Page 25 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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COL VS. VARSITY VARSITY SOCCER VS. MT. ST. MAlty'S STATE NORMAL SCHOOL EMMITSBURG OLD ATHLETIC FIELD SATURDAY, 2:30 P. M. FRIDAY, 3:00 P. M. Vol. 7, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 14, 1929 PROPOSED LIBRARY FOR FUTURE COLLEGE GROUP FINE ARTS BUILDING TO BE DUl'LICATE OF LIBRARY In the proposed plalls for /1. Greater Mnryland the librnry will stand directly to the left of the social reltgicue building which w,,-s IIhown in this pll]lI'r some time ago, Directly to the. right uf the social-religious build iug unother structure, tile linll of Pine Arts, n duplicate uf the library as far nsc.xteriorappearaneesarecuneerned, win be located. 'I'his group of three buitdlnge will form t.ilC center for prac- tleelly Ill! of the college actlvltiea. Tile I~ropoaed libra!'y ,,·ill consist of two stories. 'l'he first story will pro- vide rcading rooms and conte-cnec rooms for the cnrteua heads of lile de, while the upper floor will be to the librnry proper. The study hnlla provided ill the two end wing$ of the building on the first floor ,,,oIlM be especially for the use of Freslt- men nnd Bcphomcrcs. l'liis is a coming event in Amcelean eollego life. Such study I,nlls would provide aacl, student in tile lower classes with a tlask uf his OWll, under lock and key whero he coutd go for etudy, unmolested by any disturbing influences and where or(lcr and quiet could be preserved. Open encivea containing the books roql]ired for Freshmen and Bophomor e orienta- tion eouraea, would be at the students' 'rIfE PROPOSED LIBHARY comrunud and he eould have easy ac- cess to the conference rOUlUB of his fnt:ulty be adviser. equipped The similarly to proper the library would .-..CJo\:AR~M~I~ST~IC~E~D~A~Y~A~SS~E~MB~L~Y~P~R~O;'FE~S~SO~R~W~I~LL~S~V~I;'SI;'TS~~===C-=::=L:=:=EC=AL=E=~-=DAR==-~-~CL;-;A~SS~IN~MI~L~IT~AR~Y~-~~~-;~giJt~:~::~~~~~~:~~;,~~~ HELD IN MORNINGCHAPEL SWARTHMORE COLLEGE THURSDAY,NOVEMBERH- CONDUCTSCOURTMARTIAL ~:;:;'i~::'1~:':2::,;;; library "ill bo Scieuee Club; Chemistry Lecture The need for such a library is felt in CAPTAIN WATERS TELL S 0 F Professor George S. Wills, head of the Room 6:4(; P. at, A general moot ccurb-martia l ap- any modern educat.icnn l institutiou in HEROISM OF SERGEANT YORK t~ng\i8h department, recently made nn Y.1L C. A. Cabinet Meetmg ; 8:00 pointed by Captnin Wooley, met at the county today, 'l'hll library is the official vi$it to 8warthmore Collego for 1'.111. Westcrn Uarylnlld College on Novcm, center uf the intellectual life of 3. eer- When tue studcnt body entered chapel Pr~8ident Wnrd. The uf his bel' 12 to try the ease of Pr-ivate First lege, In fact it is in a real sense the un Mcutluy Ulorning, Armistice DRY, it \'i~it WilS to observe the. honors PErnA Y, NOVEMBER 15- Olass Gus B. Lotte, who has been n.r College itself. The necessity for su ch \\"~s allllounced th"t after the reguluT s~'lI\·inced of :'Ilr. Paul B. Ste'ens, of the truss of while "'as Firs! Defcnse Cuunael Jolm "'ifh L. WlIt.- der the f1ll8J.liee:s of the Westminster Ele First kins .~~. W:l2 the guest nnd speaker uf tlie Pru~cSJ;or Hclloway preached bciuro ment,,!"), S~ilool. The play which wnl be ". :'Il. C. A. ThU!'3d~y nigl!!, NOI·ember the College students in Baker Clmpel on Lieutenant Marvin B. Sterling (IS a~- prc~ented will be In'ing-'s Rip Van Win- It/HI risen to tile rnnk of ~ofJWl'al. 7. Sunrl:tJ, ~onmber 10, on iile Bubjeet of sistutlt Dafense Counril. kle. Two performances will ill' given, a "Brokpn GOlltraets". Hi$ text was All of these officers belong to the rnntim'(' ami an e,'cning performance, The Corpornl York lI"aS' Bellond iJI command The nlcctiug upcnod with n fol . of a ll:!lrol sent through ihe cnemy Jines I()wed h,r pnl.I'a hy Wesley Dar. Amos I:9:-"Tbns 6~ith Jehoral1: Fur n. O. T. C. branch of the aprvice nnd price of admission will be tllirty-fi\'e attached to dctermine the extCllt of the cnCllly C'urlines continued the progrnm with a fil'e transgn::lSiuns of Tyrllj yea for four, arc "lIJl!ryl~ll(l College, to the post at Western nnd fift~· CCllU. ]Jo!iition. In makiIlg the pnssogc through piil.[)osolo, [will not turn 1111"(1)' the punishment Tony ~IHg'S M.arionettes nre "probnbly the lincBthepatrolcomm:mderand most "A cmz)' philusopli)' of life" was the thereof; bec~use UI('y d~lil'ered up the 'I'he Trial .Tudge Ad\'oclIte called the the most r" mous puppet Sh(lW6 now iII of the palrul were wounded. York wa.'! of Panl Ste"ens' atld.ress. Tn his wholc to Edom. alld remembered ConrL to order at 8:30 A. M., announc' existence. PU1'pet shows hal'e tlleir ori, left ill command. The patru]llat! reUt'lI- he nS()d lwgatil"e mutto(lS, such as not the eO\-eIlRnt," ing that He llrusecutiOIl \\'as rcndy to gin in the remotest pust 3Dd hu\'e had ell :1 position about a mile in the rear "Re /l bUIll sport," to ('mphusi?e lind Pl'ofessor 1l0n(lWlt~, discussed the rlroeceil with the trial. Upon being giv- au interesf.iug /lnd varied !Jistury, As of Ihe t"nemy linCll nnd lI"a~ lOBI.. York hring out great positiH truth!! uf life, gl'rntness of the Phoe]lia;uns who i!,,'ent' en the opportUl,ity, CnJltsin Bunce time we,l! 011 they seemed to lose their !lutiCf'1.l a slmek nnd went np 11) it. In, filling illustl'nriuns were used ed the first alphnbct, und wl1u were great asked permission to be (>;xeuBed from elllertaini"g ql1alitie~ lind it seemed fOI ~ide was II German major and severnl his e(lliegiah' nudience eould well sr:lmeu, tradesmen, and builders, It \\'a~ sitting un tlje Court because he would a \rhile IhM the~e mininturc aclurs had llllder'offitcr!i. York kicked in the duor nllilerst;ma, for all were taken from cu1 to a Phuenician, Hiram, lung of 'I'yre, l'ppCllr as a witllcsS fur the proaecution, completely disappt'ared. Sarg, seeiug and demanded that they surrent!er. lie lege sit.nations. 1111dsume of the incidents that DtlI-id sent to obtain cedars o-f Leb- 'I'his wus grllnte(l. Nu c.hnllengeB being IJOs~ibilities in them, organized a troupe 1'"".'1 nnswered with a shot. ITe rdnrn('d ,·elated ou o\lr UWll campus. ,won f(lr his bnihling. 111 So]umun's made concerning the rights of any and Ims wOIl iuternational fame with it. this witli sllch llCC\lrIlC:' that the Get The lll(lst truth upon which he reign this same Rillg, Hiram uf Tyre IlIcmbacs to sit npun tIle Court, the T. In some of his characters worked by lll/tn~ immt'di~tely snrrendered. When bAsed his i~ founcJ in the Bible made a eontmct with him lu suppl~' tim- J. A. swore ill the Cuurt, and was, with strings he ha~ ilccoruplished almost 1m, th~)' eIJUle out of the shaek nll(1 BaW YHst': "!':leek ye first the kingdum uf h"1" from Lebanon for the building of the his assistant] in turn sworn in by tba man effects. 'I'he students lit Western York'g little gtUUp se\-eral of whom were GOIl. and His righteousness, /lnd all FroJll aJl aecounh given, Hir.,m prc~ident of the Court. The charges )[arrlano shonld take advnntllge of the w(l\tnded they asked Ilim where his men these tJlings will be added nnto ;,·ou." his eontrnet with RolunJ(ln. This lind specifications were read tu the ae- opportunity for seeing this performance were. Turk motioned l'aglJe1y and said, (Continued on 4) (Continued on Page 4) (Continued Oil Page 4) of Tuny Sarg 's puppel~.
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