Page 39 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 39
===============,==~Th;;;;;,e Gold Bug, WesternMarylandCollege,Westminster,Md. PAGE THREE I SPORTS I FOOTB.1'\.LL SOCCE.R i SPORTS I I INTERCEPTED I SCORES VARSITY W. M. C., 12; U. of ne., O. The Green and Gold eOlllplete 1929 record: W. M. C., 34; Bnltimcre University, 0 (At Hoffa }~ield) W. :\1. C., 7; Georgetown, (At Georgetown) w. 1II. C., J::j St. ThonHl5, (AL Bcrnnton, Pa.) W.. \1. C., 23; Temple, {At Stadium) W. a. C., 21 j .-\!llright, (At Rcadtng, 1'11.) \Y .• \1. C., 20; St. John's. (At Stadium) \Y .• \1. C.; 35; Loyola, (At Stailium) W.:\1. C., 6; Mt. sr. }.:[ary's, At Emmitsburg) Terrors Turn Terrapins Turtle covered scnunbling for it in the mud. The rumbled the ball and Muryland recover W. M. C., 7j 131. Francis, it with eight Western "1laryland (At Altoona, Pa.) Maryland c<1 on its own 41}·yard line. huuds the down among and Take State Football Title ref('r('c 10:1(1 to uud dive legs to find out the rcturum\ the COUll)limcllt by fumbling W. 1II. C., 7; )Inhlen!;mrg, nnns ]IIiller losing thc ball and Engle recover Ul1lSSQf (At Emmitsburg) ,owner of tho ball. iug for the Terrors 011:llarylnnd'tI 49· w The Grecn Terrors eapped the ellmn x R~dice intercepted the toss frum Cls..y "Bel'get gained nine yards ill three ynril line. :\1. C., 12 j U. of Maryland, (At Stadium) uf the g+eateet gridiron season in West· on lIrill'ylimd's SO-yard line. Ho ad- -t.rlea,two attempts l,lcing around the end. Clary made the best kiek of the dnj- ern Maryland history by trampling tho vnueed five yards before being stopped. Chalmers punted 10 Western Mary- wucn he punted out of bounds on .Mnry· 19 ~~:le:;I~idlll~(~Ii:I~rsi!~lI~l!w;~n~~:I~I~i~lll~lOl::~~lllrylHnu fniled to gaiu in two tries ~~;:::SI)~I~;~'f~'II~::;:\w~C:~~~a~.~I~~:: ~:t ~~~:l~~ti::::dl~~:: h:~::~:~ ~~eh~~l~~vn and Roberts punted to Western Xlary- .. Saturday to win by a 12-0 score.• In lund's 25.yard line. Clary fumbled the mn.nugod to recover again ).lillcr, standing behind his own goal, It is a great record indeed, one that :~d~~:; ~;:: ~~~t:~Yt~,:e~t~t:r~~~:~I;li'~~- ~:::~ ~~theret~~:~r~: ~:~~e.slipped in the Ch(!h:~el~~a:'::1~~.~;: ~:u~~:::~,tl~eai~:: ~~:::edT~~ o\!II~O~n;:oorn:;~sko:::d 2!~)~;lry~ :~~~~.,~;~I~I~~~~.n~lu~·o~;:u~lat~IYo:'~la~,.a~~ ~~~e:~I~gth~:~::rO;:0:1~~I~a:;~.~n:~\::5~1~: Clary punted alld Roberts wus dowlIed 1!l!l~~;:!:l .:ll:3_;'::~dtJti~le~an on Welltern ;e[:!l~:~'~hurried as he pllt his toe to the ~~:ath;;:::~\sq~l:C ~!::~;!n t~f :o~;~:t~ Trophy which WIIS presented aIter tllO ~~. 1~~a~;~;:n~8-~:~~~,in~~SiU~l~~:a~!:.~:~ A lor\\":m] pass, Clullllli/.rs to Pense, Ekui\ia and Clary made five yards in erll 1>L1rylnudCollege. The Terrors en· ~;~ll;~el~r:;~~u:f ~~I~~:70r:e~~~~.Eknitis, Roberts pUlltetJto Wellinger aud as he lll.'md three yards. ~r::~I;rii:g'n~!~~n!!:~a~~OI;e;~ 6;~~~I~u~i :le;:~:J:~n:::I:lill~:ti~:'I~;'~P~:::~h:~ ~~: P1~::::"~~tt::,:';'~"::,;~~";;::;..'::; ;;;;,~~,:";,,:I;;d'::'i :: i::,,~:~~yh:;',:.' ;:~:::~;::,~~::~'d::;;::;:~;tE:1:~:t7::;g,,~~:::gP::g:1~" '" lite 15y"dE..,. :,~~~:,:;:,~:'::;:;;;I1,,,,:~:g::;,~:p~ ~:::;::E:::"::~::,~:::;:;::':"I:~~h~;":,,;5,,~1~"'~~s'_':i~~I:':'·:',:"~et;::I:";;:i!~~.,,,:1~:;:st.,::;::e:;'-:-;:;:~;;-~;_~'J~~",\:::",I;;OLI:s-"t~;lJ"'E_j7'"'leq,"~",n;"'::-",;J"'J~I"~i:c!:"'Q;:,",~t-'i'2"'""c'~"'!~-~'·~~i-ii;",£iii1:~",.~C~c=~!e~,"~",s:;~:,-L:~,"d:f",,::Iw<,:,:c,r~!-;~",J~.,,~~l"~,",tt:;;:~aiT~:~~c";:~:=~~C":ccn:=~~-;-' ~\~~o~~t~s!).Ull~,;gn~::rU~l:~~;:;l.~ilg~~~:! !~i'~II~'Sm::~~ee~~~:~:d$1~~'~~r)!W~dllt:o1::~: but Bates Cnllle (rom behiud to tackle ::::: ~'e!l:;;~r ~'::~Sy~~~:i:~:r::~~~;~~l~~ ::t~t\C~:'il:l~~l'CC:~lla~\~~~;dg:l:u:n~~_a~lre~~:~: of the Terror peints, (,arrying the ball btklil1g ~~~I~I~t~aitis made 6 .\'ards in lli'~I~:~~II;I~~:;~~u;he crowd wih] with a ~~:k;:«\S)~)~e~l,::~!r~.~:J~u~:~'s~B he was :::'~ll\~I~~lgi:~e.eom::;:rt!O~$isata;r~~:lSl~:!: ,j\"er 011 n line lmek in the third quarter through the line. Doughty PI!SS(h'lt made the first (]own.on (C011til1ued 011 Page from Colgate he coached an undefCllted Maryla.nd's 10-yllrd line. for lhe first tally of the game, llnd illter- l1\"O 4) eepting a 2Ifaryland pass in the last per- added two mote olf right ta~kle aUd It WliS " lateral followed by n forward team in his farewell yenr at the Halllil· iod. to g,lllop 30 yarils for the other made a bud punt, the llall going pass, :11111 it lind the Terrors bewildered. ton institntion. Today he is regarded as at the 3.5,~·ardline. Heag~', touchdown. Clary !lIsa thrilled t.he end, hurril!d pary's punt. 'rhe finisll of Ilal loss was from Chalmers FRESHMAN FOOTBALL SCORES one of the best gridiron mentors iu the SEASON to Hellgy. gume. We flllly appreciate what lie bas ::!2,O{){) spectators who wilnessed tlle ti· MflI'yl:llld FOR 1929 tular contest when, at the beginning of Uoberts puntl!d to Wellinger, who Berger gained ab: yards with a ~weep n",eompliahetl at Western 1I1afylaud Col· th\!seeOlldhalf,hereaeivedtllelllarylnnd fumble\l the ball again, but he managed iug run arm.lIld left clld, Leing caught t'I Butknell 1]ni"cr!;ity, kgo. kick-off' 011 his own 2-ynrd lille to race ~~i]l;~l~~~f~C~d.itas it r,"lIed along the lJ}"A!hl~n:1C;~~~lgefailed nnd then M.fIrY' ~Il\'r, 18 sea:~~sH~:gt~~lJc~:~i;~C:~i:~:l~::n~:r:l~:! 40 ynrds for the 10llgo~ttlnd most U!rill· ing run ()f the game. \(l1~ll:~Sg;"~(lt:;t l~:~l. on Western Mary· ::~~':~~.~:,,;~l:dll~~\"~rh:t :h!or;~a~d i:,:~ 18 ~::~::t;::.:SI~~I~:::;it~., 6 ~;~:~ ~r!::I~e.tea:sf;::~~~gt::: ~!t:~t 'l'1Ie playing field wns a soft ooze, ,,-hieh provided the muddiest nnd slip· Aft!;'r one down, Clary puuted to Rob This made it -Western )J_arylllnd's ball li 1!:lrylnnd Uuivergity, )8 always as good 011 one Saturday as it is periest gridiron setto which has been erts, who went out of bounds on hia own Oil the 20·yurd line. 0 B\>lfoute Ac..·1I1~11l:r, 13 011the next, nor is it as bad. OftentwloB seen ill the Staie tlli~ rear. Before UIC 46.yaril line. Augic Roberts ma(]e threl! Doughty mude. fo~r yards and Mary· (Continued on Page 4) g:llUe was fi,·e minutes 01<1,e,lch eleven ~.arcls off left tatklc. Ch,tlmcrs !ldded Inlld WIIS Hi yards for holding. wns cnked with mnd frolll head to foot t1lree more through lett guard. J~()ltuH, Klepac, guined a and Ule change iut.o aew nniforms by the l~(}b\'rts pUlltelI (In t.hird down yard thruugh lini'. Doughty punt· Berg~r ran Ollt of 1l0l11Hls011llis :>Uarylandteam at tho opening of the Western Maryland's 25-yllrd ]inc. tl) <'(1'111(1 Last Call
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