Page 34 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 34
~PA~G~J~'~T~\\~'O~==========================~Th~e~G~OJ~d~B~u~g~,w~es~te;r~n~M~a~rY~I:~~d~C~o~ll~~e,~w~es~tm~i~n~st~er~,~M~d~'================~================~~ lIfarirtl1 GOt IArUUllll thr ffiautpus I Alton, lJntrdllullrgiatl' nt Shurtleff A REVIEW OF BOOKS, Nl'U111 PLA YS AND LIFE I11.-When eo-eda col Ihis have weeks Two passed sinee was DAY neatly nor did bns IllllII gUile last on written. the How eampus very much COllege not here dress openly declnrcd with that good the taste, rucu THE OF PRESENT PROBLEM IMPORTANCE sinca around OF THE THE then! How very milch that can't be the men nflopted the slogan, "We paj- Offielal newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on TllUreday during herein recorded. How very mudl that for Shows-That'S W1IY We Wear These • HONOR SYSTEM IN AMERI- tho academic yenr l'y the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, hal! been forgotten. Rut there is some Clothes," and proceeded to dress in over- CAN COLLEGES Marylalld. Entered IlS eecond-claee matter at the Westminster Poatofflee. elij!ihle matertnl, ao here gnea- ails, Of Illl Iho prolJlcms that eourront atu Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year Well, 'l'hallkggil'ing dinJler wns one of dent leaders and college administrators, the most filling events. This column Cambrtdge, Mass.-A plea for the ban- that of student hunesty in elaesrocm ishment of rellgious Jmtrede was the fea seems to he good for ~o!llethi"g, for Mrs. work tl1l,l cnmpne relations is probably MANAGJNG STAFF ture ci' " two-day coufcrr-nce hcld here the ona fbut is first in import'lncenlld Ctltholie.s, of l'1lwrOIl-IN-CI11EP. ... William G. Eaton, '30 :;~,:~~itkq:i~~k ~le ~~'~n:l~de:~~e UJ~dill~:~: ln~t week b,Y uta a group "Tolerance." Jews intel'cl Socialism is a perplexing ]lrolJlClllj it is an irupor- thanks CmCU1,A1'lON MANAGEH •. ...... James A. Stach, '30 alJility to tOHSume so much, hlld becn arrested as radicals, United Josiah D. Stillwagon, Jr., '32 States Atto!'ue~' Cllnrles A .. Tuttle at SQme (,olleges and IIl1i"crsities attempt >laugh the Ass1'. C!RCULh'rJOK l\L_\NMERS. ..... { Joseph '1'. AddjsolJ, '32 Tl·i~e is the first of the Seniors tQ lJe tended Cbarlotte, meeting president and heard the his Socialist to soh'o this problem of stlld<'n\. honest.l· of tn, "rayne W. 'Mool'e, '32 definitel.,- CQntemplating a PQsitiou for Club III Vassar College, tell how she by meaJls of the' Honor System. Under Ttseems !Jrondly is interested SPOR.TS EDITOR. .Alex. OLeair, '30 nex-tyear, UniVErsity. tllat he deairell infQr- \\'orkel1 for $12 a week in a. Chicago fae the students Honor are System, "hooluteiJ'cedQm speaking, from the ;n given Clark m"tiQnHlnylJesupplieti !lim, 11'11',1" l:l~t ~llnllllCt, slll'\'ei\lunec by fa~lIlty membol's or proc- REPOR'l'ORIAL S'J'AF'F The girl was conl'erted to tors. It is ussllmmJ th:,1 Ih~ Btudcllis ~ro During rchcal'8i1ls ft'I' the "Gyps'), .ASSOGIA'rE EDI1'ORl'; Trail" Prances W:lrd ~ppeal'ed late (JnC ;fhc8nid,bylhoeonditiuIlsshesuw houest,lIl1tl papers, \,irginia C, 1\relTill, '30 C. IV. lCooelwgey, '32 l,,·oning. She missed n cue and olle of h('r, "1 d('cided to lJ(' on hnlla," 'I'Ilt-tie l)Hsis, 'rhei!' to pledge"'oueh- or Ul the cast was heard tQ rcmflrk, "Don't COpy EDl'l'ORS mind t.hat, ~he is still in a "Day( s)," e~plaincd, " in case an,YQue attcmpted wQrkr('I)tC$entorillg nt :, loeal thenter whu t:,ke de),ls (ownrd il1trllillJcing it; or, if positiQn, The let.!crs W. L, 8. with II were 10 hal't nppeHred on the t!llllpns for the,"alreudJ hnrt it, to beltcr it as lIlurh brQom stuck through them. The Iludi· :mhollfllndlifteenmiullics :IS possible, tors, the 'HQ', arf Smith, Wulkins Before Ole piau went into effect, I,o\\,' With this end in I-iew, lind with a hope Past '1'0 go \.Jack still farthel' il\ tllC aetjl'ities lll'ouncl the nud C. not Cnptain, hut Curson, O. E. ?\ieholson henrd about it thalthi,> stlJdenls of thc CflllutQ- will gil'c Events Hill. in Jhe performance of first. TOl1~'Sllrg's :'.131'ioo- 'I'he co·el1s are holding all "at,home" said: "Wetnn't have this." ~<)me seriou.'! thought to this problem, the- The snhsuiption ~IlUlpnign returlled to COlllHlitt~e on the llollor S~-stem for the cttes, and then of the reeilal by the students from the o"~r the week end, All ";sitors will find iislloruo:llways, :N. R, F. A, is releasing Ihis series of ar thcm right lllJre 011 tI" Hill. Curtis Institute of Philadelpllia. Westpl'U Maryland reech'ed all oppor- ti~les. 'l'he thninnan [If the cQmmittee tunity to enjoy hl'o t,\'pes of clltedninmcnt of the highest orelel·. 'I'he," haye gone :lIId dQue it! One of Constanlillopk'-The local S('I,ool Qf wOlilil be gllu1 to n~t!eil'einl1uiries con· the fire hoses in lho Dilling ilnll hag bee_u PhHrmne," hns llppenlell to the govern- cerning the system or opinions concern' 'l'ony SiUg'S puppets are illtcrnntional1~' famOHSamI it. is usually used, 11 i~ ullknQwn wHcthrr the intidGllt ment for help in getting up iuterest iug it fit Box 958, Ulli,-traity, Alabnma. 'HI~rans,'i! l).r hot soup or heart bUTIl, amung young Turks in Drug Stores. Not only the larger cities ill 1I'11iclitlley are PI'CSClltcd, l'ndonbtedly c\'cry- 11 sillgle stud~nt cnrolled this yenr ill the one was struck with the manner in which tllCSCpuppets \I'el'e manipu- 11'81111 a nlntl('r of time-an() place. scil{J(lL Caml)ridge, Mass.-(IP)-FurtJler reo l'hr snow is terrihly iUQOlll'eniellt when it lated. At times one almost hclie\'ed himsclf witnessing a I}(>riormallcc is necessnn' to go frQm one buil<1ing to ~enrrli into the caUSeS of tile World by on lJo to of hmliun actors Ilnd tIle appeclrancc of fI man on the stagc at the COlI' another 011 t.he r:alIlpus, But in lheilloon, NI'lJ.'· \~(Jfk-Prof<,ssor D,nitl Sneddeu W:lr Me Brndshaw carried Fn~'1 Professor Profcsaor of Sydncy light-Oil a ],iJI-n 811d-U'fl,t'S differ' of TeHehl'rs College, CQlumbia Univorsity, elusion of the play cllme as a shock. ent! helie,-es tllllt ill Iho near future colleges llist.ory tit Harl'nrd Ullil'ersity ani! will haH 10 divide !hems-eh'es iuto three lIuthor of "Origins of the \Varld Wnr," 'j'he recital presented by stud'ents of the Cm'tis Institute provcd II spccinl What does C. 1. W. stand for' The t~'Jlcs, Que for the "brend and butter" under grant mude b;l-'the Bur on(>of the most enterlaillillg musical ('Wnts C\'cr hca)'d in Alumni Hall. sophomore girls would hlive us believe !'Itui!cnis who come to coll('ge 10 get 11 eall of International Resellrch of H3.r- 'I'll!' well-select.ed numbers and the abilit~, 'I'hich was displayed in their that if wa watch certfin ·of their num-. fOllnd'lliou for later busincss, one for the vard UnivCTsit.y will and go Radeliffe college, alJ, hah' Fa,v of ProfessQr OU leuve the who rendition bi'onght forth bursts of applllu~e whieh could be met onlr bCT land between on the De~eTJ1 or a of 7, the },[llry roon-skin gflille conted to the youth class-room, prefers one a S6Jlce during the seeond semester of t11is snd football game riddle "ith encores. It all got'S to prol'e that the hest in life is free. ",mOe soh'ed, for I~:e quiet seeker after learning, ~'enr, aud will stud,l" in Europe,
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