Page 37 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 37
GOl \lG :!HIlerry lIlappy QIllrilltuUI!l New lear Vol. 7, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 12, 1929 TERRORS COMPLETE UNDEFEATED SEASON CHRISTMAS SERVICE TO Record of Eleven Consecutive Victories MARK NEXT CHAPEL Unequaled by Any Other Team The nnnuul Christmas Service urrau- Winning State Intercollegiate Trophy Donated by Mayor ged by the College Snnday School will be held in Bnker Chapel, Sunday eveu- Broening Marks Climax of Unprecedented Season. ing, December lil. The service will c(\l1.;istof the follow The Green Tenors c10'IC(] the greatest mailldcrofthllyearw.)LWasa11luL iug program: and most sueeaaful footbull season in "\V. I!lllrked team and eontinually found op- Organ Prelude ~L C. history lust Saturday quite auspic- position pointing espectauy for their lJrmn-" Angels from thcRcnlms of iously l1y trouncing tbe U. of Marylnnd seaip. Glory" re-o. C!:ny and Lawrence theu in the next Prayer Bchil1{l f'Di"k" Hurlow ta ruastcr tul gnme brought W. ,\1, from behind to de- Allthem by the Choi! the eleven playerl major teague rent St. 'I'hcuiaa ]2·6. "Tilly" PU1('.ura, Responsive Readings throughout the entire schedule. :!Oll-poun(1 tackle, sustumed a shoulder in Christmas Offcrillg Ko ucuo. cI'illc1!ce of the 'I'crrcrs ' fine jury that kept him out for two weeks. Proeesaienal pcrformUlu'l' (·au he pr~SClltea to substuu- 'l'en,ple WIIS the next, major opponent Scenes dC)1ictil1gthe Kut;"ity ti'llc their high gr;l{le work 'hllll the tv rull befure a sl:lshing :In(] deceptive Recessieuul :;rent record which they eatnbliahed. Terror attack in the Arst StadiunJ gume. Beucdtctton Thett' i~ everything to say for them. Coming to the gILmewith a highly-touted "I iss Gweui)uly" )ja"" of the Speech with " perfect uurlcfcuted lenm nnd record Temple reeeived a severe Department is dirceting the Nativity uud record in eleven eugllgClllcnts, jolt that stopped at :?3·0. Bates and Hn pageant, which will fon" the main 118rt lncludlug three vlcrories over major op· '·";.g";,."'-H"",",' mol'~"~"...'";.;"m"'~"rti\,","~W~"~k,-.G",".."'",:'_k,.,.. stilt bueker, suffered a broken begmnmg, ,II often the sceno of sllmal der whicli 1,1' gh-es eueil plnyer ns he leaH~ the field. " tu ~'t,i~fI:~,~ile~~~!:~:~!:~;l,:,j:",,;:;~ :i'~~;:d uffnirs pertnining to the College. Many reward to CGuch"Diek" ffarloVi'and his remnin(]c.r of the season. sucll affuiu ha,·e been held recently and I'lll.yerllfortheiruntiringefforls. "Dick" 1'he team then' hit a slump in thcu the IRViNG WINS ANNUAL ~~~r~:~~a:r~IO~~i:)~s.planned before COLLEGE CALENDAR ~'~o;e~Cdwi~~"~~e:l~on~';!~tape::~~~ ~:~:: ::::tkt~:~\~;~~~~~n:~~:~t o~op:;j~~::v:~: FORENSIC ENGAGEMENT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19- El~::~i~:e~e~~:::n~:r;nt!r~:~~~ ~ p~~~ ~~:~,::~~1~11::dSl~~~::;:!r;~:~'.::::;;:S:I~::;~:~:(;;~ ::::t,:in;:;I~e~ ty of ten at dinner. Rotary B(lllquct for VargHy .,Foot- .\"flIlf '8 cle'·en. Situationa were expertly n eommendable defensive game uutil Thf "Little" more reGently Smith Rull on Frirluy evening, Do. ball TenlU. Ilud slmtegie adnptations were D(lugh!~' cut loose with a 32-Yllrd escape goxc a pnrty in honor of one of their eember 6, was the SCClleof the forty. in or(ler to attai.n the mnximmn of thaI nette-!! the only eil( pnin!!:rgatllered. 'lUmber, Miss Eleanor Gunby. Ten ~econd aJl1lual debate betwcen Webster ~'RlDAY, DECEiI[BER 20-- efticienc)" filld that the reSOUrCeSof the St. 1~ran6s' reeord number of paue!! guests werc invited. Hnd J..r\'ing literary \f(lcieties. The ques Christmns Pritt.!"! ~feDuniel R:lli a"llilnhle matel"i~1 might be ntilized to were short of the eud zone ag'Linst W. Tue!:!day e"en~ng- Dean and :Mrs. Mil tion ai issue was! "Resolved, Thnt the .1':lrlor, 7:30 P. III. !lIe 1)est a(l\"untages. '.rile team's Te~ord ~r.'5 defense. In the second qunrter ler e.lltcrtained their guests, Mr. ~nd Mrs. introdnctLon of the "\Visconsin Experi- the. footblll! knowledge \Vellinger seampered 28 Yllrds 011 a clever Quo)" Keseeker of "hlnrtinsburg, W. Vo., melltal College plan into tile Ame.riean SATu:RDAY, DECEMBER :?l- ability of "Diek" Rnr· 1)rellk·awa~·[rOIll the srrimmage line and lit dinner. eollege would be beJleficial to the IInder· Christm1ls Bnnquet, Dining Hall, low. EI'ery "\Veatnn M,'trylondcr can ful- Eknltis ki(i.kedgonl for the telling point. 'I'lie SRmee"ening the W. W. Club held grndnlltes." The uffirmnth'e side of 6:30 P. )f. Iy nppreei~te his I'reseuee on the "Hill" !lfuhleuberg fell 7·0. ~~:on;~l:~~.~!:~~b~~es!~;qllet. Fifty :::~a::~~~:~t~;:a~,:tI~~~~~ ~e;:::~~~: SUNDA Y, DECE11BER 22- ~~i(~:it;~estsl:~gl~!lte:::rg;~::r:~ W. ~r. ath· ll"i:I', ' t~:~e;~~~~nr~il~~r~:~I;~~a~l~ef::a:~: Next Monday afternoon :Mias Gwcn In'ing Literary Society. "\Vebater Mter. Cullcge SUlld,1ySt:hool, Baker Ch:lp The ontst:mding featnres of. the start. (Continued on Page 4) lloly" Mann, of thc Speech Depnrtment :1r~- l'oeicty WN.5 represcuted by :llle;;sre. 1'1, fJ:OO P. M. ling SOl!ijonju~tended wero the triumphs will eutertain seven,l guestB at tell. Thl) Herb"t, Werner and Et"I('r who defended ("ilri~t"HI~ S.'rdee, B~k~·,· Chapel, 0,'('1' Georgetown, Temple aud the Uni· snllle c\'cuing sho is arranging u dinner the negllli\"c. Mr. Hi~k,"l find 11r. Etz 7:15 P. M. \"t"'_ity t)f lltarylaJl(1 and also Ihe tlef~n ]lUrty for l_wc_'''_Y'___ ~g,el~~;ctlb~~:d~::sotp:~I:i~~e;;cS~~::h'l~/~~~: 'I'CESJ)A r, DECK~IBJm 2-1- ~~:'I~:ll~(\;:',"rtl:~I'~\,/;~:I!~~~":I~LLg~~,~:e~:::::: ENGLISH CHRISTMAS TO BE Bdl, president of the Dcb:lting Council. Chris!l11a~ Vacation llegins; lwon. Uff(,lIs1I'el_,.Western ~br'yhl1ld WfiB one THEMl: OF SEASONAL PARTY 'rhe judges were Dr. Whitfield, Professor ~terry ChristllwS! flf tll'Otellms tlin! score,} :'g~ill!!t a 6trong Hendrickson, Professor Jenkins, Profe~- U~org(!l\lwllclub pl:lying a stiff ~I'hcdule, 'I'he llnllllal Chri~tmRS party will be SOl' Brnmbaugh and l\liss Ebnugh of the th\.' Olher was Detroit Uui"eJ"sity whiell gil'~l' 1"hisyear on Friday e,·, DIl' \V~I::';"~~;:;'I::"~""~:",:!: "::':~';h,"' W.W. CLUBGI~ES BANQUET ""~,:~~:~:',~,::~gg~';'"g:::"~~'::;"~;:;", ccmher 13, in .MeDllniel Hall pllrlor 1,y "Browning lllld Irving to Philo and Web FOR VARt)ITY SQUAD ster. The program, which has for its :~~:::~::ti~~:~I~ :.=:n::I:C~::la b~e~.:~~ ·,iw in 1)~:Y(~O~~ll:)~:C~~~::~It;~~:~l~ theme, "Cbristmns in Merry Engl!l1Hl," in aeeor(l willI il9 right u.s winner of In~t W. )1. sl:1r end, \\"11<)figured S(l promi promises to be :In interesting one. It year's tlebnte. The afiirUla1"i,·est:lte(j TIle annllltl W. W. .foutbalt bauqut't in wins o,'cr Georg-ell/WI)!lnd Tem· is to 1)1'gil'en in pagcant form iuter- !lr~t that it rested its Arguments Oil ihe waft held ut College Inn Tuesday e,·cn· ]lt~. been namell on se\"etlll AII·Eltst· sperscd with musk and daneiug. Every· Exporimental College at the University ing. December 10. }''fr. und ~lrB. Speir, erll tClIUlS:!1l(l hill> al~o rceei"l!d All one i~ nrged to attend and help to make of Wiseonsin and reserved the right to t.IIeI'nr.5it)"players, the cntire sqund ~lId AnlPl"icl!nmention (1) sevc.-al scleetiGllS. this 11gala oec(lSi(l1lfor all. eliminute 1111other similnr plans from the ",ulInger were j!"llcslsof t.heclub girls. Tl,e other Gre!'n and Gold III",illl"·.'· to consideration. The arguments prese'lted .\ millint\1re Boll'/" }o'ield ;"'lUl tillY recei,'~ ,wti(lu· recognition WIIS CLARY HEADS STATE SCORERS by the affir1ll1ltiycw('re thai existing con foothall plaf(,1"8 in netiQll was "('Iwrlic" Bawns, the strrlillg captrtin Tries ditiolls were unsatisfaetory and the lin· tI", d!.'eoration of thc guest table. :oml tcnter, who WI,Salt!Omentioned on a '0> To· rlcrgradunte wa~ not being properly pre- '1'0\11y('ll01l"~w(l gre(-ll en.ndles, yellow flll"lber of ,\ll·.-\meri(·all tellnlS. T }o'GPt. t:118 pnre(l for life. The study first of Athe- "ht~'~llnthl'mums and ferus tle('()ratrd t1,," It h:ls bet'l] a alrenuous season "nd ex· Clary, Wrsl.lId. .... S 0 } " "iau :lnd thell of ~\mHiclln ch-ilization a~ ~1!Iatll'r tHull'S. ~eeac(l the f
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