Page 38 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. lhrirtn BOOKS, 11Hnging in IDqr QHrrintmu1I §runul1 A REVIEW AND OF LIFE PLA YS THE mSTORY OF THE HONOR SYSTEM Official newspaper of Westorn Maryland College, published on Thursday during Fuur the honor of hav- the academie year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, colleges claim Svs- Maryland. Entered as eeeond-elasa matter at the Westminster Poatofflee. ing been ihe initiator of the Honor em. William rmd Mary College claims Snbscription Price, $2.00 a Year to have begun the uee (If the system ill 177!l. South Carolina College (now the University of South Darotinn) clsuus to 1\TAN.AGL~G ST.AFl" have IH'gnu the use of the Honer Sys· .. William G. Eaton, EDITOR-IN-CHIE~'. '30 tern at its founding in 1801. The Uni- MANAOrNG EDITOR .. .... Wilmer -\7. Bell, '30 veralby of Virginia elnlms 1842. to IUH-e ini- tinted system Ass'r. MANAGING EDITOR. .Weldon G. Dawson, '30 WashingHm the und Lee in Ijulverstty Finally, puts BUSINESS M_A...'1AGER .• .Puul L. Bates, '31 forth clairus to hl\ving been the origill AOVERTISING l\L\NAGEH •• .Joe C, Newcomer, '31 utor of the Honor System, their elaun CmCULATION MANAGER .. ... James A. Stach, '30 rlatiug buck to the admintstrution of JOSiRbD. Stillwagon, Jr., '3~ General Lee as president. ASST. CmcuLATiON l\IANAOE)tS •. ... { Joseph'!'. addison, '32 It is impossible to say exactly which Wayne ",V.Moore. ':~2 of these colleges is in ffU:t the mother SPORTS EDrrOR .. .. Alex. OT..eair, '30 of the HOllor System. Probably Wil· liam UIH_] 1fnry Cullege did hal'c some llEPOR'l'OlUAL S'l'Al~F kiud of system under which the students upon their honor, and un- ASSOCIATE EDI'l'ORS rler lin Honor System prevailed Virginia C. lIIerrill, '30 C. W. Kcockogey, '32 in spirit. Perhaps the honor of !lw stu- denh was uppenled to at South Carolina COpy EDI'rORS Co11ege frOIll the lime of its ineeptinn. Catherille E. Read, '30 W. C, Rain, '31 But the IlrepolldCl'unce of the evidence seerua to shaw thnt the Universll.y of REPORTERS Grace Armstrong, '30 Harry 0, Smith, '30 Virginia \\'3S Ihe fir3t iHl.titutionlo mllke Eliznbath Clough, '30 John L. Wntkins, '30 definite plans for all Honor System, 10 Arvalene Hitchens, '30 Boy']'. Edwards, '31 draw up iJn honor code, aud to adopt a Evelyn Mather, '30 Howard A. Bolton, '32 delinite piau of legislation, control, !llHl eyatcm of penalties. Ieebcl Douglas, '31 Charles R. Etzler, '32 Thelma Heid, '31 Stanford I. Hoff, '32 'Vashington lind Lee's claim dates Evelyn Collison, '31 Duncan C. l\Iul'chi1;OJ1.'32 lwek to the administration of General Wiuif'red Bush, '32 Samuel G. Townsend, Jr., '32 Lee, folIowing the Civil War. There- Mary Lee Shipley, '32 fore, the Unh-crsity's elnhn antedates that of Washington nnd Lee by n score of years or more. Howe\'er, 'Washing· Worthy opinion; Model management· Correct news. ton'111111 Lee cau indisputably lay elaim complete A -LI . to hnl'ing Sy~te11l the ill the United States, student for oldest lionor [E-D-I-T-O-R-I_ nt [hilt iHstitution the Honor System cmllraces cyer.l· ph_alffi of student life. The Honor System origiuated in tbe A Glorious 'l'!le footbal! season for the 1830 season has finally South. It spread slowl.1' at first" be· Season end'ed! The game with tIle University of l'Ifaryland In 1.111 of the :football ent.husiasm it is ouly fitting that some recog· cause it was a marked departure from last Saturday was a fitting climax to tillS season-a nitiOll be gh'en to the approaching ChristH1ns senson. "i\Tllatis more the Old World idea of gOl'erning stu· season with eleven victori('s and not one defeat.. 'l'he greatest season, dent~; it was a pioneer step in the edu· ~!}ably, wllich any Terror eleven has evel' experienced. It seemed sugge.stive of the J·e_al Yuletide spirit than the old English wo02,~-,:!!u!:.t_"."..lQ"'''''&l' ...''''"ldl,.,.!.;I.,iiiiIj..... ,-'j,.;..::..''-" "p""f!l"'.o,..., .... "'~Ti"'M..L.._ reproduced abo\'c! One is certain to associate with it a snow covered somewhat significant tltat this glorious season should comllienee alld uf a new country-the Un.iled States- end with rival state teams. landscape, nre>;on the ileart.h, jovial guests, and plnm pUddings. But :~'ti~JiIO::~ ;~~:;ssi.U ~~ei:c:l::g~!fi:::~ As each game, week after week, proved the Terrors the victors, we are Alllel'iC/Lns. \Vc canllot be remniscelltJ So heTe's to the good fact that the s)'atelll originated in this interest arose and gradually one's bopes began lookiJlg forward to au old commercial CIll'istmas of our day 1 l\Iay we not forget in the midst new dClnonatic country. ullde-feated season. Naturally enough, with ten games won, the final of our revelry that the semester exams al'e.just IIhead 1 After the Civil -War the HOllor Sys· game attracted uDusual interest. And what a game! ,Vhat a glol'ious tern spread faster. Many other South victory! ern colleges hegan to adopt the system, Ilnd llI"ny colleges in other seetions of Now the season is over.' One will talk of it as a thing wbich has the United States beg:m to recognize its l)assed. The Terrors will look back upon it as a triumphant seaSOll. ilere's to the student that has the \"alues :lIld to institnte it. FrOIll 1860 'fhe students will look back upon it with a conscious thrill. And most same dasses Saturdny afternoon which to 1890 the llumber of colleges lIsillg the of ail, Diek Harlow can lool, back upou this season as a 1ll0lHlmentto \ .i\ruutlll tlw (!1umpun \ he has Satnrda-y morning I I.ucky if ~ystcm increased greatly. }'rom 1890 to 19]0 his ability, and upon his boys as "rcalmen", the professor fails to double his prece· thu !lllmber inll-rca!!'Cd still fnster. aY8" ding assignment-unlucky if lIe does. In J!H 1 more colleges I.dopted the telll thnn in !In)' other yenr lip t(l thnt ~t:l!ly a cold spine backed a faee U is ~1I11108t illlpollSible to deserioe time. From 1911 to the preseut there which was Lurniug up at the Pcp Meet· one's fc~Iiugs as the Terrors scored each hu been a stcady increase in the nUllI The Honor Start,iug with the preceding issue of the Gold Bug, It t~lH:lJ(lo\\'n ugllinst the 'l'ermpins last ing ~ronday el·cning. These hnge bon· her of eollege8 that have adopted the System series of articles He appearing relating to the Honor Snturdn)". Nntumlly one eheercd uS fires Me so deucodly inconsistent I Honor Syatem. At the present time ap System as it is today in American eolleges and UlllVel" loudly as p08sible--tlwll emile wild ges· 'fwell'llo'dor.k! All out for the nlov· prosimately 39% of the colleges and siHes. Last week the :importance of the system was considered, tIllS tkulatioll Hntl bOllily eontortions. If !.l,is illl;' pielures! 1I:lI1y answered the call universities of the United Stutes have it, one's tenaion today it TIle week, its llistory. Future articles w-ill deal with the present status oC did there not nsually reliev!' followed emotional II/Ullmer· rr"entty mul lind llI:1l1y a yawn was suppress· to product system llS we h~ve of eyolutioll. is the As relllilined (apologies erl avi01cllt unseen of a. procesS' tJle s:"stem, some specific problems and hints at system organization. iug UPOll your nenrC$t neighbor's peTSon. Gr:Q') ll$ the trck dow1I the Hill eom· P.Ollditions h:we ehnnged, the mechanism These [ll'ticles form It complet~ [lnd comprehensive study of this vital In uormal times it wonld be Ilonaidercd lHenced. aud llIellns of enforeing the Honor Sys· problem, and in view of tIle fact. tJUlt Western Uaryland has for se,'- mllnslaughter. Sueh bursts of enthusinslll Holl' do curs pnrked close to Levine tem ll>lI'e ilad to bo changed in order eral years struggled with all Honol' System, they might be enlighten- are nerve·wrceking !llld appfVently bar· ITllll "011 down town alld park themooh'es t.hnt paee 'night be k"pt with progress. or two 110 ing as well as informative t,othose who ma.y be interested. baric-but I it's :1 grilnd and glorious in rntller eonspieuous position on the 'l'odllY s.~l!lIe HUllor do SyMem cal! on hflve account eXflctly of feeling !he It is quite fitting tlHlt at t.his time, some mention be made of the main streetJ DeHaven's this and "can't he had af the varying eOlHlitions that nrc found in fortI" reecntly did unly recenUy adopted form of the HOllQl' System being exercised in the llis~ nition It is be gil'en fitting that some and recog· rather :\ difiieul~ lime in prol·ing to tho the difl'erenteolleges. agility to the oxpert tory department under the direction of Dr, "iVhitfield. Proposed by lO:lHipulation of the Mayor of Baltimore austere local police force that he really The system, as it WIIS inllugurotetl fit 11im and enthusiastically accept.ed by a majority of the students in steering Ilia couroo from one side of belonged to it. the University of Vjrgini~. ellllle as a concerned after some deliberation it promises to be a success, 'rime Ihe field to the other last Saturday after- II ecrtaill mutual utreetiolls in the solution of the problem 11£ hnodling the up had will tell its story. If it does prove a success, a great. step will have S.ndor elass aren't Il.ppease(1 at the ~tlldel\tS'. A lnxllCSs regard grown student in University wit.h the to been taken toward a more inclusive system affecting the en!irc student- It ~eelllcd nnusuaUy strange last Sat· ChristmllB Bnnquct it won't be Dawson's honesty. The Honor System was great· • body. nrdllY tlillt onen"ier bappened to en· inult. Iy needed. II e\·olved. It was the pro· The Uuil'ersity men recently held an· duet of the long·dsioned idealism and ::I;:~~::i:::I~~fp;~~I~r~~I~~r~~~:ndd,ss ~~~e~ othcr nut eating eontest. Some ill dig- the formidable conrage of Thomas Jeff toryl:Jstyellr. Our Modern "What can I weal' to the Christmas dinner SHtul'day person might CI'en snggest that erson. who was ehairman of the first are of Christmas night t I ha,ren't a thing thnt will do. I slu'cl:.'hope we 'rhe :Maryland game is over so it seems your prejmlices bccomillg nutty-but call limit Board differences Visitors between of the the University. only and them faeultyand Whell have fruit cock-tail." ne~e~!Iry to turn qur Httention to ap' nneked. students wer£) referred to the Board, un· IlrQ(lchillg Chrj~tnlllS:. "Same here. .And by the way, J rcceiyed my ClwistJllllschecJ{this The Jo'reshlllcll (lirl nobly in piling up der the leadersllip of Jefferson that morning. lTow about helping me selt>cta few pl'CHentH.I !lInren't an .Just tilink-a ".'I1.lation.-and nothing sUell "n IlbuniJanee Of wood lor the bon· hody usuall), WeTe very lenient with the idea. what to get," ,. jn do. Yeah, a 'l'aAat.ionl Yeah, lloth· fire :l>[ondny night. We wonder if their stmlenis. ing-todo! Yes Christmas is in the air. Banquets! Carols! Gifts! ]\[oney! methods were JlS noble in aC( eaeh Tn slnlrt, the system was able to be Crowds! Holiday! Everything which goes to make a real American How mnny books jHre you planning to ~nd every box or oOIl.rd. inaugurated an account. :It the of the Un.iversity of Vir· of arrnngement ginia CIlristmas. But how allOutthe real Christmas spirit' Its all the same, The ~)
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