Page 77 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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GOt RECESS ENDS THE GOLD BUG WISHES YOU A MONDAY, APRIL 7 PLEASANT VAOATION Vol. 7, No.20 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 27, 1930 TERROR BOXERS BATTLE CONFERENCE OUTLINES WAY TO SECOND PLACE INTERCOLLEGIATE CHAMPIONS PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN TERROR CHAMPIONS RETAIN ENDOWMENT FUND FOR SMALL INTERCOLLEGIATE TITLES COLLEGES TO BE SOUGHT On Tuesday evening, March 18, a con- ference was opened at the Stevens Hotel ;11 Iliinois,fol'litepurposeof dlseuseiug need of additional endow- rncnt for [he smaller colleges. of the eoun try. This was the flrst uonfcrence of lib ernl arts colleges t.o be held in this coun- try. It was an outgrowth of B recent meeting in Wnshillgton of the Assoeia lion of American Collegea, At thn!. meet- By StaD' Corr('&'polldc-ui of the Go!d Hllg. ing, Dr. Ward, President of westee» 11ar.yland College, proposed a concerted The Paleatrn, Philadclph!n, 'Murch ~:l movement to rnlae $500,000,000 to pro -'1.'1'0 Terror boxing teum fought ils vide etlueatioHal opportunities ill the to second place among the eolle- ijOJ11nllcollege c!]ui\"(llent to thosc offered leatl,erpushers of the country in in the mere highl)" endowed institutions finlllsof the seventh nuuual c.hum· and State universities. piOllShip tournament of the Eastern In- The conference opened with 1\ banquet tercollcgia tc Boxing Assceiutiuu held at which were present three hundred and li{)re tonight. Penn State look first fifty reprcseuttng about three place- for tho second consecutive hundred arts colleges throughout while Navy, formerly one of the the United States. Dr. Ward presided teet contenders, slipped back to '1l1d ulsu mode the address of tho eve- ning. Other speakers during the uiree- This gives the Nlt tuny Lions tho IICC· ond leg on the trophy offered by the day conference were Dr. Robert J,. Baltimore Bun, wlrieh must be wen li\·o Executive Secretary of the Associntiou )"O'a1'9 for permanent possession. American Colleges; Honorable Ray Ly- man Wilbur, Secretary of the Interior; Terror Retain Titles and pr. John H. Fhlley, Editor of the Doug Oroeby, lightwcight, and Ted New York Times. Klepac, middleweight, again fought Intercollegin te champion ill the 160·pound 11ltercollogiltte champion in. the l35-pound In his speech, Dr. W·ard emphasised brilliantly for the Groen and Gold, be- class. EntCl·ed Western Murylaud in 1927 . (lili,sion. Entered ·Western Maryland in 19:Ji the need of additioual endowment for the ing the ouly ones of last year's in- from Wilkea-Bnrrn, Pennsvloanta. Dafenttd . from Annapolis High SilllOO\' Unde.feated ill smaller colleges. "There are," he said, dividual ehampicna, who again won culy onec in two years. First Intereoljcgiate t,,·o years of dlH11-mCct competition. Beeond "betweeu 700 and 800 college~ and uui- boxer 1.0 hold a title in more than ona class, boxer ill the country to Lola his intercol- titles this year. "'''estern l.Iaryland loudng <'en king of the light·heavyweight ,"erl!itie~ in the country with !In enroll- camo clos" to having two more cha.m- divisioll last yeflr. legiato title for two years straight. m~nt of about 1,000,000 students. About pions in Pillcura, who lost to Sirutia of 250,00"0 students are enrolled in the State N. Y. U. ill the ftnals after subduing tho \llliversities and the Imwl' number in thl' ~J::l:!~;':~\:~IOB~; 100 highly endowed institutiouij. The ~'t=on~_'~':: COLLEGE PLAYERS GIVE COLLEGE OALENDAR COACH HARLOW ELECTED highly cndcwed school!! bold about t!lTee· close fight to Swan of Navy in tho semi- fourths of the total endowment funds. finalS. Pincura automaticaly placed "THE CHERRY ORCHARD" TONIGET HEAD OF BOXING ASSO. These schools have practically reached socond in the hea.vyweight division, SciCllce Club Uoetiug. capac-ityenrollmeut. Upon the smaller while Barnett took third ill the light- lllter·1~raternity Dance. Ricb/lrd C. (" Dick' ') Harlow, West institutions will fall largely the burd~n heavyweight duss by virtue of a for- 'I.'he Cherry On:hard, a :four·allt play by ern ).[urylll.nd's Director of Athletics and of inereasing enrollments." lheRussian dramatist Tchekho\', WaSpT(l· of a feit by Bordeau of Georgctow"n. A"'FTE'H VACATION Ilend Co~\Ch of box[ug and football was Dr. Ward advised th" lallilching sented last night in AlulHni Hall by tIlo crusade for higher education in a simul- Large Orowds Attend TOUl"llAmcnt WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9- cle;tituro Serviee, Baker Cllapel, tnneous campaign, in which each school This ye:Jr's edition of the E. T. B. A. tion of 1.1iss Gweudolyn Mann, assista,nt 8:~5 A.!\t. ~ollcgiate Boxing Association at a meet- will solicit its ()\vn funds. lie acknow eh:tmpion$hil> tournament excited a iustructor on Speech. Several members of that b(}{ly in Philadclphia. on Jedged that the raising of $500,000,000 110NDA Y, APRIL l..!- 22. The mentor of phenomenally great denl of interest ill th!) Ellst and ()f the Junior class assisted in tile prcsen would be a stupendous tas'k, but uot all Browning·Philo Debate; Smitll sllccessful Grcrll '.rerror teams succeeds good crowds attended the preliminarie! tation of tlIe play. insurmountable one. Leading financiers on Friday night and the somi-finals this The plot concerned the circumstances Hall; 7:00 P.:M. of the country 1l1n-e assured him that his afternoou. Tonigllt ever six thOUSllJld which lwu reduced a once posperous Rus· TUESD.A Y, APRIT .. 15- plan is feasible. ~peellltor8 poured into tho Pnlestra, si~1n to 110\'erty, fInd foreeu them Heginning of religious meeting$. Dr. W:lrdrecommonded to the confer- Penn's giant gynlllasium adjoining to sell nil thoir property including the }'Uill.AY, APRIT .. 18- ence that an orgaeization be formed, Franklin Field, to ace the finals which famous chaffY orchard. The four ucts of Fr<:!Jl(lh Plays; Smith I{al\j 7;30 P. was the first prcei- of colleges of liberal arts, Dnd decided the individual division ·cham· the ellOwe<1 three interiors of the M. nt tile time of its this organizntion be called "The pionshiplI. The ouly l"t'groUablc fea· residence und one garden scene. Libernl Arts College Movemcnt." All ture of the tournament,from the stand- "The Oherry Orel,ard" is considered colleges to be invited to join, nnd point of the Eastern Illtereol1cgiat.e 10 be one of Russia's grentest plays, lInd NEWCOMER AND BATES UPOIl entering \I'll! pay into the treusury Boxing Association o1l'i.e.ials, was tho representative of l~ussiall ehnractcr and ':Di~k" Harlow to the presidency for $100 for the prOlllotion of the enterprise, filet that it has seemed inll)Ossiblo to eustoms. These facts were brought out TO HEAD 1931 ALOHA is a signill honor lind He further recOlllmended that a Commit- control the "Doise of the crowd, aud ill the performance last night as 11 result tee of l~ifteen be nppointed to organize the best showing that (lms oue of the most rigid rules of the of the lIbility diSlllayed by the Inrge Ca6t boxing team has publieit~', to study the educational S'itua.- A.ssoeiation was continually violated. and the effectiveness of tho costuming I·ioll, und t{) suggest campaigns, These Intcreollegi11te tourua- rellOmmCIl(lations unanimously ad (Continued on 'Page 3) amI the stnge settings nuder the super- mCllt. rision of .\1'isses Staley and Clough. At this gamc held before the (Contiuued 011 l'llge 4) PmLO-BROWNING SOCIETIES TO srmifiu3t rOlllld of tourucy at the p"l('st,ra, the Ass()cintioll \'oted to ehllnge :1. G. O. GIVES IMPRESSIONS OF STAGE FORENSIC BOUT LEOTURE ON RUSSIA GIVEN IN SOllIe of its rules whkh h11\·o go\'crned PUNOHDRUNX BOXERS PREPARATION FOR SENIOR PLAY lutQreol1cgilltc boxing in the ]lust. Chief The l'hilomnthea.n aJld Browning Lit ttnlong these WII.~ the decisiou to elimi· crary Societies h:t\·c choseu the members nllte the uS\HJ,1 of judges and to The second of the scmi·apnnal yaM J. G. C. who will rcprC$'ent them ill the annual A lecture W!lS given in Smith Hall, imitatiolls during this school took Society debate, which is scheduled t.his )10mlay tn·clling, ),Iarch 24, by Miss Vir- make the referee sole judge of cuch from WClInesduy night to Friday year for )'fonda~· c,"euing, April H. Tho ginia 1ferrill '30 on Rus:ria. 'rhe lec· bout. of last weck. At that time twent~'- Philo debaters will be the Misses Wini ture was gin'u to sen·e as a basis for a TIle ·Cuiled Stlltes Nn\·ul Acndl'my O1\e members of fIJc JuniOr class were fred Bush, Elsie J<;bsworth, SUSal] Sl"row, more intellig~llt uuderstanding of the stated lhnt the Na,·}" boxing team would t.aken into the membership of tile club. and Gln(lya Somers (Hlternatc); the Russian 'play, "TIle (~lHry Orchard ", 110t be able to partieipll.te in ncxt Jear's J. G. C. is the JJlost nearly dcmoera.tic Browning debaters will be thc Misses whielJ was presented 1<16t nigh!. tourney b(!{'unlle the )fidshipUlellcould club on the "liill," cvery Junior or Sen Catherine ITobby, ]~u'h Roop, Helen Eck- lecturc took the place of the regular lit· uotaITnrd to miss the necessary classea. ior girl being given a ehance to join it, ard, uud Evelyn K~lufIman (alternate.) ern,.)" sodety meetings, and the combined 'l'heinitiations last for three nights aud • Roth tfllms arll busy preparing their WASHINGTON LAWYER EXPLAINS two dnys and ar~ Rttended hy wierd rites. soeieties were i),,·itcd to be present. ni~s s.ide of the qut'stion, which is: "Resolv· Isabel Wentz played Russian composi- ILLEGALITY OF TRIAL OF JESUS During the time of the initiation, nil of ed, That the e\-ils of the machine age f:u tiOllS bei()re and after the lecture. the girls being taken into the club wear outweigh its ailI'3ntnges." qnite unllsuallooking costumes. Miss :Merrill receutly spent SOIIlIl time Joe C, Newcomer '31. was elected E11i· ?lfr. R. J. Wlliteford, a Washington at the Peabody Library, Baltimore, tor·in·Chief of the 1930·31 Aloba, Joe was grnduated frOIll West· ALOHA SUBSORIPTION PLEASE NOTICE College ill. 1906, spoke at wherc she eollected faats wllieh she nsed ha~ proved himself one of the most promiuent members of fhe ·ll"esent Junior Ch3pel service on Sunday Mr. iuherleeture. lierstudy was Illost eom- Roger H. Willard, CireulatklO THE GOLD BUG wishes to correct class. }'or three yenrs lIe has beeu March ~3. lie gpoke about the plete and rhe munner in which tile facts Manager, \Vestern Maryland OolJege, president of the cl115s, and has intereat- of Jesus." Westminster, Md. nouneement were present.ed sen-ca to make the lea- ed himself in many oth~r extra activities. Mr. Whiteford tonk up the trial of for the paper. ·WayneVo.'. )'foore, '32 ture most interesting alld worth while. ~1~e;ea\~a;~o~~c~:duJ ~~:i:~:; from tile point of dew of law and Enclosed fiud $3.00 for which you will Jcsu~ was elected Cireulation :Manager for The lecture was generaUy descriptive of 1f:~:~erL~f the lawyer. He said that in connection please send me a copy of the 1930 the coming 'year, It is r!"gretted thllt Rnssia during the latter pa.rt of the 18th\'ed himself quite. ,trsatil~ ~Il I!~tivi. with any trial there Me two questions Aleha. this mistake was made. I1llder I centur.)", Lnt most of lhe f.1ets were pre- ill'S, ahd lIas csp(!{,la~y dIstIngUIshed nsked: "What nre the faeh'" and Name. The FIRST GOLD BUG tbe sented in relation to Tchekhov as a himself in football, hadng been placed "Uow doee the lsw apply to the factsT" new &taff will probably be publisbe
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