Page 47 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 47
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE iSPORTSi BASI\E,TBALL BOXING iSPORTSi Mittmen Open Season With Twin INTERCLASS BASKETBALL TOUR· SPORT ITEMS CO-EDS VICTORIOUS IN NAMENT ANNOUNCED Victories On Successiue Nights Cambridge, Eng.-(IP)-A New FIRST GAME OF SEASON The annual series of iuter-etaee basket- Yorker, It. E_ Swartout, has been chnseu ball gnmes usually started after the mid- coxswain of the Cambridge crew, which The Green nud Gold leather-pushers his old power, lIud a uotieeable Improve- year examinntrons have been arranged will row nguin!Jt Oxford on the Thames The co-eds were victorious ill an ex- opened the National IntereoUcgiate ment in footw(lrk, the Intercollegiate fO"and the following plans made. at Putney April 12. Thc American thus l'iting and hard fought gUllle with Stray- of College Balthnore, boxing season by defeating Dartmouth, champ found no trouble at all in ebalk is in line to win the coveted rowing er'a Business Although it. was the first time 4-3, i'l a very (farylalld. Physical Education Class fight with Geagner. Displn~-iug all of (COl,tinued at BottoIli of NC);'t Colnmn) JB--Sophs \'S. Jnniors ~~~~~~~~~==~~==~~ ~===--- _~_.~liorsl's.Frosh Gymnasium Equipment '-<: -Soniors I-S_ Sophs Frosh vs. Juniors 25-Play off of tho winners of each series. Oiliciailleferees: tKo.msuk, Brub/lkcr, Bryau, O'Leair, Hl'!in. ]5 min. hah-ea. Tn the middleweight di\"isi{ln Klepac met Chnpnwn, one of the str(lngest p,)ints of tIle V. ]\f. 1. team, iu a brawl which was fast and furious, but which Ted halll]led ensily. Captain Ekaitis .-\n01her Gymnasium interior of many Rand swings, wrestling lIlat~, Indian took the decision in the 175 pound class yenrs nl;o. The same idea is expre8sed Clnbs lind cxercisiug bnrs, so,ne resemh without ,-ery mueh trouble, making it This scene was made ,I'hen the Ying· those .IarylandCollege. Like Ill.ostplans the details did not work ont exactly, but we have in the Hoffa Field todllY pr~tically e,-crytlliug shown above except the overhead structure of the ~tadlum. A f,w " th, pin .. M' mi"ing. ,
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