Page 20 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 20
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I Five Years A;:] anuss, o.11ub,an{l ~ortrty 1110tngs lIiapprntngs Among t11rAlumnt Elizabeth Clough, '30 FEBRUARY 19, 192,1 IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY WEBSTER Mr. nnd 1\[1'8. Elwood 1\. Cobey visit- },fr,nud Mrs,Oscnr Lee Mcrf-is, ex·'29, The Irving Literary Society W01ltho ed the "Ifill" bat week. ::.rr. Cobey ia have a son, OScar Lee Srd. Mrs. Mor An uuusunt program, sparkling with, A well-Ii.lleri Webster Hall settled Ilnnual Inter-Bociety Debate over Web- a graduate of the clussof l!lOl. Hu Is ris wus Irene 3[nrtino before her mar- wit and a medley of 1I)usic, was enjoy- dowu to nn evening of rare entertainment liter. The queetiou for debate wns, HOW Paymaster at the Nnvnl Academy. riage, ed by tho Irvlngitee Monday ereniug. last "!>Iondny as "Charlie" Forltnes be- "That the U. S. gon'l'rnment should roe- Mr , and Mrs. :Martin Bn nkard have President Riekel called the meeting gail playlng soft Indian musle, which put ognize the SOl-jet government of RUB- "?Ifr. Punl B. Stevens, 'Z-t, holds the to order at seven e'cloek and it was everyone into the proper receptive mood ala." position of Vocational Director at Bnl- announced tho birth of II daughter. tlmote City ooncge. 1\lr8. Baukard was Miss Elizabeth ,Yard, opened with prayer. for what was to follow. Ilis first num- Tile W. W. Club entcr-tatned the '24. She is n sister of Frances Ward, One of the chief features of the pro- bers were "Ghost Plower" and "From Black and Wllite Club in the college Wilson K. Barn(!s,'28,whospont lust a senior at Western Maryland Collego grnm was n Prcehmnn debate on the sub- My Dalrin Window," after which, as eu tea room. Dr. and Mrs, Wills, lind Miss year in I.lle Harvard Law Behoof is eOI1- j~ct: "
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