Page 86 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGI<~ '1'\VO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, GO [ArnUlIll tl)l' C!1UllIp1t!l [ \ About Other Colleges I A R,EVlEW OF BOOKS, lfaril'tt! and Things PLA YS AND LIFE Mr. UlC street etenuiug with position John George lias beeu offered a "ART THEATRES" mcnt of Westminster, because the eueeesaful wily in '1I'IIi~h he lumdlerl a Ofllcial newspaper of western Maryland College, published all Thursday during The "art theatre" is an esbahlisbed nights Street on the acndemle year by the atudenta of Western Marylnnd College, Westminster, littlc job "Johnnie" Main expects se\'crld spccialiae fact lfdramn is art it would seem to ago. Maryland. Entered as eeecnd-clnaa matter at tile Westminster Postom·ee. in the under the hnme "Mary's nuturnl that the theatre lie called IHIart. aubecrtntron Price, $2,00 a Year traffic cop. Little L:Il11b"- mauy prorl1l6ng everrthing that Don't tnsh girls I "Pete" Flater and is not ortistic. Some accredit the growth MANAGING S'rAF:F' "Pug" Timmons uave thrown their hats of the "art Hwatre" of the little theatre into the rillg. Mnke vnur reservnfions 1ll0"clllcnt,sOlllfrSaylhatitisjllstthe EDJTOR-IN-CHIEF , ,.Roy '1'. Edwards, '31 e/lrly. natllnll upward treud nfter the ShUllP, MANAGING EOITOR . C, W. Koeckogcy, '32 It is reported thnt "Di~k" Barlow hilt whatever the eauae ":Ht theat rus? ' take Georgo eager to ASST. MANAGING EDITOR .Thomas W. Otto, '32 is Oil his next birdhuntiug Usinger along xre Jn exiatence. they trip. Vagabond Players BUSINESS MANAGER . .. Paul L. Bates, '31 e3rll('d a reputMion'on the George met rtcnllj- ill are l'he beconnug professional dellY and that are nt- Penn AnVER'.rISING ]I.[ANAGER , C. Robert Etzler, '32 State regulations tCUll)tillg a civic movement in Balti- went, for it ellused the gener- CIRCUJ,A'f(ON MANAG~:R \Vayne W. Moore, '32 to nnow Mion to burst forth ill and bolster- more. The Phlyers·Art Guilt. $0 that is still Balti- a little. theatre organization DtlYid 'I'rundle, '33 that Donald Woolley ~Igaiu speaking more cannot boast an active "art ASST, CIRCffi.LA'I'ION MANAGERS., fU"oral)ly of their clm'tms niter a brief Joseph '1'. Addison, '32 period of :wlivitic$ in olher nclde. thentrc "! mo\'ement of its OWlI. The "lut theatres" of Nell' York nluy REPOR1'ORTAL S'l'll'J<' Miss Attwood's elassea are thinking be di,-Wcd into three grouJlS: tuc sn-ug- of armillg Ihemseh'es \\'ifh gling oaee who lllllke no nttcurpt to ecm- ASSOCIATe EDITORS untiltbe- iutlle mcrei~lize su(:(;e~ses, the groups which Thelma Reiel, '31 Dllneau C. lHllrehison, '32 pro(luees worthwhile plays tlwt nre suc- Exhibit was N'ssful enough to coyer expenses, and the the sallle reasOlf, which Iws oue 1l:ll'amount mem- SPOR'J'S EDITORS Cilthel'inc W. Cockburn, '31 Doey Rein, '31 Theatf.;! Guiltl, COpy Enl'l'ORS with wicker gilded cllnirs, it lll:l1Idcr of Co. A. l\Iary Lec Shipley, '32 Stuart D. Sunday, '32 Butler DnveupOl't, Selina Pitkfrll lias gone lJ3ei, on her direetor, can be lalleUed of Rl!:pbRTERS own sex. Ask her wlwt she melwt wli('n I'fldicul snit. WiTh J){} (laugcl' >lJO~t mcn im'oh'ing one, a Whil~ liLcl have ~hc snid un Tsabel Douglas, '31 J. Wesley Day, '31 morons nren't femnlcs. radienlslrcuk,h("husthelll l)llthis Evelyn E, Collison, '31 Geol'ge E. McGowan, '31 to all those in leye-"Bc itlcalislll is as great us his l\Iargaret E. Hamilton, '3J Howard .A. Bolton, '32 ",arc the "t the want entrance to knew of lJe belie,·es tlwt fhe thentre should lie f3ci~nc.e Hall." li Vietoria D. Smith, '31 Samuel G. '1'ownshend, Jr., '32 why, ask Betty B,·engle. yon .1$ frfre t(J the public as arl-lnuscuUlS lire fret'. h(' Ruth E. Wooleott, '31 Howard M. Amoss, '32 OWII ]lIars In nnd hi~ ads \1lentre in 1llClll I!l'o(]ueca Bc- llis hi",~elf. Winifred S. BlL<;h, '32 Stanford 1. Hoft', '32 'I'llI.' DeH-,1Pi AJpha's turued ont "~n tWCCli nds DUI'cnport takes the Sara B. Robinson, '32 Charles B. ITerbst, '33 masse" for the it Seminn!'), pIal' or-well, other in Hi~~ 011'1: tillie [0 air his ,.-jews on nud Ihl;' play C\-·elling. 'V/IS M. Susan Strow, '33 Thomas !Ir. '33 the spring :i young man's inner ... I E"cll as a lelin lJOund hankcrs for lie is rloiug his ill Betty Allen, '33 buttermill" \I'll.", anli sinee motive is so. HllInilton has gone "doctoring" So pine I for thee; itlt':i1istie null the only o~arge n sih'er Ua"e you noticed' As nellr liS the occan is to the s1Jorc, olIcl'iugat the end of cac.h performanee, Worthy opinion~' Model management; Correct news. Sparrow is of the that his So T (0 be> 110m' !lIce. OneCllll1.'eel hi" faith in the fnirsex fallen. LillC unto a braying in n tin burn, l<"r;l'outfor - A -LI lllore wine, women, or song for Bill, As ~urely ns .1 rherk ;eturneth, IE.-D-I-T-O-R-I Tough, girls! ~O 8urel.r will I return 10 thee---- Tuekerman announced his intention to Tl,;~ little pocm wus "Tit tell in all s~r ~!'r~ !."~ILL g.'S--.Hh'~H~~---t'Jl-'i1ifflt"!J"_~S)~ I. [') .',:&8 §'-,;'1eJ1t, . j;JlQ --_ C~mprehensi~-;S - Another gl~OUP of'S-opl~;mo~~es have nJldergOl~e tIlt, etiquette. Uni\'ersit,'- of SOlllIH'rn California in an 13lreet Pla)·house. Ttlough the bnilrling annual Comprehensive Exnminations. Again there effort to I'epl'(lducc SOllle motle"n verse. is old and shabby, the plays produced As .\liss Nelson sars, the College bnnd 01] its singe ila\'e Ilcen more lIrilliant has been quite a fluster among students, Again teachCI'S have worked right. has great possibiliO.'s. You nrc sllccesses than Bronelll'lI)' drCl1nleu could overtime to prepare and then to COI'l'ect paperK This hrings lip the )fi~ Nelson, that's all they lln"e got Somo of UB remembering Ih~ t'ffccts of lie lit ,\ mu.xil1l11nl c.hurge 01 oue- question of the value of these examinations to most students. spring Insl .war will perhaps ~Jlpreciatc !lnll a hnlf per seat. Maintain- Th~ Dining H~II, at times, sounds like Some students take the examinations ns a, 111Rtter of COlll'SC, SOllIe :Jtraffiejnm. the pm'oo)' iJy 'rliall Brown: ing this loll' se:lie of while IJro· dsssk tree; take them as a joke, some tflke them seriollsly. All are more or less Since Dr. North told the Senior edu- Woodman, not spflre ~ tingle lhat hough, dueiog threatened plays to sink has Miss a prolliem that Lo Galli- 8pl'te hnzy as to what the tests mean to them, cation ~tndents that they nlllat get rend}' T t:tr~erl " n~me upon it, eHull's cntc"l)rise, The Ci\'ic Repertory t.o cat nny and nll kin(]s of food, it is But 1 Joye nnother now. ]HiS fCUlld its flllIong Several arguments can be pl'odnced to uphold positil'f) \'alucs fot, thought thnt the College Dinillg l~oom is there'll who afford thc tests; that the results of the examinations go Oll record and are working in coopcration with the Eflu· l'Yen three for one pla~'. As her considered by prospective employers; that the need's of students ention Department. Even theil, we lIlay :N'otes froll! l'IIe Dorfl Uni· latest production, lti~sLoGnlliennc has Kappn can be better seen and ministered to; and that the examinations arc an getanykind,but wecertaillly don't get y{'rsil~') "1'\,(':11 that jhe learls 1-heothcr oJl'cred "Romeo alld Juliet", lint Atkin aid in advising students in choice of cOllrs~s, :til kind. tbiij y\:/l,l', sou it SllOUld "New lie York culled Times" "Juliet" sn.f~ that as in the really The con'elation betweCll ucademic record and record in the exami- "Freddie" was recently seen out ~l iss LeGalli~nne is so outstanding in golfing. "Chnrlie" was nowhere to lie nations is high enough to make the first argument hardly sufficient. it ilmt Saine hllndred~ of recent J.oopular books that rnlQ. The repertoire nf the Civic secn hut is suspicioncd I'e was eounlries The reputatioll of placing among the fil'st tOll luay be of com;iderflble somewhere in Ole bushes chasillg balls. to mind Ilillaire .Belloe's epil~pb Repertor,l' eontains plays of nil ull Il~ti(lnali· $0 Ih~t there is n 1I0nd for help to the leadfJl's ill placing themselves, but what of tIle l'cmainded by himself: To counteraet the reecnt mecti:'g ef 'I\,lIe1l I mn gone nll.l~· onl" this be ~;ni!l- ties ill th is ei I'll< "~I rt then t I'es." J.f it is felt thBt the eXll111S 1.11'0lleeessl1l'Y for wise plamling at' short mCll recently held,U mceting for His sins were scsrlet lIut his books wore UptOWl1, nbol'e the mere commercial is noll' comscs a.nd wise ucevising of students then they are of a definite value long lllen Belotll due. John O'Lenr and read, theHtres, is the "Guild" ~hrille of all the here "art theatres." For to all students. Otherwise their value to ninety pCI' cent of the CIMS "Gua" arc spollsors. cd suceess,comil)rtableluxlll'y,andlll1un is well-earn is questionable. Grover wishes it :1Il110uuceil here :Jolld Smith College lias entCl'ed the r~nks rhlllt self-eoufitleJlec ill being ablo finan· II!!'" that he is not nffili~.ted with the c.f IIg\'illg \'olllntnry chapel. A ciallynndnrtisticall,rll) produce any· "rutin' "faetion. This lIas nothing to stu{lcnt 1.)ody ehallg(:d the thing thcy wish. Housed in n lIeautiful do with an nJ'petite, Df voluntary eOlllpnlsory I)uilrling, Hlallued (und "\\,oH1l,nell") by To Critics of A student prominent in activities <1t \Vesie1'l1 )[ary- Belo!.e nnd Sprague were busy dUI'ing ('neli studnt pledg(>!l fin executive (Hmrd that is nil IJllwcr£ul, College Students land College once i:iaid that a student in college lhe Jester trip studying femiuine ad01- times a week. on an Ilverage of four equipped lI'ilh a 1!l_)lendid11ermanClltnct· ing Thllatre either learned to do three thjngs, 01', if he all'eudy escc:nt psyeholl)gy, rOlHpan,l', tbe Guild has eOlllctoi1eas,rnonymofsnecessiutiJe Imew 110W to do them be learned to do thcm hettcl', These thl'CO aecom- ",Timmie" St~~k was Asllby Pownall ~olltribu!es thenne. Ten years SCPH1S u short time in plishments were to drink, to neck, and to play hridge. Of course, this his Imife, Upon to modern progres6: whkh 10 cvoh-e n theatre group which he l'{'/lr>! plla3 were 1)0 si!llultnneously ]lrodueiug Cfcw statement was eXflggerated for emphasji:i. No man's college educat.ion Go to sleep, Sweet peace to your is throe served at Dr. \V~rd's reecption for the York successes, "The Applc Cart," "A can approach being includeu under these three heads. soul! Seniors. 1Ilontl1 ill the Conntry" and "Hotel Mollier will pr~y for your motor c.ontrol, IIowcvel', this statement is ill line with one indictment of the lllocl- SOlllC of us could almQst "\\'~x poeti~." CliOck up ou stati~tics Oll menIal hygiene, as well as conducting road el'n college, namely, that 11lld~l'gradllate activities al'e centered too Ul](ler the spcll of the recent mystical IJook at your brain throngh an X-ray tours Olher sueccsse~. A Guild pro- duction, m~ehine; whether pleasing or displeasing, TIlUel1 about these three flnd kindl'ed aecomplishments, Too Dlt1ny pea" 1Il00nliglit nights on the campus. No 1Iush·a·bye darling; its mother's ambi- :1S cntert:tinment, is alwnys artistically pie in making this indic.tmcnt fail to see that whatever basis they have wonder old grads cling to fond lllelll tion sntisfyillg. So the Gui!!l ~taltds Ilt the ories of theLr under-gtadu~te da~'s-if for their charge is not a characteristic of eollege but of a pHl'iod of this "~ond~rful wen tIler up we'd To get your reflexes into condition. ]leak of art thcntres, tile proof that life. l\Iost college students are betll'CCll the ages of llcventeen allti bettcr turn thll college a matri· :Me-tller is wiSe to UIO now sociology, dram,1 is nrt. twenty-two, Tn this pel'iod' of life imp0l'tance is attached t.o aceOlll- monial blltllun! Psyeho·analysis, in doetrintllogy, V'leTORIA D. SMITH, '31. you but pJjshments which expcrience convinces al'e not \\-ol,thwhilco, Youth is Messrs. Otlo :'llId Sunday, rOOllimates She'd sing to authorities nlld the Psyehologists bioI learned Prc·sehocl illc1ined to be indulgent along this line j moderation comes with expel'- I'llr l!-Xc)]ellc(', have apparently been Circulatien Manager, THE GOLD BUG, iel1ee. lonesome dUfill&,theafol'csuid uonutiful BNn the kids of Ihe nation Western Maryland College, uighh. Don't ~8h. co·eds, the lin~ Lllst TOll de~elop the 1f1Otiler·fixation. Westminster, Maryland One thing tUat college docs develop. perhaps not to a great enough in touch investing extent, is a sense of responsibility. A growing seuse of responsibility forms Oil the J'ight! Make mal, your goed night scientific and for With I'm activities on $2.00 "The to keep at W, M. Hill" bl'ings a new set of yulnas into life. liel'cin:is the answe,· to those se- Alld, speakiug of memories, we. nl- Esperts sal' kissing will make you sub- C. for the next year. "crel' crities of the modern nndergraduate alld his college, Some, per- mest ellv,\' the Seni(Jrs, ,,-110 will soon normal! be abJe to ex~reis,' tlle,irs to their Angels are wntehing o'er ench nerve and Name haps many, hut sluely not all, college students may lHl"ve false set." of hcart's content. AI,,1 a.nyono WllO hns gl~nd- Stroot ideals and eultivate ull\vol'thy accomplishments, but the eollege is not s('cn the Western Ma.rylall(l elllllJllIs RlIsh·a·bye-lllllally-aiu't at fault. By the development of the sense of responsibility tho college bnthed in moonlight has a memory he grandf seienee City. is a strong cOl'rective influence for fanlts not its own. will eertainl,\' wtint !-o ch('l'isil. R. E. WOOLCOTT, '31, State .
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