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-, COL JUNIOR SPEEOH PLAYS BOXING MATCH SMITH HALL W. M. VS. DARTMOUTH TONIGHT 8:00 P. M. ARMORY, FRIDAY 8 P. M. Vol. 7, Nu.ll January 16, 1930 GERMAN CLUB ORGANIZED SOPHOMORE MEN REPRESENTATIVES COLLEGE CALENDAR "SOCIAL SERVIOE WORK" SUBJECT MID-WINTER BANQUET TO STUDENT ELECT GOVERNMENT FOR LANGUAGE STUDENTS At n meeting of the Sophomore men, 'I'HlmSDAY, JA},'UARY 16- OF VOCATIONAL ,\ALK TO HONOR DOCTOR McDANltL held in Smith Ra.ll on January 7th, ,Tnnior Speech P!Il.Y~; Smith lIall, GROWING INTEREST IN SUBJECT Frank and Gaylord Baker wore 8:00 P."1r. ANNUAL ALUMNI FESTIVAL TO SHOWN BY NEW GROUP elected to the vaeancica in the Men's }".lUDAY, JANUARY 17- ,\Lisa Doris Slo thower, of the Balt i OELEBRATE GOLDEN JUBILEE more Welfarc Association, spoke to the Student Council. These men, with Lud- Varsity Boxing; Dartmouth Col- A Jtcw club has ullld.:: its appenrance wi.g Pincura, ronnd out t,h.., SOphOIllOft: lege; Armor.", 8;00P.!\l. women's student body 011 'l'hursday af- 'l'he Hllllu,tl Alumni Ban- on the hill. It is "Dcr Deutsche rcprcsentattou in the Student Govern Varsity Basket Ball; Dickinson temoon, January 9, on tho snbject of quet w.ill be held at tho LOl"<1 Bnlti.more Verein"and is composed of Germuu stu College; Away. "Soum I Service Wor-k". Bho was the. Hotel, Balt iurcrc, Prtday evening, Feb- dents. Thc iirst meeting at which ubout R{[t rules were then discussed and a nrstofa numllerof spoakeea fnvttcd ruary 7, at 6:~0 P. M. 'I'he banquet thirfy persons WHe preacnt was held decision finally reaclHld t.o remove all SATURDAY, JANUARY 18- by the Y. W. C. A. to talk on voeat.lcna l this ye;]r wiH celebrate the Golden Ju- January O. The first thing tnkeu up by Varsity Boxing; V. ill. 1.; Away. bilee of Dr. William R. M<:D'Ulicl's grad- r-ulce except the wearing of rat caps and subjects of interest to college girh. the new dub II'ns eBwahlullg der offi- the continuane,e of the 110\\'nl.Oll'n sche- SUNDAY, JA:t\TUARY 19- uation from Western Maryland. Mr. zillie (election of cfflcera). 'I.'lIe follow- dule after the final rat party of the College Behool; Baker "Boeia l work deals ".itl, two I,illds of CIHHlcs E. Mcylau '17 will be the gen- ing were elected: President, :Mr. Paul vent, to be held on the following night. Chtl}Jel; 9:00 M. fl.djustnHl11h n mcug people;" declared eraltoalltlll:tstel". 'I'Ilhunu; vice-president, 1fr. Walter TIICSO two remaining rules are kept Baker Chapel Service; 7:15 P. M, )\fiss Blothowar, "those Illade-netessnr.v 'I.'lie committee for urrangcmcnts is Wilker; sl3cratury, :Miss Mildred Hauui ; ill force in deference 1.0 college t.radition b.I' di.fferent'cB ill the iudividnal lind a~ usual, of aln1l1ni of the treasurer, Miss Louise Stanley. and will rernniu in effect a.t least until }.J.ONDAY, JA.NUAl'l-¥20- those duo to environment. 'L'he aim of represents as many eraaeca Then fcllowcd a Buth~tabier-Spcil or tile ector ru~h ill the spring. Literary Societies; 6:30 and 7:00 social is to change the individual so as possible. Invitatiuns will bo sent spef.ling bee and tile sillging of Dent.ache P. M. tlwt. homay fit, into society as I\. normu l out to all the :tlulllui nud lllally friend~ Vulkslteder or G(mUaU folk·sougs. Tile SERIES OF VOOATIONAL TALKS 'l'U.ESDAY, JANUlI.RY 21- llUman being." 01' the <:ollege. As yet HO definit.e ar- {late for Ihe next meeting lias not b(!cll SPONSORED BY Y. W. C. A. Soe.ial Clubs; 7:00 .P.1If. l"angements for speakers Imve been an- set but the elub is expeeted to llle'lt Vnrsity Bnsket Ball; Lebanon Val- )lias SIOt]IOII'cr went Oil to point out nouneed. (wieea mouth. A vocntional guidance I)rogra.m will lex Oollege; Armory; 7:15 P. 1\[ tile lIumerous oponings for college .Tn honor of Dr. "McDaniel's Golden The elub is sponsored by Professor I)c sponsored by the Y. "\\T. C. A. in order trainod girls ill this field. College traill' Jlluilee urnlngemellts h11."o been nlnda WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22- 'l'nggnrt, heu{l of the German to give the brOllder\'jcwof iug i~ de~irllblo to give lJ. proper I)llek- to]!uinf:Lporl'raitofhil1lundpreaent mont. The object of tho club is the various oecnpations thatwomell cun r. M. C. A. ground for th(l type of work done. Sho it to tile College. Au OP]1ortuuil.y is be- able atudents to gain n widrr knowledge enter. People distinguished in difforent y, W. O. A. expillincd the Yarious divisions of so- ing gil'cn to all alumni, students and of Gerl11(111 lunguage, literature "nd eus- fields invited to address t.ho stu· 1'HURSDAY, JANUA"RY 23- friends of the college to <:ontribute to cinl worl,; socinl cnse work with iu tOIllS. Professor 'I'aggart expects to dents. All of tl.Jewomen are invited to Examinations Begin. dh'iduals, child welfare a.gen· l.he fund whieh is t.o provide for this lIave sOJlle natives of Germany address (lome to these meetillgs, ask !]UestiollS, ~i~s, fl!lllil~' mOditUI so~in I portrait. the elu1) on some ]llmse of German lifo. Illldobtain information concerning the It is hoped that as lllUCiJ, if not IlIOI'C, The club fills an important lllaco Oil the various vocations. 'l'llese mcetings will PRESIDENT OF MARYLAND work,OCClIpatiolllll public interest can be aroused for the banquet hill and is an example of the revil'illg be held every Thursday nfternoon from henlth nursing, psyel,i~trie social this year as was m(lnifested last year. interest ill the German l,mgu~ge Hot five Ulltil $ix o'clock in tho Y rOOIl1. A CONFERENCESPEAKS HERE \'isitillg and l'OC11tional gl1i(l,HlCC; $oeinl At that tiJlle tile conclusion of tile Col- at Western j\[aryl~nd but olso- ~entative program is as follows: group work, illeluding ,i\lllerieallization lege Finance Cumpnign was celebrated. '!'he Field of Socia] Work-Miss Doris Dr. J... B. Smith, President of the proje(lts, playground work, and settlceasion. 'l'his salllO in- JUNIOR SPEECH STUDENTS ReerCfltion (P. Guidance--Leona Buehwald Protestant SUlluny, Church, ,Tanuary preac.hed 5. He in took:).8 lI'ith health, researeh and work, prison conec"n~d ierestcnll be felt if the alumni alld BtU- cases, Baker pOI'cely, Crossman L.)-Misa A. social Vocational and Chupel, now presellton thtJ TO PLAY IN SIIIIfH HALL director :Miss at Germall, "ocation H. S., Ralti.· lJis thiug~ text be II ill l'eter you, 1:8-9: "E'or if these ployment. solving the problem of nOH-CIll- dents it, ~"el"yone's duty Committee Hill cooperate mak- guillancc and ,,-iti, Ban!]uet with ihe by they P"rk and Forrest abeund, ing to be preSCllt. two lJlHHlCI l'l!tYs W1H i,~ l'h,~elir""_"_""l'l"""'1'C"",""'H'''',,g;;;:"",,"'-f'tl'iil'R",,,"',,"1 "C"""""Ill"'m"'utr;;y---;o~~;;c~~-;:"'(~",":c.;'nt"fl:'-;;i:~;i;t~·U;;;--el:;:~~~~~~~~~g:a~'i-; ~~=~~=~=~~=~~====~===~- uy the Junior Speeeh cl:uB, tills evening -Miss Irma ]fohr (Soe.iu.l Service our Lord Jesus Cllrist. But he tlnlt FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION in Smith Hall under the diredion of League of Montgomery County) lacketh these things iij blind.lJ ~li8S ,\tallll. The plays will be, "Res- Personal "\Vork-~trs. 'faruell, Hutzler Dr. Smith s.aid tlHlt God expc-cts some- JANUARY 23 to 28, 1930 cue", Il)' Rita Creigllton Smith, ul).d COllljJany, Bn1timore tldng cOllspieious to stand out in tl,() Thursday Morning Thursday Afternoon "D:I\"n", by Perch-a} "\Yildo. Department Store Management-lIh. lives of those who follow Him. God The scene of tI,e first play, "Rescnc'" DonnldSOll, Hosc.hild Koh.u &. Co., Bal- wants llis followers to abound ill lif,fis$ AUHlnrla Bell is president of Maebetll, Portia,! Hermionc. Sclcel-· Latin 7·8 rrom hi~ own obsen·atiOll aJl(l exper- Browning Literar)' Society. Miss Bell, cd speeches ~poken- \>y theso charae· ::\fatllt'matics7 ience, $howcd lJmt prayer was an im- to,o, hne heen nctivc i1] JJiterary Society ters were gi,'c.n hy lI.~'811Wemtz as LU(ly Social Science 11 part of nWlly a successful nth· lI"orl',iJut,inoppositeinterestst.otho'>e l!aebeth, Miss Bm.i\h as Pertia, and preparation for aJl~' cont1'st. of Philo. Her [J.bilit~, will bring about :Miss Read as Hermione. Students haYing COllflicts in exuminations will arrangc for the e:xamina- llal·ens. while pointillg out that !IfJee- a keen rjvulry between the two ~o- After the program was aoncluded, of- iiou with the- illstruetor of the conflicting eonrse. taeul(!f "prnying" football teams nre cieties. ficers for the next year were eleded. 'rile exalllination ill tl,e course belollgillg to (ha cl~SB Of the year of the USlllllly more spl'etneulnr than prayer· The presidents of Wcbster and Irving They lI,re: President, Isabel Douglas; 8tud~l1t slwll ba taken III, tile time sclledlllel1. The course out of the year or ful, regarded prayer "ery h.ighly. ''1 Soeieties Rrs Mr. D. C. Link alld C. T. l'ice-presiJlent, Rulli Dayis; seeretary- the cluss ef the StUtlCIlt is the conflicting course mld the student will ar- rallge for the CXUlllinatioll. thil1k every fellow sllould hu.e 3 little DefIal'en, reapectively. Tlte seeond term treasurer, Hannab lIecllt. They will c.reed Qf his own," he said. "Have a for eath Spciety SllOUl(] prO\'e take office at tbe be{;inniug of the sec· the No eourse eonfliet is held. examin:J.lioliS arc gil-en until after tlle regular examination ill goal; ";'\"'"' "'g"" to , ",,!' profitable under their direction. ond semester.
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