Page 33 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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COL SEE THE TERRORS PLAY ROOT FOR THE TERRORS BALT:rMORE STADIUM BALTIMORE STADIUM SATURDAY 2 P. M. SATURDAY 2 P. M. Vol. 7, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 5, 1929 HISTORY PROFESSOR WINS VOICE INSTRUCTOR TAKES PART COLLEGE ;CALENDAR 1930 "ALOHA" TO DmECTORIES TERROR ATHLETES GAIN DISTRIBUTE \ IN RECITAL AT MARYLAND STUDENT-FACULTY COVETED BARUCH PRIZE CASUALTY AUDITORIUM THURSDA Y, DE~)EhlBER 5- NATIONAL RECOGNITION Mlas Ruth Sherman Jones, Inatruetor 'I'hu Btudeut-Fueulty Directcrtes for SUBMITTED PAPER SELECTED AS of Voice at western Maryland College Senior Speech Pecltal ; Smith Ball, 19::9·30 are at the present time on the GIVEN PLACES ON ALL-AMERICAN 7:30 P. M. press und it is expected that they will BEST ON SOUTHERN LIFE participated ill a muaieal reei tn l given be ready for sale ill the very uca r .tu- AND ALL-EASTERN TEAMS at the Mn tylaud Casualty Auditnrtum, Pep "Meeting; Smith nail, 6:30 Baltimore, Sunday afternoon, Nov. ::4. P. 'M. turn. Thcy are being published t.hls Charles W. Ilavens, '30, and Pnnl L. Dr. Theodore .1<'. Whitfield, profe~sol' sang her year by the 1930 Alolw.organization and Bates, ':11, were mentioned in the offi- Mlss in the Department of History at weet- Brahm's Jones as wie selectinns PRTDAY, DECEHBER 6-- are under tho personal direction of Mr. cial selection of the All-Eastern foot- "EUI Gednnke A1usik", ern Marylami Oolfege was in Debate; Smith Hall, D. O. Link. ball team by Frank Getty, United Preas rormed cr the fact thut he has 1I'0nthe "An ein Veilel1lm" and several English 7:30P. M. Bates Baruch prize of $1,.000 offered by the pieces, one of them the arch "Cuckoo". The ccuego directories have been Sports Editor. positions was on accorded one of the first She was ~l\eom]Janicd nt the piano by end the United Dnughters of the Oonredcraey Chnrles R. Boehau. Pep .:uenting; Smith Hall, 6:30 puliliabed for aevrat years and serve as team and Captain Ha vens was given menus of a'v- for the bCllt paper on some phase of F. W. Btrehlan, musical critic fortl,e r-. M. an lI.bll()stiud.iapeusablc honorable mention for the center pose. Southern history. Baltimore Bvelling Snn writes: "Mis~ SATURDAY, DECE1fBER 7- ing neeumte information coneerning In addition, Paul Bates was placed on Dr. WhitJield cucec a~ his subject Rutb Sherman J'ouea, ecpranc, gave Varsity Eoutbnll; University Mary- lllemliersofthcstudentbodynndfnc· the thir(l All-American Hue-up. 'I'heae "Slavery Agitation ill Virginia from much pleasure wihh her aelecttone. She land; Baltimore Stadium, 2:00 uUy. They are especlally useful during honors are tho greatest which have 1829 to 1832." displayed lin appealing voice and a P.M .. vacation periods when seeking the a!1' .ever been conferred upon members of 'I'bc paper was written by Dr. Whit- pretty defivery." IlrCS8 of some friend or associate. Western Maryland College football Ilcld as a dissertation for llis doctor of Tile Harmonie Singing Society was SUI\TDAY, DEOE"IDER 8- 'I'bc directories include beside tho teams and mark the rise of the "l)ig- philosophy degree from the Johns Hop- ntac Ineluded on the program. This or- College Sunday Sellool; name and homC'address of all studeuts ger nnd better Western Maryland" in kins University, whieh he received dur- gHni''lltion which numbers am(}ng its Olmpel, 9:00 A. M. and faenUy memberij, the
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