Page 7 - TheGoldBug1930-31
P. 7
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE I SPORTS I FOOTBALL SOCCER I SPORTS I GREEN TERRORS WIN FRESHMAN TEAM SHOWS Sf. JOHN'S WILL PRESENT IN OPENING CONTEST PROMISE IN OPENER ECEIVING THE KICK, , , , STRONG OPPOSITION TEAM SHOWS POWER BUT NEEDS St. John's College will be the next op The freshman football eleven journey EXPERIENCE ed to Bellefonte Saturday and just The lid's off! Our flrat game shows far from our minds, But n "scrimmage pouent of the 'I'errors. The Johnnies Weat\'rn Maryland in the win eotunm. line" well, now you're tnlking our Ian started the pre-season training at Anna· about brought back a victory oyer the The first football game of the 1930 Academy team. But the Bellefonte boys Now how about the rest in October' No, guage- To followers of the Green I'er polis with a eOI!lparatil'ely small squad Terror sensun resulted in a dcdsive vie- kept one 100 many in the bag for the r,_l"nder, this eclumns error-not a RE8T rors during the past four campaigns that but Com'h Todie Riggs has selected a ell tory over the University of Baltimore final quarter. At half time the score in October, glance at it- means uny place on the gridiron where pahle eleven from the ll\"nilllble men. ele\"l'n at Oriole Park Pridll.J" night. October our linemen oppose seven others. All Their first game resulted in II well was 13·1:! in favor of the BabJ Terrors; 10-81. John's College. Aft"r u slow st3Tt in the opening quar· this rambling has been for a purpose! earned victory over Franklin and Mar the final tally showe(\ a plus seven on the October ]S~Georgetowl' Universifj-. ter, the Western Mnrylund aggregntion And that's delayed commendation to all shall and the following week they held a Academy total. All in all, it was a close a one-touchdown rolled up six-pointers with regularity. October ::l5~I,oyola College. linemen. Invariably, headlines fellturc good V. M.. 1. teRIll to eal! for a higltly touted Bellefonte tenln the long runs of the backs (they deserve margin. Potenti1l1 power rm'caled in Straight buck.'< aud line were used That just about appears like twelve and n formidable showing by a green it) bnt the linemen are neglected. Just a these two enfounters leaves the throughout, and \\'hen whistle quarters of good, hard football! not blew the scoreboard read: Western freshman crew, passing thought, but think of that when Inns as something to be dealt sueh as Mae- Marvland 59, Ul,i\"crsity of Baltimore O. Ihe time the next scheduled game And do j-on realize our modem gtlme you suppress Then a yell wonder for the man carrying too Cartee, lightly, Bob and Ball Willis toters Lyneh, Caeeasa, that l,ow g:lJl big ball. the First QllfU-/f"1 ar011nd n cleverly drilled etc-en of tes football the originated about Era? five In centur in the opposing line happened to be Dulin and Capt. Bob. Armacost appear Christian before shouldberendytotakethefieldforthe Capt. Goldstein, of Baltimore Univ. tn,whereit the gnme W1lS there! A team consists of ele\'\'n men, (lite to click this week-end. Ed. Lots, of elected to defend the goal at the cast freshmen, bas Var~'ing types difficult prep to school Harpnat cn Hard-Pas!in' it has with only four ill the backfield. Now John Joh and Big Jim j\lorri~ are the it coaching lllilde mold end of the purk, Lamb kicked off for them together in so short a time. With remained! that's off our ehcst.! bulwarks of the Johnnies' line and are the 'rcrrora and scceooded in placing the Ineidentnlly what is "scrnm~" No\\' one long hoornh for a team that's on the go for the Terror contest. pigskin on Baltimore's 26 yard line, On u liHle more practice they should be up llgninst a stubborll St. John's e1e\'en Ii looklllikea stifl'iltlttlethis Jo'riday, their first down the} ..laroons adyalleCll capable of giving a good account of None olher than our preselll form of this week-elld. Let's go! with I,wth teatns in there fighting and themsehes ill the remuining gamcs, scrimmage. Should we spc,lk of a to flll'nishU fistfu! of thrills for by a line-buck to the 30 ynrd line. Bal- Here's to the futu!'e \·nrsit,~· men! "strum line" nl)w, footbnll would lle ~ON TO ORIOLE PA RK- the enthusiasts. timore pulled a fast oIT·taekJe pIny that was good for the n{'ceasary tell ~'IHds lInd the oall lay 011 the 36 yard Hne at the third
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