Page 48 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. OUUlili,OIIuh,unb §nttrty IDntngli IFive Years Ago II .. ~nlb 1Bug 1Buntugli APRIL 15, '24 L _ WEBSTER Y.W.C.A. MEMORY Walking along the Frederick road, Cigarette alight. Jesters Entertain en Sbore Webster- Literary Soe.iety meeting The Y. W. C. A. held ita regular The Western Maryland Clnb, T look into thine amber depth Swinging eileutly along, night. Smoking after Junuary 20, ]930. The meeting opened meeting on Wednesday evening, Jan· better known as the "J'estera" Glee met with So golden brown and cool and stiJI, Walking along the road '5 rough e(lge-- ,,"it,ha prayer by the chaplain, Mr. Lan- marked eueeeea in their trip on the And drink a wast to one forgot, Collars turned up high; dis. The program was as follows: uary 29. After the usual devot.icnal ser- Eastern Shore and in Baltimore. Tho And, oh, the vibrant singing thrill. Wntehing for long shafts of lights 'the posaibtli ttea of a radio in the vices, Margaret Lee Nelson sang a solo. entertainment was of the highest type, I'd drown my soul in thy cool draught, future was the subject of a discussion Mrs. Stover then gave an iuteresting and much favcmble criticism was heard o gluss of golden sparkling ale, To hob lip lind go by. by Mr. Koockogey. talk on several well-known paintinga of both on the short and from closer To BCIlngain that one forgot, Lights at night arc funoy things .:\:Ir.llMedl gave a short talk on Mod- so pale. the Madonna. In her talk Mrs. Stover sources. The entertainment was mnde o balm, eo still, Shiuing from hom(!Sand cars, Mr. Eaton made an impronlptuspeech. showed how religiou has been revealed up of music by single und double quar- From out thine amber soulleaa heart And in peaceful little things, Like cigllrcttcs and stars. specialty acts, a petrificd tets, Mr. Hickel, a visitor from Irving ad- in thcbcQ.uty of art. several A long-lost face looks up. dressed the Society. parade, orc.hestra musie and a play. The I drink thee down in hurried baste, -0. Agnew. St. Michaels, Crisfield, visited Jesters The meeting was closed with a read Pocomoke Clf.y, Berlin, and Denton, 011 And, 10,I have all empty cup. ing of thc eritic's report. srm,c the altere and played in Baltimore the Nobody haa hurt my feelings, or Saturday night bcrorc leaviug for the made lIle angry. But I'm all ou\;' of PID ALPHA MU Plenty of noise on the hall I At the regulnr meeting of Ph..ilo en land of oysters, fish and etcr.lluga. Just a-sittin' here-s- sorts today. I dou't care whether I At the regula.r meeting of Phi Alpha Monday night, January ]9, a ens-act Tile program WIIS as follows: In An That's all. talk to people or not. In fact, I'd rather not. Everybody I see and every Mu held on 'l'ueaduy evening, January play, "The Florist's Shop", wall given. Old Fashioned Town, Double Quartotte Here are someof the thoughts I tilink- piaee I go seems all of the dull sameness. and Chorus: Blue Hoosier Blues, Double nud reading, ilIary Peggy 21, the following officers were elected 'l'he characters were: Maude, Miss Quartetto and Chorus; That Whistling I thinkiug- Nobody interests me .... 4 I bore my for the ne:xtterrn: Raeum ; Hcuzy, Miss Orowther; Mr. Lullaby, Single Quartettej OIl! Uncle own self ~ " .. What's the matter with About whntt Prostdcnr, Ruth Sar+crtua; vice-presi- Bloveky, Aliss V. Smith; Mr. Jackson, Just can't me, auyho\\"~ Snap out of it! say it. dent, Louise Stanley ; secretary, Mildred Moon, Single Quartettej Mama Loves Don't want to, any how. C. Agncw.v treasurer, Cntherine HitchenSj .Miss Gallion; :Miss Wells, :Miss Papa, Price lind Stonesifer; African Evelyn lIIather. Hambsch. Dumbness, Chalk and Winter; Tho Par- People wouldn't lIudersian(\, ade of the Wooden SeI<1icrs, Weoden Wouldn't wfllltlhcmio- Soldiers; IntermissiOll; 'l'hree Wishes- Too much a pnrt of me. CODle,guy breclle, and play wilhme. KEEPING UP WITH JOE GISH the smootbie. When one is entert.ain· A Comedy in One Actj Carney, D. E. C. Agnew. And my rough Cmllpnlliollbe; ing a young lady, it is always well to Price, Simperson, B. W. Priec; Bucks, RUIl YOlirfillg~rs through my hair j The Present Condition of the Vocabu· avoid Il. smoothie, lest ho try to smootll T. J. \Vinter; Jim, J. M. Shalkj Tho Blow away nil lingeri.llg care. lary of the So-Called Average Under- 'em up. Oe.eusionnlly there comes a rare Lieutenant., C. O. Warner. Place-A Oh, 1 would dune.e today! On your wings so swift and light graduates, with Translations of Var- Dance fllltterin~ of II- blltter- Lift me fM from soulld alld sigllt the Oil ious Slang Expressions Lately Added genius who bcneath the polished cxter· Soldiers' l~(lst Hut, Somewhere in fir's wing- Of this \\"e~ry,grin(1ing life, to the Campus Vernacular. ior lIlay boast an ann of iron. Then we Frauee. Selections, Hatch and 'iVBsonj !Jave the tllTe toughio-smoothle CQmbi The Bell Man, Single Qnartettej The Dance Oil the golden (!dge of a sunset Of this con~tallt, (lursed stripe. By An Humble alld Sometimes Literate nation, not nnlike a stil:k of d)""I1Rlllite Bella of Shandon, !;lingle Quartettej eloud- .l.lnke my hellr!. forget its acbe; Senior in aplntinum case. Sleep, Jester Orchestra; Tho World is Dance on fhe pale gleaming point of twi- Dou\.lt and sly snspieions inke Softie-One who lets his studies in· Waiting for the Sunrise, Double Quar· light's first star- From my mind. il.ud clelUlse my sonl "Hi, kid, how about get.ting ou th~ terfere with his educ(l.t.ion ... Softie I.ettej Davie Janos', Doubl!} QuarteU"i Oh, I would dance! With your pure sweet breath. My whole ball lind giving me the cold dope ou in(jicai!.'s of sufficient enorgy, im- D(lwn in Maryland, Chorus; Alma Mat- Self 10 you I yield, t.o be this cen interp raekeH" nginatioll, or ambition te get on the ball er, Chorus. Oh,l would sing today! PUrifieil, mnde strong aud free! "Sny, lisson, dopcles!!; that's a gnt. Sing with the enroring treble of birds -z. 'fIH:Y aren't going to lay you an egg, To eream-Jh varieus synonyms are Oil sprillgmorlllllgs- un they'U to knock CQld,to cool, to beat up on, to Bachelor's Club Gives Hop Sing with the cool, crystal murlllur of "Geest, I hope not. They got me take, and so on A thing or a person streams in greeu woodlands EVERHART runuing, though!' wheu creamed has been treated suecess. Tlie Bachelors' Clnb hold ita opening Sing wilh the si\\'or nlUsic of tiny wind "A.h, don't be a dope all your life. fully with eonsider.'J;bleviolence. hop in the Firemen's .Hall Oil Unrell swuug bells- BARBER AND BOBBER Get wise to yourself. No prof is gOillg To wolf, to Chisel, usunlly refers to 28th. The eommittee 011arrangemeuts Oh,Iwould sing! to stick out his neck by flunking a the depredations eornntitted by a stag at consisted of Phares, Winters and Price At the Forks Senior. Yon ougbt.a layoff the books II prom lit the expense ofa man who is a.nd the whole club's co·operatiQn Oh, I would 101'0 today! for awhile. I got an idea. The wife's entertaining a young lady. . . and uubring efforts tfle ha.ll ·was mQst Loyc with the fierce freedom Qf the ~ _ SW~S',-.pd.lllg-g~------:- -_ ....... _-_ ........... _.._-"'...._ A babe -now-haa rlseu in tlHl goeiar·-......rthrl;h,~··,ru.~iJIlMam1 wl,it"" about us going around aud doing a lit- scllle so as to be auy beautiful and dumb the club eolors. Amcritlln Beauty buds, Love with the JOy of n child seekmg tic high-c.lass wolfing'" member of the female sex introduced to another symbol of the organizatioll fairies ill flowers-- "Nape, I couldn't dQ it. I gotta study the e.nmpus for the salle of bri.ngiug joy were worn by the club members, and Lo~e with the pure, soft radiance of 'em up." and gladness to the llcarts of the deni- given to the guests present. The danee ·moon-mistcd lilics- "Ah, c[Jmc. [J1l, wo'll tos~ off a few zrns thereof.. . '.rhc ult.imate ill the lI"as immensely enjoyed by everyone Oh, I wQnld love! alld then slllQoth 'em up!' sex ia honored by the words plenty nut- present and tho ''Bachelors'' are very "Can't do it; and besides your room- gy babe. much pleased with the brilliant success 1ll~:~::.~i~O~!I~:~'~shis month, I'll cream Wet--Still the all·embracing term of their first Terpsi(ll,orean affnir. Babylon & Lippy Company him." ~:~l~'tOt~~~~~a:~lill:~l1 b~:e~~~,S,~~~: tll:~:~~s.~,hase youraelf, I gotta pound blighting adjective. Applied to an Ull- College Cha.tter SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR Sillin, Hines, Rnd P. Stevens ealled "Oke, see ~·ouat the gamc tomorrow1" ;~::g~:~.::~;~n\~;\; :~~~~~~ word un· on the "Governor" at Annapolis. The ;:g~::"bYme." To be laid an egg is the sad fate of "Goyernor" asked Sill if lie carno Irom "Dad" SMELSER Westminster Savings Bank this country. Sill replied: "No! I come '.rhus of an afternOOll two serious- ~::W::~:d,h~:f::::d.eompletelY crushed, from Ohio!' StcvCllS was, of COUrRe, ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES. Capital $50,000.00 mnch iJltc.rcsteil iu the welfare of the ~~~l;l~):di:;j~:h:,;:::~~lr~;~m;:r\h~hi~~~ of~h~::;::\'~~~I~d~!~~~~~~~~~,iJ:~a:~~~ "Governor's" Hincs was still COLD DRINKS Surplus uEaened" $400,000.00 ~:;~~S~~'e~~c:,:1:~",u~~a!:ltO~er~w~;,eO~l~::~sorbed instead of wrought out of nn- thosliiellnspernsua! Open Every Nite Until II :30 F. Thoa. Babylon, Pres. _\"e'Jrsof coneentration On the lilleral ~.;e~di~~:;::t;:~:liS;iu~t ~~~err::~i:e:I~;nl~l~ On the Jester trip on tIle Eastern Milton P. Myers, Vice Pres. ::~:. t:h~·e:~ss~::n:;t t:t~:~~01:~~5~Su~0:~: ~11~d~~~\ea;~o~~o~f~:~l'e:hseunehth,:~:::7e Shore Stonesifer, Stewart and B. Ward J.GPENNEYCO Jacob H. Handley, Treaa. flrgot of yesterUay. And so the under· H.udregisters in it, he is aeensecl of hop- r~paired the Stonl'sifer "Tho CQvered Polo Shirts, Sweaters, Novelty SECURITY ·SAVINGS-SERVICE }'Iiy\·cr". ja.ll the through compulsion and sees tho "Hand· fr~U~:~~~~)~:CI:n:~o~I~:i~:ylt!::a~e:!o;:~;:; ;~~ ~j~t;t ~: ~~~d~: ~j::veeab!:k~:r: Goods for Students writing On The Wall." ~iS~aJ~:l~;:a~;v~;ol~:1 ~~l<:J)~~~\.~I~~e!::~~Ild the professor is pro\·ed no gent.le IUI1SCinto stagnation. Turn defeat iuto victory STl,VERWAR.E WATCllliS '1'0 threaten to get Oil the ball indi Don't let your ioourage fade, It is hardly possible to catcl! the ,~ales !l determination t.o undertake per· And if YOllarc hllnded a lemon shades and nuances of meaning that re- sistcut effort along a.IlY line. Speaking Just make some lelllonnde. Sbarrer, Gorsuch & Starr Side in eertninl,hrasasj. but wa of- scholastically it i~ cOllsidered het.ter to A. H. Fetting Co. fer tho following glossary as of possible say pound the books, study 'em up. When days go l\'Tong, remember they ..nine to visitors to academic climes. To stick out one's neck is to eommit not solf-starters. lIIANUFACTURING JEWELERS Goods for Young Men NnturulJy the esseueeo£ thevernu.eular an unpardonable error, to la.\, one~elf is its claseness to the soil af its birth. opeu to crit.icism, nsually that of being She---''Isn't that Jloreh light dim'" 314 Charles St., Nortl! 10 per cent Off for College Students Geest!-'I'his mellifluous word is with- wet. lt is a dopeless thing to do. A He-""\Vell, it has quite a bit of aut doubt the most essential part of the ]l(>rsjstent offender shonld wise up on seandnl power." CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS un(l(,l·gl"adllatcvocabulary. HoweYer or· thodox :wd academic lie may be, the h.u;;:;~A l"Oommate.. ========== student must Qe.casionally Geest or he It is to be nQted that t.he old Anglo u. W. Miller will become a aocinl leper ... The word Saxon monosyllables still nourish. D. S. GEHR nlll.f flame with angc:r, shiue with joy, -Princeton Alumni Weekly. Cleaner and Dyer Somebody, Somewhere, wants your weep with sorrow, glow with enthus- Westminster, Md. ia~m, shudder with disgust. Geest, wlmt GEORGE L. EKAITIS WITHDRAWS R. M. REED, Rep. (Established 1866) a word! FROM COLLEGE UNEXPECTEDLY Photograph Oke-. Aeondensationofthcmore Wholesale and Retail 1)el1(lerOU9O. K. There is a sonorous (Continued from Page One) note a\.lout it that lms made its vogue land's first Freshman :E'ootbnll team a Smith & ~eifsnider HARDWARE The Wilson Studio imlllense. _-\mong the elite it has al- slleccss. Tn tlw Slim!) _r1'3rlie turncd to most cQmpletely ousted the once fam- boxiug wherr, uuder Dick HlirIow's tute· Westminster, Md. Phone 318 iliur the nuts. lage, he soon became oue of the leading Toughie, Smoothie-- ... The tonghie Iutercollegiate Middleweightlt of the is Ihe man of the honr when the})oliec- country. In llis sophomore and jnllior LUMBER, BUILDJ:"G SUPPLIES own's whistle blows. It is always nice years, lie aened on the Student Council. AND C AL Gall The BETTER SERVICE Shop for information about your to be c10$e to him wuen the riot calis His scholarship WAS beyond reproach, i permanent wave - The Steam Oil Method - Safe and Sure Ine turned in ... Smoothie, on the oth- while his interest in extra-curricnlar ac- SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND F.XPERT MARCELLING SCALP AND FACIAL TREATl\·IENTS er haad, indieates savoix faire, a cer- lil"1lies and eampns life were mArked. GENERAL MfL WORK LOWRY BEAUTY SHOP t~in je ne sais quoi, an indefinable }'erthe present, it is underatoed Ihat something. Clotbes do much to mllke he will remain at Atlantic (lit)", N. J. Phone 395 for appointment - ncar Westmillster Hotel, Westminster
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