Page 73 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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INTERCOLLEGIATES U. OF PENNSYLVANIA mGH SCHOOL EDITION :FRIDAY-SATURDAY Vol. 7, No. 19 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 20, 1930 PRESIDENT WARD ATTENDS WESTMINSTER COLLEGE DEBAT- COLLEGE CALENDAR WOMEN DEBATORS SUCCUMB TO CHANGE IN COURSES TO SKILLFUL URSINUS TEAM ERS VISIT THE ''HILL'' ON TOUR CHICAGO CONFERENCE Smith Hall was the scene Ilf a debate FRIDAY, MARCH 21~ TAKE PLACE NEXT YEAR A dnal debate between thll Women's between We~teru Mnrylnud Men'e De Interccllcgiu te Boxil'G"Meet; Pal- Intercollegiate Debating teams of Ij r- EXTREMELY BUSY AS HEAD OF b'ating team and the representatlvea of astra; University of Penn. . sinus University, Cellegeville, Pennsyl- WOMEN'S PHYSICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS Westminster College on Mcuday evening, SATURDAY, lIfARCH 22- vania, and Western Maryland College, DEPARTMENT TO BE ENLARGED March 11. Tho question for debate waa Intercollegiate Meet; eon· was held on Saturday evening, Mareh President A. N. Ward i.s attending "Reaohed that the United States should tinued. 15. The affirmative team of Ur aiuus thiH week the conference of ropresen· wit.hdraw hom the Kellogg-Briand Peace debated Western Maryland's negative Several inncvat.ious ill the aehedule of ta tlvea of Ule liberal urts colleges 0:1' :Pact." The affirmative was upheld by SUNDAY, MARCH 23~ team IJCreand won by a unanimous de- courses lor the 1930-31 eenciaeuc year tile United States which is being held the Westminster debaters, Messrs. Wil College Sunday Schllol; Baker cision. The negative team of Drstnua have been announced by the administra· at the Stevens Hotel, Chicago. The eon- limns, Ohnmbers and Douds. The west- Ohapel; 9:00P.M. debated Western Mnryland's affirmative Lion. Those which have been definitely affect the Depart- Baker Dhapel Berv.icej 7:15 P. M. upon will veution started last Monday and will ern].l:,rylandrepresentatives,Nurchison, tca.m at Collegeville and won by a 2-1 decided of Histllry, Social Science, Rome be concluded today. Gea.1eyand Lillk, argued on the negative MONDAY, MARCH ee-. decision. meuts President Ward was the Chairman of side ct the question. The arguments Literary Societies; 6:30-6:45 P. M. The question for debate was: "RI)' Economics, and Physical Education for women. It is in this latter departruout the Committee 011 Arrangements and for advaueed by the respective sides may be lIWNDAY, 1IfARCH 24- solved that the United States should that a ecruplete ehauge will be made. the past several weeks has been ex- snmmarizcd ue follows. Literary Societies; 6:30-6:45 P.lI:L withdraw from -the Kellllgg·Briand The organization of the History De- t mmcly busy in making plans for the Affirmative: Peace Pact." partment about the same will remain eouventdon. 1. The Peace Pact cannot achieve TUESDAY, MARCH 25- Western Maryland's negative team with the exception of the Introduetiou Social Clubs; 7:00 P. M. '1'heconference was ealled til consider World Peace, and if nnything, it will de composed of the Misses Raum, T. Reid, of two new eoursee. Onc course will be tile relation of the college Ilf liberal stroy the equilibrium now existing. ,VEDNESDAY, MAIlCH 26- and V. Reed, upheld the following is- iIistory, American Foreign Policy, 1778 nrbs to higher education in the United 2. It is not necessary that the U. S. Y. M. C. A.; 6:30 P. M. to l,he peeaent time, and the aeeoud will atatee at the present time, and til set be a member of the Paet fur our mem Y. W. C. A.; 7:00 P. M. 1. Resclvud that'the Kellogg-Briand forth eollectivcly the needs Ilf the tol· bcrship benefits neither us ncr Europe, College Players; Smith Hall; 8:00 Peaee PUct is justified because it ex- be' History, English History . These leges of liberal'arts in ordcr that they and only cnrries with it inJlerent difficul· P. M. presses tho desire or the people for courses will be offered in alternate years be elect.ive to both Juniors and tillS and inevit:lbJe confticts with Euro find will muy funetillll more adequately, aud to pean elluntries. THURSDAY, lIlARCH 27- peace. Seniors. discuss and formulate a plan by whieh Seionee Club; Scienco Leeture 2. Resolved that h5' adhering to tho an appeal may be made to tho American 3. The Paet is contrary to our policy Holl; 7:30 P.]'L pad the Unite.d States is prnmoting its 'l'h~admillistratilln is planning wHhin people for the financial reBourcesnece~- !lnddllctrincofiSOlation. own welfare. a .few years to cnlorge the Economics S1I1'yif the liberal arts colleges ars to Negative: Department, a branclt of the Social 3. R.csolvedthat Our ratification of the Puct Ilf 1. function efficiently in the interest of the Paris was justified by the nature of the RESULTS OF GOLD BUG to wllrld peace. the pact contributes Science Department, by the additilln Ilf 1,000,QOOsudents now in college and The affirmative team of Ursinus, com- several new courses. This definite the illcrcasillg number which may rea- Pact and by public ELECTIONS ANNOUNCED poscllllf the Misses Jacobs, Ba.rnes, and clmngo will not be mode immo· sonably be oxpected within the next 2. The Puct aids the rcmoval of Benjamin, supported the following is· diately but the cllanges which haye dllcade or two. fe:lr which was the basic cause of aU been announced for next year will wars. The following announcement of tll~ sues: greatly expand the Economies branch of Each college of liberal arts in the 3. The l'act of Paris ia an effective Gold Bug staff for tIle 1930-31 year is 1. Resolved that tlH~ paet ine....itably the Department, and will make the sub- United States was invited, and most of instrument in the cause of pllace. being made as a result of the election illvolves the United Sbatcs in European ject muelJ more inclusive and functional than it has been. Tho courses which will ~~:t~::~:~t~::: t:e::e:~;:e:::t::;e.EaCh nm~~:n~~:e~esdeeided 2-1 in favor of the he~d~;B:o::::\taff positions were made aff~'lir~esolved that the pact does not be prllsented next yoar in Economics The conferllnce began with a dinner elective this ycar and the remaining po. form a sound basis of di&armament. will be Labor Problellls, Fiuance, Intrll- duction til Business, Marketing, and Ag ricultnral 'l'hc Economics. :;,;:::.'":;.~:'~':n~~,'~:,:S:;'t::;~:;;~~~:::~E1:~:I~:~::'::~:~:,:~:,::::::;'::~'~.~'~:'!.~Y,;:;,:;;':::t:t::,~~;~':;~:::~:'::~::'i~'~:::'~~::;~::::::~ last tluee of the InterIOr,.Dr. Ray Lyman Wll~.ur; __Th.L.drlm 'Yi1.!!__Yl.eJl.~l/l.JL.~_ made beeau.!!eIlf f:!!a neecsa,tv for the r·01Fseswill-!e_offered for Ula fU'st time. ~Jt. JOIl,) .0. l''iuley: ship". He deplored the fact that mod- unprofitable- orcbard and by her ellar- here Hnd thu-re an orchestra. Both son-cd were the right til make amend· ill singing games and danues suitablc ern reasons for ehureh attendance are acteristic 1mbit of drifting with cir- ehorus and orchestra in a partieulsr mcnLs, and tlmt "the Supreme Court is for scholll entertainments. Physical so far remo\-ed from real Christian de- cumstances, she fails to take this per- schllol depended largely upon the ehance I1Sessential to the Constitution as the Education 41 will include the theory Rnd vlltilln, and went further to state that fectly simple step, wit!j the result that Ilf a subject.tescher wha snn is to the solar system." praetice Ilf eoaehing athletics. Physi- one's religion should be made manifest tile entiro estate is sold at auction to a and the interest to direet "The Constitution and the Supreme cal Educatilln 42 will be limited to not Ilnly on the Sabbath, but (IVerydar. merchant nnd Madame Ranev- this was done in Court," by Ur. Gro....e, brought out that Maryland State Athletics. Physical Mr. J. W. Day spoke on '''I'he Modern sky her famiJy is thrown out into often after a fnll· tlJO Constitution is the greatest legol Ednllatilln MIwill be recreational lead· Youth alld Worship". Worsh.ip is uni tho unsympathetic world. time teaching prllgrmn. document ever written by man. It was crsllip. Physical Education 44 will versal ill its character, I,e explaineil, An optimistic note is Blluudedtoward -Musich~s 1)011'become a regular high the result of the experiences of great prcsent principles and wetho
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