Page 80 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 80
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. (!1lnss,(!11ub,nUll§ortdy iotugs I Social Gossip il-- ~olll iug iuntugs Dearest Dotty, L _j Y.M.e.A. PHILO 'Twas the evening of Wednesday, SHERIFF'S SALE THEY LAUGH Ani! all through the Hntl The annual election of the Y. M. C. The preliminary essay contest of the Quiet reigned, for J. G. 0, Stockily-built with bristly brows 1 see a group (If students, they belong A. was held Jut night at 7:00 P. M. Philomatbean Literary Society was held Was rendy toeeu. Knit over his l)iQl'cing glance, to the lI.1Jllegang, and they are laugh" The following officers were elected. in Smith Hall at five o'clock last Mon- IUlllck! Knock! Knock! and a frigh· The auctioneer ascends his stand ing, joking, smoking, they are wealthy, President Mr. J. W. Day ilny afternoon. As a result, the society tened liHle Junior timidly opened her Dragging slightly his lame fool. flashy-There comes another student Viee President :Ur. Stillwagon will bo represented in Ute JUlla contest door and answered that ever exciting lie shifts his weight to his stout eaue down the walk-He is walking almost of the world about him, he uneensclnns Seeretary.. . .. Mr. Hassel by Miss Victoria Smith and Miss Wiui· knoek. The odor of iodoform, the quick And wipes lria long- grey moustache. is thinking, probably -of the London Treasurer .. . Mr. Amos fred Bush, with Miss Mary Ellen Beuat mopping of mops, the slamming of doors, Tho pounded gavel brings sdenee Arms Oonferenee, or maybe of his fu- Over tile restless crowd Other members of the cabinet will be aa ulternnte. find the whisper of voices was all that Gathered and anxiously waiting before ture work. He approaches the group of appointed by the president. could be heard, but the spell W:IS!IOOIl the bunk steps. college ~r{stoeracy. Thoy see him, one broken and Me.Danlel Rail was suddenly II slurring DELTA SIGMA KAPPA W.W. changed into a living Bedlam. Noise, In l"oiM.hell\·Y and loud be announces points, another makes he is funny. com- they langh, Tile sale of fnnn implements and team He ment, excitement and J. G. C. in nll of ita awe, The Delta wish to announce R supper f,Uss Douglas and Mioo SmUh served usurped the plaee of study and of one come-sclceer, an expression of compre "hike to be held. one night this week at breakfast. to the club girls in the kltch- coneentration. All proctors of all .John Foskey, farmer in Broad Creek hension comes over his face, he hus seen the Rocks. euettc wednesday morning. the institutions could not quiet this lit· Hundred, them at this pastime beforo. Then a flash of unger fills his eyes !IS lIe gives tie dorm. Said sale to Include (,;"0 hoes, them a penetrating look-but now he is One h:wing " new WASHINGTON LAWYER EXPLAINS CONFERENCE OUTLINES PLAN Honestly, dru-llu", everybody was Onc eultirntor, one harrow; both past them, and his lliushing taee breaks ILLEGALITY OF TRIAL OF JESUS FOR CAMP AWN frightened, but this was one occasion In shape. One wagon in into a smile, he too is laughing. Laugh when you jnst h~d 1.0 he nonchalant- eondition,lhreepilehforks, ing at how they pose in their self·esteem (Continued frolll Page 1) for midnight W;ISnot far dist aut and we One transplanter, nlmo$i new, and make sport of another of their kind, (Continued from Page 1) little knew what fhe fulureheld for us. Audn pR;r of young mules, good workers. find think not that he knows what they opted and Dr. Ward WIIS appointed chair· eil, the Sanlledrin. A rule of this Sau man of the Committee, whieh will make i\liilnight came and went. The iJreak- "A fine lot of implements gentlemen! nre Ilbout. ITe laughs to think they are hedrin stated that there must be a ma- its report at a meetillg of the Liberal fast bcll rang, it Becmeil,before we were 'Ylint am 1 offered for tllis plowJ sllch fools and know it not. .iority of OM in order to acquit a man Arts College Conferenee during the an· reallyasleop. Breakfast was lin honest .A good well F. and a majority of (wa in arder ta con· lluall1leeting of the Association of Amer to'goodnessside show because all ye little Who be first bid' viet him. Witnesses before this council worms or would·be J. G. C.'a, wcre dis All-h-II five dollars I am offered for this LAKE AT NIGHT iean Conege~ in Indinnapol~s, Indiana, gnised us boxerS'with h[lllest-to·goodness ::~,~.\c~eed~~:e;:':~ 0:: o~,~~::I~eC:;I~p:; ne~r. he is plonscd with pnpcr On every left Fire fil'c iloJI~rs! til'e dollars- hand nl~e eyes. TOll would Who will raise the biil' Oh, tI,e moonlight rode the water ~:eo~~~~c~~ep~!v~:~f~;:; ,!~~e::~~~ge,s:~~~the resnlts of the conieren('c. Mnn)' in· bal'e sCMcel_)'recoguized Cal· Six doll:lrs, sir~ Six dollars t In a trnnsparcnt silver back witness whose falsity w~~ d~teeted wns ~~i:~\i:~~~a':~tiu::~;:::~l~:l tll,l:~OI~::,il~t:;~ lahan; there were sights ser.n brenk Six-tift..'"!six·fifly-l see )"ou, sir, That made the lRke's heart tremble fast that you will Ileyer seo in any side &ix-sel'ent)'-fh'o! Wilh mnny 11. qiuvering spark. ::~!~~Vei::1~~\:I~e~~n~~~~;~~!~~ll:i~~i::oiln::.An orgHllization has been effected Andits show, not (lven Baruum's. 'iVa marle Ule Tile Sanhedrin alwn}'s met for two days plRIISfor I_h,_,_,t_",_,. _ mighty utt.nck u])on the food, ape-nTingit leaders are looking fOl'lI'lIrd to great in succeuiollsO that it reeollsidcr as best we c(1uld lI'ith n great big nail. NEW SPRING APPAREL, each case after tho had It II'n8 heaps of fun ellllsing bacon all ComeOil, SHOES and HATS been rendered. If a member of the San AROUND THE eAMPUS m'or tho plate. After breakfast and be Who will bid! Seyen·fiftyl hcdrin ,oted for acquittal on the first tween ela!fflesW(lworkeil. If you didn't Sel·en·fifty! scven·fifty- J.C.PENNEYCO day he was not pcrmitted to rcverse his (Contillued from Pngc 2) \\'~sh curtains you wnshcd IyindOws,trunk Eigllt doUnrs! ci~,"ht doll/Hs! vote on the second day. If, however, he Bett)· Mitchell has nnnoullced, with all COyerS,or anJtlling th~t hoppe-Jledto be Eight dollars! Nine-nine dollars! 56 West Main St. voted for convietion on the first day h() seriousness, that snoring occurs only at dirty. Tou hOllse-eleancil the- Seniors' Nine dollars! nine dollars" was allowed to vote for aequittal 011the night. Spesks badly for tile reolll'mate rooms, made their lleds, got their mail, EVER.HAR.T second day. According to the Jewish -or shall we pity Betty' did their mending, and their ironing and l"rom the of the bank law if Jesus had becn guilty his disciples It has become qnite the vogue recently in ~'onr ~pare ti'fll-6 yon entertnincd Ih6m. Through lhe Saturday afternoon were accomplices witll him and IIhould -in faet, ever since J. G. C.'s initiation Thursday night we WHe given the crowd, BARBER AND BOBBER have been convicted with him. Accord- -for a number ef the 'girls on Senior nicest party. The refreshments were John l~oskey, fl\rlller of Broad Creek At the Forks ing to the law of the Sanhedrin, it was Hall to go areunil lo01dllg for their lost delicious. One never did get to Ruuured, unlawful to arrest at night. voices. As the Dean of Women COllSO] eat. Our hostesses were rmch and Gaes to a quiet side street All of the above regulations of the ingly told one of them, the Hall should considerate people that we hated to lelwe. Where his wife sits ill the "derkin", "Dad" SMELSER Jewish law and of the Sanhedrin were cortainl)' be a great deal mort>quiet. Worms 'l'nU nnd Davis furnished tlle Just wniting dolated wIlen Jeau" was tried. ,Tesn~ [!nterlainment for the evating. Their wor:I~\':::~~3_beSide qUeer-fad",'d"h;"ot"."!nd~_;I"C=E~C=R:;:~;;Oi;~~,,~"':,,:';c~";;;~W,,,S;oIC:::H:.:E:::S;:•....,- '
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