Page 79 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 79
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGETHRE~ I SPORTS I LACROSSE BOXING I SPORTS I TERROR BOXERS BATTLE exeiting ever witnessed at an exhibition Lightweight Class CO-ED BASKETBALL BROUGHT TO of college boxing. Fiuals The Lewia-Ha.ll bout WAY TO SECOND PLACE was stopped after the first rouud by tho Oaaoni, Penn State, decision three I Punch _Drunk Says: I FINISH Crosby, Western Maryland, defeated tournament; physician because of a deep gash over Lewis' left eye, much to tlle rounds. The varaity basketball season for girls (Continued frem Page 1) disgust of the Penn State rooters. Third Plaec Were YOII "among tuoee present" at was brought to a dose 'for this year with the State Fre!lericksburg In the otller featur-e bout, Me An- SIOIllOIl\'it~, N. Y. U., defeated the Tntercclleglatea j If yen were, Punch gnene with Terrors Make Good Start drews staged a comeback in the second Murphy, Georgetown, by forfuit. Drunk fee.l~sure that you'll never regret Teachers COllege. While the season haa Diek Harlow's mittmen got 011' to 3 and third rounds which brought the find if you weren't, yeu ahould lun'a not tcou sueeessful in the usual sense of good start by winning six of their sev- crowd to their feet amid the most deaf- Welterweight Class the word, it has been sueeessful in Iny ing the basis for a splendid team next en bouts ill the preliminaries on Friday ening bedlam ever heard in the vast Finals year. The forwards, Murphy and night. 'This put Western Maryland in Pafeatrn. TIle Nittany Lion displayed Hall, Navy, defeated Lcwis, PCUII Waiting along the road for lifts, .. Ebaugh, baveplayed together for a whole tho lead for the semi-final round with superb perseverance to finally win an State, on technical knockout in first hiking through Pennsylvania towns... so next year w:ill know each Navy and Penn State tie for second up-h'ill fight from Swan in the extra round. hot dogs.... fast drivers ... slow drivers tricks from the very beginning . with five contestants apiece. At this round. Third Place ... .ritzJ· ears .. shabby e.·lrS •• Whilo losing n valuable asset by the stage of the game the rest of the pack Fish, Georgetown, defeated Daniels, "thumbing" in the directlen of Pllilly grad nation of the center and captain, were strung out like this: Georgetown, Bantamweight Shows Class :M. 1. T., by forfeit. .... all roads led to Mecca (or PhjIa- 'Thornburgh, II year's practicing has 4; N. Y. U., 3; U. of Penn, 2; Syracuse, Stoop (Penn State) proved himself to Middleweight Class last, the "city of Breth- given Hogan enough technique to fill her 2; and M.1. T., 1. Borchers, the eev- be the beet 1I5-pounder in eollegiate Finals hot dogs.... the place ably. In the guard position, even enth Western Maryland man was eltm- circles in dancing his way through- all Capt. Ted Klepac, Western Maryland, empty seats .. though W. M. C. is losing one of its best inted by last year's 145·lb. champion, three of his tournament bouts without defeated Struble, Penn State, deeiaicu, . inllumeroble interested faces ... round guards, Eliza Russell, Todd and Davia Capt. Fish, of Georgetown, in the pre- reeeiving a aerateu. In his final match three rounds. after round of thrills ... "O'mon e re ready to co-operate and back up the liminaries. Flator defeated Bernfield with Dempsey he amazed the crowd, Third Plaee Doug! " .... " Let's go Kleppy" .. rest of the team. This year's schedule (Syracuse), Chandler defeated Schadel and Dempsey too, with a lightniug-llkc Oaptain Moret, Navy, wen from Cap- "stiel, with him 1'iny!" .... the gong consisted of gumes with Gallaudet, Fred .the yells .. "hoo·rrlh-Penn (Penn), Crosby defeated Wallace left jab that was out and back almost tain Harne, Penn by forfeit. ..JJlore round" ... more State" .. the ericksburg Normal, Strayer's Buaiuess (Navy), Klepac defeated Hunter (N. Y. before you conld SeGit. ... themcdals .. t'hrills ... College and Salisbury Normal. Next U.), Barnett defeated Btantz (N. Y. U.), Bantamweight Class Light-Heavyweight Class trophy year, while continuing to play the above and PiucurtL defeated Johnson (Navy) Finals Finals named, the team is planning in this, the fint round of the. tourna' Stoop, Penn State, dcfeated Dempsey, CIlPt. Marty :McAndrews, Penn State, to sleep... 011 a hardwood complet.e schedule. Hotel Pennsylvania ... 6.30 ment. Navy, decision, three roullds. defeated SWD.n,Navy, deciSion, four floor :'II .... "drunk again" .... "break- A. rOllllds. Give and Take With Navy Third Place Third Place .. the subway. Vienri, Syracnse, defeated Flater, Barnett, Western Maryland, WOIl D_ S. GEHR In the semi-final round this afternoon, hot dogs.. where Western Maryland had the lead We-atern Maryland, decision, thrce from Bordean, Georgetown, by forfeit. steaming in the beginning, tho Navy wrecked ally rounds. Heavyweight Class Belair .... Bal· (Established 1866) hopes whieh Terror rooters may have Featherweight ClaSll Finals had for first place team honors when Finals Ynstin Sirutis, N. Y. U., defeated Wholesale and Retail Dempsey and Swan defeated Flater am] Pinskey, N. Y. U., defeated Tardugno, 'rillY Pincura, 'Western Maryland, de· Barnett, respectively. lIowever, the Georgetown, decision, three rounds. eisioll,throeronnds. And 110'1', with (1.)]ol.he1'really slIce,ess- HARDWARE Terrors retaliated with Crosby's defeat Third Place Third Place ful boxiug 8C3$011I!ehi)](\1l1em,the Ter· stow"d awa.)' the bags alld rors h~,-e of "Mike" Wallace, the Navy light- Fitzgerald, Navy, won from Chandler, Merrick, Penn, defeated Glad, Syra· glo;"es and gr3bbed up racquets, lacrosse weight, and when "Ted" Rlepac Bunk Western Jl,faryla11d,by forfeit. euse, by forfeit. (Continued on Page 4) Phone 318 Navy's Captain, "Pat" Moret, in one of the best bouts of the semi-final round. The first bout of the afternoon brought Harvey Flater and .TaekDemp- sey (Navy) together in a cca] battle which developc(l into a slugging match in the last round, witll Dempsey the ul- WATI timate winner. In the early part of ... at the plate it's tllclast frame, the Terror upset Demp· 3 straight soy with lllft to the chin. ___';""~:""'<",,"d'~, ~<"'';'",~,<-..i\,.~,""''''<~''_''''~,-''_~ ~< _ • just before the ronnd ended, caught Flater with n right cross that Hent "Pete" down for a count of eight and decided the fight for Navy. While the Terrors and the Tars were thus battering away at each other, Penn State was finding it easy going with thc rcmaiuing fights on the card, anll the Nittany Lions roared into the fin- als with five contcstants competing for individual championship honors. Wcs' tern Maryland and Navy stood next with three contestants apiece, while N. Y. U. had two, and Georgutown Qne. The first upset of the tourney Ilame when Fitzgerald (Navy), last year'~ champion in the featherwoight class lost a game fight to "lIIike" Tardugno, Georgetown's ace, in II. plucky effort to save his title. "Doug" Crosby easily ilefeated Slamo· wib (N. Y. U.), but "Tcd" Klepac was cxtended for the ouly time during the tournament in defeating Moret (Navy). Barnett went four rounds with Swan (Novy) but failed to score a decision. In the heavyweight division, "'1'i.ny" Pineura put up a magnifieent exhibi- tion to win from Fl'ank Merrick, Penn's star heavyweigllt, who lllld uot lost a bout before during the seasou. in a lAST!; / Crosby and Klepac Win Easily Oddly enough, Western Maryland's two title·llOlders had met tlleir tough· est opposition before the final round. Crosby expericnced but slight troubln ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER than words; in getting the decision over Casoni what you want to know about a cigarette is (Penn State), while Oapt. "Ted" Klepac seemed several times to be 011 how it tastef, about the verge of a knockout over Struble And words can't tell - you much mild fra- (Penn State). Chesterfield's taste. Tobacco quality, grance, character-these are only words, until Pincura was completeJy worn down you've tried Chesterfield; after that. three after having fought two fine bouts, each of which had gone four rounds, and was words say it all: thus no fair match for Sirutis, N. Y. U.'s lanky heavyweight, who had not "TASH abOveeve'Ything~ MILD ... andyet fought more than one full round in THEY SATISFY of his draws together. "Tiny" snr· prised the erowd, hewever, by pntting up such a gam6 figllt, that the decision was ill doubt until the final bell. Two Fast Ones Ch~~~t~~-,-~W~w For sheer speed and killer fighting, the bouts between Lewis (Penn State) and Hall (Navy) in the welterweight cla9s, and between McAndrews (Penll State) and Swan (Navy) in the light· heavy division were probably the._nlOsL _I @ I"'-~, T.:cc;:-:-r " Mytu TOllACCO Co.
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