Page 27 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS I FOOTBALL SOCCER \SPORTS I Green Terrors Win 33 - 7 FRESHMAN HOOKEYITES DEFEAT MARYLAND FRESHMEN JUNIOR GIRLS IN FIRST GAME Victory Over Loyola Eleven INTERCEPTED The freshmen defeated the juniors in BEAT TERROR RIVALS the opening game of the Women's In- BEAT :MT. s'r. MARY'S Our own Groen Terrors capped allot}ler 61 yard joust for the Terror's last score. terclass Hockey tournament, Tuesday University of Maryland's undefeated brillinnt '·ictory on Armistice Day by W. M. scored twenty first downs to Loy Scores: afternoon on the lIew Rockey field. The freshmen football eleven scored an IS· soundly trouncing a wall-developed Loy- ola's eigill. Line-up and suruma.ry: VARSITY game was both fast and exciting. 'I'eam- 10·Qvictory over the western Marylan(] ola College eleven 33·7 nt the Baltimore W.:.t. 33-Loyola 7 (football) work and closs organi.zation was much in freshmen in Bj-rd atadlum. Previous Stadium, be-fore an estimated crowd of WESTERN MD. W. M. l-Blue Ridge College 0 (soccer) evidence. The score was 4-3 ill favor of vietorles had been corned ever first·year 8,000. It was Western Maryland's Curtis L.E. Bates the freshmen. The line-up for the game: teams of Virginin and Wnshington und seventh consecutive win of the eurrent Healey L.T Pinenra FRESHMEN ,TUNIORS Position FRESHMEN Lee, while V. M. T. yearlings had been true ~cason and as a result they still retain I•.G. Benson W. M.0-U.of}.1d.18 (football) held to a seureless Lle. c. their place among the eountryts undefeab- Plotzeyek Havens Smith left wing Led by AI Woods, who ed and untted tcauie. Intrieri R.G. Kohout. As a result of an injury austntned in Coekhum lcftinaide Somers formerly performed tbe Mar-ines, White R.T. Wilker Todd een. for. Senat Though deeisirely beaten Loyola pre- Kane R.E. Engl!! the Lo)'olu game, Pete GOlllaflk,stellar Tull r.lnside ilie Old Line cuba went into the lead in selltedenoughopposition to vindicate Bellew Q.B. Ekaitis Terror bucker is definitely out for the Ott r. wing Andrews the first quarter, and, except for one mo- pre-game anticipations of n good battle. Cannon L.H. Wellinger season. An X-ray of the injnry 8howed Rnum I, half-bnck Hnmbsh mont in the second period, when the A number of thrillers broke the mono- Ryan R.H. Clary two breaks in his shoulder. The tip of Davia c.half-back Green Terrors appeared dangerous, al- tony ef the 'ferror'lI marches and fre Koshiuske F.B. Gomsak his right !fCapula WIIS broken off und V. Reed r.half·back C. Reed ways held the upper hand. Additional quent sccring. The score was no indi thcre was also a perpendicular break just Cain 1. full-back touchdowns were registered in the third cation of the interest that held support- Suba: W.?lL: Baker, Pelton, OLear, beneath the tip. Stanley r. full-back Wynn und fuurth qunrters. ers of both dubs throughout the entire Weiabeek, Wallace, Doughty, Bolton, The 'injury which occurred in Ule carly Hogan goal Cohen After about 10 minutes of the opening sixty minutes of ptnj-. The Dellaire to Klepac. momenta of MondaY'e game spelled finis period, in which neither eleven was un Ryan passing eombinfltion WMa constant for a grel\t gridiron fareer at W. lIf. C. Slibstitution&: HecM for Ott; Brown nble to make much headway, 'Vood~, on II thr~ot IIn(1the Greyhounds were nnwiU· Pete has commendably represented tile for Somer". fake ]'unt fornuition, out back through iug to accept deft!at until tha la~t whill· SPORT ITEMS Green und Gold for the past three seasons GOllls: Senat 3; nllmlJsh, Cockburn, lhe opposing laekle, eluded the entire lie had bl(lwn ending the game. Sevoral und was experiencing one of his best Smith 1; Todd 1. Western Maryland baekfield nnd da~hed passes completed by tlle /lbol'e named Chicago-(IP)-The nat.ion'8 football renl'suntilforeedtoretireshortlruftltr The Hoekey schedule is:lS follows: lifly·fi\·c yards to a touchdown. He fail- sceurerl for Loyola tlleir only touch· sdJcdule for Saturday, November 16, re· the opl'ning kick·off. His exoellent work ed to kiek goal for tho extra poillt. plete with contests wllieh will attrnct at interfering nnd opening opposing lines Wcdne9day, NO'·.13-Sophs. ,-soSeniors. l>lnr.rland's seeond tonchilowll was more than loclll attention. Mllny of the TuesdllY,No,'. In-Bophs. vs. Juniors. srored in thulhird period, following a \Vellillger's ~peetncular TUlming and with his driving running hnl'e been a big WednesdaJ, Nov. 2Q, l"reslllnell I's. Se· Clury'~ con~istellt gaining ientured W. games are "traditional" contesh, of the factor in t.he sneeess of Terror ele\'ens niors. ~;'I~;.dY;~!::~~c ~:I:~)~~e :\~!:or~:o4n~'Y:~~ sort toward whieh teams point all season, 1>1.'8\'ietorr. This pair gllined enough and the winning of whkh is \I'orth as sincc he first donned a Green jersey. Friday, No,·. 22-Freshmen I·S. Sophs. nwrk. Woods missed the try grlJulld between them to win II couple of murh or more than a seetionul champion· Pete was cven more (l;lngerons when lie .Moaday, Nol'. 25--Jnniors \'8. Seniors. for point. games nnd in all nccounted for four of ship. passc(l t.he scrilllmageline because he was All gnllles begia promptly at 3.30 t.he t1l·0 touclil'lownsscored, Clary getting qlliteadept atsbakingofl'taeklers in the lI'cloek. A vigorous four·qu:\rtel' attack throe. Wellinger, playing probably the Traditional contests in the cast inclnde open field bes-idl!abeing one of thl! best OM Lin.ers resulted in another greatest ,"/HUllof his career was the out· those between Penn State and Bucknell, i1eiensil'Bbacks on the W. ~l. C. squad. Sl.nrting from about lllidfirld, a pflSS- stnnding back on the field. He thrilled Pittsburgh and Carnegie Tech, Syracuse 'Tis needless to Sll)' that his abscnce will BLUE RIDGE LOSES TO BOOTERS Woods to Eernnn-gained 20 yards. the fans time and again by his dashes off and Colgnle, Vermont and Middlebury, be keenly felt. Woods hit the-line for]2 yards, a 'Vest t.ackle and around end for big yarr]nge. Willinuls and Amherst, nnd Yale and The Trrrol' booters outcla~~ed.the Bluc ern ~lar.1'lalld pcnalty .1d.,·aneedthe ball His best contribution was a gripping 67 Princeton. Karl Wellillgl'r was unal1i!Uonal~'elcct. Ridge College tenm at Np,\\' Windaor ou to iho eight-rard strip, from whl're Pop- ,rflrd gallop for six points in the fourth 80'l'a~e ;"Tid4'!e"i~'" AO'tl'jpqend lip,," Me. :~~:I:r;.a~~~D:,;ll]~;i: e(:=~ ~~~,.::e~:ub.:~~~. Fpl1mnn B G ing. Frank broke through off-tackle ico, Wyoming and Ut:h, and Oregon and cate Just. whflt confronts "Dick" Har 'fheline-np: Cole R'f. se\'eral times for damaging gain!! that Oregon State. low's eontingent on DC(Jcmber7 lIext, at. Lundis Goal !lliller fignred prominently in all the acores And in the Mid-West tradition will George' LJ·'. Engle Hines R.E. Rliemnn amassed by the Harlow coached aggreg"· float over the stadiums as games arc lhe Baltimore Stadium. 'fhere are, SmiLll R.}'. Musselman A. Woods Q.B. Gellly lion. He furnished the first thrill when played between Minnesota and Michigan, howe,'er, three games hefore that date to 'l'ri(;c hH. Creege Kerniln J_,.ll Brown he intercepted n Loyoln pa5~ and outdis- illinois and Chieago, Nebrluka and Okla be pla.~·edund t.o furni~h worries for t.he Willis C.Fr. Benedid ~ritehell RH. AJbrecht prcsellt. l~need the entire T>oyolateam for 55 homa. Murtin R..rr. Baker l'oppplman P. B. Brubllker ~'~rds 9nd II. touchdown. Bolton also Other important games for Saturday )l'. Woolley L.B. T,umb ('gnred heavily ill the winners attack by include: SC\'l'n WOll,four to be played. ']_'owllHend 1ST. C. nl)rJe~' Seol'e by periods: some hurrl, splendid bucking. He Bub- Sm'en, eome elel'en. Noble c. .spiker ~b]'ylflnrl ........ Il 0 6 6-18 stituted for Gomsak, who sustained a se· East - Columbia·Pennsylvania, Dart· Chandler ISH R. Hurley I'ere shoulder injury early in the game nlont.ll-Cornell,Harvard·Holr Cr(>fJS,New S.1tllrda~· the team journeys to Em· Etzler R.E. Barnes Western )laryland. 0 0 0 0-0 aHd capably filled the latter's position. York University-Missouri, Army-Diekin· mitsburg for an engagement with AIl. St. Suh:-W. )1. C.: D. -Woolley,Tnylor 'I'onrhdowns-lL Woods. Poppleman, BCllides the abo\'e trio Havens, Ekaitis, son, Navy·Wake Forest. )lnry's. The place is near enough and G01l1s~N. Woolley. Kern~ll. RllbatitntioIUl-Marylnud: Gal ~nd Pincnta played excellently for the !,;oulh-Georgia·Alahama Polytech, Vir· {Initc accessible that a lnrge atudent del· olta for Hincs; Fountain for Kernnll; ginia Polyterh-Maryland. cgation '1hollldbe thereto help add an Ho(:hellsmith for i\1itehell; Plumle~' for Wesl.-Denver-Utah :\ggiCli. otlier"ictory to the ae:.son'a perfeetrea- Western :Maryland scored two in the Bdhlehem, Pa.-(TP)-Carl Reed, who A. Woods; MeMil~n for Norwood. Weat- first,oneiuthe-seeondnndtwoinlhelast 'i\Ud·West-Purdue-Iown, Noire Dame· ord. umpired the T_,ehigh·Mnhlcnbergfootball ern )farri:llIil: Cruthcrs for Callahna; periods. Their running attack begaD Sonthern California, Northwestern-lndi- gnme here, hnd hia lirst experience in an Nopler for Luff; Kopp for Albrecht. functioning on fill fOUTSsoon after the BEAT MT. ST. )lARY'S airship. _Roedleft Nt'\\' York the moru kiek·olT. Pollowiug n short exchonge of iug of the game for Bethlehem, but punts, they took the ball deep in their Lafayette, Ind.-(lP}-Back in 1897 missed his Irain at Manhattan transfer. Babylon & Lippy Company own 1'errit.cry ol1d prooeeded 011.111un- the~' crowned the firet West.ern Confcr· BROKEN CONTRAOTS THEME '1'h"11he weut to thc Nowark .J.) interrnpted drivethnteulminated by Bol· ence foot.ball champions, :md every year OHAPEL SERMON nirport, plonked down $50 and 120' ton bnekillg over the first 5coro from the HilleePurdue has been fighting valiantly clock·flew t.1lLehigh Stadium, landing a SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR three yard line. Ekaitis' try for point \.lut "ai]ll~' for lhM title. Oecasionally (Continucd from Page 1) sborttimebeforethegnmestnrted. from plneemcnt failed. Loyola kieked l'urdne has been 1\ Ulrea!, bnt always the hroken rontruct made su~h an imprCllaion 01Tlind Maryland wns penalized fifteell ('lllunpionship settlc!l on olle of the big. thllt 200 years Inter t.he prophet Amos y~rds. Chin' punted ~n(l after failing ger scho()ls, richer in material and with an~t! of T~'re that it "remembored not WESTMINSTER ELEMENTARY to gain Lo~·ola retnrned the kick.. ·\fIPr ~ll the advantflges. the brotll('rly eOl'enant." Broken con_ SCHOOL first down Ekaitis elected to pnnt. Clnry It looks like Purdue's big moment tracts nlwflysresult in bittorness and pre· -presents- then intercepted II Loyol.1 pllSUand ran fin:>]]y has nrrlved. The Boilermakors judi(;c. DependabilitJ Hnd honesty nrC the distance for a goal. Ekniti~ kicked :lre on the thrc~bold of their first Big c~ential forbilliiness,friendsbip,nnd for the point after. Loyola kicked'off to the Tell titlc; t.hey are not yet in, bnt if IItrengtll of character. Jesus sajd that a 40 ~'lltd line. Wellinger eircled end for they ean bellt Iowa Saturdny at Lnfay- person's "Yea" should be "Yea," and 3ilyardaaslheperiodcnded. ette, they can stort nnfurling the pen· that hia "Nay" should be "Nay." ]n W. ~I. were held alld a pass went for oth('r words, when a person says "Yes" THE BREMEN BAND a touchback as the period began. After After that thry still will hn,'e Indiana he should m~llll "Yes," and when he and II punt exehllnge HavenJ:! interecpted a to bcat, in one of those "traditional" s~rs "No" be should mean "No." THE STOLEN PRINCESS pass on the 44 yard line. With Well· affairs in which there is mneh hard fight· On November 11, ele,·en years ago, the inger and CIRr), reeling off first downs ing, hnt the Roosiers will hlwe to exhibit Armiatice \\'ns signed. We made a con WINKLE in turn the ball w~s put. ill seoring ]lOsi- much more th:m tlley ".1' ashown 80 far to tnlet with the boys concerned in the RIP VAN !Jon from where Clary slipped off-tackle do llnything against Jimmy Phelan '8 Great War. We said, "This is a war to S:15P. ],f. THERE IS CHARM IN YOUR for the diatance. Ekaitis failed in point huskies. end war." At th~t tiIlle we either be· ALUMNI HALL HAIR- try. Just before the half elided a pass I&w3,of eoursr, will be a tough prob lieved this stateme.nt to be war psychol· SATU&DAY, NOVEMBER 23rd Dellnirc to Curtis was good for 50 yards lem for the Boilermakers, fre~h from a og)', or we meant what we said. In either YOUR hair can be made to look to draw a breath from the erowd. r{)usingvietoryover\iinnesotaflsshflie. cose it was a eont.ract and if itis brokell W. M. C. St.udents Admission 35c beautiful-to add to your smartness As the third qunrter opened a Terror But the Hawkeyes put everything they it will he couuted lIS a sin against us. and chic. march down the field waa halted by It had into tlmt MinnCllotagame, while Pur· The greatest C(lntrnct ever taken, Je8US The answer is, of course, a Marcelle fnmble which Loyoln feco"ered on tlleir due was !tble in he: battle with lUIS!lis- look npon Himself. .I;I"a sense of lO~'~lty SILVERWARE WATOIIES Wave. own 40. They then psssed their w~y to sippi to sUI'e lief best men for the Big was perIe"t, and hI' was so trne to his the only &eore tJlllt has been eouuted Ten games to come. contract thilt he cOuld say with honesty Let us REWA VE your Permanent again&t Western ~Iarylnnd in Stadium Four of Ihe greatest hacks in the toun· ashe breathed his last, ''It is finished." A. H. Fetting Co. oompetition. That offensive spurt with tr~' wi\! tread the tnrf in Ross·Ade Stadi· Phone 395 another futile one in last quarter mark- nm here Satnrday. They arc Glen Hor· MANUFACTURING ,JEWELERS for appointment with ed the only tiDiCSthe Greyhounds invaded meson and Pm Welch of Purdue, and U. W. Miller 314 Charles St., North MRS. JONES al Terror territory. Willis G1angow and Oran Pape, of Iowa. Cleaner and Dyer Clary scoted his third touchdown on a The game will be one lif the two big Lowry Beauty Shop slioeofftl!ckleinthefouriliquartuto mid-western features of tbe week·end Westminsttr, Md. CLASS PINS CLASS R.INGS complete a long W. 111.msreh. Soon and shoulil cateh the interest of the na· R. M. REED, Rep. Near Westminster Hotel afterwards Wellinger skipped 011'011hit tion.
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