBER AND BOBBER Ol·(\ry musical sorority, }liss Violet I,,'c cntirely separate; they do not re lOc Hertzman attended the convention at Ope.n Every Nite Until 11 :30 citOJ togethCl" (lnd hpve no com· At the Forks :.\laekinae Island, Michigan. lllullicatioll cxcept. in presence of SEE tOll{liler8. FOR R. Mark Reed, '31 AN HOUR OF REAL Griffin's Goodie Shop Smith & Reifsnider 17 LEVINE HALL ENJOYMENT OR tltc ]'olk)" is th~t of tl e Itome. THE .6 E. N. Hassell, '33 Bcys and Girls SODA \'V'e.stminster, Md. Colonial Ion Golf Course 56 EAST MAIN STREET LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES ROOM 135 WARD HALL wer... designed to hclp each ot.her, and WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND CANDY FOR AND COAL CLEANING-PRESSING under propcr nl(llla;emcnl lucy eaa ao Open Week Days TOBACCO so at School. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND Representatives of J 0 A. M. to Midnight Sundays Open GENERAL MILL WORK U. W. Miller Physica, Culture 1 P. M. to Midnight KODAKS and SUPPLIES i~ aile of the thill,gs not to be over
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