Page 87 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 87
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE iSPORTSi LACROSSE TENNIS iSPORTSi GREEN TERROR STiCKMEN U. OF PENN STATE May 6, 1930. Harlow, THREATEN PENN STATE CLOSE LACROSSE BATTLE ATHLETICKLES Mr. Richard of Athletics, Dtreetor Western Maryland College, EKAITIS AND GOMSAK LEA D 'rhe '."estern Maryland lacrosse tealll Hew about some more enndidates for Of course you already know the Tee- Westminster, ae. SCORING IN BEST·PLAYED furll.i8lwd stronger oppcsitien in their the lacrosse team ~ 'l'hat Penn State ror tennis team defeated Univeraity of My dear Mr. Hartow : GAME THIS SEASON game with the Unil'ersity of Pl'-nnS,I'I· game wonlll han gone ill rhe will col Maryland. However, mention of it al- Mr. Walter Townsend, of Syracuse, vauia nt Ibe Stadium, April H!, than the IIliln if Coach ~birden had had more reo wa~·s looks good in prill!. Alld if you aud myself officiated at the Lacrosse Last. Saturday the Lacrosse teem in- Qlwkers uuticipated. Ilad some of the serves to draw from in the second half. feel that way about anything else, sub. game last Saturday between Western gallop vaded State College anil just about reo Terrors' attempts at goal been n bit 1;1 takes an "iron man" the to Indian mit it. Maryland and State College. Both through turned home witll (l I'ictory over Penn more accurate the seore would bavc been mlnut es r(>! Not:l thl'cat from tllis p(lr schedule alld adll('rents brenthed n sig}1 U. of Dclnware, 4; Western Mnrylaud 3 with another in lcss t11.~n11Iwlf millute. contest. ~on-ralhcr ;1 reminder that cheering of rcliefwhcn tllcgnlllewasc:lneelled!' at Wcst,minstcr Stuhlt'J, of State, sqncer.ed one b.r Wil· Seore by hah'es: Williesnner football season and that this St. John's is on the rosy rMIl to a MAY 7 lis to h.'an' the score as it rcmnined nt Pennsylyanin 1 2-3 Snt.lIr(lay will he :In ideal one to air And COIiSOCUti,·c national lacrosse ,Vestern Maryland, 9; Loyola College, 0 see~nd Ihe lw1f-Western )'.larylnnd 5, Penn Western llo.rylnnd 1 0-1 those hiligs of yours. r.h~1lI[1jonship! at Westmiu!lter State 2. The second haLf found the T_,iollseager to seore and lhe Tcrrors equally cager to preyent thlj.n. Bake.r, substitnte Ten- ror center manllged to S(lOrB one after fifteen millutC90f piny. With the game tlm'(l quarters finished aud Western Maryland I~a(llng 6-2, vietory seemed to be ours. Pcnn State had other idea~ off the tee it ISTANC~' about the outcome. ROUI, Lion second attack, displayeil some exeeptionnl olfe.n o;r" mm·h tD "cn~e tlftcp '!'P0lg i.,_~ __ • su~eession, duplicating the work of Ek:li· tisintheoperungstllllzfi. Subel. suhlltitute center for \.he vi!Ji· tors tassen in allotlH~r. Score W. hl. 6, Penn Side 6. This was a re~1 game with Hppnrent Yietory slipping away. So r1id Roth-to wore his fourth goal two minutes later, the seventh for Penn 81at(', lind the final tfilly of thc game. And victo!")' was not ours, But if the improved stiek work of Ihe Terrors is fI rriteri:l for fUlure de· I'clopments--look out, oppont"hts. f'enH State WCiitternMarylnnd K:ITI Klliser G. Willis :\1[';\111\en P. WilIIer mely c. 1'. Rohout Prizer F. D. Benson .Edwards s. D. llalllmill Stahley T. D. Havens WdJer c. Seitz Anderson T. A. Lawrenee J{oth s. A. Eknitis Antonson F. A. Maelea Ren Kaiscr, O. H. Usinger Edmonds T. H. Gom~ak / Subslitntions-Penll State, Miller for mcley, Gwynn iQr Korl Kaiser, Subel ina cigarette it's for '\'euH; Western :Maryland, Baker for Seitz, Wellinger for Using!.'r, Jones for Lnwrellee, Dought)" for Havens. GOII.I9-Koih (-I), Ekaitis (3), GOlllHak (2) AntonsOll. Stahley, Subel. Rderee -Town.send, Symcuse. Judge of play "PROMISES FILL no sack", , • it is not words. -Fril'S,Corliell. but tasle, that makes you enjoy a cigarette. But you're entitled to all the fragrance and can u. W. Miller flavor that with nne less. tobaccos t:a1J expect give; better don't taste. be You content Cleaner and Dyer richer aroma, from Chesterfields - because in making them, we put taste first- Westminster,Md. ..TA S T E above eve'!lthing ... THEY~;;;I~tFY R, M. REED, Rep. D. S. GEHR (Established 1866) CQ~.§l~t~.1~J4.m Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE Phone 318 @1929,LIGGBTT&:MYFII..Toe.o.cCQCo.
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