Page 35 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 35
The Gold Bllg, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE jSPORTSj FOOTBALL SOCCER jSPORTSj MUHLENBURGMOURNS AS BOOTERS M. AGGREGATION GOOD SOPHS VENGEFUL CLASH WITH ST. FRANCIS FALLS TO OUTKlCK WIN F. AND FROSH TERRORS WIN AGAIN 1'10(' Western Marvtaud College boot- INTERCEPTED TERRORS' INVASION g'iludy, ers dcfnu ted Prnnklin and Marauall, 3- their 'I'he third Preslnuen, last fighting to the Sopho· l()~t and game Doech "Di{'k" Harlow's undefeated to 1, in n return game, played on the BEAT :MARYLAND! mores 3·0 on November ee. The game and nntiNI We~terll Mn rylnnd College Westminster field November 27. The- w~s made iuteresring to the spectators The 'Penal' football team invaded the otcceu overwhelmed :Muhleubu.rg college battle went extra periods. Stores: Varsity beenuse of the d~ter",infltiOIl displaj-ed hills ef Pennsylvaniu Saturday, Koyem b<'r 23, stepped at Altoona, 7-0 in Allentown's annual Turkoy Day Tbe tilt was played in a high W. U., I; St. Francis, 0 (football) b.,' the to humble the Prbsh, and nud then nt.trnetiou before n largc erowd that which swcpt fhe ball off tho course the of the Freshmen cuuated weatminsterwnrd the sea urn"ed a shivering wind to watdl an ex, prevented accurate shots. Each team W. M., 7; llulllenburg,O (football) lIOt allow the Sophs to seore-c-perhapa SOli'S ninth eonseeuttve scalp safely tn.'mely interestiug battle. By W. M. Pteslunen, 0'; Bellcfcut Acu- :1 clln'~'-O\'er from FI'cshman rules, How tucked under their belts, having defeated scored early in the first half, toroing the SCt. }'r1(ntis College i-O on thnt afternoon. their tenth straight victory W. i\1. em score to a l-to·lllelldloek. demv, Ll (football) ever the dcrenetve strcngtf or the Sllphs ried its seasouts winning streak into De The game wua played in freeaing wellth· The tie lasted throughout the gllm\) proved to be 10() much for the Preshmnn cr on a hard, rough gridiron tnat made eember with still the U, of 11nr.rland left until western Murvlaud pushed the bait who were uuuble 10 S,'OI'C a point. footing insecure and co:.llsidPrably slowed to be played on the 7th. lhrollgl, the Franklin and Marshall de- The long awaited eeneou's fiull.le is play of both elevens. 110\1' near nt hand and tholllosteare£ul Crowther L.W. Cockey feuse for two lallics in the firs! extra llromot-er could not lune arranged a \\'(':I\"e' L.T. Brown period. Going into the closing game of the sea nroru attraetin or exeiting event than Ebnugh C. Sennt 8011 S,t. Francis was at its best and was Martin's cxeellent work at loalfl,,,l,;k Foutainc what. the W. M. vs. U. of Maryland H.'l'. Runkle'S set to brenk W. M.'II long willlling ",as the outst:mding feature of 110" ~tadiulll gallic promises to be. A triulllpl\ E,-nus R.W, Andrews streak with n that would h~ve j!"illllC, while Etzler "'l1S high-point Ebwortll L. H. B. They H'In'11S, who hns \)('en gi,'en js the highly cherished nehie,'ement of Hamhseh spelled success for sea!fOn. Hcor(lr. lIm·ph.\" Imd All·American mention, 1111,e starred A lone opponent, Lafuyette College, caeh clu11 and those fortunntes who will C.H.B. Dnskmn had to be content, however, with the 011 W. :II. elc,'en9" for the pa~t four years. 10 he met on D~celllbr,r 7, remfl_ill~ 011 "iew Sat.urday's gnme will sac n com· Humph\"ic~ H.lLB. Stro\\' ~hort cud of the finlll score. Conch W.;.\L (jlltpla.,·<',1 und Olltl'usheil ;.\Iuh tile T()rror hOOI'!.'ra' s(']l(!dule, H:l.\'ing l'lll'atiYely even match in a fight to a L. F.B. Wine "Dick" Hadow's ~T:1ek defense consist lenburg throughout most of the glUM, tied ",,\rmy, 10Sl to .KfI,\')' by one point finish. Fer the first time in Maryland Bush R.}'. B. ~roore cheeked the "llried offense that was haYing threatened to s"ore se"eral tilnes in extra periods :md defeated Stat.e f(>ot.1)ull history tl1(; coming bllttle has a Timmons G. Cohen althCIll. when th~.I" ,j(h-au~ed the hal! deep into) titnlar HSPC(·t thnt wi_ll definit.ely settle Subatituti(lll, 'l'lu.' S:)ints threw a record number of NMmal :lIla Blue Ridge, COlleh Beau- for ]~baugh. it'rritor.\' only to ease pressure lIlid estnblish tlle 1'IInking tenlll in Goals, Crowther, 2; !'"SS'-'S in the final hair in a "ain bnt des el.amp has put his ICHIll thronglo a very 1. lose the secon(l :lIfaryland. penlte nttrmpt 10 !!COI'e but aside from a treditabll> season. hllif !h~ pig;,.kin was c~rrieil within (he 'l'he setlson predictions pro few completions their more dllngerons ef· shndow of the C:ll"dinnl and Grn)' Westc1"ll)ld PranklinandMnrshall nounced a :{(h:lntllge in favor SPORT ITEMS forts at the air gnme were knocked down t\\"o occasions but the loser~ time Landis G. Baer of Harlow's nndrfeMcd and untied UJ' intercepted. A number of eritienl mn(]c ynlillnt >:!tanils and IlI"erted scores. 11. O. Smith L. F. Hager eleven. As W. )[ was at its best tile UI.-(lP)-,J. H MeGill fumlJles nwrred the of the Mary· 'l'hc g>lllle undoubtedly mnl'ked George R. F. ·Walker 11, or Marylanu W:lS metliodieal1.v tnk nls rame up from ."'kron, 0., to sce lam! tealil. On Olle inthetllird burg's best season's showing their Triee L. H. Pike iHg its bumps, exporimenting with the Notre D~lIJe whip NorUo",cstem. He qnarter n fumble on "V. )J.'s own 25, spirited fighl nnd stubborJIll('SS WI1S sub Mnrt:in C. H. Luekot Ir~s()lls aerinrl in its defenh and grad· yllrd line gll\'e 8t. Frllneis 1111 excellcnt duedwithsullieicllt illthosecoll{l Bastings R. H. Clark u~lly the smooth operntion s~orillg opportunity bnt the Green :(IId qUlu·terbyn stronger M. team. N.Woolle.v hK Brillhalt, individnals. The lIlis Gol'l r~eO\-ered the ball on Townshend 1. L. Stine downs. Ilwrches down the fieW The winnillg touehdo\\,l1 calllC i,l the c. their attack seems to have second periol!. .Pollowing SOUle fruitless Etzler r.K Sipplo in thcirg:l1no.with Yale wen' ,tlso halted hy loose Ilflll(1ling of the ciiorhof bolh clubs in the openingquar Taylor R.E. Osborne when the~' bottled up the famed AllJie even though he "'I\S parli!,l b:.11. tel' the teams changed goals. 'I'hen cnme Willis Albright "Booth to earn a. tie gnme nnd then roo fillall.vs,';d: .'\fler s('.ol'illg 11 tonchdow'l in the see- ,1 short l'xchangc unf] W, M. gained Gonls-Ehler (2), N. Woolley, Sipple. tailling that spnl'k i1) its later games. "You Hlay go to the if you'll by "irtue of Wellillger's of the ball on their side of the Refcree-Golilberg, ,I,rmy. Western ?lfnl·.rland College with llll j!fo".lise to return to dnsl! through a broken field wards." W.11'. resorted to fl kick floubtedly t.he greatest record in its hi" Half nn 100Ill' :Ift~r the g'lIue, MeGiu· lory "'ill ha"1l n sell~OIl'a perfect r('cord game to snce.essfullr taking 11Ih-antage of 11le SPORT ITEMS lIis,,·asbnck. to defend and upholil_ "Dick" Harlow's at his uncorh'rl a passing Ilt- decisi,'c wins O,'cr two I1J1ljeropponents, "I'm ~orr.,· I'm late," he saiil, "the Piucura's ~itk from the starting stripe hl('k thut ended with Bates, All-Eastern New York-(IP)-1'he Ilwrriage of' Georgetown and Temple, stamp the pow· was low and short and St. Fraucis wel,t end, rllcing lJe."ond the goal lille upon William G. Caldwell, ef New Rochelle, er ~lId of his te~m but the lnt~ .Justice or lhe Peace .John Russ said: into a huddle on theil'own-lO-yard line. .. grabbing a toss frOIll Goose Dougllt;y. N. Y., eellte!" on the Prineeton uniyel'- make \V. 11[. followera "YQu're ~n honest ",,,,n. Fi'-e dollars The~- failed to make a first down an(] ~ity football tellm, to Uiss Mar.1' '1'. a»d eosls." ~r:tti~I:~~i~n;~'P extr~ polll! on a kick punted, St. Frnneis \\"Pl)t tn .... ilir hut J!-olk, al~o or ~('w HoeheJ!e, has oecn })rn. ABide from comparing recent rue· olle of their throws wns intercepted. Ekaitis, '''ellinger and l,awr{'nce were nnllounced. It was kept seeret uutl! orilstliereisllllotherfaetorthatmnkes Aslolnll(l, O.-(lP)-Ha)' Koyotny, Klepac and J,awr€nee made a first down euIBtalidillg in \Y. }I.'s backfield. Goorge l1!'ter the Princetoll-Yulej::'ume, the. U. of M(]. a slight, favorite to cop Ashlnud eol\('ge baek, an Lnckeclupthelilleinhisusual tho all·important conflict. 1'heTcrrors, tho Pennsyl\-snillns ngain ~i~telltly stopping ball caniers New York-(TP)-Th:it the new foet- ull(ler Southern Confel'ellee eli- le!ld~ tlo" si3le's scorns, bllt hns run again a pass was inter trll~ks. Wellinger h:\!J(llcd punts nieelr ball rule~, ne,,' fumble rule nnd alI, is r\ll~B will be without the sr,'· llloSt three quarters of a mile in serim· repted 011 tli" 'Terror -lO-)'lIrd line 8S thc between his off tHookl!' dnrts while Law· gl'"er:llly sntisfaetory, aud thnt Ihere ti\'e regulars who in their res- Tn one game lie gaill()(\ ~(Hi tJuarlerencled.}'rom hereW . .M. marelied rruee eontrihutcd se'-eml long (lnsllC!!. will be very little tampering with the peeti\"e position~will piny wit.h the best iuto the end 7.0ne OU a Capl. Hnnms un.d Bill Pelion in tlieir rules for next ~'enr, is tloe O]linion of of them. Honding tho list is Chns. w('ll attnck that sent Wellinger Edward K. 11nll, ehairman of the Nu- Havens, W. :M.'s stellal' captail' and Arbor, }lieh.-(TP)-After an HnO!lS for the last 28 yards. Itwilsu lionnl Football Rules He is center. Playcrs with nhilities 0:1' absenee of two t.he Brown Jug is cle"erly executed run und Karl had little ('ortain that the rule against runniug O'J ..eair, Gomsak, Pelton, nnd \Voisbeek, diffkuHy :1fter once brenkillg ill to the afternoon, once "gnin prol'ing that he is WiUI a fnmbled ball will still he ou the back HI t,he or Miehig:111. 0pCH. George Ekaitis' !lim for the point 'rhntwil1lcn\"e de~!'n-ing without question his raukillg books next year. :orcnlso 1mI'd to 1lI(}ld a The jug goes for a ~'ear the winner of after tonchdown I\"lH true. ThiS' scoring among the best ends in the EIISt. "Dick" Hal'iol\' 1)l"1l11d lle\\' 110e ~[iehigan-_\I.inn('sotll football glllll~. (]";\"e II':IS fr:ttured by slll1lshillg drives nt ('ombination to dirk at its best. J.inenpunflsuIlllUllrr: Bethlelo('m, Pu.-{IP)-Lehigh Uni Anymore could not be had from a Blylheville, ,\rk.-(IP)-B. F. Brog· thl' line b~' KI~pllC 1llld Lawrence. 1'be \'ersit~"s first victory over her traditioil- football game than what, the elcments (Jen, 135·poun(\ en(l of the local footbnll Lall rcmnincd neal' midfield for the rest W.:lf Position with neithcr team serionsly'g al Lnfayclte, in n deeade, ,,'!lS eele· ludicate for SlIturdny so aon't miss it. tellln,is belie\'ed to ha"eestnblishecl" B:III'S L.E. Giltner 1),. n. C. Hess, Erown and White ltisall"tural. ne\\"recnr(Jwloenherecemlr Pin('ura L.'l'. WeiHer l)Rekficld coach ill II. wcdding ceremony lIine "ollseeuti,'c gO:lls for aHer 11nring Ihe .~ecolll1 half St. }'raneiR l-(ohQut L.G. Greellberg ill which he and Gladys King, of lIIas· l!om() 011 studonh! Pnt that tcum touehdowli ill his team's 76 0 vietor), filled the nir with pigskins ill a hopeless Gel'Harll silon, Ohio, took purt. Hess was a 10 anoss ill its erueinl test Sulur(lu)" "s o,'er Os~eola high school. Brogcl~n's try at the 11Ilr~'lalld gonl. The nler!, 'l'er- 1l,,,-cns,Capt. C. "nl star ill 1925. Tloe entire Lehigh you llUl'e pnt it across in the last ten t~nth attempt \\'n~ blocked h~- the Osceolu TOr (lef~nse wldeh hItS yiel!lell but three B:!l"!lett R.G. all the were Viellnu sst on the line. R. M. REED, Rep, Ihe oj(] field ~l~aring snow from sulli· Substitutiolls: \\'. :lL, \\'ell;uger for clent sllaec to prrmit the uaual prac· BCHOl'{Ill for Bumett. Officials: tices. 'rhe job WI'6 well Ilono amI tlJC Heferce, l? 'l'rimble, Duquesnc; Um' hH alwwn their appreciation uy St. Fr:llleis pire, P. 11, Sangree, Han)rford; Hend ze~t and (]rivn that they pnt into Linesman, J. L. Keudy, JJchigh. D. S. GEHR Iloeir out !lOOf drill :ve~terd:1.'o. Somebody, Somewhere, wants your 13ates RT. R. E. Sullivan Piu,'ura Crowell \\"ei~beck R. G_ Leap GEORGES CLEMENCEAU (Established 1866) Dou't forget your yells whell you (le- Photograph Ha,ens (Capt.) C. J'. White I'''rl for the stadium tbi]Jweck an(] us(' Boston---Georges Clemnncenu, Wholesale and Retail them wheu you g('t ll,u>fe. Let·s stid. Pclton L.G. Slntniskc rillle prcmier of Frmu!e who died la~t. with tI'l, I renl ,V. -:II'. fight, ~pir· 1~.'1'. JUfasko HARDWARE "'eek, has to:.m,ut'liced a dreamless sleep nnd p('p. Yea11, Tenm! The Wilson Studio RlIker Ablrs if his ideas Oll I_he hereafter hUYe brcn Q.R Kunzler fulfilled. Phone 318 Tn a work ~ntil,,'d, "In lhe Evening BEA T MARXLAND! .Jonrs R.n, }'lrListel" Wellinger L.B Billetcleanx of "\[y Thought;', ,ieh he wrote recent· ly. :111(1 published by Hought.on .Mifflin _____l_ F.B. A. White C'olll]lnn.", the Tigt'r deelnres,"A dream Westminster Savings Bank !-;"nr<, by p~riod8: leas sl<,rp, tlwt is, a purely uegllti\"\l Smith & Reifsnider o sI"leofulleollseiousuessisnllthstwc Capital $50,000.00 Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr \Veslern ,\,laryland .. i 0 0-7 can alltieipMo of deaHo. T1Iat is not Surplus "Earned" $400,000.00 Westminster, Md. ~I. }'raHci~. 0000-0 very terriI.l'ing. An absenee of pleas· ure; nn absenee of p:1ill. To dread sneh Goods for Young Men LUMBER,BUILDING SUPPLIES Tonehdo\\"ns-Welliuger. Point aiter a state alll'ely indicates n laf,k tli bal F. Thos. Babylon, Pres. touthdown- Ekaitis. Substitutions- anced juilgment, since Milton P. Myers, Vice Pres. AND COAL Ekaitis for Lawr('llee. Heferee---D. R. IllcRns\\"ithoutsatisfaction,at, end 10 per cent Off for C;ollege Students Jacob H. Handley, Treas. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS AND Doughfert~·, W. 8:, J. Umpire---B. L. of every da.", When ,,·ehn,'eeOl1lplet.ed ollr daily iask, do we not seek to fr- SECURITY .SAVINGS -SERVICE GENERAL MILL WORK iloutz, Susquehallllll U. Helld linesmnll ruperate in sleep' Death is 110 more -B. 1,\'. Sanl, Oiterbein. Time of quar· no less than sleep." lers-15minlltes.
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