Page 49 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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COL LECTUR~ BOXING VS. N. Y. U. ALUMNI HALL OARLIN'S PARK 8:00 P. M. TONIGHT I SATURDAY, 8 P. M. Vol. 7, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 7, 1930 STRATEGY AND TACTICS DELIGHTFUL RECITAL GIVEN BY COLLEGE OALENDAR WESTERN MARYLAND GRADUATE MID-WINTER BANQUF.T WINS COVETED SOHOLARSmp VOICE AND DEFINED IN LECTURE STUDENTS IN PIANO lovers greatly en- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6- ] Charles E_ Blah, a graduate of TO BE GALA EVENT The college music joyed the recital gtven by the Dopart- Leeture ; Alumni Hall, 8:00 P. M. "rest ern Maryland Oollege in the class COL. DEEMS GIVES ADDRESS TO of '25, had the honor of being the eee- ALUMNI AND FRIENDS WILL ment of Music on Wedneedny evening, Basketball; Univ. of ASSEMBLED R. O. T. C. UNIT J,'obruary at 7:30 P. M. The ]11'0- ond scholarship reeipieut of the Eng- MARK GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY gram, in students of both votee Inter-clnsa Baskefbnkl ; Seniors vs. lish Speaking Union of America, to The R. O. T. C. unit enjcved nn ad- and Pinna took part, was as follows: Bopbe: Prosh vs. .Juufors. spend tho mouth of .July, 1929, visiting The golden nnulvcrsary of the grad- dress by Colonel Deems in the Biology Dove'Villgs woorlmnu England, Ireland, Scotland, aud Wales. uation of Dr. William R. McDaniel, lecture roO!" on the :lftcrnoon of Feb· FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 'i- The only requirement str. Btsh had viee-preaideut and treasurer o.f western ruary 3. Colonel Deems aeleotcd na tho Mias Myers Alumni Bauquct ; Lord Baltimore to meet 1\'a8 Umt of being and "Iaryland Collego, hem the instit.ution snbject of his address Strategy, wit!, Wedding Day Dryden Grieg Hotel; BaUJ..ll.1orc. worthy of promoting the of tlle will be marked tomorrow evening at tho Particular Reference to The Army of Ave Maria Miss SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8- Union, whose primary interest is "the twenty-fltt h annual mid·winter ban Schubert, the Potomac ill 1864. The address was To the Sun Pearl G. Curran Vanity Boxing; New York U'niv.; alleviation of unfortunate misuude r- quet of the Alumni Aaaoelat.iou. The illustrated with slides of UlUpS show- Miss Mather Carlill'a, Baltimore. standings and the prevention of the banquet will be held at the Lord Battd- ing the positions of the armies at dif· Varsity Bnskef.ball ; St . .John's Col cancerous growth of }Jetty bad feeling, more Hotel. Sparks Mcaakcwsk! t'crOllt stages of tI,e eollflict. Recita.tive an ar-ia .frOmThe Messiah lege; ewnr. of mistrust, and of jealously!' At the same time tIle erase of 1905 Oeloucl Deems opened his nddreas Comfort Ye and Every Valloy In his report to the English Speak will celebrute the. silver nnniver~llry of II-ith a discussion of the vur-ious aepeete Mr. Weagley SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9- iug Union Brnueh at wnsu.ngton, D.O., of ~!rntegy. Btrntegy is not mili- Voiles DeBussy uud ill his letters a dutulted tar)' but also paycholugleal, account of trip ean be f(}un,]. ,Hr. ing },fnrylnn"tl State intercollegiate and c.eollomie. Slogans likn no GoUiwug's Cnkewalk De Bussy Bisli sliows tiJat even t!tough Ameriea elwuopion footb~l1 trophy for 1929, will 1\fissWentz passorontpas"lI.reunm]llesofVsyllI101- VHcnre Exquise Hahn and Great Britnin have mueli in com- be given a prominent place in the ban- ogicul strnLcgy und servo to heighten A.riette Vidal nwn tho m!Ira fnr from quet 10.111. Dr. "McDaniel was tIle first morale. Enlistment, of ncutrals as al- understanding e!lch other. Our news- I!thleticcoaehlIt ti,e (lollege. lies "'us given as I1n eXllmple of polih- :Miss Hobby P~r>C.l"Ji givo tile i.mpression that th~ro At n recent mueting of,!.he nlullllli enl strategy. Eeonou1ic ~tn.t('gy was il- Eroiea MiseWallaee Liszt is no povert,y in America. "The promi resolutions wem odoJlted calling the lustrated by tile eut.ling off of 1I1ueh Lnrgo from Xerxes Handel nClIec given crilll(} crcates the hupres- banquet tile William R. McDalliol gol- needed supplies from n belligerent na- sian tlLat O. description of our den jubilee_ 'l'he resolutions n.lso provid· Han. Two Grt'nndier.s Srhumuun Wild \Vest is .everywhere ed for the painting of a portrait of Dr. ],[r.DeHnven They marvel slenderness of A.m- MeDllnicl to be presented to tile iUSli- FORMER POPULAR INSTRUCTORS WELCOMED BY FRIENDS HERE Miss Esrher Smith, a forlller instruc- tor in Speech at the College, and 1\(i~s Kutherine Bf(}wne, a former ius\ructor ill Biology, were the gnests of Miss DEBATING SEASON OPENS Violet JIert:i\lllUU(lnd lIUss Snm Smith. respee,t.ively, during the latter part of WITH TEAM SELECTION the p~Bt week. Miss SmitJI stnyed from Thursday uu- ~ til Friday nfternoon, when she left for WOMEN MEMBERS OF FACULTY A meetillg WIlS held in J\ Baltimore where she spellt tJle week- ENTERTAINED AT OOLLEGE )f.ondllr (l\'Cui.ngof all UIO students in- end. From there she went to Ncw York INN Ci(\" where she is continuing her study reetor of this year's contest. terestetl i.n i.nter·col1egiate dollatlng. The tell millute limit has been aban- The meeting WIlS en lIed by },fr. W. V. of dr:ullaties. !lUss Sara Smith, Miss Violet llertz- doned and a word limit of 1500 words GOLD FOOTBALLS PRESENTED Boll, president of t],e Inter-Collegiate Miss Browne remainNi until Sntur- man, and iIliss Rut]l Jon~s, entertaincd bas been set. The totnl amount of. the TO ALL-MARYLAND STARS Debuting Council [md the two ma.n- day, wilen she aTld Miss Sara Smith the women members o.f th!l faculty at prizes rcm:lins $5000, the lowest prize ngers presented tho plans as arranged left for the latter's 110me in .Jarretts- tea at College Tnn from .four to six 0'- being raised, however, to $400, but the The si.x footbnllmen naUle,l 011 f(}rthepreaentseasou_ ville, Maryl~nd_ Miss Browne WCllt. on Illoek on Thursday afternoon, .January first prize remains at $1500. the
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