Page 78 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. t.~1'1'1' Ulti'l WI)l'r1' lIfuril'tl1 \Aroltlti'l t1)1'(!),umpun B. IL PlIILLIPS A REVIEW OF BOOKS, PLAYS AND LIFE How rllTy poputa- "Joe" Newcomer GETTYSBURG should be next year. You see, there As Ihe buses roll away from the Hill Martial traditio!" lends a vitality to simply has to be a sponsor for lhe AloIH1. to-morrow, moet of them will be hound national tradition whie;his sure to strike for Baltimore, the usual step-over for Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during The two or tllree elections held already a responding chord in every patriotie students bound for tho Eastern Shore the academic yenr by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, remind us that more nrc due. Exnetly splritjespecinlly if it Ia linked with soure- aud Southern Maryland. The few hours Maryland. Entered 11.8 eeeond.etaes matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. who are going to hold down the many thing of the dramatic and lhe heroic. to be whiled away are usually spent in a joba on th(l nil!. Here's hoping the Waterloo will ever be a tragicnlly glor- Subscription Price, iJ2.00 II. Year best man gets the office. ious momory to French history; and 'rra· theatre. Probably the most inyiting movie will be the lIoglte 801lg, atarring fnlgar will never cease to be remember Lawrence Tibbet, the famons Metropoll- When asked why he had missed II re MANAGING S'l'.AFF heursal, Grover replied that he had been ed ill British annals. In the thus far tan tenor. It is being shown. at the ..... William G. Eaton, '30 on a druuk. '.rhcsc seniors! brief course of our own national history Valencia, having been moved from the EDITOR·IN·CIIlEF .. the battle of Gett)'sburg stands the one Stanley. Those who stay over night in :MANAGING EDITOR .• ...... wilmer V. Bell, '30 The inevitable llflppened. Guess what martial event which gives a. na- the big metropolis should make an effort . Weldon G. Dawson, '30 be. B. H. Phillips has been to to our pride and Ii glory to to see Journey's Bnd at the Maryland . .ASST. MANAGING EDITOR .. it enn . .Paul L. Bates, '31' Gettysburg again. No, I didn't say yet. BUSINESS :MANAOER .. 'phe decisive batr.le of the Warof 1861 Journey's End ADVERTIS1NG TliANAGER. ..... Joe C. Newcomer, '31 Tho fire in the Seminary caused a lib- The play caused quite a sensation in tle excitement last week. At least it New York about a season ago at which CIRCULATION MANAGER. .. , .. James A. Stach, '30 gave everyone an opportunity to run time it was imported direct from Eng- Josiah D. Stillwagon, Jr., '32 somewhere. Captain Ward met the fire land. The author of the play is B. C, hrigedo at the Arch and followed it to ASS'l'. CIRCULATION MANAGERS. ., Joseph '1'. Addison, '32 Sheriff, an English clerk, who, before the { thea.cell(l of action. With umia and hair was practically Wayne 'V. Moore, '32 forgotten her helmet) play was presented, un- waving (she had the two greatest armies ever to known. SPORTS EDITOR .. . . Alex. OIJeair, '30 the Cnptain was in her glory. She had march on the American continents strug· It is generally acknowledged to be the finally found an opportunity to exert ller REPORTORIAL STAFF authortty. glcd in. terrific combat there, tho one to finest play written with the World War Asior tho origin of the fire, it has been the ideals of a republic, the as n background and theme, The cast is .AssOC!A'rE EDITORS reported thn t certain ~tndel\ts there wo)'c to eatnbltsh of dem entirely mnde up of men, and the scene Virginia C. Merrill, '30 C. W. Koockogey, '32 prepnri'lg themselves t.o cope with the ocntey which were equally right. throughout is laid in the half·illnmined the bareness of n dugout on Britisll 'fhe verdict we all know: from Gcttys devil. burg nll roads led to Appomattox. front. COpy EDITORS Of the hnttleitself mllcll has b0011 Tho eomp:my which opens in Baltimore Catherine E. Read, '30 W. C. ReiD, '31 There is one man·of·lhe·world in the Freshman C11I83. Sometime ago, when written and lIlncll Ul()rewill be writ· is known as the ElIslern company (tho asked to use the word "will" in It aen tOll. Whatacilwlly thero will company is still playing in New REPORTERS tence, "1fcrriam replied: "It tllkes a lot never fully be known, recorda eon· all organization that was intend· Grace Armstl'Ollg, '30 Harry O. Smith, '30 of money t.o make a woman say "I flict [[nd opinions But onll w to only the larger cities of the Elizabeth Clongh, '30 John L. Watkins, '30 will.'" It certainly seems that lifer· HOyer shall cease be: thena East so far hlls been seen for long Al'valene Hitehens, '30 Roy '1'. Edwards, '31 riam hus sown somo wild oat.s. idcnls there welded on. the nnyil engagements in Boston and Philadelphia. ;'Ifost of the Ollst [(I'D of recent impor- Evelyn I1Iather, '30 Boward A. Bolton, '32 And the class has It real gelltleman tation from London, especially for t.Jlis Isabel Douglas, '31 Charles R. Etzler, '32 in it. At dinner one evening, "Ed" of company. All of them, too, have seen 'l'helma Reid, '31 Stanford J. Hoff, '32 Bt\kcr, for no e\'ident reason at all be· activc service in the War. Evelyn Collison, '31 Duncan C, II'[ul'chisoll, '32 gan blushing profusely. Dvon inquiry, If you have beoome bored with the Winifred Bush, '32 Samuel G. 'l'ownsend, Jr., '32 he informed thos~ he had intend to quicken the Win as pictured in such screen success 1dary Lee Shipley, '32 Catherine \V. Cockburn, '31 ed to sha,'e, but pnlse amI to conjnre tho na es as 1'/ie Big Pm'a(le and Wings, go to eelonsoidthatllia into action in time of need. ~e JOUrI!ey<'s End with the idea that you 'I'he battlefield today is lHuchas it Wag tosCo(!somethiugdiffcrent. You Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. haBn'tabeard. at tlic time of its Call1lOnizntionjbut to- Some unusual techniqne for making there pen-ades its atmoophere a pe Cherry Orchard love were displayed last night in the sense of and tran(]uility like It is onlr fittjng that some mention be E. - D - I - T - 0 - R - I - A - L OrG/l(u·(l. These Rnssians mil)' the~nlmand that follows after ma(leoftheplaypresentedinAlumniHall I . I 'put notions in the heads of our con a thunder slorm. J~vell the most casnal last evening by the College Players. Var· firmed "Parloritell," yisitor can not hut be by its ious and sundry commGnts have becn Finis Besides being tlle final Gold Bug preceding Spring Va- serenity strangely by tIle made eoneerning the production, and tile present sta~ttio~~l!fl ai~~s ]~~l~~~~Sttl~ b!~J;~ilil~~-!~iS111:~ ~; wo~~:~t a;'~~dt:;~):::\;~~e:I:;;;;~~:~k~~lell~i~cu:;en~~ltCYCl';~~'l;;:: t:r~::::·~~s\~~~tel:o·~uS~::, a~~l'w[~;r~:c~~ take this opportunity to express his gratitud'e to those who have child ~ttcnds the Inter·Fraternity. Well, which still cOlllmand its peaceful fields. nique is as directly opposed to America fls,sisted in the pnhlieation of the pape.r sillce last April. It might be dear child, there will be II, nice Boft bed The town itself is much Inrger nOW than a~ night is from day. 'fhe American well to cxpress this gratitude personally to those whose cooperation all'aitlllg you-and no 8:20 class. tIwn; and cyerpvhere OliCis stared by professional can only hope to tonch upon hns been received. signs of all sizes proclaiming a boarding the rc.~lRn~sian char:!cter. The amateur To l\h·s. Carpenter, who, as faculty-advisor, was always ready with place or a scene of minor intercst. But must striyc for still less. This fact advice as to the best policy to follow, news suggestions, and a close Big RO)ln(l still lords it o\'cr Ceme· should be taken into consideration, be check-up on finances. tery Ridge a lion over a mouse; aud fore nnl' comment is made. To Wilmer Bell, 1ranaging Editor, fonnd a large t.ask in Littlc Round Top is still bonlder strewn This e,omment should he made only figUl'ing out llead·lines enough verbs in them to please the Jour- and formidable with its guardian bat· after one understan(ls to a degree the eir· nalism Class. As Dr. WhitfieM expressed it, they tery. Devil's D",n is the mass of piled eUlilstances of the play. Any technical To Weldon Dawson, who, as Assistant :.Hanaging Edit.or, found looked as if they had been" run ragged." up roeks, the seeming work of a Cyclops, comment made by aile who knows nothing ~~~ta~~l ~1~!i~:!:st~~i~e~lP with copy-reading and t1'ips between the If the editorial this week seems some' ~I:.:titts':~;T;en\:~~;, i~:u~~!:;;~li~:d~~e~:~~ i\bout the ana::81:::~~t)~.a~~t~!l~:::~ what informal or personal, that's exactly works, and its {'apsc of trees; and op· and infor]lled apectator To Paul Bates, ·whose extend'ed term of office as Business Uanager the way it is meant. it one mile westl\'3rd SemillUry tllUt something \\'as ac made him qnite efficient at handling the finances. The seniors ilfe beginning to tryon tree· fringed, still exhibits its the performance last night. To Joe Newcomer, who, as .AdvertisiI!.g Manager, sought out tIle ads-and collected for them. their academic gowns. Every time Van batterieH. Culp's Hill st.ill juts To "Jimmy" Stach, W110 1 wit}] his a.'>Sistants l circulated the Metre looks at one he begins singing up a roeky, wooded (lefense SCitrrcd by Month .in the Country The TheHlre Gnild ga,·o Baltimore its papers. "Lead 0 King Eternal." Grover fortifications with its tre.:s gnarled by treat \I'ith Ihe pr",nliere of Apple Co,n, tceth of war. the him on the guitar. Cemetery Bill '1'0 Virginia Men'il and Clarence Koockogey, who, as Associate alo])e Upon its slope Bleep was accorded llsimil~r honor Editors, were always on hand at the weekly l\IondAY afternoon Gold Beilsl1,i·shecall.stl'ike thcml1jor notes some of the of the bllttle in honor· witl! ]lremiere of A tile in Bug meetings to plan the news. Their cooperation is to be espeeially OUi! nkclelc but no.tthe minor ones. You e(l all nncouscious of what they Country, a pla~' written M01lth Tn~genev. by eommended though the latter did forget some of the meetings. should llear those majors! helped do or of what has since been At the lle~d of a distinguished east is To the reporters, 01' the few reporters who wrote np the news. done. AlIa Nazimi}va. In her sup.port [[re EI To those stud'ents WllO gratefully coo])erated with feature artieles. "Reds'" Wentlandt recently staged a Eot Cabot, Dudley Digges, Alexander such as Variety, Buzzings, Here and There, Soieal Gossip, and Ah1l1111i knockout in the Bachelor Club room~ Kirkland and Henry Tral'ers, Further, News. that if slaging a knoek·out means be· it was directe.d by Renben 1Ifamoulian. To those studClltS wllO 11 ave eontinually provided a source of com- ing cold yourself for a short 'Vhl1.t more eould be asked for by the ment in Around tJle CampHs, viz., Frances "Tard, "Gus" Belote, "Hap- lime. It se<,msthat a cllair was placed theatre·goer--except some indications of p,y" l{,ickards, R. O. Smith, "Sophie" T.Jynch, "Tod" Routson, et aL in "Reds'" way as he w~s staging :I a plot. To the readers (students, faculty and alumni) whose critical com- War dance. As can be gUEssed,lie didn't Thc play is distinctly Russian, and ments haye been kept to themselves. see the chair. somewhat out of date in the social prob· To those students, who, as etel'lwl "gripers", have inspired a fav- Who did yon go <1011'11 town with~ lem whi~h 'l'urgencv presents. The play ol'nble editorial policy. Nobody. ,Tust Belote and I went '!lIe I'isitor, uucler snch pressnre, merely gets into the funtlamentals of human na· 'l~o the 'rimes Printing Company for its valuable assistance ill the down. wonders alld mjlr\"elsat the immensity of tureand coneerus a domestic CIisiswhich actual prillting of tile pflpel', especinlly tile serviees of 1fr. Bail', whose it nil, which to him is a mere confusion is sensibly eonsidered an,l dealt with. practieal judgment more thUll once saved' tlle day. IIayes Brown says that jnst 3S hia au· of nll!ll!;S, nnd events: he who There is little dramatic aetion, and the 'rhe Gold Bug, this year, Ims l)een run al011g tile sallle general prin- ceslors plllled the bow at Hastings, so 1\'ould kllow must be willing whole tone of the play, primarily a psy· ciples as heretofore. Some ilmovatiollS, however, have heen intro- he pulls the bow now. You know of lo learn step by and with patience chological study, is subdned. cluced, but many more wonld be possible with greatel' 6nancial assis- course, that he owns a violin. Credit H. aJl(lwisdom. A ][(mth in the Goun!,·y unquestion· tance. 'l'he campus ne"s has pl'oved most popular, and if it has seemd O. Smith with this one. S\I time hns passeO 011 its :rilcnt heels, ably will please and satisfy the guild's limited:in its refel'ences, remember one 01' two persons eannot see, heal', With ap
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