Page 85 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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C;Ol MAY DAY FESTIVAL VARSITY LAOROSSE HOFFA FIELD VS. MT. WASHINGTON HOFFA FIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY U MAY 10-3:00 P. M. Vol. 7, No.22 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 8, 1930 CHANGE OF R. O. T. C. Department of Music COLLEGE OALENDAR President Hoover COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS PERSONNEL EFFECTED Gives Student Recital 'l'HURSDAY, MAY S- Backs Small Colleges INDICAIE HIGH AVERAGES The DCl)artmcnt of Music er westcm Home Economies Olub tea; Pruc- President Herbert C. Hoowr heartily CAPTAIN WATERS AND SGT. RICE Maryl~nd College gnve a most enter- tice house; 3:30·5:00 P. M. endorsed the Liberal Arts College Move RESULTS OF ANNUAL SOPHO· ARE TO SEVER CONNECTIONS tabling student recital on Thursday SATURDAY. MAY 10- Dlent in the followiug letter which Pres- MORE TESTS ARE TABULATED aftnlloon, A prj] 2-1. The program follows. Varsity raeroasb: Western Mary- ident A. Norman Wnrd, as thairman of Ed,,-in U. O. Waters end Sonata Op. 2 (first mcvemeut ) Beethoven land 1'6. Mt. Washington Clnb; the committee all arrangements of the The results of the Sophomore Uompre- Sergeant Germnu William illargaret Lee Nelson Hoffa Field. rCllel1tConference of Liberal Arts Cot- hensi,'O Examilltions held on April 24 Ri(1ewill soon sever amliations with Etude in D Major Wright Varsity baseb~U; Pennaylvauin leges at Chicago, received on April 20. and 25 have been tabulated. Much work Western Maryland College. Busunna Shcridan Cockey :;\filitary Collcgl!j Chester, Pa. My dear Dr. has been done by the taeultj-, especially Captnin Waters, who experienced Leaves of Autumn Varsity tennis; Loyola- College; Jam gla·d to learn thn t a movement is the Education Department, in preparing World Wnrservice,willcomp1etehisfifth Rebecca Loretta Shockley Bulbimore. being to preserve the more and grading fhese tests. year of ou College Hill on Uny Love's Wildwood 'frail Berwald Berner Ball; 'r'owu Hall; Westmin- I'itulof smaller colleges, which have The examinations eonstated of two 31st,-(1Ilring time he hils $orved, R(,bill, Sing 11 ),Ierry 'I'une Newton ster; 8;30 P. M. been suffering from tho cotupetitlcu of parts, It general (lxamiuation covering what he considers all. "attractive and Anne Rosalc!'. Jchnson the universities. 'l'hc small eol- the work that a student should have eov ptcesant detllil." He regrets leal'ing Prelude ill a Xlajor nnd C:Minor Chopin SUNDAY, MAY 11- lege Ir replacuble in man.\' of the ser- ered in high school, the work usunlly re Western )!aryland because he hns be- WilUfrcd Scott Bush College Sunday School; Baker' vices it rendcrsand theinspirntion it quired of stndents in the first two years. come BO nttached to lhe College, the stu· Sonntn ill F Major (third movement) Chapel; 9:00 A. M. 'I'here is a great need for sueh of college, general current and cultural Baker Chapel SehiM; deuts,andthefaeulty,tl,uthen(}I\·fe.els Mozart 4 :15 P. M. for in them is preserved to a knowledge, and two special examina- like a part of the college. C:lptain 'Wa Evelyn :MarieBiggs lI.IONDAY,MAY 12- high degree tllat personal relatiOllship of tions. The special examinations were se- ten, aeeompfmied by his will 'fhcre's a Green Hill Gouuod Vordity tennis; Gcttysbill'g Col· teacher and student so diflkult to main· lected each student from the subjects lea"eNew1'ork on August ::!()t]l Jarkoon :i\Iather lege; Home. in hnsspecialized. YCnrsof service in the Philippin\l Islands. Sonai-a Op. No.2 (second move Liternry Societies; 6:30·7;00 P. M. SC"eral interesting things can be no· U" has expressed his desire to return to ment.) Beethoven TUESDAY, MAY 13- ticed 011 a of the recor(h of the Western Maryland after the expir,~tion Samuel iUason Sprague Social Clubsj 7:00 P. M. first ten Oueis that the gener of his foreigll senrice. Prelude ill B Minor Chopin WEDNESDAY, MAY 14--- al al'emge of the first teu scores is bigh· This week will mark the termiuatiou Valse iu D 1H.t major Chopin 1Ifay Day.Exercises; College Gam· er than that of the first ten of last year. of the aetil'emilitnry career ofSergcnnt El'a Rebecca Draper pus. An<) unusunl thing is the large per· eentagll of women placing in the first G. '\T. Rice, who hilS been in of On Wings of Song Mendelssohn Y. M. O. A.j 7:00 P. M. ten. As n rule, men secnre n larger per· the Quarter ),taster's El~gy Mflssenet Y. W. C. A.j 6:30 P. ilL Yonrs faithfully, centage of the higher marks in tests sim· ern }.raryiUnd College December, Bedouin Love Song Pinsuti S,\'I'URDAY, "lAY 17- HERBERT HOOVER. ilartotiJe9('. 1920. Sergeant Riee has recently beeu George Ellwood ?l.IeGowan Vnr8i~y basebnllj Mt. St. :Mary'sj The scores for the first ten students plnc~d on the Emergency Officers I"ist Home. NATIONAL ORATORICAL for 1he complete examinations and for :t member of the Regular Army nearly R. O. T.C.UNIT INSPECTED Tennis; Drexel; Home. the general e.'mmination follows; lIe has been. \vitlt the grade of CaJltain. all his ser~ing (luty in Alaska, Mex· BY FEDERAL OFFICERS Drag" sponsored by the CONTEST IS UNDER WAY Tot:d (al'erage of general and spe· ico, find Phi!ippinelslands. Club. cials): K. Ebsworth .......... 938 E. During the World War, Sergeant Rice SUNDAY, MAY 18- With all tIle 1930 entries completed Mary E. Humphreys 918 was given the commission of Captai,t in 'l'he unnu~l iJIsp~(;tion of tile W~3t· Collego Sunday School; Baker tile Sixth National Intercollegiate Ora· A. R. Dillon. . 824 Ihe Sec\lnd Diyision, Ninth Infantry, crn Maryland Coll('go.R. O. T. C. lmit I Chapel~ 9:00 P. M. torical Contest on the Constit,ution now L. E. Tuckerm~n 850 wltich he held '1l11il the elose of theW:lr, fer Third Corps Area and also Nationnl Baker Chaplll Servicesj 4;15 P. "1T. begins t,he elimination eontest in 35 A. B. Crowther. . 834 Ljt.ernry SoeieHea. 6:30·7;00 P. 111. ,. nnc1 re·enlisted as sergeant upon his reo honors, by tl.e federal exumine-rs, oc- ·:MONDAY, i\fAY 19- regional COlltcSt.sfrom April ~4 t(} May S. G. Townsend 823 turn to 1l1C Unitc.d Stutes. curred this week. E. F. Gilbert 816 'P},a "N'r'e ),,{'t "Ilrflnt Iw R"J~!D!t~:ltl-+f'>tt:...JYWr.rI...Jllar~l~I1Jbo_ILI.\it_ 'T'.HF1f'lQLY->--'fAy ~=-_ UoJJegcslind ]Jnivrrsitiea iii i6 olfhe D.L. Ackermau . . 8U' oW. Rice wiU be Serge(1l1tJ~nior, wall ~w:Hded the Excellent Rating by W. W. 'fea for SoeiaJ Clubs, 4:00· 48 states havo €-nlere(l the competition. C. W. Koockogey 8(11 who comes to Western}landCollege the inspecting officers, being the first 6:00 P. M. One ~clJOol lmd 85 loenl eontestlints. 111. L. Shipley 796 from the Third Corps headquarters where time in th~ history of the collegl' that Soeil!;lClnbs, 7:00 P. :U. Some schools hild onl~' one contestant. General Bx,~mination; E. K. Ebsworth, he lias been engaged in cleri~Hl work. thll local organization had m:hieved WEDNESDAY, !\fAY 2]- More than one hundred selioolsarllen 747; )fary E. Hwnpllreya, 74.0j L. E. Sergeant Junior is now on the HilJ, be· Hueh distinClion uud from all appcar· Scnior }'arewell, Gollego CamJlus, tered in the 1930 contest which were 'T'uekermau, 722; A. B. Crowther, 705; eomlllg with the pofrition finees, the signal sta'nding of last year 3:30 P. M. eontest. '1'he D. L. Aekerman, 684j W. S. Bnsh, 676; wllich he a&Sumein the Fall when he will be repeated. Y. M. C. 7;00 P. M. not entered in the 1929 of the ,ill. R. Dilloll, 666; M. L. Shipley, 666; body enrollmcnt total student will bring his family to Westminster to Drills, !:on)lllll.nds, and exhortations Y. W. C. A., P. ~L colleges and 11lliversitius whiell will be S. G. Townsend, 665; E. F. Gilbert, 658. lh·e. htLVebeen the ,'ogue for the past few reprCBcnted iJy orators reaches the w(.'Cks,im'olving tll" assist.anco of the rather impressil'e- aggregate of -160,191. O. E. NEAL SELECTED WESTERN MD. Y. M. C. A. iu an effort to preseut the Battalion in SERMONSTO SENIORCLASS Tho winners of tIle regional contests HEAD COACH AT V. P. I. barber, tailor, bootblack, and laundry IS REPRESENTED AT C.C.A. sucll spotless condition aa to withstand 'fhe CONTINUED BY DR. OLSON the most (letllilod of inspections. Orville E. ("Greasy") members of the unit all cooporated in sistant football colteh Neal, '29, as· 'Vestern at Wesley Day, President of Westorn thi~ attempt. Rowe"er, with t.he final Dr. Oscar T. Olson, pnstor of Mount Marylnnd College Y. ilL C. A., rcprc· Vernon. Place ]'1:ethtJdist h'-piscopRI 1Itnl'rl:;lll(}College, llUS been appointed ~ented the collegc at the Spring 'l'rniu- Church, Baltimore, dolivcred his third to the position of head coach nt Virgi~l' iug Confercnco of the College Christ.inll ~erlllon to the. Scuior Clfl88 in Baker gon State Oollege. The seven winners ill Polytechnir, Institute with [l. oue·year contrnet. Before his appcintmcnt 1I8so~iation of 11aryland, Delawarll, [lu(i Chnpel on Sunday afternoon, May -1. 01' these zono contests will compete at assistant coach, Neflle wasn star half- (IS the District of Columbia, !teld at Sher- He used for his theme "'Everything Los Angeles, ,Tune 19, for $5000 in wooll Forest, 1.10.)' 24. ehllnges..l....whatstandssure!" Thetcxt prizes. bnck and captniu of the Western Mary Tho rnruoao of the Confcrenee was to for the sermon wasfoundin.John 7:2-1 land football team. lruin thu leade_:rsof tIle Christia.n Asso- thll presellt yoar. -".Judge not according to. the appear· "E~'eQ' eont.estant in this yenr's con· Neal snccecds Andrew Gustafson, elation on thc campus by fL mutual i1is- lince, but jndge righteous judgment." t.est," tho nationnl director nnnounced hUild coaeh at V. P. I. for the lnst four But, win or lose, the nuit, offered cussion of collegiate proble'ms by the their best in attllmpting to locaf.e the Dr. OIBonsaid that during the lalft cen- when the cutry list elose{l,"should real- yenrs, who resigned to nccept a position ize Ihat Ilc or she is a very real part of Cl'risti~l1 leaders of the coll~ge in the eolk-gc on the "military map" nnd with tury there has been present snoh aJl ao- flS backfield coach at the University of tri·stat1! area, leaders for tllO confer· the Hdded uttrnction and inspiration of· ~€'lerntio!lof shiftings and that tho l~rgeBt intercolleginte competitive Pittsburgh. The new coach was seleet· ence bc-ing secured through the Nation· fNed by the gaily clad tllrong of fair it i.!l vcry diffieult todcteet renl forensic evcnt in the history of tilt' ed from 11 field of a number of well· al Student Y. lit C. A. and Y. W. O. A. and what is sham. The world is u com· United States." l\11own conches. Riohnrd C. H.arlow, organi7.tltioUS. the lea(lers at ~o-eds decorating the hillside, no fear pound of realities and uurealities. But The loeal orntor i!l this nll.tion·wi(lc ht'ad conch at -Western Marylnnd, WIIS the Conference were Roland Elliott, of making the gradc could possibly bo the Bible is ill fidelity wi1h humnn ex· eontest is W. K. Lrons, and will com· l1rst ofl'ered the position, but decided to That; old Western Mary ent~rtained. Miss Glad?s 'l'nyior, A.. K. Von hllld spirit on parade! perience, and its dil'ine story is engrniu· pete in thc !le-xt stage of the eompcti· remnill nt Western Mnrylnnd. The V. Mias Anne Wiggin, Mis~ "'as (,d with lhe realities oj' life. tion at Hyntts,·ntc, :Md., 011May 7, 8 P. I. officials then turned to Neale as a Willing, uud H. B. (Pete) Ingruls, who What are the things we are scle!:ting P. M. man II'ho was Harlow·trained and who is known to a. number of pcoplll on the Norment Prize Speech to guide us through life' Are we select· was well·ycrsed in the snccessful Har· Hill. 'rhe conferencc was divided into Contestants are Chosen ing our emotions or feelil1gst Onr feel· May Day Festival will low system. several groups: a President's grout), ings, the perceptive mind, is built up by During the time that Neal was cne dealing with the w-orl,of the president; our contacts and experiences with life. be Held on May 15th of the maiustays of the Western Mary· rill Administmt10u group, di~cusBiHg11m The Department of Speech has recent· Bnt the feeling is the chnd of the mind. hllld baekfield, he was r~ted as one of problem of fInance, publicity, etc.; a. annonneed thc candidates whom lwve It is not reasouable to hal'c the child Preparations for lIfay Dny, MIlY 15, tl.e best halfbacks i,~the East. He was chosell to compete in We annual Program building group; and an Asso· Norment Speech Contest. do tile work. l18ve been started, and arll preceding selected ou the all·Maryland team in ciation project.s group, dealing with :lIl.issc~),Jargaret Lee Nelson, Marion Are we-selecting pagnnism to pilot us, at a rapia-'r:l.te. The I\'omen's Student 11)26,1927, and 1928. In tbe latter year su~.h topiC!! as Campus COllference, Hi Humphreys, \fary Lee Shipley, '1Ifcssrs. 'rhe \Vestern Mind is tending toward Governme.ut sponsors this function (lnd, an nggrav~ted ankle injnry neee98ita~.. "Y", etc. Inspimtional adilrosses w(lre Karper, Amoss, and I_fIInb of the class paganism-an abnormal egotism for its with the cooperntion of tllO girls, they ed all operation which has made it nec· also madc Fridny night and Sunday of 1932, and 1.Us;!esMary Ellen 6enat, own interests. It produces the kind of arc l)lalllling nil afl'air on a rather essary lor Neal to use crutches most of mornillg by ~lr9. Elliott and :'\Jiss Tay- SUS/InStrow, Katherine 1Joorc, and 1l1og· Illind which enjoys the pleasures tlIat large seale. the time. lor. ars. Landis, Werner IllId Pyles of t].e makes it sick-a mind tbnt is cursed L. W. WERNTZ, '31, ELECTED HEAD 'rim ennference was sponsored by tile ~la$s of ]933 huve been sele~ted to e(}m· lI'ithbiindnessjholdscyniealideas;eon· '1'he Ro;val Court for May Day h!IS OF WOMEN'S STUDENT GOV- Tri·State C. C. A., which had ih re- petc in the allDual contest for the Nor: siders the Christi(lllllfc an illusion. Thill been elected as follows. )'far Queen, ERNMENT d uc h osa, Gnnb)'; Senior is the tragic mind of our pre$ent day. Elellnor organization meeting Suturdny after· ment Prizes, to be J;c!d {luring the latter Blnn{;ile Robinson; Senior attendants, The 'VomeD's Stnd~n~ Government Sb.'llJwe choose Cb-ristian judgment' noon. .I.\t this llleetillg, Wesley. Day, part of i\lay in Alumni Hall. We are in eonfnsion until we find a grent Elizabeth Scott, nnd Glndys Rickards; Associntlon held election of officers on The Norment Pri~es, consisting of gold tho. Western :Maryland representative, inetlals awarded anll_uallyto the winners dominating purpose: Seek ye first the .Junior duche~s, Dorothy Toddj .Junior 'fhursday evening, April 30. The new w::ts chosen President for the coming in the speech competition, were founded kingdom of heaven ." Nothing can attendants, Mildred R~n!ll, and Car(}· omcers nrc: ye-ar. The C. O. A. or Council of Chris- by the Inte Samuel Korment, Esq., of be good that is debasing. COIlBccrll' line 'I'ullj Sophomore iluclle8s, Evel.rn President, Louise Werntz, '31; Vice· t,inn AssoeiationB, i~ aponsor of the trio 'Washington, D. C., to be presented to fion to Ollrist is the good and beautifnl R.vonj Sophomore attendants, Mary Me· Preaitlent, Christine Hogan, '31; Secre- state conferellee, and also a conneeting lll€mbl'U of each rear's Freshman and life becsuse it bring:> lasting BIltiafae· Comas, aud Virginia 8terlingj Frosh· tary, Betty Allen, '33; Treasurer l Eve· link between the AssociaJ-ion and the Sophomore classes who excell in oral ex· tion and dominnnt }:Ienee. Listen to duehess, Mary Ellen Sellat; lyn Rayon, '32; Honor Cbairman, Vie- _r..'atioualStudent :Movement. pression. (Continued on Page Fonr) (Continued on Page Four) toria Smith, '31.
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