Page 36 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 36
PAOl!: FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. TWO ORIGINAL BALLADS A lily maid wi' golden hair OHU!l£l,OUuh,un~ ~nrtrty ining£l I Five Years ~ Therc so green was a freshman so young and A hawk on her paLfrey whit6, sao fair Rode once ham] perched on her ,['hftt neither a dorm nor a dean had he Wi'belJshcrstcc(lhedight. MARCH 18, 1924 A klligllt sac bold a-huuttng rode WEBSTER Y. M. O. A. He- struggled. with Greek and he strug- And sawthe1aily there, gled with Matb A nobler steed than he bestrode With ejection of offlcerssthednled for A discussion on "Tho Meaning of Snowball Battles on the Rill And hard was his struggle up life's Ne'er was seen in County Clare. th~ regular meeting Monday eve- Dhriatmaa," was the chief feature of Tuesday noon after the big snowfall weary path. ning, "lfebstn present the large!JI. the Y. M. C. A. program Wednesday the quadrangle was the scene ()f a pug- Hi.\! heart was smitten all in twain number of members for the year. ~lr. c,·enlug. nacioua exhibition unequaled in the an' He shocked his professor, disheartened As Cupid's darts ~ucrouehed, Ncwecmer opened the program with n After a plano prelude by Charles For· nala of the college. More eyes were his dcUJI, Alas he found it all in vain discUSKioll of the Wc:stern Maryland- lines, vlce- President W_ D. PhiUips cp- blaeked, more cars were soaked, more There seemed to be unry Il thought in. his The lady W:IS betrothed. Mnryla nd game. Then Mr. wae- ened the meeting. Mr. Landis led in R. O. T. C. jerkins were. soused than in bean, ner told of advantages of on e uto- prayer, and tho first and fiftBenth an~' similar fracas within the. memory of He flunked all his Math, he flunked all lIer hand her eruel father gave lllD.!i.e window closer. Mr. Crosby con- Psalms were read responsively. the oldest inhabitant. his Greek, Unto an aged knight, eluded the program giviug some flrst Preaident Braun took elw.rge of the IDs knmvledge in German was woefully Thongh he were baser borll than slave lmud information ubout the Inter-Col- discussion of Christmas, and many of weak. He was a wealthy wight. lcgiute Boxing Tournament held at Penn the members told what this great holi- Y. W. O. A. Inaugurates Bazaar Stare last year; day meant to them. Although some had The Y. W. C. A. held a bazaar in the But he managed to pass all his final She wept and llloaned full mUllY 1I dlly The election of officers began at once observed the Christmss season to be for basement cr Mcffaniel Hall en Saturday exams, To melt his heart of stone, whh the followiug men being elected to nlOlI)" poople a time for selfish «schunge evening. The affair was extremely well (He only did this through e:ribbing and But gold o'er him held mightier sway fill the cmcc for the second term: patronized by college students, faculty crama}. Than any maiden's moan. of gifts, most at tucse preseut regarded President, Mr , Link. it B$ nu ecce.etc» for unselfish giving. and town people. The bazaar and sup The summer it flew, the summer eollege it went, The bridal day dawned bright and clear dear "iee·PreSident, ::'I1r. Phillip9. Christmas, to them, was 1\ time when per were gin:n by the Y. W, C, A. in Hill parents, boy, to they The tearful bride was drest, people. can put into praetillC the spirit order to raise funds for the propcr pro· "But IIe'er the bride·gr()om elii.l appear SCl:.ret(lry, )1r. Gro\,('. of Christ by unstiuted giving with no mulgation of thc Christian work in W. Her father was distressed. Critic, Ur. Newcomer. M. Be was a Sophomore, so fresh and so desire for returu. Underlying the en- Chaplain, Mr. Landis. smart, tire thought uf Christmas is the story Rer own tme·lonl came riding brave The auditors, MUSIIU, Watkin.s, Smith of the birth of Jesus, who is recognized The InquiSitive Reporter Asks a He broke a maid~n 's te.nder young heart. And claimed her hand inlltead, and Ward; Sergeut·<~t·l~rIlJS, },ir.Mac· by all 3S the greatest gi.ft to mankind. Question Repoddled the rats, and he strutted his A (\uel he'd load with the wealthy knave Gowan; and Reporter, Mr. Warner, werc stuff, A nil left him lying dead. quickly ellOS('n. lIr. Link th('ll ga~e a few "What Do You Think of Par!or!" H.e smoked eig:lrettes, inhaling each puff. wordll of thanks und proposed a rising LE CERCLE FRANCAIS Neuumn, Sellior: "It's a -- of His loyer he did carry of!' yote of thunkH for tlie retiring prl'sii.lent, a plun but its the beat we lun'e up here. Thrn he "'a,, 11 Junior and almost su- Across his $addle bow, ;\Ir. H. O. Smith. preme, And they are liying happy enough L" Oerele };'rancais Illet on Wednesday 1 will be glad when Spring eomes." A cheer was given for tl,e debllting lIe reall.r belic"ed he was "ercam of the Tn his foir castle now. u"ening, Deeember 5. The fir~t number Sh:HlHahau, ,Tullior; "Parlor itself, I team, 1l1e$St$. Etzler, W('l"Uor, Herb\rt, cream." on the progrnm was a spellillg bee con· don't think much of it." :M. L. SIITPLEY. ani! JllIlkin (nlterllate), representing ducted by Miss Huston, who was in He brlllght nn old }'ord and rode it Webster in thc lnter·Societ~· Debnte this chal'gc of the meeting. Dr. Bonnotte Sillill, Proah: "1t'~ a gre3t life if you around, PriU3Y e'·ening. tll(",relatedscl"craIIHlec!lotesnhoutthc don't wenken." In fact he became the talk of the town. "A wise mau nevcr blowg Ilis knows." :1Ili~s Dilley, Senior: "It's all wrollg." drUllllltist M.ollere. After this the entire Miss Emily Jones, .l<'rosh: "'['here's At lost 11 gay Senior this bright boy be- IRVING dub joined in shlging two Christmae car nothing to purlor; it is merely two per· came ol~. The program WIIS eon~.luded by the SPECIAL The lIving Literary Society meeting dramatization of two acts from "Le son~litie8 getting together." A.nd has reached the top rung in the lad· Reading or Desk Lamps Monda.v night featured a debate on Bourgeois Gentilho]1une," the popul3f ll.iss DaVis, Prep: "It's rather dumb der of fame. Special Pfice $1.98 jazz in the collcge stuc1cnt's life. It comedy writtell by )Joliere. 1Ifis~ Hitch· sometimes." Hewelltin forsports,aud heweut ill for J. Stoner Geiman was also honored with the pr{)sence 01 ('ns, Mias Broughton, Miss Clmrlcs and Renmy, Soph: "It's sort of a dumb nrt, three members of the, faculty, Dean hl.issMerrill took partin thei.lramatiza· erganir.ation." TIe went in for musie, and aff~irs of the 77 W. Main St. Sehofield, Professor Taggart, and Dr. tions hcart. \\"hitfi(lid. At 7 P. 1'1[. Preside-lit, Rickel opened PHILO J.C.PENNEYCo. the session and Chaphiu Dny led in prayer. ":"\Iy 1lUl)relOSiOIlB of West Point", was fac.tor - the Mr. nP:!g·4""!:·i.; of an enlightellil'g talk by subject CLal!J!ler.,tQi!ege~ i.n Lhc lif..., of Ameriean legc student.," was the tho eubjeet of col· tho debate for the evening. Messrs. Mason Spraguc and "Iowa" Moore IIplleld the affirmative, while Messrs. 'Wesley Day and "Bunny" Tuck~rmlln supported the negative. of the very pertinent question. ATTENTION STUDENTS When tile henry arguments had all been fired, 3nd the smoke of the fnrcnsieme- For self-supporting studcnt.s desiriug lee had cleared, the jndges deeilled in Y.W. C.A. fnseinllting remunerativc work eithor favor of tho negative. M. O. BERING. temporory or permallcnt, lll/ly I suggost The Y. W. C. A. meeting of November "J. G. C." After a business session, Mr. Roy Ed- that mll.n~' students of both sexes haye '27 wus in celebration of Thanksgiving. The letters "J. G. C." mean nothing wn:rds rend the critic's report and the The meeting \\":16 addre8ged by :Mrs. worthwhile in the life of the college. "Dad" SMELSER earned seholarBhips llnd cash sufficient meeting was closed with prayer by thtl to nil college expen$CS ropresent' ellOplain. Bertholf, who said tllOt Thanksgil"ing They lJrobllbly stand for :l. club Or so· ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, ing national magazine publisllers. If ahonld beu day of nctive praiser/lther ciety of upper·elasswomcn who, eaou intercsted write or wire for debils- thnn what is has become-a day of feast· yeaT, plaee a number of pledged girls ill COLD DRINKS POETS' CLUlI ing and of pIlSlJi,'e t!wllkfulness for our lIlI extremely ridiculous position before Open Every Nite Until 11 :30 1'If. A. Stcele, National Organizer, 5 Col· N. Y. hlessings. thc eyoll of the college. It seems that umbus Circle, New York, On TllUrsd;lY e,·, !'\oyelllber 21st, "llIissE(Lul Nordwllll read an illterest· e"ery year the custom grows 11 little ot 4 P.],!., the Poets' Club heM its ~c· iHgpoem3nd ;\Iiss Winifred Bush sang a worse. Jnst€ad of worthwhile things (llld meeting of tbe year in the Social solo, "The Golden K~y." growing from it, it still remain~ simpl)' EVER.HAR.T lln]J III tlln College Inn. The presidenl, II silly lradition that should bC1!bolished ~lr. Gron~, (Jpened the meeting find eon or else turlled into a purposeful organiza· BARBERAND BOBBER ducted a short business session. The Club W. W. CLUB tion. At the Forks is glad 1.0 welcome thc following new members: the Miss<)s 'Wolcott,, Vun Thl' \Y. W. Club entertained Mrs. H3r- Burldex. und W~el~~. luformnl discus- lOll" nnel ~'Irl!. Speir at a bridge psrty HUMOR l'ion followed in whirh poetry eoneerning gil'en in The club room Tuesday, NO"l'em· SILVERWAR.E WATOHES Nature was elllphn~ized as well aB the lIer26. Sunday School Teacher- Willia.m, what mu~t we do before we <)lI.n e: interested in Yllclltions and higl,er ma.rks. LARY poetry and its composition to attend the It t.nkes all kind of people to make CLASS PINS CI.JASS RL~GS Serld his collars and shirts to us next regular meetillg. BROWNING LITERARY SOCIETY lip a world, includ'ing those who wish and he'll sing "Home, Sweet it would snow so tha.t theweathor could Home." He will feel sure that this The members of the Browning Liter· BLACK AND WHITE get niee again and we could call it In- laundry is his bosom friend. Starch ary Sodety were cntertained 011 },fonday, dian ~nlllmer. used properly - where needed. Dee. '2, by a 110"01 burlesque of the POCIU, The Black lind Wllite Fraternity held "Young Loehiuvar." The poem was Neckbands will fit comfortably. Real its initiatory hanquet at Elmer Inn, Mon- renr! hy :llissHollnllh Hecht, Il'howas ill Co·ed: Does my gown look as thongl, family service at economical races. dll)' eveniag, NOI'ember 2'2. The ncw mell chnrge of the program as it W3S 3cted it were falling off/my shoulders' of lhe :F'raternity w~re entertllined. out ill paniomimc by vllrious other memo Ed.: Na.w, let's ilance. The anlUlal football dance of tIle Fra· Tuxedo Laundry bers. Isabel Douglns took the pllrt of Cooed: I'm sorry, but I must go and ternity will be lleld in the main balJroolll it. Lord Loehinvar on his tmaty steed (n rl'nrrange It's ~,upposed to look that 199 E. Main St. of the Belvedere Hotel, Baltimore, Sat kiddi'; Mr); Fair Ellen was portrayed lI"ay.-SOll'wester. urday ewning, Dceember 7, nfter the IJ.)" Ruth Ellen Woolcott; her irate "Ma Call for and Deliver Westerll ::\:IarylllJ1d·Ma.ryland game. a.s il1ld Pa" by RnUl Hobbs, and Peg Ham· Lipstick: may be very poisonous, ilton, while Aliee Holland trembled and some have reeently ~.laimed, but who Cleaning and Pressing $'1.00 -,- DELTA SIGMA KAPPA ~huok as the "poor era,'en bridegroom." the heck wants to live forever! Call The BETTER SERVICE Shop for information about Your~ Delta Sigma l{apPIi wish"S to an· Another cause for Thanksgiving Day permanenr wave - The Steam Oil Mt'lhod - Safe and SUfe nounco that \li!JS ll.uriel Bishop, Miss pm ALPHA MU is that after that day it will be almost Louise Cr07.ier, ~liss .f{annah Hecht, Ali!!!! eleven mont.hs befQre every movie and EXPERT MARCELLING SCALP AND FACIAL TREATMENTS Sara RobiuS(ln, and ,\fillS EUa W6il' have Phi Alpha Mu held II reuniun in ihc every cartoon btlgins wisecracking been accepted into full membership in club room for all of its alumnae on about TU)'keys haying a pai)) in tbe lheclub. Thanksgiving Dsy. neck, I Phone 395 f~?p~~~m:nt ~n~a~ ~e~~llst~r~~I~ Westminster I
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