Page 74 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 74
PAGE 1'IVO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 1IIurirty \lei I ArUl1nll t1)r Qhunpl1sI A Dangerous Gift A .REVIEW OF BOOKS, PLAYS AND LIFE 'I'here have Iieeu many indications pre- vious to this, but it surely does seem that During my boyhood I once saw a safe, Spring has come to tho campus at la&l:. dependable family 'horae left alone on THEATRE GOSSIP LeVs hope there are no continued re- Muin street with 110hnnd 011 the reins. Facts ecneeruing Apple Gort nrc still Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thunday during lapses. 'The evidences, at present, are lie first began to walk, then to run, and interesting. During the recent run in the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Welltminster, golf dubs, tennis llarllpllernn.l.ia, open many Baltimore it played to capacity for seven Maryland. Entered as eeecnd-ctase matter at the Westminster Pcsteffiee. windows, "eruvatless" shirts, melodious ill a few minutes had endangered out of its eight performances, gaining livea, torn the carriage to pieces, IIl1d so. Subscription Price, $2.00 a. Yea.r songs, shr-ill whistling, lack of attention illjured himself that lie had to be shot. fer itself the unusual sum of some in class-and scores of other things. Oh, Liberty is like firo; under wise control $25,000. Thig, for a. urama in its break- yes, don't forget Gruver and his ukelcle ! an inenleulable blessing, uncontrolled, an in week, is ececunted (l llllge figure. MANAGTNG STAFF app~lling agent of destructlen. III tills The University Club men lire getting ease from accustomed J'reedom EOl'I'OR-IN-CUIEP ... . William G. Eaton, '30 ready for another feed before Spring sudden with no preparation for its use, Of eourse everyone knews that the an- ]\{ANAOINQ EOITon .•. . Wilmer V. Bell, '30 vacation. That means tllat the Smith- a nifflful career to a speedy and thor of Ap-ple Gort is G. B. S. (George will undergo extensive reno- Willis suite ASST. ]\UNAGlNG EDITOR. .... Weldon G. Dawson, '30 vations ned SOUledecorations will be ee- close. Liberty to the unpre- Bemurd Shaw), but did you know that B. S. gets 15% G. this of the same BUSINESS MANAGER •.• .. Paul L. Bates, '31 cmited from over the campus. What a pared is always intoxicating, often fatal. gross receipt-s of all his plays as royalty' ADVERTISING MANAGER .. .Joe C. Newcomer, '31 help a Chapel Entertainment would prove Our Suicidal Folly 'I'hq highest royalty eyer paid to any at this timc. Hernember Christmas! Every year a hundred thousand stu pkqwright . CIRCULA1'!ON l\IANAGElt. . . James A. Steeb, '30 dents are suddenly "turned Iccse t ' on Speaking of Spring vacation, it i$n't Incidentnlly, a new Shaw play is 11.1 Josiah D. Stillwagon, Jr., '32 far off, is it! Well there's nothing like the swarming i'ibin Street of American ready in preparation and the Apple Cart college Jile. Most of them have never ASST. CrnCULATION MANAGERS •. . Joseph '1'. Addison, '32 a few days at heme to upset the flual taken a step without feeling the pres- will not be published till the new play { Wayne W. Moore, '32 stretch before the May examinations. sure of the reins. In the "well·man· U! ready. SPORTS EDITOR .. .Alex. OLeair, '30 'I'here hns been 110 news coneerning aged" uome the careful parent gets ''Peoping'' Tom lately. Probably he has them out of seca tunt tbey arc prop- The Maryland Theatre, Baltimore, for HEPOR'l'onIAL STAFF gone into the wall scaling business, or, dressed, them to school 011 time, some time has been presenting a series of perhaps, professional trnek work. Yen their visits downtown or to tile rerivals of the musical plays of Victor ASSOCIATE EDITORS to gi'l"e it to Ilinl, he w.ould make a make them study every ffcrbNl, which nre touring tho cOllntry. Virginia C. !lIerrill, '30 C. W. Kooekogcy, '32 have and see to it thnt they don't emit Last week Babes in. Toyll!i1ld· was being good relay man. or Sunday school. played, rUld it aecuia that it has proved COpy EDITORS "Tho Cherry Drehard" rchcarsala are The Slaughter of the Innocents the most popular of them all, so far. His Catherine E. Read, '3~ W. C. Rein! '31 as plentiful this week as C's on 11 college th~:e i~\U:~r::nt~':~S:~~e)~~:~;g t:::tsw;=~ ~~:;;:. WiI1ow, next week, coucludce Ille After they are ol'er, the man's record. old cherry tree should sllow some signs REPORTERS of budding. themselves next September "turned loose Bopes i'n Toyland Wi'S a dclightful Grace A.rmstrong, '30 Harry O. Smith, '30 The urge ef the old stone bench has on :Mnill thousands of them will show. Hal'iug seen one or t.wo ef the cellege coorse to run wild, pre"iollS eperettas this season, and hav- Elizabeth Clough, '30 Jollll L. Watkins, '30 got into t1l1lmen nlready. Unusual is smithereens, and be '''shot'' by the col- ing been somewhat bored by the rather Arvalene Hitchens, '30 Roy '1'. Edwards, '31 the pas~cr·by who is \lot commented npon lege authorities or by the homcfolks be- incompeteot supporting cast.a of enell, the Evelyn Mather, '30 Howard A. Bolton, '32 by i1s occupants. fore the flrst year of their great ndyen· writer II'cut to scc the with an un TSllbel Donglas,. '31 Charles R. Etzler, '32 Trice has recently shown an interest in t.ore is over. fal'orable mind·sct rt'sult of a Incredible as it Illay seem, some eol· 'l'helma Reid, '31 Stanford I. Hoff, '32 llie MormQIl religion. It is "ery likely leges seem proud of their failures, and eonrse in feund himself agreeably Evelyn Collison, '31 Duncun C. ]iurchison, '32 caused by his attradion for a. car of point to their piles ef ~1Jrpsesnl'l avidence Babes in Toyloll.l1 conccrued the ~(h'ell Winifred Bush, '32 S;lffiuel G. 'rownscnd, Jr., '32 similar name. of their "high standard~." That eaeh tnres of (If the Meth~r Goose char- Mary Lee t:;hiptey, '32 Catherine '~-,1. Cockburn, '31 Mumps are still in vogue ell the Rill. represents Ii wrecked college eareer and a o.<"Jtersin The plot involved the sorrowing home seems never to occur to eonapirllcy the old miser, Barnaby, to Professor Illanogle brought up au il- them. rid himself of his two wards, Jane and Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. lustration;n Education 6 of a Ilighschool So the slaughter of the innocents goes .Alan, secure their fortunes alld, at the in the state where there was almost as steadily the seheols holding the reins same time, marry Centrary Mary, who. much noi$e in the halls as in the class the colleges aball.doning them by the way, was in 10"a with Alan. Well, \E.-D-I-T-O-R.-I - A -L\ buildings here. Naturally, it is a collcge mDrc eompletely, with every pas!ring year, in the cnd, of course, el'erything turned student's privilege to make a noise. witll sueh effect t1Jat of the (lut nll right, like an nursery rhymes do. hundred thousand hopeful aspirants who It sounds extremely adolescent does it To the Hi~h YQll {l).?J,11·OIl('hthl' finnL.. wm.r.b wneJ) T':i'>'WD ,,;),1J mR1"k..- _".p;~!::~~HJl:~~~~J:r·s~:!~~iP~:~d:' a,"::'i)--j);r<"H~ege----U~~ flOwcvC"he m~llner1n Wille... ;;_-- School Semor the close of your public school life and bring you face mou.ntain dilllbing. Next thing we know tember less than one in three will attain WflSpresented, Ule elaborate settings, tile to face with several important problems. Probably the they'll take up yodeli;lg. the desired college diploma. costumes, tl.e dialogue, the comedy "le- To the Boy Preparing for College and the remarkable ability of the most important question that you will havc to answer in the next fcw Thia week end has witne!lsed another in the cast made it most inter· months is the one asked above: "\\Tbat noxt aftcr high sohool f" Four episode of fellsting for Senior Hall (wo- bnt you can, if YOl. and entertaining, as lUnch so for years ago yonr answer to a like qnestion was; "I shall continue my men). On Fri(\ay evening Lonise Ship- Ilnd backbone, recogniZ{) Ule as for children. education." 'fhis decision has cost yon time, effort, and money; if yon ley And Edna NordwalJ entertained the gur rllld keep yourself out of Ihe college Tho mnsical sceres by Herbert llatur' have nsed the time well your higil school diploma is worth all that it Hall at s;~~~r~ep::te:a:I~:d;;oee:~~~ graveyarcl. !Illy hllu tlleir place. The operetta in· Let me gi'l"6you here and now a four- cost. It lliaces yon among a select ten per cent of those with whom yOll latcr on the SlIme evening "Dot" question entrance eXllminfition, worth eluded such popular selectien", ae "I entered elementary school ten or twclve years ago and will multiply followed suit with lUore chicken mere, I assure yen, in your .fit Can't Do That Sum," .FGo to Sleep, yOur chances of success by ten. salad so forth. .And then there is ]lGSS for success at college tlwn a ream.of Slumber Deep", "Song of the Poet", the cake "Mirns" Rcifsnider brought entrance ccrtificates er a hfltful of "Car- ":llareh of the Toys", "Teylaud", and One of the great advantages which your high school cd'ucation back with her on Sunday. negie units." "Doll Dance. The ":Mareli ef tI.e gives you is the privilege of continuillg your education if yon so "ish. The Entrance Examina.tion 'foys" was accompanied by a mcellalljcaJ Hntll Sartorius, alias Notorious, re- Those of your school-mates who chose wages instead of high school turnoi! frOIll prnctice teaching with S6V- Que8ti.lm L you, '11I
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