Page 6 - TheGoldBug1930-31
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PAG1~ 'fWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, I i\rnUtlll tllr Qhlutpu!l Theme Songs and Such ]Jul'irtl1 .'\ REnEW OF BOOKS, PLA 1'8 AND LIFE ".Pete" }o'hltt'r reports that he is 'Ye hear n lot about theme ll-ongs now eout.t'mplating Inking wrestling in or' a-days-s-and we doutt seem to reulize READING der 10 develop magnetism in his that it's quite an old tiling . .Americau llisfory is full of these sougs=-bcg lnuing "Readiug is my greiliesl joy, Officinl newspaper uf Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during Its p1casu.l'cS neyer pDle- tho academic year by tho atudenta of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Campus gossip has it that certain perhaps with Yankee Doodle as n theme ~[J ravortte form of liti'l'nture Marylnnd, Entered all second-class matter at the ·Westminster Pcstofflce. sophomores will likely lie charged with as, song for the English Forces lind ending Is lids of f'nrllJS for snle./' with "Side WlIlks of New York" in the Subscription PriCII, $2.00 a. Year sault and buf-terv following the IJrutali last Prcstdentinl campaign, Robeecu M"Cnnn admits lhi5 penchant lies of the recent freshman Jplflatiou. Iudeed, with the coming of Presidents in her little ~(l)lceliou of poems \ll){ler l\IANAGING S'l'AFF "Dick" Hllrlow to Ihrry Benllon: "I cnma campaigns and theme songs-thnt till! title, "The Cheerful Cherub", EDI'.rOR-IN-CmEF , "Roy T. Edwards, '31 don't see how SOllie ef you boys make make thc records of election look like a There are more than two hundred of in Ihislittle "tulkie" program. rheseshortfouJ'·linest3uZaJl in your lessons. You don't "A's" show MANAGING Eonoa C, W. Koockogey, '32 it on the foot ball nelil." Robert Paine dedicated ti song to ASST, ]'IT ,\NA6!NG EDITOR , .. ,. Thomas W. OUo, '32 "Bunny" 'I'uckernmn has lit last bean Washington which satd something to tho BUBI.NESS MANAGER, Paul L. Bates, '31 "smitten," It soeme that, "Tuckermtin, effect that Washington wns ready to de- but its vcrses nee sword fen.l his country " nnd AD\'ERTISING l\IANAGEI~ . C. Robert Et,zler, '32 the Scholar," will go the W:I)' of nil from Ihe sleep of' iiB would atwo ys be tnter- tlesh." Latest noli's flashes have it thnt eating, But the most fllgciuating part's CnWTILATION 1\IANAGER , Wayne W. Moore, '32 011 Sunday, followillg r-hu reh, "BllnnJ'" lenp. " of' it are the illustmticns. "A Cheer David Trundle, '33 ill a sort of daze, waswandel'ing up nnd A bout John E. Calhoun, Jackson's run- ful Cherub" uceompaules each etanea-c- ASST. CIROULATI0N 1\L\NAOERS,. ilown Main atref.'t, looking for ,!,! ning lll;)tc, it W1l9 said: p~"hl'l's' you iln\'e .seeu these little sketch Joseph T, Addison, '32 "John C, Ca1lJOullmy .Joe John- es in your home-t.own llCw~paller, for REPOR'l'OlUAL S'l'AFF llc.Ildline hunters for the GOLD BUG l'm sorry for your fnlo )01 iss Ml'Canli first publi~llcd them werc starlled the oth~r dny to learn thnt You've nulJifiell thetllritT l:lll"s through a newspaper srlldicate. ASSOCIATE EDITORS the impO!lSible had tit last happencil. 'I.'ou'yellullifiedthestate. T hnd henril ~o muc.h about this book 'fhelma Reid, '31 DUllcan C, Murchison, '32 "'Ves" Day huil :11last u(:hic,·cil tillie, You','c llullifi~d your party, Jol.m, lhnt' I fairl." POUll~ed on it whell 1fOllnd long desire nn(lIHl(l gone-to a conference, it in the Westmillst~r J:'ree Lih,.nry Illis SPORTS EDITORS And prineiples )'011 know. fill!. "Tile Lillrnry" ttl most of u~ Catherine W. CoCkbl.l1'Il, '31 Doey Rein, '31 'fhue must 1)e somethiug ImtlSlHllly nt, And nOw you "'0 nullifieil .yourself, meaus sevrrnl hours of intellsi,'c refer 1radil'P to the freshmen boys lIbout the Julm C. Calhoull, my Joa," ctlre work. Seldom do we hllye.1 chance COpy EDl'rOl{S sophomore girlM. It. haH heeu more (Jr Yro", \vhich I gather Johu C, did Il0t Mary Lee Shipley, '32 Stuart D, Sunday, '32 less trMlitionnl fur the girls to be de- meet with ihe nPP,'onll of cert:';n parlies. prh'ed of the prhilege of having dates 1'he fmniliflr phrnae "Up Sal~ Ri,'er" REI"OR'l'ERS I:or tile first icw,,"ceks, but this year it originateil from n song by thnt UtilUe Isabel Douglas, '31 J, Wesley Day, '31 \\,1, '32 We'U 1cn,·c the{' to ]lItirdl by Silit RiH~r's it litcralure) tllllt it is t~rribl"' difficult. 10 kC~]lnlJn'tisi. of the timesl }'ul"thf.'r' ahore, Winifred S, Bush, '32 Stanford 1. noff, '32 Oh, we might )nll'l) knowll that thy ('ause lIIore 01\\" college library, aillce it is pri, Sara B. Robinson, '32 Charles R. Herbst, '33 11":18 unlucky, 1Irefcrt'l1celillrnr,",doesnothu,'e 1\1. Susan Strow, '33 Thomas 1\1. Genley, '3;1 EI'IlJ!" hul'tiC'd SIUT('.\'of the proctors ],'01' thl! D<'lInOcnltslx'at thee so oft{'n bQ' arrny of llloilcrn literal urI.'. Betty AUen, '33 William 0-, Pyles, '33 i.ll Owings Hall will con vi nee nnyone fur~,' , (This is 110t ~n ad'·er~e eriti('ism but thut they are n ll\ost eongenial lot a~ llll'l'el.,· a stlltemellt of a 10 interCRts, aspirations, and nmbi, In 'Iuotller ~oJlg BuclllntlHl was ilcridct1 Ro if ".p ~l>"Cto destl'o_" opin;oll Worthy opinion)' Model management; Correct news. tions. as "the old grny nag" while Fremont th"l ~ollegc students are poorly reud, we Il"MS praised as tile "!\rustll11g coIL" nlllst hi~ ourselves 1'0 the "\\'eslmillsler A "el'lniH rooming in Lcvine Opponenh of }'ilmore e.hall(eci: Free I~ibrary 011 )olonilay, 'I.'hursiln)" or !E.-D-I-T-O-R-I H1!l1, founil thnt showers were S~turdti~' nights l)etween se\'l;'l1and eight, ting out nothing lJut eold wllicr, "Old !Ifill Filmore H"~re we ran lind lho llIolierll literature necesBit~ted his t~king n dry clenning. Not [llI0therpill more to replnce thf.' useless rendillg Student Many a11(l el'l'oneons al'e the C"ollceptions of Student ]n our mouth. in which Illosl of us inilulge at oild mo Thf.' squawking south, 'Heilis in the dormilOries. This lown Government Govermnell_!;_ in colleges, Some believe _that it should _~~~;!~~':::~l~t::...I::e: Ne"cr shall put n bill more," thq;:' t" iw;" 1'·'!iI",F, ',H ~ -----r--be-~oii;;T;;d, ;ome think it should be extended, in fact, Jm;e: So do I, ccougnJtu· The last Prf.'sitlentini song to cnjey m'BY on EMEHALD->jl16.00 spl'C'lld, this custom is of considerable nnti{juity, dntillg back to the lat{,ll ,Oil llf'\Y oftieer~. lI'e espI'- grCIII prominence was thc Spanish {·iall.\' extend to fhc new prf.'sident our wnr middle tlges. Whell this .initiation is cal'l'ied to extremes it has beell l,esi wishe8 for a ITflllowe'en Part.y ill Amcric.1n be n liot ai.l· for ]{ooso"elt: "Thel'e'll 'l'ime ill ihe Old given the name of "hazing", Ha.zing sometimes degcnerates 1'0 mel'e ll'hi~h the lights bl'l11"'o i.11a gentle' Tuwn To-nighL" EVERY STUDENT l!'ltinl~' munn!.'r. brutality and bullril1g a11(1 thus 1111unpleasant Conl1otatiOll has been SHOULD HAVE aC'lllired by the tCI'm. '1'he initiation given to tile membel'S of: tile Frf'shmall class at Wcstel'll i\IIll'yland College hal'dly deserves the Try a hal brwkfasl--- Dr. Whitfield Publishes A n[lme of hazil1g. It is ill most ellses givell nnd takcll ill good fcllowship -AT- History Treatise Remington Portable and it is eel'tain t.hRf any attempt to lise extl'eme meaSllres would be curbed by the more far sighted membel'S of the student bod~' MARGARET'S The \'ook, Sit/I'c!"!}LJOillllj'n1 in l'ir Typewriter ill lS:;!J'lB.~:!, by Dr, ~'h(loc1ore M. 1.'hcsc initiations may seem to some as puel'i]e and Ullllc.ccssar.v but JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Pr(lfe~sor of Histor." ut West, ill a lllCai;Hl1:e they scrve a useful pllrpose. It is cOll1monly recognized THE BLACK AND WHITE CLUB College, IJIls just been re t]lat the :mllngcr lllem\)en. of a socict~, ShOl11d show a ccrtnin measure the Johns Hopkins press. The SPEOIAL RATES an importAnt lleriod treMsof .\nllOllllCeS The TO STUDENTS of respect to thcir Didcl'8. The student body of 11college is 1\ sma]] 80- in hislor)'ofthesouth,w:\s;)lY:lrtle<1 r ck:t,v and 11el'e this certain meaSllre of l'espect should also pl'(~nli1. l"il"st First Dance of The Year Ihe )11"s, Simon Bnfucb Uuil'enily Prizf.' by the Daughtf.'I'S of the Southern COli- year men. comillg as they do fl'om ,·ariou.~ SlllTOIlJ1llings, could Iltlnlly fed"rm'~' in 1("129for lhf.' best )Innll~cript See liS for Details TOWN HALL he expected to show propel' respect to college traditions and their eI- ')ll S(llltll<'rn ]jist!)r.\, presented dllring I that ,"I'[I.!'. l.l is llmllber len of a new ders unless tile fact that they werc supposed to sho\,' such resped was Saturday, Oct. 11, 1930 sC1"if.'8of the ,John~ Hupkins University Politieal called to their nttention, Dming the period o£ the Fl'eshman initia· situlirs in lIistoriNtl and from Bo:!~~!~~te Dr, Whitfield, who holds II doc- tion, the students acquire whatevel' respect they will ever ha\'e fOI' tnl- Bob lula's Music ~~ience. philosuphy df.'gret' Johns tor of dition, Very little would be gained and lUuch lost by the a.bolition of Hopkins Uni"~rsity, joineil the faeulty of '1'",ri«$1.75 8:30 till )'Z p, )L tllis ancient custom, Wi:sIC'rn Mar,,'lnn
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