Page 42 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 42
PAGE'l'WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 1lJaril'ly ]ntl'r-ffil111l'giatl' GOt 'Ie; The yo-yo} the greatest craze from the THE PRESENT STATUS OF THE A REVIEW OF BOOKS, NI'Wll PLA YS AND LIFE PhiliPl'illcs! exempt from the Western Maryland is not HONOR SYSTEM WINGS OVER EUROPE At either. ernae atry moment your roommnte may jump np 'rile Theatre Guild aecred another suc· Official newspaper of western Maryland College, pubfiahed on 'l'hnrsdny during from his studies and with certain symp- Eighteen months ago the present cess in, Baltimore recently in their pro- the a~.ademie year hy the students of Western l'Ifarylnnd College, Westminster, toms of pull out n. yo-yo and chninunn of tue Committee on thu Honor seutation of \\,ings Over Europe, the ex- Maryland. Entered na seecnd-elasa mutter at the Westminster Postoffiee. bl'gin working At any moment, es System for the N. S. F. A. gathered ex- tremely modern and seient ifie play by i'<,,,ially in the crowded corridors, yon teusive information com,orniug the prev- Robert Nichols and hl..'l\uiee llr{)wne. Subscription Prico, $2.00 a. Yesr alence of the Ronor System in american may be etruek forcibly on the head by Whnt would Baltimore theatre goers do a small round ccutra ptiou Illlrlcd by the colleges eud univ~rsiUeB. The Injormu- without the Guild! If only they realize mOT!!mature yo-yoiet who is practicing tiOll gathered then is believed to be valu- the bet and back each eubecrtption sea- MANAGING S'1'A FF able; have not a I'~rtielll swing. YO'~'os while we wait eonditioue ebnnged mn . sou 'IS they havc fhis ! Be hr, it aeeuie EDlTon-IN-CnmF. .. William G. Eaton, '30 for dinn~r; yo·yos while we walk the terinlly since that time. to me, there eau be no complaint, for l\IANAOIN"G Ern-ron. .. Wilmer V. Bell, '30 str<'et-Jes, Western 1J:ar.rt:mil has the In reply to a general queat-iounalre boll! the Baltimore public and the Guil(! arc living up to their contracts. Worth- Assr. 1\fANAG1NG EOl'tOR .. . \Veldon G. Dawson, '30 )'o-yoitis, and has it bad! containing questions pertinent to lhe while plays for responsive nudiencesl eolleges sent informa- Honor System,.o7 BUSINESS l'I[ANAGER .• ... Paul L. Bates, '31 Here's an optimist. A fair young co- tion. 160, or 39')1.,of these colleges Bnt to get bnek to Wings Over Eur- ADVERTISING 1'IIANAGEn .. ..... Joe C. Newcomer, '31 ed, ill the darkest throes' of operate under some kind of Honor Sya- ope. In more ways than one it was nn CmOULA'I'ION .l\IANAGER. ..... James A. Stach, '30 \\'{}fryover approaehlng exams, was tem. In 129 of them it is used wholly; unusual play. Tn the first place the cast Josiah D. Stillwagon, .Jr., '32 asked which exam worried her most re in 31 of them it is useil only parcinlly. was made Ut) entirely of men, nineteen .d.."lS'J'.CmcoLA'fION :LI.IANAGERS. . Joseph '1'. Addison, '32 "Oll uo, 1 wasn't thinking about Of these 31, twenty-one use it only in in all. In the seeond IliaCI),tile sctting { I was. woudering how I !!QuId certain seleet ai!I'ance c.lasses, seven em wns-most uniqu~] being the interi()r of the 'Wayne \\T. Moore, 'B2 eclebratBafterthcyareol'orl" ploy it in certain dep~rtlllents only, cabinet rOOlllat the home of the British SPOR'fS EDITOR .• .. Alex. OLeail', '30 while thr~e. hnve. the system in handling Prime :Minister, ]0 Downing Street. In One unanimous wish I If we all knew mattcrs tl]at do not p('rtnin to examina- the third plaec, the time of the AS much about the CODlingexams as does llEPOR,'l'OllTATJ STAFF g. the handling of libnny tomorrow morning, a f.nct seemed l'llis!;!Schaeffer of book-room fame. You to me most apropos as 1 left the thentl·c. ASSOCIATE EDITORS see she types them all for the lllimeo On the.o!.her hand, 251,or 61% of tlle 10 the fourth place the directing genius Vil·ginia C. Merrill, '30 C. W. Koockogey, '32 graph. collcg'ca replying do nollwxc the HOllor ofyOUUg}Jl\lIlOuliru] reaelleil itB zenith. of the Seniors on tho Hill lire System. '.rhey operate under tho faculty Jnst to diYeet a. play with all entire COpy EDITORS or the proctor system, where· mnlo in which sixtecn or SCI'elltcen t.o Eyel)"]] llather quite an Clltherine E. Rcnd, '30 W. C. Rein, '31 enjoyable party gi\-cn at her last ~he stndents nrc elosely watched aJwllYs on 1he stnge, Frillnyevening. fJnd hal'e speaking :mil REI'OR'I'ERS see if yon can keep thcmofT olllCr's Grllce Armstrong, '30 lInl'l'}' O. Smith, '30 the shrewder nwn lI'ins, toes and make it-look nt.lturaJ. In the mi:wbeth Clough, '30 John L. ,VnlkinEl, '30 Qrbl'.hethcinstrul'.tor. fifth place, aud finally, the. plot was as- Arvalene Ilitchens, '30 Roy 'I'. Edwards, '31 \l1ltion at This ~UT\-cy shows thnt thcre nre now tounding beeause of ils simplene~s and Evelyn Mather, '30 TIownrcl 11. Bolton, '32 llll(lergone reccnlly ,m 10% morll eolleges using the TIOllor Sys- its eomplexity. Ye~, I menn just that babel Douglas, '31 Chades R Etzler, '32 pondiciUs. Berc'~ tem than were shown by n similar survey eontradietioll, for at times it 1Scemodas 'l'belmn Heid, '31 Stanford 1. Hoff, '32 recol'oQ'] to be it in 1912. In thnt y~ar simple, clear and (Iirect aa possible nnd Evel}'ll Collison, '31 Dllllcon C. 11'IIJrch,i.';on, '32 A l\leDnniel Hall co·cd's prayer! 'I'hat 66'/c of colleges using the systcm again the whole thing seemed as eompli- Winifred Bush, '32 S:Ullnel G. 'rownseud, Jr., '32 the occupants of the two men's club were eollegn for mOil, 17"/c were eolleges cllted and unreal ng 10 be almost absnrd. Mary T,ee ::;h1V1ey, '32 Catherine \Y. Coel;;:burn, '31 for women only, and 17% of them were But more about the play- got the samc selection on A young scientifie gcnius, Francis tllc at tile sallle-time. 11udy Vnlle co.educational. III 1928, 15% of those Lightfoot, u~phew of the British Prime Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. prcfCT!"cd. IIsing it wcre for mOil, 35% were for .iI1inistcr, WaHer Gralltly, had discovercd ,,-omen, and fiO% were eo-edllcatiollal. SC"ernl of the JlH]ior Illen h:wc retent- Of ,tha 160 colleges nsing the the secret of the ntom. the Iy tUrlll.'d out with s.pats~thos(l things 61, or 30% lire colleges whose I E - D-I-T-O-R-I- A-L used 1.0 k~op :1'1"0111wenring stoekings. bodies range from 500 to 1500 in num F!'om last reports Jim Dar scems to be ber; 54,or 35%,llfil'ean enrollillentof breaklllg the roeoril for the most dudish from 200 to 500; 18 or l1%,ha\'can en Are You 'l'bis time next week all of us ,,·ill be submerged in llwt appenrllnee. rollmentof !rss than 13,or81o have Ready? semi-ollllUal ordeal of educution called examinations. wooans ,,"ill never c~n5el Freshmen ~~~;:IT;::;~e;l~ ~;nr~'!' ..he.1~~l~'g:; ~Ii:'s~r:t;~e t~;::r~~\::d~;9~!C~~~1~~n:~; __ EV~lL !!0_w,--'proJlllblh_8~U"_'L1U·ft ...,q.up.stionin"" tbe Wjl-~~"ilO+LWg-r~Q dui:}' of valuc of semcster exnminlltions, some of ns fail to see any educational after a I"pse coyerillg most of the first ~::::~ ot;'~n~;:.~o~:~I:~e~~oh~V:'l:rO~~'s~:~ ~:rtn:~~~:~~~~~~:m:i~~::.n\\;~]I:~~;~gr~li]~ s{'m<':$ter. Exaell.\· who threw the firc benefits as illc1i"ic111al measuI'ements, some' of us go so far in the holr works in the midst of tlHl slnmhering aolleges, 41% ure sitnated in tho South, uucle's iutluone() he gaills permission to prf'ci.llct.s of OUl' l'ooms to undermine the whole scheme of modern cdu- yOllllg 8ophOlllores1 ;;W;-'t- of them are sitnated in the North- present his pl:1n to t.lle Rriti~h cabinet, cation, but at prcsent all of this (,011troversy must be shelved. for it's enst, 15% aro in the Norlh Central aee- but soon realized rile ef per- 'I'hc Women's Athl~t'c Depurtmcnt has getting \'ery close to the time w'ben "ours is nol to make reply, Olirs bocn asked by a northern Sd,ool to gch~d· and 8% are in the Western pnrt United Stntes. not to reason \\"hy, O1U'S but to PllSS 01' fiunk," wit.h Ilpologies to Tenuy- nle a swimming meet with them some of :enft.hoin- olle,i" £a,et,Ol'erthe entire world,wit.h next st'mester' Don't fool yo-urself by stituLion hn,-a nl){luthe sueee~s or fnilure the eOlllllland to every natiou to sem1 The Honor At the same time that we speak of exalllS it is only thinking that things tlre going to be of tho Honor System! "\Vhnt influence represcntati\'csto Genel'a for a world con System fitting to mention the nonOl" System. The trouble is easier for you then 'llHl thnt (lI'errthing does thelocatiou of a college or univer- ferenco 10 consi<1er,with the secret liS H the only thing we mmally do is-mention it. We have lI'iUworkoutjl1$t It lI'(lll'ttnke sit)" in 1'1 city or a I'illage hnl'o upon the basis, a program for world peace. Thus, all got to go farther than that; we lllust feel it, ,md feel it so iutensely long to discover JOu Me head-nnd Honor System' Are women more honor- ns rho final curt.ain dr{)ps ono leuve5 the tlle:ltre with the same inexpressible feel· mon' in one Are stndents that. we put Olll' whole scl\'es in sympathy with its workings. Are 0"01.\ hc~ls ill work just as you were eaeh pre- oble than the eOlllltry ally more honor· ing lhat domilUlllt before the death I cedillgsCUH'ster. ~,~tion of l-("Mling the sel"ies of articles to the nonol' System which aloe able thll!l those in other seetionsl of Franeis Lightfoot. The play had appearillg b'om lime to time in the Gold BugY If you are you will Ollaplllill Day of Ithe Irying Literary This stntisticnl information and these ollded bnt the pfohlem is. still nnsettled. Societ~· waxed eloqlH.'nt in the Society re/llize thal tIle present status o£ the system at ,Vestel'll ·Marylaud is not questions nre gil'en with a. hope that stu- His {]uitflnecessary to muke mention Hall reecully "'hen closing witb the the superb acting evcry lllan in of vastl.\' different from that at other similar !lChools. finnl prayer, he said, "An{l may we in dents will study them, seriously think of the. cust with C$peeillllllention to AleJ studcnts on lhe eX/lct ol'ganlzati01l of the l'Iystem here fllld to COIl- edueutioual institution. In what ways filrd I\S the Prime ~inhter find Morris better men and women". CarnOl'sky as SeeretHry of State for For- duct the examinations aeeonlingly. Wc forget that tllis orga.nization does rhis system gi"e a student mora cign Affnirs. ll.uch more ~outd be sHid henefits than thc fneulty espionage sys is p]'aetieaIJ~T powerless ~1l1less it rcceives the whole he/lrted co-opcra- w;~a :::1: ~::fh~;i~t:o~n~roi~enS:~el~~: tell]coniersf abont the ncting~and ill fact the entire tjOD of both faculty and students, and we 1000w as well that it hasn't. liall when ~ome ambitious voice student pl:l~', hul spa(';e forbids. Rowel'cr, like Exnminations are at hUlId and ill a £e\\ "'ill he completed. 'rIle Porgy, like R U. R., like O)priee, Winga liouor System will {mICtion as it fllways functioned-fairly \\·ell. ~;e~~slIfr:rs~~~rt:l~Si: ~;~~o:~;~:rp::~~:; News from the Univcrsity of :l\tichi O,-er Europe was lin extremely wortll while PIHY._~ _ AftCl'\varrl's it will be condemned by some, ridiculed by others and ~ll1in naIl. glln indkntes th3t quite a number of stu- lwlf-hearted1.v supported b;-.· still others. The eoana-ils will blame the BJ- the way, th~ Gold Bug, all yet, dents :He working their way through He--" It 's \"ery nice of you to ask me students (lnd the students in turn will blame the Councils. Aml things has not wished you all a Happy Kew- college by bootlegging. Do the authori· to dance." \\·ill go all in the same old way year after ycar-lUlless you 01" some- well it does, t.o go into effeet one hou~ tiES intend to stop this, and let boot· Rhe--" Don't mention it, this is a body or we all do something about it! after the mid-yeare are ElQmplated, legging profits go to less worthy objects' charity baU."
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