Page 45 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 45
COl SPEECH RECITAL BOXING VS. V. P. I. SMITH HALL ARMORY TOMORROW7:30 P. M. SATURDAY 8:00 P. M. Vol. 7, Nu.12 January 30, 1930 Alumni Association Room Spring on the Campus OOLLEGECALENDAR FRIDA Y, JANUARY 31- Senior Speech DJ' Smith Hall, 7:30 P. 1.1. \ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1- Varsity B.oxing; V. P. I. wea. minster Armory. Varsity Basketball; Loyola j away. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2- College Sunday SehQol: Baker Ohapel; 9:00 A. M. R.l.ker Chapcl Servtee 7:15 P.],f. ),TONDi\Y, FEBlWARY 3- Llternty Societies; 7:00 P. M. 'l'UESDAY, FEBlWARY 4- Varsity Basketball; St. JOhll'B Col- lege; Westminster Armory. Social Clube ; 7:00 P. M. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5- Another campus view of the nineties! und tree foliage almost gives the appear The Alumni Room ill another one of double doors ut the left lead to-n small ¥. W. C. A. u:30 P. M. -This pnrficular part of the eampua is ancc of Ii forest. The young women those ptnees still existing on Ihc Dempue or room used at the present' time as the Y. M. C . .'\. (i:.J.5 P. M. the present site of the north end of Mc- Sllelll to be leisllrely whiling away some lmt, rarely used or viaited. This room property room for tho Speech Depart- French Club 7;15 P. M. Daniel llalL Tho summer house can time which evidently they found at their is the lower pnrt of Alumni Hal! Ilnd was ea~i1y he reeogntsed. The thick grass disposal. :MsJbe they are phmning a originally fittcd out to serve as permnn- futurc---the present. Who knows' At cnt Alumni headquarters. It seems least we knoll' the present women stu logioal thnt n place of its dimenaions tleufs frequently do just the same thing and possibilities could be to some during the spring timc---nud we kuow uae. The abOl'e that in spite of the different times, they the Alumni Room it w;.s ill nre much alike. use, and the same fixtures cal) for the most part be foun!l there today except SECOND SENIOR SPEECH under different CinJUlllstnllCCS. 'l'.he SENIORS SPEAK AT RECITAL TOMORROW WOMAN'S CLUB MEltING TlIO second Senior Speech Recital will be given ill Smith Hall, Friday evening, January 31, at 7:3·0 P.)or. This recital Professor A. lIf. Tsnnogte, Dean of the is cue of a ~eries of four recitals which Department of Education, nnd several ill ., '''''_ "CpjM 5f,lil<.Zl!~~~~"-t.;;> ~:."'::~ q.~ fl, .. __ LLL..._ bi-ruonfhly meeting of the IVomen 's Club of ,Vestminster Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was held at the home of Mr. M. S. H. Unger, Superintendent of SchOlols It is easy tOdl!l'tinguish in t.his picture for Carrull County. ~t the present time, except one may notice I The topic for study and diseusstcn for eostumes alone express the time in wh;( the meeting was Eminent Educators and lightening to know just who young men their theories. ProfeslIOr Isanogle, in of a rasecnse, Edna St. Vincent Millay . arranging the program chose the eight going. At first one is reminded Sund: Miss Huston most eminent educators of today as sal are on their way to ehllreh--except several oj ~ ~ . '''Il opposite Overtones Alice Gertaeuberg direction-but perhaps they had forgotten t euliectiun mOlley. Let that ected by the entire senior educution Miss Clough be as it liIay this scene Ie espceially expressi.,,, of genuine college campus life of a few elass. Dr. John Dewey headed the list decades ago. The Lost Word Henry V~n Dyke and Profcssor Is~nogle made him the MiS!! McVey subject of his talk. The other speakers Main Building Group Years Ago The Cottage Oln t.hc Moor and their mbjeeh werc as follows: Edwnrd L. Thorndiko, An-alene Hit- Mr. Reed Irelaud and Smith chens; Willinm TI. Kirkpatrick, Frnn· ees E. Ruughley; Charle~ H. Judd, ]\far· garet D. Leonurd; Henry C. Morrison, GEORGE L. EKAITIS WITHDRAWS Virginin C. Mcrrill; Lewis M. 'ferm~ll, FROM OOLLEGE UNEXPEOTEDLY \\'. G. Buton; :'\[admn Mnrie ?>fontel>aori, W. G. Dawson; H('len Pnrkhllrst, Ma- George L. Eknitis, '31, of the tildu F. TI_w_",:_pse_,, _ Bo);il)g team, member of Studrnt, Couueil, and all·arouud athlete, has been COLONEL DEEMS TO ADDRESS foreed to withdrnw' from college, tam MILITARY STUDENTS MONDAY porarily, at least. To SllY Ilis loss will be keenly felt would be put1ing it mililly, Colollel D"cms, a frequent \';silor of for dllrillg his two·;md·a·half ye~rs on the College Military Department, will the Hill, George has heJd a domillnnt speak in Smith Hull l\1~l]lila)' nflernO(ln in el
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