Page 43 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ BASI\E,TBALL BOXING \SPORTS \ TERROR DRIBBLERS INVADE BASKETBALL BALTIMORE U. CAGERS GmLS' BASKETBALL PROSPECTS DARTMOUTH MEET HERE PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGES Jan. 0 Penn State College Away DEFEAT TERROR QUINT UNUSU ALL Y PROMISING TO OPENNATIONAL SEASON practi(lU has Jnn. 10 Bucknell University Away this Girla' year bflskcth(lll all evidences pointurg begun to with PENN STATE, BUCKNELL AND errs. Western Maryland's bneketball team wards a sueeessful aeasou under tho guld- TERROR HOPES HIGH AS VET- Jan. 11 Susquehanna Unhersity Away QUEHANN A ENCOUNTERED was anuihlluted by the University of auee of the aew eoaeh, Miss Marie Purk· ERANS FORM PROBABLE LINE-UP Jan. H Un!v. of Bnlthnore Home 'I'uesday Baltimore in tI!cir game even er. While last year's S~niors are great- The Terror uasketbnll tenm encounter- .Jun 17 Dickinsou College Away ing at the Armory. The score was 4!} ly missed, t1;0 squad has been strength The meet with Dartmouth tomorrow ed the dribblers of Penn State on JUllU- .Ian, 21 Lcbnnou Valley College llome t09. ened by the enthusiastic "lnrning out" night will be the opening gun of the Qry 9, at State College. The boya Qf The visitors ran rings around the Ter- of the present Freshman class-some of 'rerror SCMOU aud incidentally murk the Penn State diOl111nyed a I'aded atraek Jan. 2B Navy Away ror eagers, who failed signally in their whom promise to develop ability. The inauguration of the ]030Nutionallnter which was too much for the team of Pcb. 1 Loyola AII'ay efforts to match thespecd of the Mn- 01<1 mcmbers ef the squad have responded collegiate Boxing season. The Big Green W. lIl. C_ Although the defeat was roous. Coach Speir tried man a.ttcr equnlly ns well, every ono "t rurin ' to go" WOII decisive, tho secte dues not indleate the Feb. 4 St. J ehn.'s College Home men fln(l combination after COmbination, after their long vaeation. ream boasts several vetemne who in Iaet margin of play. Time n.fter time W. 1.L Fub. GUlli,'. of Morylaud Awny but they all looked alike to Baltimore. The schedule seems to offcr pcssibill- for Dartmouth a tie with Yale ulIcnse sparkled but ended auruptty Feb. 8 St. Jolin'S College Away At the end of tile firat half Baltimore tics for It very intcreetlng season, season's intereollcgiate standings. when 0110 of the players Inkled to make 11 xte, was leading 24 to 5. ially since jt inclndes an ol'ernight The outlook for the Terror team, while the mueh neea~d gOlil. 'fho defent was Feb. St. ).fary's Collego Home Coaeh Andrrson of the im-ndiug five, to }~rederiek8bnrg, Vfl. 'rhero ~rc two not unduly bright, is fair. 'red Klepae, theiualliJitytoscoreflflcr }'eb. 18 Blue Ridge. Coll€ge Home gal'e every man in uniform a elwnee aud games at llollle, to be played Doug Oro!!by, PeteI:'later 'lnd CDptain the lmd booeu worked through the 1"01). 20 Baltimoro Unh·. _'\way one group of Baltimoreans looked nbout 18 and Pebl"unry 1. The brirls 1100(1 GMrge Ekaitis are back from last year. Prnll State defense. 'Woolley of W. M., Ii!!effeetil'e as another. Tommy Reamer, of the wlwlo sellooJ to Ilesue· Ho\\,ev€l", of these four, only Crosby has led his team with S points while Davis Fcb. 25 Loyoln College lIome Baltimore guard, was the high-scorer of in the hcst s~nse of the word, so and Brnnd were the leruling acorers of Feb. 27 Georgetown Univ. Awn,\' t.he g;lme, with aix field gOllls, good for come out (illil prove to ihem that Jou'rc relaineil his weight of the 192B season. the State offcnsi\"C. T1Hl finnl score was a totnl of J2 points. Fine, Cramer (uld renlly behind them! The sehednlc: Kle[lue and Ekll.itis have swupped 45·20 in fOI'or of Penn Ait tlHl Mar. 3 Nt. St. 1lary's CQllege Away II'eights, 'i'ed going d01l'1l to the midlllc- Cnpt.-!ill Elliott aho had their eyes 011 Jan. IS Slrn..l'er's Business College fiuill gun ended the gnme, Woolley shot MrlJllIger-HoGEIt WILLARD. the blUlket. Engle, Bakor and Hammill (Home) weight dil'ision, and George fighting in a foul bringing his team's score 1.0 20 made Western :Mar~'land's thrao field the 175-ponnd class. Pete Plater, the poi\\ts. '}'he T"wrors were evidently a Concli-BARNEY SPEIR goals. Feh. 1 Fredericksburg Stnte Normal remaining veteran, fought last year as little u,,~ceustomed to us lntge a Hoor as III a pre.liminary game the 'Western (Home) a 115'pounder,buthllsbeeu forcedupin I'eHH Stntc prcsented. 'l'his rnd lIlar lIfarylaud freshmen defealed tho Balti· to the12.'i-pounddil'isionthis !!Cnaon. lw,'c hnd some influence on the tenll1's BOXING }'eb. 8 Gallnudet (Away) more Uub·Hait.l· fros1l30 tc 16. Brown, The remnining berths are still wide scoring. The line,u]J: )lnrehll'rederieksbnrg(away) Western Man'land for\\"llrd, wns the big opBn. BlIrnHt and Pineura are conteuil W.1\[.-20 l'Clln State--l5 Jan. 17 Dartmouth College Home stllr of thh, game. SUllluwry: iug for tIle hcnvywC'ight joll, while Den· We.llinger F. .Illll. 18 V. ill. 1. ~\wny Seore b.Y hall'es: SPORT ITEMS nis, Bor~hers! D. Woolley, alld Crowth- \Voullc)' F. Peb. 1 V. P. 1. Home BoUimore Unh'orsity ers f\rejockcying for a place in the 145 Hammill C. poullddj,·ision. B'lker G. Moss Feb. 8 New York Univ. Balto. Westel"ll)iarylllnd }'In.-(IP)-Coming from 7.cro Eugle G. Sulhman Fob. 15 Penn Stnte College Awny wcather, Unil-ersityof Oregon foot The lightweights aro quite a lllix-up ball team all but smothered whel1 thoy al, with Flater, Penuewe11, Subslitutions-\\1. ~I.-Lawrcnee for Pell. 19 West Virginia Un;I·. SPORT ITEMS the Uu;\"cr;;rity (If Florida here Clmndler, nnd Tuckerman in the 125· B~kcr; Lnmb for HllmmilJ. Pqnn State 7. The ,-isitol"ss(lon discarded pounders, nud Timmons and D. -Leydn for Da.,, Pry for lI.!i11er; Ham· )fnr. I Un;v. of Penn. Awny Brooklyn, N. Y.-(IP)-Jack md!.'r, whell the gnme began. }'lor- ilton for Brand, WelJcr for 1I!038; L~e )'lar. 8 Georgetowu Unil'. Balto )lnrchisonas Notre Dame football star whose 9G-ynrd contest, 20 to G. for Saltzmall. .Mar. 15 Nal'y Away run in the Army game was one of the llcfel'e€8-:llcl;ser and Good. high spots of the 102B scaaou, will raeo Conn. -(IP)-'l'he foot· U. W. Miller Inter-Collegiate Boxing Meet Palestra 100 meters, 75 yards, and 100 ynrds ill Go().CI!~" DICK IiAaLQw the Olympic sprint series at the anuuul Cleaner and Dyer On Jo'riday, the dribblers athlctie carnil'al of tho Brooklyn College fOl"(l high Md. Wlestminster, of "\V. M. were Ily II snnpp'y ][a.1WgU- CHAS. HAVENS games, it lJ!ls beell alllloum,ed. a kgflsllrcsnlt of injuries received in R. M. REED, Rep_ outfit from Bu{:knell. The score wns 37 CaJlt.-GF.ORm~ EKA1TIS Oppofff'd to Elder ~"il1 bc Jimmy Daley pm<:tice ellrl)" ill the senson. Buss)' has to 24.. The gnllIe was interesting us the of Holr Cross, Karl Wildermuth, of receivod A lie\\" footbnll from l{nute lll'{) teams fought on equal terms the GeQrgetOll"n and Bo.b McAllister. "Dad" SMELSER lirst, quarter. )ufmg he atter par 0 SPORT ITEMS ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, the gnme Bmknell forged int.o the leaa al\l] wns Hot overtaken. 'rhe boysQf W. Brooklyn, N. Y.-(IP)-Stani81D\V Ncw York-(I.P)-So far in 192B-30 COLD DRINKS ),J. showed an improl'C111ent over lhe pre- American eQlleges have sfres~ed wrest- Open Every N_ite Until 11:30 r.eding enl]ing and were nblc to m:ike Pietkiewick, Polish eouque!'or of PllilVO ling us an intercollegiate sport more uud {iood a high!;'r pertllntageof shot.a.Bukcr Nurmi, and .Eino PUrjc, of }'inland, will more until it SGCIlIS definitely to have a "\Y. :Ill. guard was unn\:Jlc to put fortll compete in the ]6th annual trnek nnd assumed a major role in undergratluate EVERHART field mpet of Brooklyn College, his hest ('fi:orts due t.o fin ~nkle athletks. 18. Other stnr have been received in the Penn struggle. Lehigh Unil'eraity lliis yenr WOIl the 10 participate in the ev~nts. Bahylcn & Lippy Company BARBER AND BOBBER again l~.d his team by scoring Eastern Intercollegiate championship for for t.he toanl. Hammill had H the seeond sueces~i"e year, while the At the Forb Qf 7 points when he was foreed Oklahoma Aggie took the National 001· SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR from lhe game on persouals. Char!ottesl-ille, Vll.-(lP)-The loelll l~giate 'i'enm Championship. Michigv.n midget grnnllnar school t.eam recently ("1l('nOwetll, dimiuutil'c forward of the 11"011the uuoffieial national midget el]am· won the Big Ten 'l'itle for the first thne B,,~kncll HggregaUon was the star of the in history. King's Pharmacy game. He turned ill 15 for his pionship when it ddeated lhe Tell-year Ed. George, of the Univer~ity of Mich· toam find plllycd old n~'\\'eighfs nf KCJlt, Ohio, 27 to O. igan and a member of the Am~rican Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr The Rent nggregatiOll, aVilrnging 00 Oly!ll}lie team of 1!128 successfully de The RexaH Store 'l'heljnc-up. pouuds in weight, were chnlllJlions of the feuded his titlo of national nmateur 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. northeast. BUGKNELT,-37 heal·ywe.ight ehampiou. Goods for Young Men Wellinger F. ChenQ\~etll Woolley F. Borilla SPECIAL HnllllllHl C. }'ry Pnsarleua, Calif.-(lP)-The f\rst Gaincsville, Pla.-(IP)-After going Reading or Desk Lamps 10 per cent Off for College Students G. "\VudslI"orth Tournampnt of Hoses game, heJd here througl! sevcrnl aeUSOll!l with the dis Special Price $1.98 G. Kosto!! J'uuunry 1, )90), 1I'1IS nowhere nenr so tinction of having more murric(! mrn on in J. Stoner Geiman East un.y other Sn\:Jstilutions: 'Y. M.-LAmb for (]is!lslrOliS between to tIle Pittsburgh aa the IJnd game Ihi& it than country, the ~ollege foot bull of h'anl )'N!r Southern Florida Unil'ersity the Hammill, Bollon for Baker, L!lWTenee Cliliforuiu when the lntler defented the cleven will find itse.lf nen year without 77 W. Main St. for Engle. Em!lcrilers -17 to 14. n benedict, unless som~one on the squad Bucknell-Ammerman for Chenowetll, In the first game the Uni"el"llit,y of takes the fatal step. J.C.PENNEY CO SOlnebody, Somewhere, wants your }{]lll1mcll for Borilla, Burbaryn for Fry, 11iehigan defeated Stanford 4!1 to O. None of the three married men who ""larter for Rostos. ]~igl]t lhonsDnd people, fI record crowd were on the 1B2D sqund at. lhe start of Polo Shirrs, Sweaters, Novelty Referees-Good au(! Stewart. in tllose nays, saw tl,,~ game. the season-Dale VanSickle, Joe Brynu Photograph The )Iichigan team was the same tiIat and Alex R~c\"c~-wi1l return next fall, Goods for Students Susquehallrll'l, Unh'erslty preseuted the flln up 10J points lind held all opponenls und Captnin RileJ C~\\'thrOIl who wall opposition on Saturdi!.\' night nt SelinB scoreless. Prominent membcrs of tho married duriug the season, fllso hilS fiu The Wilson Studio grov~. The team of 8nsquuhann!l ;lVllS team werc Judge William Hoston, Neil ished his college football eareer. SJl,VERWARE WATCHES one of thebesl elleountered on tho lrip Snow, Curtis Rfdden und Hugh Whiten, but the hoysof W. ,,\1. were able to hold 00 pounds, np- 5 Columbus Circle fought with Susquch:mna dispmying a game at )<~w Ha\'~n. It is almost eer parently listens as inlently as any Qf the fine pa~si.llg attaek. W. M.'s offensive tRill thnt the game will be arranged_ other players wholl sig.nnlll are called. Iu CLASS PINS CLASS RcTNGS Now York, N. Y. II'/l.S nmeh better than on previous occa- Ten1ity he doe~ll 't hear 1I word, but he sions but t.heilltaekeould not basus· understands e\"eryfbin r 1)y reuiling the ATTENTION STUDENTS tained for any length of time. qUDrfcrhack'slips. Washington-(TP)-prCSident Her- D. S. GEHR Por self-sllpporiillg students desiring Tho liue-up- bert lIoover lind members of his cabinet Bontwell is !l jnnior in high sclwol, at- ~ilseinnting remuuerative work aither t.ending regular elal!!!es. He can spenk W.:M.-27 SUSQUEH.A.NNA-37 will be alumni football opponents uext ;]1'd carr~' on II eO!"'cr~:ltion so well thnt leTllpo,·"r~' or permanent, may I suggest Wellinger 1:'. Rupp Odoller 11 when :IIliunesota and Stan- people are surprised when they IcafDof (Established 1866) that luauy stndents of botl! sexes have ford clash on the gridiron in an inter· earned scholarships aud ensh ~ufficient Woollcy }'. Rummel his handie~p. Hammill C. Gorl!&rt !!('ctional gnme. Wholesale and Retail to (lcfrllY 311 college expenses represent- Engle G. .MeGehan The President and Secretarl' Ral' Ly- ing natiOllU.l mag!l.7.ine publishers. If Bol,cr G. Glenn man Wilbur, Stanforrl alumni, will be Knoxville, T:XIP) -1\fcEyer, HARDWARE interested write or wire for detnils- nligne(l against Attorney Genersl Wil- Tennessee Univers.ity halfback, has a to- U. A. Steele, Nntional Organizer, 5 Col- Substitution!!: W. M.-Lamb for liam B. Mitchell and Walter H. Newton, tal of 129 scoring points for the season, Phone 318 umbus Circle, New York, N. Y. Hammill, Lawrence for Baker. secretary to the President, bolh of whom thns leading tho country scorers. He is Suaquehanlla-Wall for Gehart. are graduates of llinneaotD. ono point ahead of Hinkle of Bu~kllell. ~
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