Page 82 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 82
PAGJ!l 'l'\VO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. About Other Colleges 1!Jurirty GOt Hn,·c you seen the A new ruung at Yille bans the anxc A REVIEW AND OF LIFE and Things BOOKS, PLAYS around college this i~ almost nak them the hew campus they Ilkc track! and News the like ukelele from the enough AN ANNOUNOEMENT AND A that REVIEW to Ulakeoueuelie,'einthcsuperierityof Oflieinl newepepee of western ]\-£nryland College, publtahed on Thursday during Peggy Hamilton SIl~'S she "just loves New England higher edncnUon.-Why Strnngely-"Strange Interlude" is lho aendemic yellr by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, ()nion~!" Can't yon imagine how the not iuclude the uueertnin cornet and finally 'coming in view! As the lust of Marylnnd. Entered na second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffice. Phi l\.lpJiIl supper hikers felt when Peggy banje-c-tu the Guild Productions this ae n son, two absent-mindedly c!lrried u bag of her plninti"e say nothing of for short a time ,-iolinists Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year "fal'orites" with her the other after- stnlggling those nud "crooners" cs- weeks will seem claim all too 0 'Nci11'e greatest Baltimore peoiatly to noon' with nasal tones. play. As Joseph Wood Kruteh deserlb- The girls on the frout of llfcDnniel Speaking of New eupremecy, cd It tn "TheNntion"-"ilgil-eS80me· lILANAGlNG S'rAFF H:t11 tUlled in 011 n "good night" pro- and 1 might add that is hardly a thing-c-some depth, some solidity- gram Saturday night after the Junior which no play has ever h:l(l; and HB believe EDITOR-IN-CHIEF .Roy T. Edwards, '31 Prom. There was a full moon lind well New Engllllliler a thing-c-theru not is a story strange method does maRu possible a who does is such there 'MANAGING EDITOR C. W. Kooekogey, '32 -maybe televlsiou hnsbeen perfected thnt says the form!).l chapel prayer of kind of viduenew to drlllllatic art." It -- isstrI11l fl e! ASST. lI'[ANAO!NG EDITOR. .Thomas \V. Otto, '32 .An addition has been made to the Harvard asks "Di,ine blessing on Ijur- schedule of spring sports at Western \"tINi and nll lesser iustitutions." Lhavc BUSINESSlIIANAGER . Paul L. Bates, '31 college. Thi$ is marblc snoot- no idea as to the origiTI of the slol'y but RUTH DRAPER lng whieh SCI·eral campus idols were "would lie willing to bet on the innoeence C. Robert Etzler, '32 Making faces is a sport for the ages. .AnVERTISL."GMANAGER seen in(]ulging a few (Inys ago. No uf Cmnbridgu. ago . ... Wayne \Y. Moore, '32 touruament date has been announced. Long the Armeuians made fearful CIRQULATION .MANAGER. masks to scare off the invading' Turlis. Elizabetll She])leJ Scrgn.nt states that David Trundle, '33 There still remain some old·fas.hioned college eXJlCllSeB ninet)' ye(lrs ago were O'Neill used the lllnsk as a drmnlltie ASST.CIRCULA'I'IO~1.'lANAGERS.. folk$' nt Western At lenst symbol to portrny dual ell(iraetcristics iu Joseph T. Addison, '32 on,e member of 'Math totllcold :1'.12.;:;0 \Jcr semester tuition-now tum "Thc Great God Brown." Lon calendnr und ill'lkes her New Yellr's R~s the pllge- tlie great make·up artist, thrilla REPORTORIAL S'l'AFF nlutious on AJI Fool's Day. BIlrllnn1 (kIllege offers some intorcat· Illolie-mtld. The Sophomores try to be.t Tlwnl{s 3re due to one m~mber of the figures on this subject: Bare over· tcr thcir iutcrpretntil'e readings with ASSOCIA'I'EEnl'roRS PrcshmUll class. He has satisfied oue costs of a eollege ednclltion to!la;y weird faoinl expressions. But grenter need of the Hill that ennoles it for a WOm>lll rflnge from *3,600 to *.1,100, thau lhem all, the "master buitder" of 'rhelma Reid, '31 Duncan C. lHurchison, '32 to its place on a pnr with other to II. published by Ihe a wide vuriety of elulnwters, I~uth Drn cnmpuses. ],Ir. P:ltterSQII, we eongratu TheBe figures per c.~l'rirs OIL The Comedy Theatre has SrOR1's EDITORS lute .you on _preS€n.tiug us with a College cos\sofasiu l>censellingoutniglltl.\·foro\,erayear lenve Catherine W. Cockhurn, '31 Doey Rein, '31 Fora. tnition,registra. to this who WOlllAn to wondering faces, at ths to mllke Eaves!lroppnd on back campus: fees, textbooks eharaetcr. REPORTERS J\lis~ :1!nnu {sighing)-Oh, dear, dellr, pa.ys and pnys As tile eUl' rises, the stnge nppears Mllr! Doe~--Did you call mc1 -nll(l pnys. set for ~ ~reS$ rehearsal, onc TUsh bot· Isabel Douglas, '31 IIoward A. Bolton, '32 tom ehnir!lt one side is tile enly scenery. Evelyn Collison, '31 Stanford I. Hoff, '32 ed It'soeen out rcportedthutone,Tunior in self· co' The browu I'eh'et curtains that form tIle lier prom progrlllll filled Winifred Bush, '32 Samuel G. 'l'ownsencl, Jr., '32 dden8e. "Re· hack might represent a lI'oodlnnd, "y" cnbinet girls their tnble woman eouutryside, a weather·beMen imagiuable. manners. If .you WHllt to wh}, osk from fClltur(' ]lorch, nn)' plnce repertoire that So she large fre Drllper's i~ ?II iss Asenath whnt IlllJlpened to her of modern life." qucntl.v does NIl thesc scenes und even dlleken the other night. Ameri':an colleges womcu's colleges the CQ·educntioll Joe NnW(iOlllCI' thought n frail antique al illstitlltiollS, Olle New Zcalander was Then sile enters-it must be Miss table would halrl his llllsk:r weight. It Draper since she is the sole member of 3stollished wheu an interl'-;ewer from the wouldn't. the but it is hurd to identify this school puper of n co·ednc'ltional gracious EnglishWOUl~n with G We, the new stflff of the Gold Bug, in tnking over the Ncw clothes for old, asl{ed him how lllenta- de\il's food (·II.l,~.. We wonder what's in order: sex irregularities;; \\'eI10111e from' her heJlded bag until she leal"es Wit-ht ehoocn group to tea tiYe of any group of students but does l'epresent the college. As tbe up' ~~~I~I~~~~/)~~;tli!:':al;jnrd:j~ll:i;,g5jW~::~:;~ at lnJ)ther ooth of the b~zn.1r orgOl1of the college it !'cprcsenUi each student. Tbis makes it a matte!' Sh:l.kespe aays, "1 am lH}\-er wcar~' sabbath brellkillgj cxtravngance; snob. on~~ is the e the clash pf her ~eil.l per· whcn I hear sweet lllusic," lind well it of pride
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