Page 28 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAO~ FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. QlIunn,QlIub,uull .§nrtrty mntugn IFive Years Ago II1lIupprutUg~li~~~~~ot~rl\IUmut MARCH 4, 1924 SHAKESPEARE CLUB DELTA SIGMA KAPPA "Peggy" Bamhnrt, '29, has been There will be held II. "Golden .Jubilee" "Pussyfoot" Disappoints Many elected vice-president of her class at hnnquct t11is winter to celebrate the Th~ Bhnkcspeare Club met ill MeDan- Delta Sigma Kappa entertained several Union 1Iemorilll Hospital, Baltimore. fiftieth all1li'·erslI.ry of the graduation W. E. Thurs(la,l' in Hall, iel Hall Parlors, Wednesday evening, No- guests At dinner at College Inn on Fri. Johnson, better night known Alumni to hi1J admirers "Van" Lathem, '29, has been elected of Dr. William R ~reDaniel. veutber 13. After a brief business meet- {la~'evening, November 8, from seven to vice-president of her class. She i$ in -(Bulletin) ing II. short play illustnlting part of the nine o'clock. and his enemies as "Pussyfoot," spoke Il'aining at St. Luke's Hospital, New Dr. Ward eelebrntcs eevernl nuniversar lhcory.!lnd pracuee of English education 'rhe Dclts were entertained at Taa on to (lU entbuslastiu audience composed of York City. iI'S at the next commencement. Besides in ~hnkcspeare's time was gi,'en. By Thursday nrturuocu by the Miasea Scriv town peOpl(1,eollegestud!:lltsalldfacultr. his finishing ten yenrs as PresWeut., it is means of n Prologue, rend by Mi51J Doug- iner und Reinecke. Those who expected "Pussyfoot" to rise Mr. Ralph Cover, of the class of 1910, his bweuty-tlfth wedding anni\-ersury, am] las, the member-s of the club were per- 't'he Delta wish to nnllounce that. the to supreme heights of flowery oruro ty lUIS beau appointed editor of the Western his thirty-fifth year as an alUllllllIS of tho suatlNltoli\'efornlimeilltheinnd1lf Misses 1Iluriel Bishop, Louise Crcaier, failed to reeeive sntisfaetlcn. 'I'he epeeeh J\larrlnnd College Bulletin for the en college. -(Bulletin) illlugillntion. They attended for a day Il anunh Recht, Barn Robinson and Ella resolved itself iuto n rather ordinary suiug-year,by.PresidentWard. tho school to Wllich Shakespeare went. Weir have been pledged to llHJ club. prcseutntion of the prohibition move' ]III'S. Lenora Owinga Stolle Boyle, '86, William G. Simpson, of the elnss of Ur.Eaton was schoolmaster, aud the ment. His hearers looked for 110wer8; visited the "Bill" last ThursdAY. It 190-1., died last Prtdaj-. TIe was the son they received fnch. (']ass was conducted after the fashion of W. W. CLUB was her .first visit to the college for sev- of former Professor Simpson and the the schools of tbat periodalld fouud was First Sergl'H.nt of Compnn.1' X and and reteh'ed from Allle1'i~all tho highest Hli8~illg fOllr 31tieles which he listed Somebody, Somewhere, wants your t1mt Privnte Lotte wa~ a memb('r of 11\\'llrd grllnted, the Cougressional medal. this eompauYi that he cnrrioo the ac- for the Court .• "'lso, he identified the After his returu to this coun!r," he re· eused a~ :\_. "-. O. L. on the Morning cOHlpns$ whieh First Sergeant DeHHnm ech'ed large moneta.ry offers from vaude· had reclaimed from .Joe the Wop as Photograph H{)l'ori. for Odober 1 :lnil on October 2, dllc comp:llIies bllt refused Ihem. Lnter one of the compasses whieh h(l had is- he weut upon a le~ture lour. The pro actiug on orders frOIl! Cuphin Bunce, from A. W. O. L. to Desertion: tlJlLt on sue!l t.o Pril'ute Lotte. He was briefly ccc(ls of thi~ tour ha~'e been dc~'oted to The Wilson Studio TO IMPROVE HIS VOCABU. October 20 he apprehended Ihe a(:cuso(l noss examined iJy the defensc and, the schtlolSllnd !.o theedumtionof LARY in Blllri[J10rc and brought him bock to conrt not dcsiring to question him, was his mount3inecrs. dismiRl:!e(l br tllc prosecution. Send his collars and shirts to us \\'cstmiustcr; thaI l1,e nceused, when The prosecution rested null f.hc rI,,- and he'H sing "Home, Sweet appreheniled, II'llS attired in improper VARIETY fellse took lip the ell-se. Home." He will feel sure that this UlliforJll; nnd tlmt Oll Odober 2, hear· laundry is his bosom friend. St.1.rch ing tllIlt. a ge~'ernlllent eompass was in (('(!lltinned from Pllg<> 2) used properly - where needed. I b~' show ease of Guisellpc ":\fagaluaBo, Paul Stevens Addresses Y. M. C. A: hut when slle linds the "nllughty" Dsa Smith & Reifsnider Neckbands wi!llit comfortably. Real COllllllOllly known us.Joethe Wop, a 10' at Recent Meeting ili$illu~ioning her SOli, RolJnl, she hastily family service at economical rates. (.~ 1 pool~r(lOJ1l pr(ll'rit:lor, he inllll('dia te· lI'~ve~ the 1I0usehold. Ilga N:ruaills. Westminster, Md. I." "'('Vt And rrelai!lled the 1l0mpaB!!. Af- (Continued from Pngc One) III nn~' other hnll(ls tllml (liose of J.ynll h'r a short cross exumin"tion was of- After the Y. 111. C. A. lllcetillg, )'lr. Pontaiune alld Alfred LUl1t aJld tll~ rest LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES Tuxedo Laundry fared the Court by tlw defense o_nd, af- ~lt"'l'ns :md the ~nbi!lrt went 10 the Col- of the Guild complllly, ~lr. Sil·Vara's t!'r hcillg (JuesU(lned IJ)' the Court, tIte 1,"gc Tea Room wbere an informal dis- rJrn\\'iug·rOOlll comed~' might h(I\'e prOI'ed AND COAL 199 E. Main St. i';ergoant was excused. ~nssilJll fOllowed. quite uninteresting and boring. But AI· SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND Call for (lnd Deliver 'Plte third witue$s for the defense, Upon gl'a(]u(ltion from ""eslern lIf1lr.' fred J~\mt wus Counselor Albert Von Jot! the "Vor, (A. 111. Ree
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