Page 81 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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VARSITY LAOROSSE MILITARY BALL U. OF PENN COL ARMORY BALTI:MORE STADIUM WED., APRIL 23 APRIL 19-3:00 P. M. 9:00P.M. Vol. 7, No.21 April 17, 1930 SPONSORS ARE PRESENTED Dr. Oscar T. Olson GOLD BUG ADVISOR French Plays To Be PHILO IS VICTORIOUS BY R. O.T. C.COMMANDERS Addresses Senior Class RECOVERS FROMILLNESS Presented April 25th IN ANNUAL DEBATE In Baker Chapel on Sunday afte:· Following is given a aynopeie of the CO~EDS HONORED AT ANNlJAL noon, April 13, the Re.I'. Oscar T. Olson, three Frunch plays whieh will il<' pre· CLOSE DECISION TAKEN FROM CEREMONY Doctor of Divimty, the pastor of Mount aonted in Smith Hall, tomorrow even- BROWNING Vernoll Plaee Methodist Episcopal iug. On Monday afternoon, Apri113, tho dallvcrud LE MEDECIN lIfYSTlFIE The sixth annual debate between the R. O. T. O. unit held its nnuuul cere- ehurch l series Baltimore, aermone to tne the first Senior of Comedy in Two Acts by Ftuneols Browning and Phiknnafbeau Literary his of mony o.f the presentation of sponsors on Societies was IJel(1 on Monday, March Class. ilis subject was ''Facta aud "The Mystified Doctor" tells of a 1I10d· Hoffa field. Ideals". ern ocunet who exneta huge reee from his 14 i" Smith lIil!. The queatsou wns 'l'he unit was in full dress uniform, t-ieh patients whether they arc ser-iously "l~csolved: that the evils of the maell' polished an(1 grcouied to a spot.lees im· In bi~ Dr. OISOI1 spoke chief- ~ffeeted or not. A rich lady becoming inc age far outweigh its advantages." peccnbtfity. The epcnsore-Ionked very ly of the of the hard ex- Browning upheld tlJo IIffirmnLiYe side, per lencea of lift~ to the ideals. 'l'herc Philo tho negative. The judges wore ebarl1ling in their white and ostensibly \\'~'"nll, ,,"hen he tlllis her that there is is a tendency for us to ptace ideate so Miss Manu, D. new spring outfits. the matter with IH,! eyes. For- Gwendolyn Professor Hoffa field was surrounded by a large high above the rnere of reality that an had preacribed H long. cxpcn- Heudr ieksou, an(1 Dean Miller. lIulllbol' of students and visitors aaseru- nhnoBt inseparable gnlf divides the two. alve treatment for them. Miss Helen Eckard, fust affirmative bled to watch tlie ceremony. Their A boy wanls to go to ecllege, but there Tha chnrnders: The Hi,,/! Lany, Miss presented the following issuc;. trouble was wcll repaid by the colorful are tho facts in the way. Goethe was Charles; tiw POOl' Laay, Miss Johnson; machine age is lowering etaud- apectaele. a truly great poet and pilosophcr, but the Doctor, -'lr. Rood. arda of living, and causing Increased As tl.e R. O. T. C. band entered the his life was II coutmet to his acbieve- unemployment. Under this she stressed gutetc the fiehI, the cflleers of the corps 111011t8. 1'0 necount Ior this iuecnais- LES DEUX SOURDS the terrible homo and eoudi- tency, people said "it wis just hum:!.ll Comedy in One Act by J. Molneaux anil their sponsors alJpeared on tho crest tiolls of factory employees np' lIuturc:". Alld the same is snid of count· Dn1l)oi~eau, the father of Eglantine, of the hill. They arrived on the field MRS. CARPENTER TO RETURN TO paling amount of unemploymcnt preva· simultaneously with the troops. TIl>} less men whose ideals SCeTn to have no himself vory ded, aeoka a hnsband for lent due to the usurpation of lmm(lll la· battalion formed in line on tho east relation to the facts of tllOir e.xperienc~. COLLEGE SOON his daughter wilo is "s deaf as himsolf, hor by machinery. In reality it is not so. '1'he body is so that he can hear everything his side of tho field. The sponsors and Mi~s Catherine Hobby, seeond affirm:l' the ubsolute servant of the mind. staff wnited on the other. Mrs. C. Irving Carpenter of. tllo Dc· daughter shouts to hel' husband. PIa· Live speaker, talked on tho fact that. Without appreciable dela,l', nt the ad· Doubts, however important they may pnrtmcnt of English nnderwont an (lido, who is in love with Eglantine, the present mechanical age has made jutant's COlllIlland tlle buud IIlo\'cd for· seem, nrc only incidental to tho real operation for U}Jl)endidtis ou Mnrch en tel'S the llouao in pursuit of R rabbit. machines out of men. Man's worl~ nnd ward to tl,e ccnter of the field. Its fnets of life. 'rho course of one's !if'J ~8, at the Englewood Hospital, New 110 pretends deafness, and is . pial' no longer expresses his IndivirlmJi. is liko the course of tlie Rhone River SJlOllsor, 1\[j~8:Hargarat Lee Nelson, was Jersey. She is progressing nicely and with joy by Damoi3eau. Tho IS ity, he merely follows the mass stan. which begins in Swilzorland, has man)' prl'silllted by Cadct Captain Clarence T. is now cOllvnleseillg at the home of .Mr. miraculously eured of l,is deafness, and dardization. DeHaven. She voiced her sentiments almost insurmou11t.nblc obst.acles to de- Oottel at Fort Lee, Now Jersey. a merry scene eneues in which eaell Miss !!uth Roop, third affirmative on becoming sponsor to tl'e organiza· lay it, but oV011tually makes its Wily Mrs. Carpenter, bOtll as Paeulty Ail· hea"s the frank of himself held speaker introduced t.ho tllought that tion. As the baud returned \.0 its orig· through the diffieult Alps into the lIIedi \"iseJ' to the Gold Bug, and ns English hy the otllcr, feoling protected by mall'S nesthetic nat.ure is Bramped and terrall~nn, where it finds absolute frcu· the other's doaf .... ~. A llappy ending Company.A ad,"anced. It professor, is keli'nly misseil on the ITill. crushed by the machina age. T\Ja.n now and saluted its sponsor, Miss dom. The ll~t.e of her return to tho Hill is is brought about by tIle intervention of measures achievement by the yarilstick Oma Langridge, who was presented by Dr. Olson said he was not interested ot present indefinite but it is lillpell that Eglantine. Ofmaterill.llltandards.HehajilosthiS Cadet Captain Harry O. Smith. She ax· in the Bible bee!1uae of ita divinity, but it will bo soon. The ehnr:Jeters: llissl\[er ideals of beauty ~lId his artistic car pressed her apprcciation of the llonor bee.anse of its intense humanity. The rill; .va11l0uw(!lr, Eaton; Placide, in a few words. Company B tilen ad· ideals and teachings of the Bible have Mr:Tuckermanj EO-IIi/ace, "\lr. Hernick. ::E'~'~,~'~,:;;:nt!O:!:::,:~,':,:,:, to . f'iIri·&' las, nidI-its sponsor, MisS Gladys ..p grown Jesus of b not actual lUcai experiences (RUDIH of .;---- COLLEGE CALENDAR J (J\'ifiliJdy MALADE Act-l\daptllfioi. of The fhat uegative ----Spcnl!!ll', l\1i$S yanced out the IMAGINAIRE LA ..... ==-.- JI1C,CllWh'Jj'Gbde that ill One lin ino. tab Charles W. Havll1~s. Miss Rick· bo reaehed, but nn ideal tlmt can be PRlDAY, .APRIL 18--- Moliere's Play Winifred Bush, sought to prove that tiJe ards also mnde a short sfeech. realized i11 enlrY day life. The world Mrs. Orgon believes aIle is very sick present industrial orgUlIi:mtion is au ud· Then thl' battalion, in 1\n unwavning of the ideal should be kept ,,"ith the French plays; Smith Hull; 7:30 and is kept ill this idea by her maid vanco in t1ie growth of civilizntion. She linG, marehed across the fi~d. It halted world of theaetual P. !II. traced the evolution of soeiety, show· und presented arms to its !!\ponsnr, ][i~s SATURDAY, APRIL 19- (Continued 011 Page 4) ing that each advance in civilization Alice. Huston, who wa!! in~roduelld by V/Hsity lar.rosse; Univer~ity was t.hoJ ontgrcwth of industriul prog' Cadet Lieutenant·Col011el Wilmer V. EXHIBIT IN LEWIS HALL Pennsylvania; Baltimore Stadium; SENIORS INVESTED WITH ress. Inercllsing demnnils for raw 111a· Bell. Miss Huston spoke of\~hll spbn· 3:00 P. M. terials have given impulse to 11ew In· did record of the unit and expr'1l1sed ler PROVES AID TOTEACHING Girl's Intercollegiate Athletic ACADEMIC COSTUME dnstries while improved means of trans· hope that !llis year it would riae- to portotion .hnve facilitated ex('.kmge ulld lIIeet; Rood College. eveo higller ],eights. extended the market. Aid~ in tcaching high school sciences, After this ceremony, tile battalion in tIle form of exhibits, pamphlets, (lnll SUNDAY, }\.PRIJ_ 20- Bukrr on Wed-nesday morning, Miss Su.~all Strow, SOCOJld Hpl!aker for passed i11 review twice, once in char~:e eharta, iasued by iudustrial companicij, SU1Hla.y School; Baker April f), was scene of the annual i11- th~ negati\oe, llad as her is~ue: "Under of the commauding offICers and then io !}:oo A. M. vestiture ceremonies. Ninet.y-uine mem· the present. industrial system, tho I\ver· have been collected by tho scie.nee cllllrge of the secon\1s·ill·comu1l1D(1. Th.o Bakor Chapel Service; -1;15 P. 11[. bers of the Senior class werc il1l'ested age member of society methods eln~s under :!IUss Sara Smith, al'pearaneeoftheullitontJ1isoecl1.sioH and will be on uxllibitioll for the stu MONDAY, APRIL 21- with academic costume. The speaker of greater opportunities and Bpoke \yrll for its past tminillg and dents and faculty duriug t.he next few P. M. the oecaaion was Miss ~Iary Olive in the pro"machineage." Her points in· l)romised a record breaking perfection weeks in RoolU R, Lewis HaiL 'reach· I.Jitcr~r.1' Soeietiesj 6;30·7;00 Ebaugh of tho Education uepartment. (Continued on Page ~) ill the spring inspection. J'(>st.erSj Alumni Ha.ll; 8;00 P. M. ers of science in tIle high schools of The eer~11l0nies were preceded by It and DICK HARLOW INCREASES I;l,e count.y hnvo also been i"vited to TUESDA Y, APRIL 22- ]Jroeession frolll Smith Hall to Ba.ker SOPHOMORE GENERAL visii thia cxt.raordinnry exhibit. Soci,d ClubSj 'i:OO P. M. Cliopel. Led by the faculty, in cap HIS UNUSUAL COLLECTION of Jesters; irom EXAMS START APRIL 24 chorge Oil the exh_ibit of rocks given frcight by WEDNESD.A AlumlliHall;8:00P.M. 23- gOW11, wHh tho colorful seniors hood$ marel,,,d the ABide the famous higher the degrees, Y, APRIL the SmithSonian Institute, this material sol~nUlly to receive formally the right Dick Barlow is all smiles this week. ThaG-eneral Comprehensive Exnmil1a· has been sellt 10 the students free of Delta Sigma Kappa. Fneulty 'rea; to wear their new regalia. His "nusually good hn1110r lllay be at· tion, part of thc nnnuuJ Jlrogmm of the charge. The elass was divided into 4;00·5:30. In her addrc~s, Miss El~ugh t.old Hw trihnt<'(l to his success last week in :.(1· College, ",ill bo Ileld 011 April 24th anu four groups-gellernl seiene.e, physics, Military Ball; Armory; 9:00 P. M. seniors that they wero ~~eejying the ding to lJis collection of birds' eggs. ~5th. Tho ol),ieet is not. only ,t test o~ chemistry, and biology, to send for the Y. M.. C. A.; 6:30 P. M. formal ncknowledgmcnt tl,,,,t llad Diek was aecompllnieil -by Winston IVil· the student's knowledge, gllneral nlld desired material nnd, the response to Y. W. C. A.; 7:00 P. M. eOlliplete(1 ~lIccessfuly four rears col· ley of West.ern Mllrylllnd and two men speei1ic, but it is nlso the purposo of the their requests proved surpri5ingly geu· THURSDA Y, APRU, 24.- A~ college students they hail been from HarriabUrg, Penns~·IV3Jlin.. They administratioll to gain n stable a.naly· erous. "Enriched 'I'eaching of Seiellce ill various ways dU,ring their four left SundlJ.r, April 6, and returned Sun· sis of llis ability to organize that learn· ill the High Selloo1", a bool{ containing l'Ihlsic Reeitul; Smith Hollj 4:00 yearJ of II·ork. In the next ton years Il day, April 13, with 8 sets of Duck ing and to express his thought.~ accur· lists of e(}mpanies from which ma.terial P.lIi. different ratiug will hold however. liall'l!s' eggs, each set four at.ely, eoncisely and int.erestingly. By may be procured, has proved ill valuable Homo Economics Club; Fashion ],HssEbaugh outlined three things that or five eggs. this method, advisor's also gain a gen· in collecting this exhibit. ShOll'; 8,00P.M. would dominate tllis rating. These were eral psychological iMight into the stu· Reeeption for Seniors given by "the will to work, clear thinking and 11. The colleetion of birds' eggs un(l TIIll collection contains a wide variety nosts is Dick's 110bby and he h~s heen dent's nature and a better ullderstanJ· Dr. 1l11{1 1Ilrs. Wardj U,OOP. M. spirit of optinlislU." of manufactures which base their pro· working on his collection for over thir· ing of him ns a personality. duction on scientific discoveries. III F.RjJ)A Y, APRIL 25- ty years. His present collection rates Ou April, a geneml test concern· fact, the exhibition conhtins alnlOBt ing sl1r.h knowledge as is deemcu cssen· 'l'el1l1is; University of CARROLL COUNTY EISTEDDFOD 1tmong the first tl,reo in North .....merica. (Coutinued on Page 4) College Park. The Duck H..'twk or Peregrine Falcon tial to the sophomore ill college will be TO BE HELD IN ALUMNI HALL is the same hird that was used for fal- given, while the morning of tIm 25th SATURDAY, .APRIL 26------ conry, tllld is still trainod in certain will be oecupieu with specific exam ina· LEE SCHOLARSHIP FtJND CREATES \'fomeu's Varsity Tennisj George APRIL 25 places for that 8lJort. Tile bird is reo tionsin various subjecl:'sfrom which the FOUR NEW TUITION Washington; Wnshj_nglon, D. C. SCHOLARSHIPS According to the Westminster Times, markable for its power of flight, oeing !:Itudont elects two. Fully ~nfficient SUNDAY, APRIL 27- the Eisteddfod for thO' Jlublie schools able to attain a speed of 120 miles ll!!.r Choice i~ i;rffercd to alow a wide iIDope hour, and Dick remarks that he Haw on of selection in UlllUY specific fields of The J~ee Scholarship Flln(l of $15,000 Collt'ge Suuday Sebool; Baker of Carroll counL.\' will be held in Alnm· his last trip some of the best exbibi· knowledgc. The student is here gi"en haB been founded through a bequest of Chapel; 9:00 A. M. ni Hull, "'T("steru )Inryland College, on the opportunity to show his best effort Miss Grace Lee. This will enable the B)Jker Chapel Service; 4:1:'; P. M. Fridny evening, April 25. Due to the (Continued on Page~) :llld accom}llishnwllt i'L the subjects at Board of Trustees of tile college to MOKD.A Y, APRIL 28--- expenso of the copyrighted music ba· NOTICE whiell Le is most "pt. awurd four tuition scholarships caell Literarr Societiesj 6:30·7:00 P. M. ing nsed at that time and the services 'I'lle result.s of this examill1ltion, in year for tI,e lJenofit of deserving stu· Of all adjudicator, tllere will be 11 The upper tellllis courts nrc to l)e conjunction witlJ past records of higll dents. ThOBe eligible for the scholar· Tl:ESDA V, APRTL 29- small admission elJarge to the public, reserved every afternoon from 3:30 school and college, determiue in a large ships will be tue students who are un· Social Clubs: 7:00 P. M. but there will be no charge to thosetak· to 6 P.}'L for the mell aud women's measure the student's place in his reo able to meet the full expenses of a col· ing part in the program. The ndjudi Varsity Tennia reams. Help them to maining program ill college and in his lege education. Applicatiolls for the WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30- cator this year wi11 be Mias Ida Hoyt a. successful season by giving them vocational guidance. It is evideutly scholarships should be made to the Y. l\I. C. A.;, 6:30 P. M. Chamberlain, a well·known mnijillal com· • precedence on the eourts between lllueh to the student's advantage to gain president of tl)e college before August Y. W. C. A.~ 7:00 P. M. poser, elocutionist, musician, und teach· these hours. Thank you! a.~ frDe a stauding as possible. tIle first, of each year;
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