Page 44 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 44
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, QUunn,QUub,un~ ~ortrty 1Dotugn L__A_IEU_li,~_bot_~C_~oo_~_~o_W_s-,11 ~ol~ 1Bug 1Buntugn :: I ?ofr A. H. Bender, ex·'25, and lirs. '----------------------' Y. M. C. A. PHILO Bender, '2-1., of Hyattsville, 11aryland, YOUR SCHOOL The nmu ;$ ill. 'I'he doctors say he bad as their guests at a New Your's may (he. His wife cries ,nl(l prays, t1nd The question "What I would do if I "Philo held its first meeting of the new House party, the xnseee l;:sthcr Rollius, Real colleges are not made, by men afraid his friruds talk to each other in hushed hnrl the past college year to live over," year on Mouday e,'ening, Juuuary Bth. '30, Virgiuia Eyster, '23, 1Jessrs. Hall, Lest some etnsamate gct ahead, tones about his condittou. 'l'he elubs of was discussed by the Seniors present at The ncw president, Francis Raugbley, ex. '27, Coleman, '24, Warner, '24, ]]ar- 'Vhen everyone works and nobody shirks, the town discuss his achievements, and 111e "Y" meeting lust night. made soma introductory remarks as to ris, '24, Moore, '25, Ogbourue, '25, You can raise a school from the dead. draw nttenticn to his strrught- The meeting wns opened with eecer- plana and goala for the iueorulug yell1". Hearne, Boker, Kime, Rafter mid the and suecessrut life, wHile the to his made :11 hrUlns, responsive reading, and iL The viec-preaident ns ejumnon of rne R. O. D. B's, '2-1.. .J, nd if TOU have makes a redecuilng grade, ehurches poiut 'with awe and pride his nsao- prnyor bv Dr. Ber-tholf. :Mr. GIIS notote Program Committee, appointed ail uer Tho H. O. D . .8. '8 included Mrs. A. Your classmate one too, spiritual li.fc. His fnmily weep, was t.he first Senior to speak. lie couu- l,elpc.rJ) Louise Shipley, VietoriiL Smith, H. Bender (Ldlhnn Hollins), Mrs. R. W. Your school will be wlmt you want it tiate~ mourn, lind his ncqunintuneea re selled the Prcshmen present to go ~[uri(J1 Bishop, und 'I'rcy Hambsch, rep- .Ileama (1lorgaret Gardner) of Cleve 10 be. Aud n·--I laugh. During the through ccucge with a deftuite purpose, resenting the differont elasse>! respoe- land, Ohio; ~rrs. J. C. Baker, (Florence It isn't your eollege, it's you. I sec him dead aud in the lLight T und !lotto drift with the crowd. tlvdy. 'rhe program was thell given to Simpson) o.f Kuos\'ille, Tenn., 1\[rs. Har. dream of his tormented soul in hell. To I'e)" Hall (Ruth Nutter) of Prince Fred. If ~'(1I1 wallt to atteud Ihll kind of fI me, llis aehievemellts mNtIl nothing llnt! :Mr. W. D. Phillil)S snid if he could t,he directiol1 of Mary Weber Brougb. erick, ::\Id., ~lrs. E. ;\1. Colenwll (Louise sehool his- spiritual lifll is a ful"t'.C, 1 know he live the collega year OI'eT he would bet· ton. A group of girls presented a. re- )1t. tl.'ellr, ]lll.rticn\nrly from the view· Harris (Agnes of Barton, You needn't $lip your eloth;:s in u grip, with wh.ieh he eo,'ers his .fooliah ways. Mil., Mrs. William Moore DU"is) .o\...udstart on a long, long hike. So, wllilc other~ grieve J not qnite so lIIueh would be needed for point of (l.scnior. deceived :lfd., athletics. He woul(! IIlso devote marc Philo held its rognlnr meeting 011 S:J.liS\JUry, llOUgro room o.f lhe Couli.neutnl Hotel in Wash 1 built myself all ivor;. lower, ~estles in the unde.rstaniliug trec5 4.Ben real Cluistian. ill'iritunls. I\losing number of the ington. With bnttlcmellts of pure-st pearl, An(l sighs. For most lleople, these ma.y be well program wasa short but clOl'er minstre-l With goldell gales Hnd maUled keep, sUUlmed up in the resoluUon, "Bo the performance. And drawuridge strong, lll)()n fL steep; C. AGN.EW. man that yO\1r mother thinks you are." lInd there 1 ruled the whole wide world. The meetillg was closed with song ']'0- aud the 1\fir.p~h bellodiction. IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY [Five Years Ago I Tt stood atop 01 frowning efag Upon the pede!! of his self·esteem A short cabinet meeting followed thc Upon whose foot the gre:Jt sen roarlld; 11e resh. general session. 1\fondny, Janunr.Y 13, tho Lit· Around whose head thc sen·birds flew; A think ...r lind a guide, erary Society installed it.s new oflieers. MARCH 25, 1924 And there 1 had the grnndest "iew AI1(1 from hi~ dee}l e-xpe-rieuee and wide The retiring president, Mr. Hickel, ad- That C\'Cf met thll pnmtiest lord. WEBSTER ministered the "oath of oiftec" to Mr. He ~houls opinions
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