Page 46 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 46
PAGI,; '1'\\10 The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. lltttrr-illnllrgiutr ]Iarirtn \ArnUtlll tilC illulltpU!I COL This ttiuc last week we had just eom- New Bruuswlek, NrlU!I J.-(IP)-The A REVIEW AND OF LIFE BOOKS, PLAYS N. bere first our exams! day declared the time does pass. of It seemed How rap- ecllegc art of girls "gold·digging" recently nnd condemned THE HONOR SYSTEM that then present time would never come. All, themselves in fnvor of that last Btraw It is the hope of the National Student Official new.spaper of Western Maryland College, puhlished on Tbursda.y during the heart-aches, the headaches, the in the maintenance of a aingle-atandard, Federation that all culleges in the Unit- tIm ncademte year by the students of Western Maryland Coll'ege, Westminster, cramped hands, the crammed brains of the "Dutch Treat." I'd States will gil'e careful attention to Maryland. Eutered as eeecnd-claee mutter at the Westminster Poatcfflee. those intervening doys! At the New Jersey College for Wo lhe question of tile Honor System and men reruue offiEiaUy representhrg tIle make an honest endeavor to do acme- Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year If we nil could uave only been as non- elnsees thing of value about the question of ehnlnnt as one of the profeseora on the senior ani! junior debated the honesty among students. A keen critic all Hill, and have slept through our exams. question "R('solyc-d: thllt college MANAGING STAFF dates he "Dutch treats." of student :llfairs and college adminla But then there is a difference. trntion has penned the statement "tllat EDITOR-TN-CmEF .. . .. William G. Eaton, '3D Both the unanimous decision of the the college that wink~ at dishonesty in. Why is it when one slip~ down in front judges und the sympathy of the stu- MANAGING EDITOR .. .Wilmer V. Bell, '30 of a dnruiltcry every window is invat-i- dent audience were overwhelmingly for scholnatie work ani! other student rela- is doomed." ASST. l\IANAGING EDl'rOR .. .... Weldon G. D,l\VSOll, '30 ably filled with ccttsoling faues' the affirmative, as upll('ld by the seni{)ts. tions responsibility of Colleges fllust assume the the inculeaflng into BUSINESS UAN AGER •. . Paul L. Bates, '31 While reviewing for Education 5 Trice The affirmative defined "Duteb students firm principles of right denling ADVERTrSTNO MANACEr ... .Joe C. Newcomer, '31 found only one tIling of which he was Trent" simply "dllte" as " a as fifty·fifty propo- with their fellows. those and "onoof istion" CmCUuA'rION JlfANAGER. . .Jemes .A. Stach, '30 uot quite sure he knew. not eo rare occasions of It f'ril'olous nn But the problem is not to know what Josiah D. Stillwagon, Jr., '32 Many an athletic chest hns been thrown tnre when the man thinks twice before the weakness is, but it is to determine ASS'J'. C1RCULATlON MANAGERS. ... Joseph '1'. Addison, '32 out in Ihe last few weeks in order to dis· sell'Bting his necktie Ilnd the g-irllldds an how best to 'remedy tllis \YeakneS'S. A { 'V. l\IoOl'C, '32 large majority of the student represeu· Wayne the foot·ball letters whieh were reo cxlra dab of powder to hcr nosc.' , tatives nt the Pourth Annulll CongresS' SPORTS EDITOR. . .Alex. OJ.Jeair, '30 issued. Here arc the nrguments whiell won of the N. S. F. A. lmrt Deecmber, ex· the day fur the college b()y's pocket One sure met.hod of holding off the eOllfidcnce in the uplifting power REPORTORIAL S'r.AFF misery of h:l\'ing your 6emester grades hook: tbo. Honor System. Therefore, the rel'ealed to you ill to owe fil'e dollnrs to 1. IIl09t coll~ge b()),s are £upported N. S. F. A. recommends this system to .ASSOCIATE EDITORS by tlleir falhers, as arc eollego girls. the registrar's office. that do !lot have it; and to col· Virginia C. Merrill, '3~ C. W. Kooc!i:ogey, '32 Wl,ile the fathers of the boys llllly be do have it, tI,e N. S. F. A. What n relief it will be to really be luckier than the fnthcrs of the girls they expre8se~ au intense desire that COpy EDITORS null' Lo walk again ~fter huvillg slidt!d nrll Ilot Ileeessaril.r wealthier. Girls are ert enr,}' pos.'llhle effort to tho and poked along for over ~ week. 1herefoTeeeonamieallyas able to pay for Cutilerine B. Reild, '30 W. C. Rein, '31 s.ysicill :IS efficient :IS possible. dntes as men. Whllt is redew' Qllcstndent nnSlI'ered BU1.1he lhf'ORTERS Z. TI,e Dutch t"eut llaiJit elimilllltC$ the question by saying thnt it is cram· golt! digging mnong college girls who ming certain subject mutter of UlC se' ~:'i~~lt~l~'nC:~~~t: '~~ mester which you know you can earn money as well n~ mOil If lh~y i~l'\'alene Hitchells, '30 won't hnve----but nrell't set lloeir mind 10 it, but who USIHl\ly pick ErclYll .M:at.ller, '30 the r:l~jcr course. alllhe exmllina· :Morning Clwpcl uftcrthe 3. The Dutch trent is wiae from 11 Lions nre eonducted orally. There urc ,~~:1~~~1~aD~~1~!,a~3;31 lastd>lyofexamssGClllsto the most mOTid it causes lllutual res· Qthcrsin lI'1Jicheertnilllocal conditions; Evelyn Collison '31 useless thing we enn think of. ped :l1Id n girl to be herself with militate its successful ",Vinifred Blish,' '32 a lllall instend of using a "line" to But in vast majority of state, UlIl'Y Lee t:ihipley, '32 There is one nrhnntnge of st,aying on show her grntitude. It makes it pos· cit.y, denlllllinrltiOllal, p,.h·atcly endowed, the Hill between iilCIllesters. Yon don't bnl'e to come back. silde for n girl to ask a nJ:ln for a date and teaeliers' eollcge.s,nswell n!:l ihe nor embarrnssment. Worthy opillion~' Model management; Correct news. Somo ambitious Senior may see:l pros· witbout negatil'e tenm mnl schoola, there is iu this opportunity for field much dcvelupment The pect in Cineed him life is has existed for nearly u hundred yenrs, docs not urge a ~ol1ege to. the .vme when you go futile, ]~icIHlrd Howe, 17, ~n honor stu· tern b"fore the fiej(] has heen e:Oyn~U f:lrrc:~;n~ees:~ :;:~n~:t~ve::~~::len~~~trl:'e nA:~,(~~~)~a~i~:; plays, and 1l1l.~ rifle in his dormitory room. friends lhe ca$t. Congratulations are Ul~v ying and that M.i$S Kather for Young Howe He ~hQ$c a dralllntie setling his tI,e act. pulled of thelrigger til assi.~tants aml members of the cast who labon:~. fhtell .t~ see them on gun while stuniling ill front of a dreMer, the stage ~cttings so effective. Those who have w~rked in plays Jh_ tortn'llt. on which were a pictllre of his sented in Sm.ith Hall call heai·tily sympathize with them. Every piece mother, those tWO younger \\"oolley like of scenery has to be hauled up from Aillumi RaIl, all chapeJ'ies have to wrote Don Boeeaeio's wOllld Camerou to know who lellglhy fntcwell Hote und an De be Inmg a]1(l all properties have to be hunted from far and near. Beside instrudion book which lay open "Poky" H~nllnilJ is:l man of changed discussion by Fl'nueis BUtOll. this handicap, the stage ,,,hell eonstructed is exceed'ingly small, there is eonsonanh. Last yellr his nffcetions llot It proper balance of space between tbe andience and actors, voice were for Do·do but this year we find projection is difficult, there are no adequate off·stage facilities-what them ullied with yo·.}·o. He is one of Ch.ieago-(ll')-Dark eire1es h~l'e I
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