Page 76 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 76
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. PRESIDENT WARD ATTENDS CmCAGO CONFERENCE .. ~nlll (!Ua£ln,(!llub, aUll ~nrtrty 1iIntug£l (Continued from Page 1) .. 1HuHtugn :: I and tl,e basis for the calling of the \ eonventien. PHILO BROWNING LITERARY SOOIETY "There arc between 700 and SOO col- ME 'J'lI'ilight .... and the tide is coming leges and uuiveraifies in the United Far out beyond the jetties where Philo held its weekly meeting Monday Election of officers was held at the States, and in these institutions there I do not get the blues ofteu. Oucc in. the gray sky and the cold green waters evening, March 17. After the minutes la!'!l;meeting of B. L. S. en Monday, are upproxlma.tely 1;000,000 students. a while I do. But when I have this nre one' splash of indistinctness, I watch wore read and approved, the president .March 17. The following officers were 'l'Jlere are enrolled in the state univer- dreary sensation and feel that everything the W/ll-CS.They rise and fall nil if an anueuneed the society debaters: Elsie elected: Asenath Bay, president; Cath- sities about 250,000 students. One hun- is going backward and that I sba Il eer- unseen power were irresistibly drawing Ebswcrth, Winifred Bush, Gladys Sum erine Robby, viee-president; Margaret dred institutions-those witl, the Jar- tainly cry-what do I dol Well, the first them from thcir retreat of depth and sil- mere and Susan Strow. Harnllbon, secretary, and Eleanor Myers, gest endowmeuts-c-tako care, approxi- thing I do is to make np my mind that 1 ence into the casual gaze of men. The program opened with a vocal solo treasurer. mately, of an additional 250,000 etu- \i'on't cry-and I don'tl I'msWI blue, 1 am afraid of tho aea. It's cruel, reo by Wi:nlfred Bush. Following this, Aftcrthe election, refreshments ware dents. These 0110 hundred institutions though. Then the next I do is to lentIc&Spower hid in beauty hold me ill bce" keep "poker will so a Iascinat.ion that is terror, from wbtch nobody there was a debate on the question: served and Viva Reed entertained with hold practically three-fourths of the to- see how I feel. That helps other per- I cannot escape. Tense 1 sit on the "Resolved that, the small enllege has n clog dance. Tho Browning debating tal college and university endowment Certainly I wouldn tt more advantngea than the large." Mil team, tha Missea Eckard, Boop, and fuuds beld by all institutions of h.igher SOD;!. tell Illy lonely beach .... 1 watch the waves... dred Johnson, Muriel Bishop and Sally Hobby, wore presented to the Brown- education in tIle United States. These troubles. White on tho heaving surface Mills upheld the affirmative argument; ing membe_,,_._ ... __ proportions are not fair to the 1,000,000 There'~ nllother mood thnt 1 seldom lnrking indefinable Mary Humphreys, l~uth Rawson and students who make up the college and get. But sometimes I do. And that is terror. Coming..... coming ..... Elsie Bowen debated on tho FRENCH CLUB university student population of thia -being When I Jecl Jaay L "just ...... the waves brcak at Iast on tlla aide. The decision was given in country. The large iustHutions need be lazy" by myseJ£. I h1.1l·ea good bench in muffled thundor. The water of Ule negative team. greater endowments than they nolV timo. If other persQns happen n.long, 1 rUllS fnr np on tbe white sand The The French Club met on Wednesdny inl'cigle them into being lazy too, and then swirling, hissing foam recedes dark· Cl'cning March 19, in McDaniel Hall ],aVB. .And so do smaller institu I purr with wicked deligllt and content- .... quiet ..... the :rea... SHAKESPEARE OLUE parlor. Miss Werntz was in chnrge of tions. 'fhe Chicago conference propos(ls ment. C. AGNEW. the program, the feature of which was a to face- tllc facts of a. situation which 'J'hen thcre's another mooo of mine. I At the last meeting of the Shnkes· talk on Middlebury School by Miss At· ueed serious consideration from thq don't get it vcry oft'en either, but I get peare Club it W:l,S IJIlggested that the wood. In nddition, Mi6$ Hobby sang a standpoints of b()th large and small in· it morc often t.han the OUICrs. I get King's Pharmacy club attend one of the Shnkcspeare plays solo, Miss Merrill and Mr. Dixon. read stitutions." that will be given nelOt month in Bal ungry. Rurin'tlngry. I hate el'arybody timore. All atudents and facnlty memo poelllll, Mr. Forlines played a piano solo, COLLEGE PLAYERS PLAN "THE and everythillg and somo persons and The Rexatl Store bers lUe indtcd to accompany the club and Miss Hambsch led the elub in play- CHERRY ORCHARD" somc things especinlly. Know what 1 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. members on this trip. A discussion of ing a game. --- do' I just "raise Cain! "-C. AGNE"W. the plays will constitute the program of (Continuad from Page 1) Ule following meeting. INTER-FRATERNITY Westminster Savings Bank EVERHART The following cast will present "The Y.W. C.A. The Committee on Arrangoments for Cherry Orchnrd": Capital $50,000.00 BARBER AND BOBBER the four Fraternities on the Hill nn· :Ma
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