Page 72 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Wes~ern Maryland College, Wes~~ster, Md. .. minlill, mInh, unll ~ortrty ilOlt1lJll I Five Year-'s Ago \ ... ~ol1l 1inHtnlJll :: I \ MAY 20, 1925 "Do JOll know," mVING LITERARY SOCIETY PIDLO JUST THOUGHTS to llis visitor, "overy !!Ii't\':! old uncle Phil 0111' 11while I Merril J. Reed, Kappa Sigma.. Writes find that imagination has become a A smnll number of Icyul Irvingites Phifo held its regular weekly meeting Polluw the street as it winds Ill)' What do ·you call made the meeting "Mondaynight one of on l\Jond,,~' evening, 11nreh 10, ll.t 6.45 Prize Letter To lhe distsnt top of the telescope with a. -Oh! at the end. Yon think i'l"'-kaieidoseope real Interest. In the ubaenee of the p. lll. Afler the oponing exercises eon- The Blaek and White prize letter eon· Llcre nt the end is the husiucse werld, president, Mr. Wesley Day, critic, pre- siding of the Philo 50ng, tho scripture test was won by Merrll J. Reed, by de Tbe factory, thc shop, and the mill. that's-queer, don't yout It's this-nwny, aided, he appointed Mr. Tuckerman na lesson, nnd the reading of the minutes eision of Dr. Wills and tho judges. Mr. appears a stretch of tiny homes, You know I'H' got [I good imagination secretary pro tern, nud Mr. D. C. for the predous meeting, "Weedie" Reed was a former student ut Dickinson, 'I'ben Darkened by the shadow of night, because youtve hcerd me tell stones, fish, Murchison "ritie for the evening. The Werntz spolicof the Inter-Society Esany i!! now u special student at 'Western tales. Anybody who can hand out 11good program showed a real variety in the Contest nnd urged the girls to submit Maryland nnd a member of tlte Kappa While up Oil the hill stands a mansion fish l!f'~ got Il good imagination, all see, 1 get so used to house subject matter of the interesting ad- thcir esgnys na soon as possible. Brown Sigma Fraternity. Reedta leiter follows: Radiant with life and light fish stories that my dress. Mr. Clll,ndler started things by ing's e.hoJlengllto Philo for the annual \Yorks D"ortime. Th' other reviewing c"ents over the world that debate W.'l8 then read, the question for "j'rateruitdes and SOrorities in western The brilliant lights of the ma nsidn house day, eomc cver and we got into hnve taken ptece ill tue past week. Ai· the argument being the following: "Re As they flicker and Hutter witIl glee, a little nrgumcllt as to who was goin' tet this orientation to world affairs,:Mr. sol\"e(1tlwt the c"ila of ihe moehinc age Maryland College" Spenk of the mnsi!l, thc danee, and t.he to llIella thll fence tllnt SOllaratcs hiB Stnch introduced the members present far oUlweigh its fld\"antages." Philo, The question of fraternities and soro- cOIV'p(lsture from !llilH~. He SllyS, ho to the "most interesting thing in Balti· of course, a~eepted the chnllenge. rities in colleges is one of the most im· The of theglod and the free. thinks 1 O\;l;htn do it because my COW!! more," and it was not 3 fair lad?, The president, l1alilda Thompson, np· portant that has to deal with our edu· was 1l1lus gettin' into bis pasture, an' cit"her. The first impromptu wa9 by Mr. pointed the 1IJis8csClough, Werntz, Eb9' cational system. Sill~e this question has While the YMicdlights in the tiny homes, IanJs,heoughto (10ilbecauset1lefenee Tn11ldle, who told about his exciting 1I"0rtiland Strow, as mcmber$ of the pro· attailled sue.himportaneeit naturilly de· Speak {If the hnnd of fat.e--- wnBhis prop~rty, built by the man who "Experienees in the "Realm of Oratory". gram committee, and the Mis9CSNord· senes our honest and worthy consider- Sho,,' at the door of Life, owned the fnTlll Inst year. ·Well, before Mr. Murchison, Jr., ncxt gave an im· mill, C:).in,l~obinsoll and Hambscn to the ation. The history of fraternities aud Or the Ang~l of ut the gate. r quit tnlkin' to fhe feller, my telescope promptu, conspienous for its brevit.y, "elclin-up"eommittce. sororities affords un interesting study begun to work. I seen :Mr. on "Wlmt I Shall do Upon Leaving Col· 'fhe evening program opeucd with II eoncerning their origin and development. A gleam of sea through the tangled pinC$, as Ihe Devil, himself. You re- loge." Mr. lIIerrium cutertained the }lianosolo "Massenct'e Elegy", by Nila }'ur back ill the history of the world, fra· '1'llefragrunee of a hidd~n flower, mewber the WlIJ Walkins rough!! his hair aSSEmblage with some reminiscences of Wnllace. Elsie ELSlVorth presented a ternities were known to have existed at The far·off song of tJH;~· wilter falls, with "his when he gets ILishigh 9chool c1l1Ys.Mr. Sparrow fit· monologue, "Just a Little J'oy Ride." such universities as Poris in France and AI1(]fI bird on the topmost howeI'. to llIe as if them tingly concluded tlle impromptu series The meeting then Ildjourncd. FloT\.m~eund Bologna ill Italy. While by It tallt on the subject suddenly as- hll.1"~been rnthcr crude in or· up. signed him, "The most interesting phase SHAKESPEARE CLUB nevertllCles:t tiley laid the eyes an~' a hook nose; well thn more frX· of College Life". upon which i9 built OUrmod- tited h~ got tho brighter them eyes 10Gk- Deau Schofichl, who "isited the The SliakespCllroClub mct on Wednes· el'li college fraicruity. During the~e bent, eil unfil T could a' sworn they wns burn· of the intcr·society oratoricnl con d:l.'" ~Iarch 12, in M"Dallie1liall hundreds of years, the fraternities grad· When these glories at lasf ~re re1'calcd. in' from ReI! an' thnt his nosew.'~ urgiug early preparntiou by as Parlor. program centercd around ually became interwovcn illto the very beak. Whew! I guess "['11 Ill/IllJ Trvingites as pos9ible. 'rhere is fools in Shakespeare's pln;\"s. A scene ~~;~c~~ei:~u~:::e e~'tti;l~ee;~~,~:!:;~~;,~s~;t~:: Ca~ remember the elasp of a hand, to cHt out some of ihem fish rnles." equalopporlunity for nil members-in tilis from Henry IV was JlrClient~dby the fol tlint meant BOmethingto y01I, field, and tllc experlenee of writing the lowing east of eharacter.~: m<:ndous iu lllallY phase~ pcrtaining to A clasp clung li!ng, of Baltimore, fraternitics Hnd sororities, in a large D. S. GEHR who talked on the Pc-ntctostal season. m~lIsure,aid the eoUegein arriving at its strong cyet HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Wbat hal'e you built in your dreamB1 BROWNING LITERARY SOCIETY fundamental purpose, thut of training Hf\\'e you not seen thl' log burn bright, (Established 1866) The Home Economics dub held a meet· the-sludeut for 1""1.rJcrsltip.As an active 'rhe }'rlffihmen presented a St. Pat· ing Thursduy afternoon, March 6, at mcmber oJ' a fraternity or sorority, a Flicker lind flutter and rliel .Wholesale and Retail rick's dHyprogram ill Browning on !lion· whieh the elet:tion of officers took place. stn\lcntis refJuired to bear certain res- Ha"e ;ron not looked !It the ashes and },!nrch 10. Rathlec.n ~Ioore sung nre as follows: President, Eliza· ponsibilities usually by serving in the thought, HARDWARB of p;rllrd.r", aeeompallied by Seottj "iell president, Vil'u Reed; capacity of an officerand as a member oJ' "Just so does life pasa by!" ~~J;~:'1~1~~e~:~~~I/;I,ell:l;~~d b~ ci;~;~~· treasurer, eertaiu eOlllmittees. In tlli~ mllaner ho But look, the fire flares up agoin, Phone 318 Sl.'Cretary,Mar)' Orr Hering: Betty Cain; uews. reporter, ],Iaude gains execntive experience olong val" Ina strong bright flRmeand red, BrinsfieJil. Cnrolillc "Rcedgave II talk on Heath; stmldiug program committee, ious lincs and hi9 duties bring him into Wllich tell$ )"ou that life may still lie the life of SL P~tritk. '.rhe program Hannah Mnc!', Solly Rcineeke, Margaret closer contact with students who ~nter :lsleep \;ll;]ed with a groujl of clillmdes. ""ontaiJl~, Kathleeu ·Moore. 'I'llI' aopho· t.ain different views on various questions. In n, heart that you thought dead. more Home Ee. girls ll;jd charge of the He lenrn9 to follow hi9 eonvictions, to DELTA SIGMA KAPPA program, which eonsis-tedof a short talk form opinions of his, to discuss various Havc}"ou cver pluckcd a rose and found Somebody, Somewhere, wants your 011the life of Ellen 11. Riehards 3n11a sides of fraternity life nnd also to com· a thorn' The Dl'lts will have n movie party this guessing gnme. After refreshments the promise in securing the best possible, Hm'e you wi9hed to remember but for· 'rllllrsdoy cvening at the State Theatre. meeting :tdjourued. as wet! as to cooperate for the ntt.ain Photograph ment of certailL objecth'cs. It afl'ords- got~ him a wonderful opportuuity to stndy Have you e\'er looked for joy aud foulld WINNERS OF POPULARITY CON· STAR ATHLETE RETURNS TO AC· human nature ond (·he impulses and mo· but sorrow! The Wilson Studio TEST ANNOUNCED TIVITIES OF THE HILL tives which govcrn men '$ and womeu's Diil YOllsay you have' .AId who has li,·es. We can readily understand how not ~ (Coutinued from Page 1) (Continncd from Page 1) fmternitias an.d sororities develop their :.\[.A )onE L. KRESS. membe.rsfor leadership aud really aid the cated ill knowing who won the honora cular activities, nthletics, and scnolar· thc following information is givcn. ship, and it is fortunate that he bas college in fulfilling its primary object and purpose. M09t Attruetive bee-n able to return. SPECIAL OFFER! Blanche Robinson Gordon Lamb Beeanse or his exte.nded abson!le it "If we consider this que!Jl;ionwholly 1\IostPopnlnJ" will be necessary for George to apply on its merits, lo-okingat it from an im- Ladies' Spring Coats Cleaned and Pressed for $1.00 Lucille I'roskey Paul L. Blltes himself closely to his work, and npon partinl unprejudiced stanilpoiut, we cau readily fine] numel'oUS good reasons to Best All-round advice of tile administration, he llU~ justii')" fheexisten{e of fraternities and See R. MARK REED Cathorine Rend TIarry O. Smith decided to remaill out of spriug athletics 9~rorities in Westrrn Maryland College." Wittiest untillateriutheseason. Isobcl DouglllS Gordon J. Weisbef'.k Best Athlctc EVERlHART Call The RETTER SERvrCE Shop for information about }'our Gloria 'l'hornburg Chnrles W. Ravens Babylon & Lippy Company permanent wave - The Steam Oil Method - Safe and Sure Best Student BARBER D BOBBER EXPERT f-'lARCELLING SCALP AND FAClAL TREAT).!ENTS 1lfatilda. Tbompson Wilmer V. Bell LOWRY BEAUTY SHOP Do not take tho rcsults too serioU91y SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR At th Forks if they disappoint you. Phone. 395 for appointment - near Westminster Hotel, \Vestminster
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