Page 83 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 83
The GoldBug, Western Maryland College,Westminster,Md.""'" PAGE THREE iSPORTSj LACROSSE TENNIS jSPORTSj TERROR STICKMEN DROP TERROR TENNIS TEAM LOSES TO COLLEGE TO STAGE CO-ED GETTYSBURG OPENER TO TERRAPINS ATHLETICKLES ATHLETIC MEET AT HOOD The Terror tenni:;, team lost a lund INEXPERIENCE EVIDENT, BUT FU- fought, match at Gettysbnrg by a score of "Casey" Wnllflce takes three strikes Ray Mn.cLea is back on the Hill, and The W. M. co-eds hnva been im'iteil to 5 to 4. TIle mntch depended on the last aud ant! if he casts his lot with the lnerosse squad attend a Play Day to be held by Heed TURE LOOKS GOOD doubles which weut three sets. The Ilet- fu!.urc opponents should beware. He's a College at Prederick, April 19. This tysbnrg team finally won the lust, set ",Vililer has just about hit his mid-sen- good mall. . Plaj- Daj- is the first, atternpf of Ute col- The Terror lacrosse men tread on hoa 6·4. Engle continued his winning streak leges to foster II of good-will in tile territory S:!turduy at College Purk, and uow baa four victories to his credit. SOllstriile,i.[weeonsiderstrideasliee· athletics between varicns ooueges. but.\1ur,,-land's experience provcd dteelf Captain Neale Woolley took a ptnce with iug opponents. though, Wig· How about a. little hike to Baltimore This year George Washington Univer- master over Western MaQ'1:md's willing- the winners by winning two yictories. gie should not be up uir. He thi$ week·end. You fellows of the Lndian sill', Goucher and \Vestern :'.iaryland ness and our boys were defeated decis- Willard WIISthe other winner for \Vesi· bottled BI·all~ well enough lnst The combined Oxford-Cam- have been ill\'ited to seud tift), girls to ively 9 to O. 'rruly, it was the Green ern "Mnryl:llld.Pnhl10r marie Il very good at College Pnrk. Incidentally laercsse team which has scored parf ielpate in the events. Instead of and Gold's initial appearance and ecacb showing against Laner, forcing one set EI'llllS Wag the countr y'a leading seorer more aggregate points than their Amer i Tillie Mardeas pupils showed that they roet scosc« can opponents thus far, fell before the this PI,JYDar on a are ndnptiug themselves to lacrosse. In- to extra games- 'l'he seorea follow: University of PcnllsylWlllia's stickmen. auth ability to pick up the ball may be dl- Singles: And who wOllld with And Penll is our opponeut Saturday at recuj- blamed for our lnek of scoring. Hood, Gettysburg d('fcated .Mather, Dick Willi~ when the the Stadium. They'll p-eeent a good But for some grcllt ~tops by Goal- Weatern ~Iarylan(l 6·],1.\·0. mouth, 100-wilen it eamc tim(! to stop team and our twelve desel·vesour hacking kellper"Willis, of the I,jaitors, .Maryland's 'em. them up. How abont itT mArgin "'ouId have been considerably Laner, Gettysburg defeated Palmer, larger. Both goalies put up nice exhi Western lIIarylalld 7.5,6·1. Han." Beuson's teeth, my lllHn1 Bflfne~· Speir is going to have a base· archery, bitiDus, Kelley being forced to step live· Woolley, "'estern defeated :l'Ifisplacedill the clover. ball team lh.i.Byear, eontrnry to general games, slunts, events, con ly'onse\"crllloCilllsionato cnablehis tCllm Aumiller, Gettysburg 6·3, He had them when tl,e game beg:lll; It was populnrly supposed that sisting of bnlffiball javelin throw, to S(lorlla shutout. Zeigler, Oett.ysbnrg, defented 'fucker· '£\1"0gonc when it was over! was out of the pie!"urc. Do you shot put, stllnding jnmp, runlllng As in :'.laryland's ]2·0 \'ictory over think we CUll!rip up Navy ag.lln this broad .iump, running high jump, running Randolph-Macon last week, Captain Bill man, Weatern "MArylnnd6-:<,6·1. So far, the bas(1)flll schedule in· step and jnmp, fifty yard
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