Page 75 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 75
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS [ LACROSSE, BOXING [SPORTS \ NAVY SQUEEZES THROUGH FAIR WEATHER PUTS TENNIS larity among the colleges. Several of CO-ED ATm.ETES HAVE ENJOYED SQUAD IN ACTION TO WIN FROM TERRORS The Western Maryland tennis squad is I Punch -Drunk Says: I the greatest institutions in theeountry AN UNUSUALLY BUSY SEASON hll.veapplied for mcmbersbipin the East- Boxing Association, em Interecllegiata gettiag organized for lhe coming tennill including Wt'St Point and the University The girls of Western Maryland Col- Anllupolis, Md., 1rnrl'.h I5-The Nnvy season. If the favorable weather lasts How about going to Philly for the In- of FIQrid:l.. A.nd right here at Western boxing team completed its unblemished they will be in good trim for the matches tercoIlcgintes this week-end' It's going ),Iarylllnd, baxing has jumped to an en- lege have experienced a most delightful season in the extrn-eurrtculnr Pbysieal record of eleven years of intercollegiate after- spring vacation. to be interesting to see t.he Terrors fight viable place in State athlefiea. Educational competitive activit.ies. In boxing without H defeat by winning from Manager Mather reports that a good the Tara away Irom home. the fall an innovation was made in the Dick Rnrlow's Green Terrors 4·3. For schedule is under way; meets with Hop- substitution of field hockey for tho tra- elose eonteeta, thrllls and exeitement, this kins, Gettysburg, University of Mary What did you think of the:fights at Pouch-Drunk congratulates the La ditional field ball, and was wholly suc- meet has probably never been equaled in land, State Normal and University of Navy last Saturday nightl After meet- crosse tenm on its captain for the com- the State. Western Maryland's ehunee Baltlmore uave been arranged. ing with no less than fifty·nine "ae 8e1l.80U, Pete Gomsak. A maiustay cessful, everyone turning out to aid their As the season ended respective classes. for a victory eume in tile 175·bout, but Abont half of last year's team will be to-ur" signs in tryiug to get to the An- in Harden's initial team last year, the Sophomores and Seniors were tied for Pat Moret, Captain of the Tars got the in liue again this year; and Captaiu Pete has proved himself to be a capable decision oyer Barnett and clinched the Neal Woolley predicts a very sueceasful napolis road, Punch·Drunk finally aemm- stick-wielder who should lead Western the championship, the Juniors and Freshmen fighting gamely but unsucecse- bled up on :I pair of parallel bars in Me- meet for Na,'Y. season. With Woolley, Mather, Willard Douongh Hall just in time to see Doug Maryland to new laurels in lacrosse in fully. After hockey carne inter-class baa- LOongbefore the doors to MacDonongh and Willey of last year's team and a the second season ofth'e Jndtan pnsnme eneh class having at least two ITail, the big gymnasiulll, were opened, good squad of men to draw from, a well Crosby, the Drnb-towuts gift to West· on the Hill. ketball, The Junior A team, wanting reo teams. putting ern Maryland, finishing the there were thousands of persons packed balanced tcam should result. touches en Wallace, of the Navy. And venge for their failure in hockey, worked close around (he four entrances. They More interest was taken in tennis last so, after ha"illg missed the :first two Three oUmr sports are swinging in· hard and won the championship in the were keyed up and impatient, tolerating year than ever before and it is hoped fights, lle feels that perhaps be'd better to the limelight as boxing is about to division from the Seniors by a score of with dif!icuUythe delay prior to the open that there will be still more interest in keep his "post-mortems" to himself. leave the stage. Baseball, tennis, and 20·18. The Freshmen. failed in obtain· ing of the doors a half hour before the it this year. It is very evident that They'd be preUy apt to souud sour-grap- rille are getting ull(1er way, and from ing their rel'enge, the Sophomores slIfely scheduled utart at 8.30 oclcck. Western Maryland will have to advance ieh, anyway. nil indications, Western Maryland should Nm'y, liS had bee:n eJ(pected, ran up a program for Bornenew tcnllis courts in be well represented in each of these leading the field in the Band C divisions by a wide margin. 1I. big cady lead, taking three out of the order to fulfill the increasing demand of branches tllis sea!!On,in spite of the four bouts in the lighter weights. One tllestudent body. There's just onc thing apropos of 10M~ which tlley suffere(1 from grudu· Inter·class baseball, volleyball, tennis more, of llouTse,was ueeded to clinch the NIlI'Y that we'd like to mention, Hnd 3tion lnst ye~r. anrl track are being planned for the hOllOtS,but nearly every ijpeetator in the "Pete" D. Gom&nk, '30, was Umt is Hall, the Middies' 145·poundcr. spring sports, thuij giving every girl an hall kuew that it was in the lhreeheavier elected Cnptain of the Lacrosse This boy is far and away tho cleverest Otts Broil nnd Ned Shril'er will be opportnnit.y to have a large choice and lllasses that 11\ed. How close a call Nary had was prol'cd immediately afterward when Tilly Pin- cum, Western Maryland heavywe.igllt proved too stroug nnd cagey for Swan /lnd won all three rounds. The best bont on the program was the Ihe lightweight elllsh between Dong Crosby, Western Maryland intereollegiate 135-pound·el~ss champion, and Mike Wal· lace, del'er Nary SOphoulorc, or young IlS thcy call sophomores at the These I~uky young mcn, probably thc clcI'ereat boxers in tile ring tonight, put on a beautiful eoutes!. Tht-y had tIle spectators threatelJing to cast college ring etiquette to the winds fwd climb whooping opon their chairs. HOWeI'Cf, Crosby, easily the most skillful performer on the card, won eaell rouud. ITe took the second by n wide margin, drawing blood to Wallaee's nose aud mouth with a series of long·rrulge shots. in a cigarette it'sTA S T ~ / Klepac and SllSS111soput on an inter· esting contest, the Navy boy doing well ag~inst Klepac, who is the holder of the Intereollegiate light·heavyweight cham- l)iou~hip. Klcpac was too fast On his feet and too quick with his movements "MERIT IS SURE to rise." Make a cigarette of in and out for 8~S9 to get over his fa- better quality, of richer aroma and finer fra- yorite ovcrhand right effectively. 'fhe grance- and all the world will find it out. Western Marybud representative grad- ually wore down Sass' resistance nnd Witness Chesterneld's popularity, growing in thc thir(1 fOun(1had the latter a bit every day_ No Hash in the pan, but endl~rillg wob1)ly on his feet on two occasions. popularity - earned by giving smokers the Dempsey seored 11decisive victory over one thing they want: Flater in the bantamweight bout, al· though the Terrors' 115·pounder made a ..TAS T (; above eve'!lthing ... fine comobaek in the third round, whieh THEY~~Tj;;y he won by n shade. The second round was Dempsey's big session, for in that period he caught llis ril'!)l with a lUlId right to se:ore the only knockdown of the bout. Dempsey also had an advantage in the first ronnd. Ch~"~Q,~..,!£Jft, Norman Hall, Navy's knockout spec· ialist, seored a technic~1 knockout over Woollcrin the se'cond round. Woollcy was game but unequal to the task, being knocked iIown twice in e~ell round. After (Continued from Page 1) '11929. L'GI)I'iTT&MY1lR.To .... "coCo.
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