Page 24 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 24
PAGg FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. WHY KEEP OUR GRADES SECRET? (Oberlin OUU.a.a.OHub. uulI.§llrtdg mlliug.a Oberliu collcge last Review) instituted a Five Years Ago I ---- year plan of keeping from undergraduates ~'!~13 Ihl.'ir elnssroom grades, allowing them FEBRUARY 26, "24 IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY LE OERCLE FRANOAIS to know merely if tbey were passing or failing. Black and White Launched New 'rhe laat meeting of the French Club Student opinion is heartily in Venture President Ward WAS 11 guest of the 11" was held in MeDaniel Hall, Wednesday, favor of returning to the old system of A six mau team, selected from tll(' Literary Soeiety Monduy evening, November 6. The meeting WRS opened making marka known. This is as it Rinck and White Club, was authorized a special impromptu debate was held by the president and in the absence of should be. 'I'hu present system, estab- 10 repl'e~eut Western Maryland ill the for him nfter the r"gular program was the secretary, Miss Meerill, :Uiss lished last vear through the efforts of High Sehools of 1110 county aH(1 vicin- completed. ity. Othn colleges lind ijnc!J tMIII~ but D. S. GEHR Broughton called the roll aud read the students desirous of ending the pernio At seven neloek president Hickel minutes of the last meeung. The treaa- cOUS pructlee er working fllr grades in· \\"estel'uMar."lalid 1,,(11 neV('rdOlle :IU:'" r:illccl the meeting to order ~nd Chap· urcr made her report and requested that stead of knowledge, has failed SiglULl1y thing along thiij line. The team eon- (Established 1866) lain Day opened the eecsion with nn np uuroue wishing to beccrue a member of to accomplish tlLis end. tampluted l'isiting the aeuocle during prOl'riate Iucoentlcn. the club pay his dues us Boon us poe- },iany reasons eau be stated for tlI;S their weekly assembbos /i,nd spending Wholesale and Retail "Hl1spl\'ed, that tne estuhliahrneut of sible. ~iss Read led two songs accom- fnilure, Where 'before the student eon- about fort)'·jire minllteS in prceeut.iug {;"mpAnionnLe .M.Arriage would 'be detri- aldercd of axeellent thc advantages whit:h "·estern M~r)'· pauied by Miss ~atlier. lliss Charles his A nil indicatiou HARDWARE mentnl to American institutions and land POS~('8$e~ along ~oci,)I, athleti(, and read cue of T~1l j'ontatue's most inter work, hi~ B of good work, hie C of uv- Idenls ' was the sul.ljeet for a debate, the scliolasticJines. es,tiug fables "Le Chene ot Ie Roseau". erage \\,ol'k" and his D of passing but first fentuTI1 on the program. The affir· Phone 318 Miss TllOml)~on explained a new game poor ,,'ork, HOIV receives only the let· mMi,'C W!lS upbl!ld by )[essrs. Dny, Ad Everybody Speak Week Observed to fhe club in ",hieb all the members ter P on his blue book for his grade disoll nnd Horniek; the negative by participated. Due to her knowledge of L:lst w()(>k was "Everybody Spocall ')'lcssrs. Spllrrow, Snyder and ~rllrehisoll. the famous womcn of Prance, Catherine Tile aHdde~t thing abont the pr~sent Week!' Thc consensus of opinion was Westminster Savings Bank Tha fiflirmative 1I'0n the day, but the ReMI won the prize wbich was offered. systetH i" that while the dictnm IlllS that some definite rlhrase 01 greetiug Ill'(:ision Ulu9f ital'e been a clos" Onc. II'ould obtain bctter re~ults. Nothing Capital $50,000_00 . Profes~or Bounotte gn"c an excellent been h(id down that gradesnre not. tlu} "Pn'nchy" Dt,Ha"l'lI next cntert;lincd primal'~' goals of sc,holarship, grades but. "Hi Gentlemen" is used at W. & L., Surplus "Earned" $400,000.00 j"lk ou the political purties of FranCil thc sodet~' with his taleut as n singer, arc still the primary basis for scholar· U. of Okla. uses ''Howdy'', Penn Slate 'Itter ",hiell ;'IUss Thompson explained assi~tC'd at the piano b~' OUl' ~spiring has "How ar'yu, Gentlemen''', Bosto!] F. Thos. Babylon, Pres. Ihl' "rniBon d'ctre" of the Frel!(lh CluJ) ship ai(l, scnior nulimited eut privileges, llIu"kiJIlI, 'lr. Sprngue. 'lUU its plAns for tIle future. Starting the pursuit of honors and recommonda- Teeh likes "Hello, Men". The pill in \fl'. !=:uyder reviewed the' ('u('renl events with the next meeting II ehairman wiil tiO](S h.,· the college to ]Jrospeetive em· "Gentlcmen" has been proposed for OLlr Milton P. Myers, Vice Pres. ()I' the week, iHcludiug (llso :\ brief his be uppoiutcd every two weeks to take 1'10~'ers uni.que use. It is not what you say ;lS Jacob H. Handley, Treas. tor.v of the not('(1 Funonmentlllisl chnm- of Ihe progralll.l~IL"h progrsllL 'I'he iueaJ system would be the total mut:h as the a[!irit with which YOLI HH~' pi!)]]. the latc Dr. John Roaeh Straton. (·entered ul'ouud one eentral clillliurttion 01 gmdcs; l)ut tllis is a it, so lH.'VCI' I<;t n mall l'u~~ without :.our SECURITY -SAVINGS-SERVICE !I.ll'. acting us i:);}('ieIJ Critic, idea tlillS unif',dng the pnrts ofthp pro- Hlntt1!f for the high s~hools to begin, ~l!lging ont "Gentlulllcu". oWerI'd o]l.inion of those presenting gWlH. A stumling cOlllmittee of four for th\l habit of working for grades ia thl' progr'lllL. judges was appoint.t,>LlIeel all it~ for· tiYe program and a will be (lward- Iltese grades. recompensed those inelil]ed t.oward Will' Goods for Young Men debh." SCI'ernl millutes of foren' ('d to the winner. 1.Tisa 1'homp Antioch college Hns iutrodu~ed what, ter sports for the icy walks ~nd SIIOWY fur." followed, liS Messrs, SjlHrrow, ~on's talk the members of the !llub sang ronds around thu eollege. 10 per cenr Off for College Students 1'l'uuda, DeHavCll and Mnrellisoll met. Ln"!lfarseillais(l und L1le lU1'etillg "'as ad· i~ I"eli,wed to be the fint eollegiate Tile sledding and skating offered 1,') in nil impromptu battle of wits. Dr. ,jonrncd. Everyone sta~'ed for refresh· Week", during which co·pds do the. nf\tural conformation of thl.' big \Vnrd then complimented thedebatcrs OLI ments nnd a few minutes ill 1111 I)owl atnacted lllallY patrons of wint!'f their :dJilit~" alld spoke r~minifIC('ntly French. sports liS well ns many onlookers. n.).11). ST. JOHi'i!'S or perLll~nellt, lllll,') I suggest with the facts of the pretty romance be- Ihat absolute U!JeroUs1l! be pl'o'IJ!lJlgatcd I,. ~;. Open Every Nite Ulltil I! :30 tween the German doll and the one.armed \V3S dei.mted by ~lessrs. Wntkins nml Bntes :&.roh!! Ill"ll~' Mlld"nrs of both sexes have l"rench doll who WAS It veteraH of tllC ''''1('tca1f for the Affirmatiye and Messrs. Pincnra L. '1'. Ed Lotz ~"rncd 8('holrtl'ships und ellsh $ulllei('.1lt World War. Then the wedding itself St.iI1\\'OgClLL and Rnynorfor the "Negntiye. Weisb('ek L.G. c. Beaua Coffman's Staiionery to defray all college expenses represent- took plaee. First tl,o "Jumpil1g Jaek" Both sid.,s cxpel·icnr.ed aeure difficulty ill llaycn~ Noblett ing nntional magazine jlublishers. If jtl!nr~d into town, followed by Red Rid· defining their terms and setting forth Kohont R. G. Times Building interested write or wiro for dctails- ing Rooil, Buster Brown nnd the "little their issues. Both sides put forth Wilkel R.1'. Joh )L ,II. Stcele, NuLional Organizer, 5 Col· Engle 11.E. Novieki GREETING CARDS limbus Cirele, New York, N. Y. mama doll" who hnd wcpt around for argll1Helll~ in 5]lite of thc fact such Ek:titis Q. B. W. Yyneh w('el,!j and weeks. Four pretty bridt"S. is impossihl(· of being Clary L.B. "'\.lcCnTtee maids :md 11 maid of honor in daiuty or· debated. The rcbuttals were short, gnndit' (lresscs 11!d the \\'Nlding proces· snlll'p~' aHd to thc point. Lawrenc~ H.1l EVERHART sion. Next cnme the blnshing bride Ln the inJerim betwe{')( the constru~ GOlllSllk }'.B. Armacost (ll.iss Eckard, on the arm of her sial ti\'c speeches and th(> ~ubstiTUlioHS: w . .\1., O'Lear, BensoH, BARBER AND BOBBER II'llrt jt.~thel' ()liss illlmilton), :Miss Hol· Bhler read Sl!r~ice's P(lCIll Hnker. BoltoH. Jones, Wellinger, Dough· At the Forks laHd )llaY1!d Lhe part of the groOllL who The remllining time of the medillg \\'~s t.,·, P"ltOll. 11':15 "just a liUle lIen'olls;" ~nd Miss gi"llIl o\'er to diseussing Ole lVeelkr pro- Hcilleckc hfld the part of the preaeller· gram~, and it Wf'~ urged tlmt all mem l"n" with the little black book." During bl!rs eo·operatc witb t.he- progwlll com· Babylon & Lippy Company the eeremouy Miss Hobby ~nng the mittel' iu making ('Ilrh oue n sneCI!IliI· Somebody, Somewhere, wants your "We(l(ling of tlie Puinted Don," (lC' {'OLllJlunled by :\11s8 Dr.l'den. AfteTwJ).rds SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR :'oliss Reid ~ntertaine(l the gllests witli ~n Y,W.C.A. Photograph amlLsing tnp dance. .-\.1 the "reception" which followed l'he meJOuers of the Y. W. C. A. SPECIAL the eo)werSl!d politely with the cd ~!l old ~nshioHe(l "sing" lit Reading or Desk Lamps The Wilson Studio TO IMPROVE HIS VOCABU. of tllc wedding p~rly while mi' meetillg on Wednesd:!~·. O~lulJrr 30. Special Pri(:e $1.98 LARY .i"ring the wedding cuke. CI(nu.,' old favorites were sun!!, nml several J. Stoner Geiman Send his collars and shirts to us "I'll" songs \\'crcntfempted with greatSlle· and he'll sing "Home, Sweet 77 W. Main St. Home." He will feel sure thar this PHILO 'fhe attClldunce "Lthe Y. W. C. A. has laundry is his bosom Friend. Starch bC1!1I HI)' good thus f~r Qwillg to the King's Pharmacy Smith & Reifsnider used properly - where needed. On .!olonday cvening. November ,llh, interesting and enjoyable programs thut Neckbands will fir comfortably. Real till' ]lTogrnm at Philo was prC$ented by \1:II'e been gil'en enc.h week We hope family service at economical rates. The Rexall Store thl' JUlliol' members, under the lea(l1!rship that the iuterest will in~reHs(> am] Ihnt Westminster, Md. of ~Jiss Belt.y C~in. Th1!~' rhose as these \Vednesd~~' night me1!lings will 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. Tuxedo Laundry their lheme "The Sensona," :wd by the lucan mU\lh to every girl on the Hill LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES use of vllrious poems and "stunb" THERE IS CHARM IN YOUR AND COAL 199 E. Main St. ~uggestl'd ('haraeteri$tJcs of autnmn, BIOLOGY LABORATORY IS Call for and Deliver ,,·illier. spring, aud sUllimer. HAIR- SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND WELL EQUIPPED Dllri)lg the business se~sion ]'r3UCel! GENERAL MILL WORK YOUR hair can be made to look Cleaning and Pressing $1.00 1~"\lghleJ' Wa$ elected Critie, with the beautiful-to add to your smartness power to aJlpoint minor fTities for eaeh (Continued frOm Page l) and chic. lll~etilLg. The President also Hppoint- movement and }imilHr phy~iologi~t,j pro cd BlAnehe Robinson, AlkOl. Evans, and ('esses. Other new equipment includes a The answer iS l of course, a Marcelle The Black and White Club Barbara Da,skam us the Room COlli' paraffin oveu and 11 slide drier. Taken ns Wave. mittee for the month. :1 whole the new Illb eout:1i]ls mneh of Let us REWA VE your Permanent Wishe~ to announce their interest to anyone whethcr ho be 11 stu, dent ill the sdenee or not. Phone 395 .U. of M.--Western Maryland Dance NOTICE for appointment with ON DECEMBER 7 u. W. Miller MRS. JONES Will all those who sigllEd up to be· al After the Maryland game ccme members of the French Club Cleaner and Dyer Lowry Beauty Shop Main Ballroom of the Belvedere Hotel plense pay their dues of on~ dollar til Westminster, Md, BALTIMORE R. M. REED, NearWestrninster Hotel Nine till One Tax: $2.50 Catherine Read as soon as possible' Rep.
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