Page 32 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. C!1I&IlU,C!1iuh,nub :§ortl'1y moiugn I Five Years ~ 11lI&VVl'utug~Ii~~I?~~ot41' Alumui MARCH 11, 1924 WEBSTER Y. W. C. A. :\Ir, and Mrs. Ober S. Herr hnl'O gone :\Irs. Leon Richmond of the elnsa of Black and White Announces Prize for an extended ,'i~it to Bermuda. Mrs. '117 is speuding the winter in Florido. when webster eourencd for its week- T)J(' meetiug of the Y. ,V. C. A. 01' Contest Herr is the d:wgllter of Vice President Miss All.hen Davis, '25, Peabody, '~6, 1)" meeting last el-euiug, all ex- November 13, was addressed The Black and White Club in eon- nnd "Ir~. W. R !l.1c.DnllicL has been director of music at the Wi ("~jlt [I fel\" seats Oil very front rO\\1:I by Dr. lic took us his topic, tinunlly seeking to [or\\"ard the best in· eenrico High school, took the leuding were occupied. Mr. Routson opened the u pnrt of the third verse of the first tercsts of ihe eollege, through its commit. The wedding of Anita Speddeu, ex- part /IS "Sally F'or tb' in "See You progrnm with 1111 exeeiIent review of rsatm. tee on College Wulfnre, announces a '~i, was announced last week. 'fhe In-ide Later," a thrl'e-act musical comedy, "Current Eveuts ' in which he touched "Andheshallbelikealreepluuted prize tetter contest which all students of is a graduate of the _Mur~'IandCollege which was recently presented for ihe UpOllthe most iIllJlfJftnntphnstmofl\U· hy the ri"era of water." Like a tree, W.11. C. and theprepnrator;!' schoollun.1'· for WOIl1l'll at Lutherville. hl'ndit of the school. 1\1'1nnctivitius. George MacGowan and the Christian mall umst be high, lus enter. hignan (jo) were next. 'I'hla time lrleals must be lofty. lie must be above The letter must he >I ecnstruetive ",\Iite" made .hia part in the program the pettv, uiean things ill human nature. criticism of some phase of the sodnl Or SPECIAL Westminster Savings Bank unique by playing whnterer selections Be Hlust be broad, tolerant of otJlcr the intellectual life of the college, a Reading or Desk Lamps might be suggested by members present. people's their likes lind dislikes ehnnge in which will prouiote the sennal Special Price $1.98 "Met" )Ietcalf's talk uu "Bertrnnd and their The g-ent trees are welfare of the college and will be neces Capital $50,000.00 Russell" wns as well thought out as rooud deep in the earth, st retehing down sary if thi~ insfitution i3 to maintniu its J. Stoner Geiman Surplus "Earned" $400,000.00 gin:nj and ":'Iict"e{)rtaillly pro,·cdhim· their roots t\l the life·gi,'ing streams or place a~ a first rlass college. 77 W. Main St. self nil extemporalleoulIspcuker of mark· l\wislure.-so a Hghteous 11ltW Illust be Tlwre are 431 studenh ot W. M. C. F. Thos, Babylon, Pres, cd ability. "Charlie" Forline.s' two deep, tapping the streams of humnn 10,1'. and it is ~ineerel~' hoped that two-thirds Milton P. Myers, Vice Pres. seleetions on the piano, "ibrated with un([ S~'mputh)"and well·rooted so thut he ofthcmwillsu!imitletters. King's Pharmacy ;UI atmosph.;rc o[ Vietorialt (lra'\'ing m:,~· withstand the storms of lif(>. _Pin· Jacob H. Handiey, Treas. T'oomsand culture. "Tom" Gro"~ rCAd lilly he must be wide in his undersrund· Gettysburg's pop The Rex.all Store a short poem in the Italio-American dia· sheltering othon ,,'ith his ulnr was schedule(J to SECURITY -SAVINGS-SERVICE lett whkh, liS the eritie cO\l\Ulented,,,"us tree 8helters with its ~pc.1kat the Y. )T. C. A. the following 55 E. Main St., Westminscer, Md. "short, sweet, alHl nppropriate." hr""ches, week. 'fhe filwl nnmber on the program was A tree is moro highl)' "alnea ~s il J. H. I". Sh[llHlhnnof Bethlehem Steel J.CPENNEYCO II debate upou till' R~solved: grows older and so s.hould be the Chris Co. his ~udienrc in Smith Hall Tllal 11<6 inll"od1xj)crienccdit~ storms nlld sunshine keep its eyes 011 the Frosh. Thc l"rosil 'fhe Affirlllati,'C wns supported by undh:ll'elcnrnedto(lcceptthelnhothas lJr('uk IIlI the rules on the Iii'}!, do. Goods for Young Men Messrs. Junkin, Robe.rts und Herbst; the p!lrts Of a great ]llan. 1')'c~ to WCllt lheir e..g shells, "Dad" SMELSER Negative br ],!esars. Ruth and ,,\mO$8, (\ nUlIlInny be compared to the l~Il\'e uo in the boards, ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, Mr. Rnth speaking t\\"iet~beeonse of the of 01 \"ine tlJllt are fruitful ouly lhe\rlIairin midillc and stiek 10 per cent Off for College Students absence of Mr. Reed. After a closely solOl,gas rCl,ei"ostrength und sus- ,,",jh <,-o\\"fnt,they wenr lnuil llwkties, COLD DRINKS nrgued (lebate, the ,Aflirm[lti,'c wal! ad· jcn.1u~efrom trunk of the vine. 'I'he (10. A good suggestion is that the Open Every Nice Until 11 :30 judged the Wbllll'f. Class ineorpornte into Iheir new Just nt thec10se of the debuto Uw door system II plllnk that II'ill corrcct softly opened nnd President Ward ~Illlle the8e infrnetiousof mt rules. Coffman's StaTionery quietly into the 1;[;)11 all(J took u hack sr.nt. l:'cw knew of hil;lllrri\"lil until G. K Hntc.l! of the Soph Clagg, one Times Building D. S. GEHR President Slllith called upon hinl for n LE CERCLE FRANCAIS of tho more progressi,''; students, haB short talk, which hemostgraeiously guve n serie~ of "SundUy A:fteruOGn GREETING CARDS find whieh everyone enjoyed. Le Ccrcle Pruneals held its regular (Established 1866) After Presidcnt Wllrd's tulk the meet- HlCeti.ugon Wednesday el"ening, No,'em' ing adjourned, und the members gather ber 20th. Thl' prognml ,,"os centered w~s a big success, ~ 1arse EVERHAR.T Wholesale and Retail cd nroundthe President nlld held 11 short :lrOU'Hlthe lif~ and fables of Jelln de L.~ otto:ndiug and nll informal "conflab" on various und 8U])' lo'{mtuine. Mather, who \\"a~ in BARBERAND BOBBER HARDWARE dr~' mutters of inter~~t 1.0 both, chargc of tho.}lTogrnm,gave all introduc.- It is to be hoped tor;!' talk on the I\"nrlilof La Foutlline. gl'OWwith till' coming At the Forks Phone 318 H~tch and Ste\'CllB have the _Followingtl,is, tIle )f.isse~ :'Ililler, Weeks, weeks. __ ~~~n~~R_~.~~y~sO~C~m~T!Y__ ~__~'r~"'~t)e~".~B~'i~"'~fi'*.ld~,;'~~,~s~'~nll;'~'~~k~ih~'~4l'O::~O~ld~\;:"~hl;.;'~~.'~J!j~d~L~~';~~~~:::::::::::Jlk.~~~:=~~~~~~'- ::: purts of yarlOUSanl""lIs, (lcwr,oeJ mem· PI ALPHA ALPHA ,. . - • I:u. "Resoh'Nl: That I'xtra·e.urriculnr ftC- n. A. Steele livitie~ take up too much of lhe n,·(J.rage ~~:::ss,"~l:~ :i=~~ :~:~. o\~e;~er~;:;s~:~ The Pi Alpha Alpha Fr\lt~rnity lakes SILVERWARB WA.TCHES student's was Ihe sul)ject of n ing. Dr. Bonn.otte then 101<1 somo unee· pl~a~uro in unnoun~ing the [Iceept~uee of Publishers Representative discussion ut. In'ing )[onday (lutes about La Fontuine. The entire John U. Dixon bll\) th.e .Frat.ernity. A. H. Fetting Co. 5 Colmnhus Circle night. club sang n OOI'.\, nftrr which the follow. Besides "Jr. DixOll t.he for- President .Hickel eulled the meeting to ing fables were pr('sl'ntecl in action by merly /lllllonnccd were ,Ilso into MA.NUFA.C'l'URING JEWELERS New York, N. Y. -_-- ol·n tha/./J("(·(Il!,\·(" i(lrl:Qfspaf;e', ('1111 110/ be 'l.~ 1.',lIen'a inlo Westminscer, Md. )!r. W>JsieyDay read the critic's re (If the fiue \l,u!fie ill Amcrican churehes ill artide port, nfter which J"hemeeting "':III dosed "8 a minor role in the reo Wid r.fplnill~d (18 'PT("- with jlro)"cr h.1" )fr. C. A. )lnrl!hison. in Ids ~onntry. lie then crlirJl9)· LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES Christiani!.)" in Japan, In ring AND COAL BROWNING ellIJlh!l~is01\ the benefits it had brought Babylon & Lippy Company SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND TO IMPROVE HIS VOCABU- to his ~on1\jry, such n~ the j,nlllane atH· tnae toward children, the of the GENERAL MILL WORK LARY The Browning I~itcrary Sode!y met on ~IOH(JnJ", XovcmiJer lS. '1'hc progrAm stutns ef women, the of ihe SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR Send his collars and shirts to us 1,'IlS ill thurge of the Sophomorps who e~~tc S'."dh~' SCHOOL used properly - where needed, titiil!l who luul a fOlldn~~s for wriJing )1r. Tlo himsclf, grelJtlr to -prcsellts- Neckbands will fit comfoctably. Real leiters nud of mnking love to his sene· the \"Idue <.If Ili~ talk. These \\"ere fol· family service at economical races. -~-- t:lries. )Jiss Virginin Stoner portray~i1 IQwed hy seneral slides showillg the life of Christ. his el{,I'er and ehal"ming wife, Miss. M. TO~!ig~.~r£:~Y~~~?l~~v~tes~?:.~1s Tuxedo Laundry Le~ Sj,iplt>~·,hi9 emotional sceretnl'y an([ PIDLO };LisslIulT Orr Hering took the part of in 199 E, Main St, Doll~' Darling of the Beou!.\" Burlesque. of Philo The SopJlomorcs took dJ;,lrge THE BRE r:EN BAND on '\Jontlll'y e,cuing, NO"embl'r lB, and a.nd Call for and Deliver presenteil as their theme ""\Jod~rn Poet DELTA SIGMA KAPPA r.I·: An ExpreSsion of The N~lI" Era of THE STOLEN PRINOESS Cleaning and Pressing $1.00 P.:M. 2;15 'l'hQl1ght." 'fil' program took tIle form Delta Sigma Knppa iuvites the mem ef readings from thl' nell' poets, anl(\llS !J~rs of the faculty and the students to them being Vaellel Lindsay, Sara T,eas. S:15P. :M. Call The BETTER SERVICE Shop for information ahout your "open house" ill the c.lub room fram 11nle,Christopher Morley, Carl Sandburg, ALU)HU HALL permanent wave - The Sa'am Oil Ml.'thod - S~fe and Sure four to six o'clotk on Th1l!lksgiving Rumbert Wolfe, ilililll Conkling lind afternoon. Am." Lt)II"!;"Il.'l'ili~ so·culled "new poet- SATURDAY, :NOVEMBER 23rd EXPERT MA~C~L~;~y B~=~~;~F;~~;REAT~ENTS TheDeJtslmd supper ut1laplelnn on t.y'~ was iJltrodueed (IS n thing to ell- 'iV. At C. Students Admission 35e Thursday, Konmber 21. joy and IlInken part of one's self. Phone 3q5 for appointment - near \-Vesrminsrer Hotel, Westminster
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