Page 40 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 40
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE FOUR INTERCEPTED :-: LONG, LONG AGO (!llann.(!llub.aull ~urtrty iutugn (Continued from Page 3) game requiring keen mental and physical lhe reaction from the preceding Saturday shupe, ill the vernacular "being on Y. W. C. A. pm ALPHA MU edge," worke negatively and destrclYs hnlnnce for the following contest. So Phi Alpha Mu takes great pleasure ill A Christmas program in charge 01 much depends en the teIlllity nnd nerve Prnnees Rnughley was presented in nnnouncillg that the Miasea Catiulrinc atnminn demanded and exacted from the Y. W. C. A. 011 Wednesday 11. The reo- TIitellen~, Mildred Horsey, xre-teu players for un)' gh'en game. That does gram opened with the usual devotion- Humphreys, and Eliza!Jctll Roe not mean that the ao-ealled cllllYgames been fcrumlfy neeepted into the club. nl service followed by tableaux present- ore devoid of mental strain. They are ing the miaoue womon of the Bible. Phi Alpha Mu's enjoyed a Christmas often more taxing than the big assign par!.y in. honor of the now girls last ments. Itisextremelydifficult,wellnigb Evqlyn Ryon portrayed Sarah, Mil- 'Tuesday night. impossible to keep a. team right for 811 This pteture shows the action in one of the Terror games of the past. SO (ired Haum, Re!Jeeea. In the seenc, Elizabeth Bemiller, Helen Dennis, and its games. As a result a good team. can );OU see-'Vester.n Maryland has for a long time boasted of a rea] rcce- ball team, "Finding of the Baby Moaee", Francis Kate Stoner visited on the Hill last look very bad in the uooee of that let- and, according to U.e pictnre, a lighting team. Can you pick out a father or Ward was Pharoahts duughter; Vir- Thnrsday _"i::gh:.::t. _ down commonly referred to as a stump. am unele-or a grandfather'! It doesn't seem at nIl probable that the man in ginia Merrill, her maid-servant: Marian There nnve been but IiICI'enor Gight teams the dcrbj- hat is thinking about the time whieh a Terror Team will be one of Humphreys, Mosca' sister, Miriam; Mat- GAMMA BETA em with uub(l!Oten.and untied reecede in the the seneat.ions of the Eaat. gfirot Leonard, the mother of Moses; cntire ecuuts-y during the past campaign Dorothy Todd took tile part of Deborah. The Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity held to attest for the troubles experteneed by its informal init.iatlun Wedlle~dl).yeven the many seekers of s,ueherowus. RlI:CORD OF ELEVEN eONSECU· In the next scene, that of Naomi parb- King's Pharmacy ing from her dangllters-in-Iaw, Blauche ing. Add t(l lhe ab(lve sltnntion the eon· 'erva VIOTORIES UNEQUALLED .Vl of the pledges w!Jiel. have been a.c· Hurd acted us Rutu, Ellen Tylor, Orphu, cepted since College opened underwent atnnt worry o"~r the maiutenance of an ANY OTHER TEAM The Rex.all Store and TIuth Hobbs, Naomi. SarlLh Ro!Jin· l\lre,-,dyeBtablililiedprovious spoitless ree- son and Elizabeth Roe portrayed the ordenl whiell finnIl~' makes them ortl and you ha,'e an iden of what W. M. (Continued from Page 1) 55 E. Main St., Westminstcr, Md. Uary olld Martha, the frielld.~ of Jes full fleglld of the Fra.ternity. C.'s wonder tealll wcnt throngh these MuryJunil Stat.c football ehampionshiv, Rats off to them. paat three months. lIS. Millicent All(m was ],[ary Mag· PI ALPHA ALPHA the T(Jrrol's reco\'cred from their lem- aclcne. P()J'lll'T slump and decisively elided a SPECIAL The finul tableau prescntell tho The Pi Alpha Alpha. Fraternity grent perfect record 12-0. 'J'1lCLnil'. of Reading or Desk Lamps scene of thc NaHvity with Ann Raugh. wishes to thank all of the IItudents and The CO"cted :\l\-:\me:rillan honors loIal':rlslldhndpl·el·iouslyearlledn13-J3 Special Price $1.98 Icy as Mnry the Mother. All the oth- alumni of theColl~e WllOhelped make whid find so llWllYaspir:l1lta IlHvefallen tic witll Yale :mt! were conceded nil even. J. Stoner Geiman er ChUl'flctc.rSformed a group around tlill Football Dunce at tIle Hotel Bclvc· ll]lOll two Terror foolb~ll stan. Paul break 10 come out 011 top. !twas lllllat Bates was uall1etl on sel'eral AIl·Eastern her, wllHe 11 quartlltte, Amanda Bell, dere ~nch a decided suceess. teallls aurl \YUH especi;Jlly mentioued on a tel' of c1ine.hiug a possession :llreMI)' 77 W. Main St. Minnie Strnw!Jridge, Ruth Stahly, and lllllnber uf All·Allleri~:ln ~eleetioll~. 1'uul owned :nlll W. ~r. proved eapnlJle to 911S' E(1na Nordwnll, sing "0 Little Town 01 DELTA SIGMA KAPPA If:1S plll~'('d H great game at taillanlllltic(\andllll(\efeatetlealllpnign. J.GPENNEYC0. Bethlehem". ilescn'jng of the honors 'fhe Terrors 1'ln."edwithout the sen-ices O'Leair, of CllJltaiu na\'CIl~, Pelten, Alice EY3.ns acted as reader, inter· 'Phe members of Delta Sigma Kappn iJestow('d Il[lon Likewis(J i~ C1Illt. WeislJo~k, GomsHk. The abon' Polo Shirts, Sweaters, Novelty preting the ncenes for th~ audience.'ed a Christmas party held in the HH\'el\,~descrdng of the divers honor· !llld Katilerine Merritt accompanied each club room on 'fhursday aitel'lIOOn, Doc· able mentions for All·llllleriCl'In he llBmed plUJcrs with TiUmllu, Stack nIH] Goods for Students DcF\:\Veul;olllplcted their careers. IIcenc with appropriate violin selcetions. cmber 12. hall rl'(~cl\·ed. TIro-ellSis not only a good sn~pp(!rbllck lmt is also noted for his ill- spiring' lendl'\'ship on the field. "Dad" SMELSER TERRORS TURN TERRAPINS TUR· eral p~ss, Dought~· to '''ellinger, Il\ade D. S. GEHR six ~'nr[]s, JOIICSgained two yard!!, bul ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, TLE AND TAKE STATE FOOT· the Terrors we're pena1iz~d 15 yards for BALL TITLE lIlGI-lLIGH'fS OF THE FINALE COLD DRINKS hohling. (Established 1866) (Continued !tom Page 3) .'\. pass !rom Jones 1I'1IS groundCll. Firs! (lowns-W. ].[.,10; Marylaud,,1 . Open Every Nite Until 11;30 Western ;"\[aryland punted out of bounds Yartls gained from serimmuge, W. M., Wholesale and Retail 160;101:U'ylslld,39. M~r~~~::d~ePlaCedKlepall for Western ~n~dt::I(~5.y~rdlinc. Chalmers punted to EVER.HAR.T .·\cting C~ptaill Ekaiti~' signal calling, HARDWARE Clary slid off tackle for two yard!!. Doughty raced nr(lnod left end for 18 backing up of line, und brainy attempt to BARBER AND BOBBER Clary made two more yards through the yards, putting lhe ball on Maryland's score point after first touchdown follow· Phone 318 right lIide of the line. SO·yard line. At one time he wa!lloose, illg fumble. George ran the ball but At the Forks hileil hy inches to reach goal. ---ii:;:';~t;C~so"W=;:"'i:::;':::-O;:::"';;::."tg"O·~rh~"~m='=,,=t__;;;::~:a~:i(~l1[~:;;~I;ac;:ldth:fjg~~:P~ri~ ~hl'.!!lu,·aslOn t 12 inches and one down for a score. stride was downed. tory da r.Oluplctiou of pass by Batea n. A. Steele Clary made II rUllning diYIloyer the line A.ft~r the Terrors had puntoo over the fntile. Publishers Representative for lI. tOllchd()wn. Ekllitis failed to make goal lille May gained eight yards through :Maryland stopped all a·yard line after thn extra point on an end fun. the line find Bergcr made it II first down a baffling pass attack, second quarter. Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr 5 Columbus Circle Maryland kieked off t(l Wetltcrn Mary· for Mnryland. Western Maryland was Liue play of Batcs, Pincura, Kohout, New York, N. Y. l~nd, the ball going out of bonnds. Tlus penalized five yards for 0[(3ide. Lamb, Bcnsou, Wilkl'f and Engle. It wsa meant another kiek·off. Clary was down As the game euded it was Western Lamb's first start of the season and he Goods for Young Men ATTENTION STUDENTS ed en his own 30-yard line. ·Maryland's ball on )1aryland 's 36-y~rd played \'ery creditably. Benson was'in Welltern )Iaryland wns penalized 5 line. :i!.Iarylandbnel,field fOl' a good part of 10 per cent Off for College Students For se\£,sllpporting students desiring yards for off·sidc play. Jones went out West.·Matylalld MaI?lllnd the aftern,oon. Bates aud Engle played remunerative work either of bounds. Cla.ry punted out of bounds theiru!!'llal fine games. PinOluraand Wil· tcmporury or permanent, llIay I suggest on ';'Ilaryland's 36·yard line. Evans Bates L.E. Peace kcr had onc of their best. days. that m\llly studonts of both scxe~ have gailled 4 yards through the lino, Miller, Wilker I..G. Heintz Clary in(1iddual hero by scoring both curncd acholarslripsandcashsuffieiont iu n swooping run around right end, Willey L.T. Lumbard t.ouchdowns
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