Page 88 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, (tUuaa, (tllub, Unlljlnrtdy ininga Gold Rug Ruzzings I 1tiupprninga Amnng tqr Alumni THE SNOWSTORM BROWNING Y. W. O. A. BAZAAR 'lir, "Ned" Shri,'c:r, '29, hils been TO. Mr. Tom Reed, '::!8, visited the IIill A world robed like a virgin priestess in appointed to tlle Uheuiienl Fellowship at Saturday. At present Tom is ill clerical One of the most interesting programs The annual uazaar gi\"cn by the Y. W. her white robes of office, New York University, where he is work work. gi"en in the society this year was en- C. A. WIlS held here on the college cam- Bearing in her hands jewels-pearls iug for hie master's degree. Mr. R. Preston Grace, '26, who has joyed by the members of Browning on pUBApril 26, from fh-e to eight 0 'clock and rubies and emeralds. Mr. Paul R. Kelbangh, '25, is now been sfntiuned at Schofield Barracks, in Monday, April ii. A musicale, in charge in the eveuiug. This year it was glcen Trees iu icy ailhouette against an apricot aasocinted with the Pan American Union, Hawaii, recently coached the football of Catherine Robby was given. l1em- Oil n larger seale than in previous years. ",y 'Washington, D. C. He is nteo etudylug team of the 'I'wenty-aecentli Infantry of bere of Browning participated with one Usually tl'e bazaar was eonflued to tho Which is flushed to a deliente radiance Ilt Georgetown University, looking for- the Barracks wilich won the champion- guest artist, ,\Ii~s .\:largllret Lee Nelson "Y" room in McDtlnlcl Hall, but this by the votive flames of the nascent to foreign diplomatic Sllip of the entire District of Hawaii. of tile Philomathcan Society. thue the entire campus was used as n sun, preparing burnt offcrings for ward service. Mr. Grace and his team were given II The prcgrum was as follows: setting. Posters and arrows scattered the Almighty. Mr-, Paul Howard, '2.9, hna complet- free trip to San Francisco, where they and deep . Morning Olie Speaks around the enmpus directed one to the And silence-tranquil of the snoWll.torm. ed his work for his master's degree at were aceorded hig]1 honors, and were The aftermath di.ff~rcnt booths-hot the dogs ou Old Quartette New York University. He hus accepted given complimentary tickets to the Army The Rosary Ethelbert Nevin Athletic field, bowling in the girls' gym, a poaiticn llS chemist for the Western Stanford football game. Kathleen Moore a tea ehcppe in 111'0 summer l,onse, and a In the eountry's air, warm and enrress- Eleetrfc Compnny of New York City. The Washington District of the Alum· Waitin' in the Shadows noveltj- shop in the "Y" room. The ingly keen, The editor-iu-eblef of the GOLD BUG ni Association held its annual dinner ill climax of the bazaar WIlSthe final rea- Coombes Wellesley Room of the Oity Club, FridnT Quartette tnre--Il party in McDaniel Hall parlor. I walt, down the road late at night, 'received a letter a short time ago from tlHl Blue o'clock. Seven Sleepy Hollow 'rune Pountj- 'I'he main entrance of the party was :J. Alone and unseen, Owen J. Neighbours of tile elass of 1905. evening, May ~, at aeveu ty-fh-(l members of the Associati(lu were Aman(ja Bell baseball throw for-accuracy-! ,\nd my soul, coolly indiffereut b~' day, This letter was one similar to that seut pre"ent, eight were from Westminster Carmina H. Lane Wilson TllislJnzaar is given eaeh spring and is Is dr~lYn by Ihe feel of the air and the to eAch of tlie m""uhers of his class and and two from Baltimore. Dinnerspeeeh· concerned u class reunion which will be DUllt in charge of the members of the retir- ful1 moon's pl(lY held here on College Hill iu conlleetioll es were Illude by Roger Whiteford, diS' MinuteWnlh Chopin ing cabinet. The mouey reeeived is used with Commencement May 3I·june 2, ex- Iric.t viee president; Paul Buies, Caleb Eva Draper to selld nt least two girls to the Y. W. C. On the new·plowed fields' rough·turnci! actly twenty-fil'cyears after their Com· O'Connor, President. A. N. Ward and Ho, ~[r. Piper Pearl Curran A. SUllllllcr Conference, which will be ridges. :'Ilr. J. W. Smith,president of the Asso- Catherine Robby held this year at l~oreS't Park, June 11 On the blaek stretch of road crossed by meneement. ciation. 1\,lr. Harr.Y Catou glwe an In· Piekaninny Sandman Sarah Talbert 2]. This Conference w:is former!y hcld white,w!lshed bridges. Mr. Owen J. Neighbours hili been in· telligence Test, which many of the memo Qnllrtette at Euglesn_'''_'. _ I li\'o in the night. Tense WitIl the vested with the responsibility Mlllaking bers did lIot pa$s. At the conclusion. of Cnlling M() Home To You the arrangements for the coming reo thc spe€ches, Miss Catherine Morrisou Francis Talbert LA CEROLE l'RANCAISE lo\"e of lil'iug, union, and hilS asked tJle GOLD BUG to gal'e several pinno solos. ~'here was publicniilln. ill gil,jng the n~essary :i\largaret Lee Nelsoll III response to the sympnthy of nature's oid All members of tho class nre most ear· dano::.ingafter the dinner. T~o\"e'sOld SWCiltSong J. h Malloy The French Club lIlet in McDaniel giving. nestly askl'
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