Page 84 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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\ PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Q1lnaa,Q1lub,nnll ~ortrty iloinga I Sho! - Shot I 1f{npp.rninga Among tl1.rAlumni Incline your enr little ee-ed, while I THE JUNIOR PROM Y. M. C. A. brush out the dirt in the Jester's dust- Miss Esther Brown, a. former student Mias I,idll Orem :MeredHh, of the clnsa pllJ\. Remember they toured the Eastern of Western .Maryland College, visited the of 'Hl, is sailing for England in June to Firemen's Hall, Saturday evening, '.rhe iuat nlln t.iou of the new officers of 81m' recently' What's that' And that's Hil'l fnat Saturday. spend a year in travel lind study at the April 12, was the scene of lila first big the Y. W. C. A. for 1930 and 1031 took not all they did' If t.hat'a the WHy you Miss Mnrthn A. Rarri80u, dnught er of University of London. social event of the period preceding com- place Wednesday evening, April 9. The reel about it, we'll coufcss- T. K. Harrison, eluaa of ]90], has en Mr , Earl B. Lippy, ex' '20, snug at menccment, when the first Junior Prom president of the "Y" for this yenr offie- When you-nll Icff for the Spring Holi- rolled as a student for next year. 1hc last meeting of the Westminster Ro ever given at western Maryland College fated. Each officer ()f the new and old days Ted, Tiny, Doey, Red, Jap, JOey, Elsa Bloomquist, ex·'29, also visited tory Club, on Wednesday evening, April wa1:/1Ield. cabinet carried a lighted candle which (like the rhythm') stayed. There were the Hill last Saturday. She haa just fl. He is at present a student at the The hall was decorated in greeu and signified the torch of service. A pledge dandelions to pick and a. dress to be her nurses' eoursc nt Lawrcnee Peabody Justitute in Baltimore, .1Jd. gold, Part of the lllill wns furnished of service to the "Y" W~8 taken by the feund for 'wentlandt ; suitcases to pack 'I'hc copy of the ncxt Alumni Quarterly new president in behalf of the rest of New York City. with bridge tables for the bridge funs. and It bed to be found for Tiny. Didn't will go to press before the twentieth of the cabinet. The new officers arc: Deeter Straughn, president of the The rest (If the hall was set aside tor en vcu know he was a Jested Shot lTc's this month. 'I'his will be the third num- Pr caidcnt-c-Margaret liamilton. Board of 'l'rustcea of t.he College, visited tertainment, the m~ill fe~tnr(l of whieb stage manager and a- big man .. ber of this magnzlne, which W.1S author- W~8 dancing. Wnreheim ts Band furnis.h Viee·president-Vietoria Smith. lfondlly morning. To go classical, tem- the Hill Iast week-eutl on business. ized at the last meeting of the Asaceia I'd the music. The patrons aud patron- Secretary-Elsie Ebsworth. pest fudgey-anyway time flew. But the 1Il.r. Roy Robertson, '29, was n visitor tion in June, 1929. F . .'I:1urray Benson, CS$es for the Prom were Prof. ~nd Mrs. Treasurer-Catherine Downing. hill!' didn'tl Doe Masa.oy, the driver, on. the Hill 'I'uesday evening. '17, is ~ilitor in·thief: R~nek of Rood College and Professor Program Cllairman-Thelma Reid. drol'e through town from HagClstown Hall of ,VeStern :Mnryland College. JI.[rs. ?lfusic Chairman-Kathleen lI:foore. thirty minutes late. Tlie alibi was that Social Serdce--Evelyn Rron. Ranck was Illmble to attend, to fhe great the bus had n governor on it. At the found singing in the rain .. PHILO IS VICTORIOUS IN ANNUAL Publicity Chairman-rroy Hflmbsch. disappointment of all those present. rate it traveled wesuspeet the Ma.yor and Phillips greets us with a hammcr Salea Chairman-Sara. Robinson. [lnd SIllY. DoeJ goes to sleep on table The Prom ended at 11.30 City Council of halring been on, too. Sorials Chairman-Betty Cain. while Jnp puts np eurtaius. },'oundl (Continned from Pago I) and imme(liatrly the was with When Doc kept on downtown, leaving Lihrarian-Margaret Lee Nelsen. Our aih'anee agentl. ,.Dick ''lillis col- the yells of the Cbss of '30 and the Roems Chairman.-Mary Humphreys. the COllgregntiOll at Univcrsit~· Temple, cluded impre\'cmcnt in living condi- Class of '31. sOnle1hillg bad to be done. Ah·hal De lC(lts tickets and finds t.wo Y. M. C. A. tions, wider educotional advantages, The chairman of the World Bi.n-cn's Fordl Kleppy and Joey hopped cnrrls among 1hem ... Plenty of ice dis(Ippearance of old father·rule, u11fl 8U~:::y::~ nt~lrc€e61::Satet~3~rom wa~h: Committee will be appointed from in lind the other sixteen Jesters milnnged cream in Cambridge! Bus starts off at [ldl'al1ecment of woman's status. tra. year's I'reshman Class. At Union street t.(>11to find Ted and Tiny-thcy'\-e succeeding elasses will carryon bnt they The third spellker fer the negative dition Ihey hn'l'e st~rted. can't a Ford be a was Uias Elsie Ebsworth who stated rest of their that machinery liberates lllan from drud· ger)" and becomes a. to him rather WEBSTER Sillce its siste)' society was holding its Frenchy had tsken it to Baltimore to .... Denton forlunelI. thon allowing him to be I). slal'o to lli~ nnuunl debate with PhilomatheanSodety, be relined. There WIl.S nothing to do hut tends key to IT1'illg T_,iterary Soeiety naturally post- work She discussed the increased earn- While \\'ebster'ssist.ersoei€tyw!l.sCl\r- hope for the lind, like a chieken, fits a room in ing nnd buying' power of the working poned the usn(ll )'fonday ol'ouing meeting cros.~ lhe road. wns done and Dad neaOy cngaged in its nnnual debate with hns it now. ,Ye btlj' cignrs, and aspirin m:\n Hud the ~xpal)~ion of opportunities Browning 0)1 !\rondny the mem out of resped and courtesy to llrewnillg. Smelser'seul'h tnblets. Time out; Rome's lr.g cllught foJ' employment. bers of Webster were sc1cetillg Pr~sidCllt DeHaven, hewe'"er, annonnced vel'. 'rhel)us in pool table. nliss Winifred Bush \lndcrtook the re- the officers for the next term. After a spec.ial moeting for ,Yednesday even- 1111tar.r drivns. In a few minutes the .Yeah, SU(llerSl'i(jel Home of buUal ior tho negative side and :Miss much discuasion and grcat cOllsiderntion ing tit \\,hiell timo the preliminnrics for bus was packed with scenery, suitcllses, George,-an{l Jimll1}' }'oxx ... A big meld Udell Eckard fo), the affirmative. of the large number of fmd de- the oratoritnl contest will be held. Pllr Jesters and Woody Taylor. When i1\ thl' tOll'n hall. Sprague meets a little tieipllnt.s and members are urged to be The judges returned a nnall1moUS de· sirable men fpr the open the fol- BnuHl)' jolned us "Dre/lm 'frllin" was but GIIS recognizes the lady in dis· present. cision in f,Wor of 1.he making lowing officers were eleeted: attempted by the grollp singen;!. Row· Tongll, Curly, bllt thilt captivator e,"er, "Sweeter than. Swect" won the hilS a way wilh 'uns .. Went· the Philolllnthemi ~oeidy winner of President Mr. William G. Eaton LE CERCLE :FRANCAIS decision in three f.horuscs by a two to lnndt finds his kitten .. 2:! debates out of 42. Vice·president Mr. W. D. Phillips one \·ote. Prof. Taggart east all I.hree and George strulll through safe- Sccretary Mr. W. G. Daw8en 'l'he Cercle Fnmcnis will give its fourth vetes. In Mac, Bill, Bell and no broken strings, but Me NEW SPRING APPAREL, Critie lfr. J. L. W.1tkins annual entertainment on April 18, at 8 l;'rellCh)' were up. Being three right shoe lleeds. half·soling. Chaplain " Mr. TIow!lTd Amoss o'clock in Smith Hall, at which time quarters of all late, thell'aitfor .. Pshaw! Jap almost 10sC$ his trou8ers- SHOES and HATS three short play", will be actod. All stu· Sgt. at Arms Mr. Crosby DeHaven lasted bnt twO minutes. Reed's ... The troupe disbands J.CPENNEYCO Auditor!t- members of the undlheir .... On the AnnapOlis Ferry Jesters' a dozen veterans retnnL to B~I· Messrs. Link, RiekcnlJaeher and Ruth are cordially invited attend. practice began-groups of twos and timore. 56 West Main St_ Reporter. . ... Mr. IIerbs.t threes ctJrnClitly endeavoring to remember Well, I hope JOu don't to the BLACK AND WHITE things they llad ne,"cr known. j\nd over intcrchangl' of tenI:!C8-but tlie hest EVE R. H A R. T A business session illelndcd the watch ~~w •.__!.,......w~';,i>\.~~'''' """","r~,\,..1, L.ll\<\ Tho frllternity takes grellt~ensnre in - i,~i'\:!~:" e:~:::r}fiTs ~::t'~I~re h:~~~;~-~e:'I~b~:~ t~;l(ltl'~/U~ ~~:tr:: i~i~"~:'__-'__---"----::_""'-- action was delayed duo to financial diffi· ~"nouneiug ),Ir. Billie Roberts, '33, aa its chorda mastered the "Winter Song." happened over thllt !nst week end, but BARBER AND BOBBER eulties. pledge. SOUle poor ver~alile ~oul ill three gronps the tour officially ended on Friday night. At the Forks and unable to p,ck his eompaI1Y···· Up The next three days were our Spring PI ALPHA MU DELTA SIGMA KAPPA on top dack-H·t)! Get eut of that lifo and in the Sllring a young- boat! .... Off at ::laiborne. ):'<0 Jl)huny why "Dad" SMELSER Phi Alpha. Mu held a supper hike Pri- Delta Sigma Kapp .... tnkes pleasure in Rood to greet III> this year., .... Shiloh. No kiddiu' though, llleet us 1I10nday Or Ilay e\'ening, April 11, in honor of their Illlllouncing that Mnr)' HUlllphries Stop for a first tenor. But again, we in Alulllni Hall! You'll bo ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES. pledges, Mary Orr Hering and Alice Jwshecnaeccptediuto in the hal'e the "Vanishing Afriean"-and the there~ COLD DRINKS Evans. club. husrolledonl Open Every Nite Until 11:30 .... Salisbory (you'll hear more ef that town.) Even the best of actors, EXHIBIT IN LEWIS HALL PROVES THREE FRENCH PLAYS TO BE friends theugh ihey may be, need Ie Babylon & Lippy Company Westminster Savings Bank AID TO TEACHING PRESENTED SOON make up occalliQnally. So make-np it is (Continucd from Pnge 1) (Continued from Page 1) -three boxes of Midnight Frolic l~ouge Capital $50,000.00 evcrytlling .from a storage battery, and two Ameriean doetoresses who -that should a. blush to your SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR Surplus "Earned" $400,000.00 which is eut in cross sectiens and ex- that by their supposed great cares Meet the nell' plained by a wall size chart, te an will be put in her will. Mrs, Orgon has .. ,.So'l'ell o'clock. Berlin aluminum clothes sprinkler, _whicl! is t'li'o nieces whom she loves andwlio love and eiamor for food. "Charlie" HoI u. W. Miller F. Thos. Babylon, Pres. ShOWll ill various'stnges of production. her, but their letters are always inter- Milton P. Vice Pres. lan(! und "Herb" Niehols subdne the Myers, Tho i\lctrepolitan Lifo Insurance Com- eepted by tho maid, and when tllOy Cleaner and Dyer Jacob H. Handley, Treas. pnny, alwaya falllous for ita publicity come to see their Il.Ullt are denied the first shew went off. So Westminster,Md. department, has contributed a. series her. One of the nieees becomes did the town dock and the Glee Club. SECURITY -SAVINGS-SERVICE of pamplllets on lives of great }lllysi- clous and they disgnise themselves a~ R. M. REED, Rep. Here's an international chuekle--Jll]l and (lians, and severa.l other booklets par- doctors sent by the Faeulty of },'[edecine Prenchy went to Holland's in Berlin. ticularly interesting because of tlio to verily the prescriptions given the Not so good' Their salad 1I'1Is! psychological feundation .for their cOIn" two Ameriean Doctoresses. After .... Seaford. Ko \lse bothering ;yeu piling. 'rho booklets sent by the Ana- ing Bout away tIle maid they make with the affair~ ituring the day. You Smith & Reifsnider eonda Brass Company arc notcwortl,:I' themselves known to their aunt and fol- wouldn't be interested. True, you could for tlH.'ir beautiful illustrations. Health lowing their adviee she pretends to be {Wllr T,atimer snoring, bnt· why remind Westminster, Md. charts, a fOll11tain pen exhibit, forest delld. Tho dudd nnd the two women you nimble minds of sheet music' Some· preservation pnmphlets, alld hundreds rejoice beferc her beeause thoy think \\'h~re in Delaware there's a- haunted LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES of other interesting booklets ana c: tOll'll spcniling hia lunch money Photograph tiolls of skill in flying that he has ovcr regretting that he ond:!y .... Dinner at Normal. We MANUFAC'fURING JRWEr~En.s 'me to thc noble seen. v sing. Billy Mather likes the 'tothchilJlnte It mllkes its nest on Jedges of Who doesn'tf .... Daneing The Wilson Studio 314 Charles St., North 'J attacked by rocks ranging from two to f rfornwnce. Sounds like the dred feet in height. D" Were they H is down there, with n ··sf" mllny of the nosts 1'-"- Itury . .John George in -I IJyonoofthe· J~ Iler seeing the bright CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS repe. dl1{,lo !Olllments that the Glee se ... After Frenchy'1l' with appl'opriate gas· Call The BETTER SERV[CE Shop for information about your I'm not going to sing permanent wave - The Steam Oil MedlOd - Safe and Sure e from second row- EXPERT MARCELLING SCALP AND FACIAL TREATMENTS y morning-farewells. noll' distributing let LOWRY BEAUTY SHOP alisbury) Phone 395 for appointment - near "Vestminster Hotel, Westmin5ter ;ridge. Elilerdice and
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