Page 71 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 71
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE LACROSSE, BOXING I SPORTS I I SPORTS! TERRORS TAKE TUSSLE CO·ED ATHLETES ASSIST IN BAL- ANNUAL INTER-COMPANY TILT LACROSSE SQUAD SHOWS TIMORE OARNIV AL I Punch· Drunk Says: I PROVES THRILLING EVENT FROM HILLTOP TEAM VERY PROMISING FORM The Western Maryland co-eds attend- The annual taecr-eompauy basketball ed the Carnival held at Baltimore last a game- between Company A and Company The Terror boxing team defeated week-end with a team in tow, represent- Let's make it Western )faryland B resulted iu a victory for Company A, westom )[atyland is now preparing Georgetown on )Il1reh 7 nt the Slate .ar- ing W. M. C. at this time·honored sport week-end at Navj-! by the score of 17·16. to ndd fo the great 1:111relsachie,'ed in mary in a l,ard fought meet which was of volleyball. It was with much .fear The game was I·~ry fast and extreme- football a,lld boxing, with its oncoming dose all the way through. Taking five and trepidation that they entltred the Ar- LAST WEEK'S SCOREBOARD Iy hard fought with Company A holding lacrcsso team. Several prnctiees IWI'e (JUt of seven bouts, the Terrors clinched mory, eoming from a eatm and peaceful edge in the early part of the been held outdoors, as well as in the gym, the meet with Barnett's knockout over world to one of tumnlt~nnd excited ehil- BOXnw frUy, this was worn nway hy the per under the dirtction of Coach Marden. Bordeau ill the ligh~.hea'J'wejght con- d ren. And we can hn tly blame U,em Western Marylllnd, 5j Georgetown, 2. siatent Bvcra and only a. foul shot ill Great progress is being made ill this n th- test. Penn State, 6j U. of :Penn, 1 for ft'elillg somewhat alarmed and expres tho last thirty seconds of play by Mur letic field, not only by the team indlvid Georgetown'S' successes were achleverl Navy, 6; Syracuse, 1 rily gnve the verdict to Co. A. but, by the of the great region by its two aces, Captain Pish, welter- s;ng tJle a sinking feeling like around true the daugh- W. va. Uulveraity, 4; Army, 3 The feature of the game was the floor of the eouutry under one heart. all of But, weight, and Tardugno, classy feather- ters of Western .Marylalld, they squared WRESTLING "·(lrk and shooting of Hammill, who was bond, of which Western Maryland ia uow weight. Western :'larylsnd reprcsenta- their abouldera and realized that "faint Nuvy, 15; Penn State, 9 always on the ball, blocking shots, inter a member. 'rhat bond is the Inter· tivea in those divi$ions, although good Iwart ne'er won" a game of volley ball. eepting passes and cutting the meshes colleginte Laerosse League. Ot-her memo enough to win a fair share of their bouts So with that "moUo" staring them in Ani! now Johns,Hopkins has come with double deckers . Murray, by hia foul bers are-c-Yale, Harvard, Prtuceton, in seven previous dual meets, were out- the face they set to work to necomplish back into the fold! The renewal of ath- shooting deserves houorable mention. Dartmouth, Penn State, Pennsylvania, elnssl'S. However, Hastings, 12(i·pound· letiC'. rclations betweeu Western M.uytand the seemingly impossible task of winning ]'or Co. Baker and Donghty show· ~e\\" York University, Syracuse, Nayy, er, and Borchers, 145-pounder, botl, man' and tile Jays, which 11'09 nnnoUllced this n \"olley ball game. edto Line up: Army, Colgate, Lehigh, ~lnrylnnd, St. aged to slay the limit with their skilled woek, marked the cnlmination of Dick CO. A CO, B Johns and J'ohns Hopkins. As a llIem 'rhey did this-to their surprise-and oprmnents. Harlow's battle to win baCK the Terror's N. Woolley f, Doughty ber of lhi~ distinguished grou[l Western The most sensational bout was Ihatpe. conti.Hued in the delightfnl process until long ehcrishell standing in Maryland Col· Murray Brown, R. is placed in thc front rallks of twoenBarllcttofWestcrnMnryland,nnd t'lley had attael,ed to their beltS' the scalps legiate sport circles. Koppe Wilker Lacrosse, and wlleu schedules Bordenu, of Georgetown, in the light of Eastern R. S., \VeHtern H. S., Glen· Hammill g. Baker aronrrungedin the£ntnre the above l'eu\')·weight dil"ision. burnie H. S. and Towson Stnte Normal Back in HI25 Western Maryland reach· sehools will be considered. School,andtothebull1perofthecar~ Whittaker g. Kleinman 'l'hese175·pounderstorenteaehother ed a crisis in her athletic relations with Members of tho been work the volleyball championship of I-he StatCl Bair!l g. LawrClIce like a couple of tigors and the oi;' wns other state colleges. Affairs had de· J. J. ing out CI'[>ry evcuing \lllder the carefnl of MarylaHd. O'Lenr, Lamb lillerl ,,-ith flying leather until Barnett scended to a level whieh not even the supen·isioll of 1'illman B. M'-lrdcn, who caught the ,";sitor on the ehin with a ter. And we lllust not forget those Seniors most loyal Green and Gold supporter handlcd the twelve of las!: season so eap· rific right in tho i'lf'cond round. Bhl"(IC!lU who so glorioualy flud bravely risked their likes to remember. It was tllen tllat Dick SENIORS COME THROUGH SECOND landed flat O'" his bauk and 1I"11S counted lives and good dispositions in aiding the SERIES AS DOUBLE CHAMPS Harlow WI(S cnlled to the helm .1S DireI'. of Maryland, and while out by Referee Charlie Short. In th. P. A. J,. authorities to "guide and di· tor of Athletics. He immediately in· lI"as declarcd to be one first round Bordenu had dropped Barllett reet" the ehildrenof Maryland. The fast Seniors fiye removed the least stitlltll~l the freshmen and transfer rules of the ell:,·ereststickmell in the eonntry. n p()werful short·flrm right to j]jQ !!Olar But e\'i'ryone enjoyed their day of ex· find brongb~ nbout tile high standard of shadow of n doubt nil tt> which class 1m!! lie made the A Il·Ameriean Laerosse team plexus. However, Barnett got up with perieneos and Western Maryland should ele11U sportSlllanship whieh e\·ery West· the superior basketball fil'e by in 1[125. out taking n count and finished, although be proud of thei~ new ellsmpions and ern Maryland man or woman now takes the Freshmen in a very close gallle He has an intricate lmowledge of the ob\'iollsly hurt, stayed ont of danger for buddy athletie direetors~then tbough for granted. a score of 36 to 34. This wus the gllm>", and further di~Jllare. An olld round a short right caught Tierney ~I~: j:;li~:; ::stSei:i;err::;':Sgj~~;:dp::y:~ ~:r:~s sa;~~l:,~~~!~::ttJJ\~:!:~~~ ~~:;'y;Jae:! ~:~,ri:r:~~n'~liend~:,~ci;r~~~~:~l pl:I;·eed, lel~~ ~~::: 1: ~ .. ~;h:l:r)~~:l~dillg) Away ;r:=:~·and he wcut dow11 for a eount ?~ne:~et;'I~~lk:: w~t~t1~ae~e:~~:r :nUt~~! ::~ ~::~~·d~!;e: o:io~:;:a~h~~,rd!~i~oS~. ~~I~~~ ~:~::: ~~!~~:~~~~!In ":t!!lr a ::: April 19 U. of POlln Ballimore in Georgetown pro
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